Pregnancy 2011-February



  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Has anyone had any issues drinking water? I used to drink anywhere from 11 to 14 glasses day with no problem. I love water – it’s the only thing I drink, but now I have to fight to get in 5 glasses. It doesn’t make me nauseous I just have no desire for it. I look at the glass and think “ugh, nooooo.”

    I have cotton mouth almost 24/7 and have since before I even knew I was pregnant. So, exact opposite of you. I am drinking just as much if not more now!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    AnneElise – that story makes me so sad, but I’m glad there will be consequences for what they did. My husband was tortured all through HS and unfortunately he went to a school where nothing was done about it. I don’t know what would be worse, having my child being picked on or be the bully.

    Joonzgurl – that sounds like something my husband would do. He “cooked” one night last week, meaning he went to my mom’s and picked up food that she made. :laugh:

    Has anyone had any issues drinking water? I used to drink anywhere from 11 to 14 glasses day with no problem. I love water – it’s the only thing I drink, but now I have to fight to get in 5 glasses. It doesn’t make me nauseous I just have no desire for it. I look at the glass and think “ugh, nooooo.”

    I had a really hard time with water my first trimester. But it did make me sick for a little while. And when I finally didn't didn't get sick, I just didn't want it. I usually put a flavor packet in my water or some lemon. It helps.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I feel a little bit better now because at my basketball game tonight I learned that there was a big group of students today at lunch that were sticking up for the kid and also a student was the person who turned in the utube videos. Got to think about the great kids out there.

    I havn't had problems with my hands or with drinking water yet... I love water so I hope that doesn't happen.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hi mommies and mommies-to-be,

    I got recommended to this thread. I'm currently 4 weeks pregnant, and I just found out today! My predicted due date is October 14th. This is my first child, but I do have two stepchildren. I'm excited, and I also don't know what to expect! I've just upped my calories from 1300 to 2000, and I guess I'm going to continue doing my exercise program until my doctor tells me otherwise? I'm not sure!

    I currently weigh 161, and my goal weight was 145. We weren't "trying" to get pregnant, we just weren't NOT trying, lol. :P

    I definitely want to keep from gaining unnecessary weight, but I want to be sure my baby gets all of the nutrients it needs!

    I look forward to hearing everyone's advice and I hope the next 36 weeks or so are smooth sailing! :\


    Your story sounds so much like mine! We weren't trying, but we made the decision to stop protecting and got pregnant the first shot :) I weighed 167 when I found out I was pregnant, with a goal of reaching 150. At the time I was eating 1220 calories and maybe half of my exercise calories. When I found out about being pregnant I immediately switched over to maintenance on MFP, which put me at 2090 calories per day. I didn't gain any weight my first trimester, so I think it was a reasonable increase. I haven't added any extra calories yet, though I do eat some of my exercise calories every so often. At last week's ultrasound, little girl weighed 8 ounces, which was right on track. I used to worry like crazy over gaining weight and eating super healthy. Not too long ago I was freaking out on here about how my baby was going to be born with a problem because I ate so terribly that ONE day. Now I'm trying to eat healthy, but also enjoy being pregnant and the little indulgences that come with it. There is always going to be that woman who says you can totally get through your pregnancy with minimal weight gain and it'll be gone within weeks of delivery. I have come to terms with the fact that I will most likely have to lose a little after all is said and done. I'm not going to go crazy, but I'd rather enjoy being pregnant than freak out over every pound gained.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Welcome all new mommies-to-be and future mommies-to-be. I'm so excited there are so many new people!

    I signed hubby and I up for birthing classes today. They won't be until the end of May, but I'm excited. It's just going to be the two of us in the delivery room (unless I freak out and ask for Mommy). It'll be sweet seeing him learning how to coach and sooth me.

    I had some issues with water for awhile there. Usually it's all I drink and I'm fine with it. For awhile it seems so bland that it was borderline gross! We don't really have much else in the house, so I would grab a tall glass of skim milk if I had to have something, but couldn't stand the thought of water. We recently changed our water filter and I think that has helped. We just moved from well to town water and I'm really sensitive to even the smallest traces of chlorine. I think that had something to do with it.

    I've noticed my wrists hurting a bit when I wake up, but I think it's because I just can't seem to get comfortable lately. I toss and turn and end up passing out with my hands bent in uncomfortable positions. I'm excited that I get to sleep in tomorrow. Is it sad that the best hours of sleep I get are when my husband gets out of bed and goes to work? I think we need a king size bed :happy:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh and I LOVE the name Annabelle. I think it's a great name that can be seen as adorable for a child, but will also graduate to a lovely adult's name.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    Is it sad that the best hours of sleep I get are when my husband gets out of bed and goes to work? I think we need a king size bed :happy:

    Same here! lol. A king sized bed would be heaven. It has even gotten to the point where I look forward to the nights he has hockey because I can go to bed without him!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Has anyone had any issues drinking water? I used to drink anywhere from 11 to 14 glasses day with no problem. I love water – it’s the only thing I drink, but now I have to fight to get in 5 glasses. It doesn’t make me nauseous I just have no desire for it. I look at the glass and think “ugh, nooooo.”

    It might not be preg related but winter related? I have a hard time when it's cold drinking enough water, though recently it's been dry too in the house so it's helped me drink a lot - that and getting an super extra large cup to set beside me so, and a straw... i have drunk a lot more since sticking a straw in it! I hate drinking cold water from a glass w no straw in winter. Weird, but it works :) I've actually been drinking probably about 4 cups between 10p and 8a with the cup by my bed. Doesn't help having to pee all night, but I'm really thirsty at night when the air is dry. Of course, i have to pee nearly literally EVERY time I stand up, but oh well.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    Is it sad that the best hours of sleep I get are when my husband gets out of bed and goes to work? I think we need a king size bed :happy:

    Same here! lol. A king sized bed would be heaven. It has even gotten to the point where I look forward to the nights he has hockey because I can go to bed without him!!

    We have a king for the last few years, but I think I deserve it - we spent a year or so on a twin (I know!!!), then a year on a queen, then 2+ years on a short full (actually a little smaller than a full). My hubby is by no means a small guy or a bed sharer either :grumble:. Even on a king there are still elbows to the ribs way too often. I actually love the nights he falls asleep on the couch or sleeps on the floor by the heat vent (he's really weird and has always liked the floor!). I also really really loved the 2.5 weeks after surgery where I got the bed to myself (and often sleep induction helped via pain killers) where he was too afraid to sleep in the bed because he's a sound sleeper and would totally elbow or knee or squash me w/out waking up so he though he would hurt me. I though we'd be fine, but was way looking forward to the good nights of sleep alone in the bed so I said - yeah, probably a good idea, just to be safe until I am not so sore! My bodymediafit tracks my sleep patterns and wake up times / amts etc. The difference on the nights I sleep alone are incredible. I wake up like 3 times instead of 8-10.

    Speaking of sleeping... they're moving all our furniture tonight since it might rain tomorrow and we've just got a pickup - and I have to be here tomorrow for work since the internet does not switch over until Thursday and because I have to be where the guns are (here) until the safe is bolted down in the new place I can't sleep at the new house and drive back over here tomorrow .... so.... looking forward to a lovely night of sleeping on the floor! This will be fun. Preg and sore back and sleeping on the floor... on my side... the worst way to try to sleep on a hard floor, but my only option!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Carina73 - cute profile pic!
    @ joonzgurl
    :blushing: Awww thanks :)

    I have my wedding pic in my profile, if you wanna take a look :)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I hate being up this late. I get so hungry. I already ate again at 10 and now it's 1:30 and I'm hungry again again. Up for at least another hour so I will have to eat something I think. I was doing so good today too. Oh well, I guess it's technically tomorrow so I can put this on tomorrow's. :)
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I hate being up this late. I get so hungry. I already ate again at 10 and now it's 1:30 and I'm hungry again again. Up for at least another hour so I will have to eat something I think. I was doing so good today too. Oh well, I guess it's technically tomorrow so I can put this on tomorrow's. :)

    I'm the same, i'm up until 1am often and snack exactly at those times! LOL! i hate going to sleep hungry!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Is it sad that the best hours of sleep I get are when my husband gets out of bed and goes to work? I think we need a king size bed :happy:

    Same here! lol. A king sized bed would be heaven. It has even gotten to the point where I look forward to the nights he has hockey because I can go to bed without him!!

    This just came up last night. My hubby stays up & works mostly between the hours of 11pm and 4am or so because that's apparently when his brain works best (I felt the same... pre-pregnancy). Last night I was going to bed around 11.45 and I was pretty much taking up the entire bed. I said something like, "I love sprawling!" and hubby looked at me funny so I said "um.. but not as much as I love snuggling?" :laugh: He didn't buy it.

    But really, lately whenever he comes to bed at 3-4am, I hardly get back to sleep. I just lie there awake squished on my side along with my body pillow wishing I could be laying diagonally across the bed with my legs out in every direction.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I hate being up this late. I get so hungry. I already ate again at 10 and now it's 1:30 and I'm hungry again again. Up for at least another hour so I will have to eat something I think. I was doing so good today too. Oh well, I guess it's technically tomorrow so I can put this on tomorrow's. :)

    Ouch! Why were you up so late?
  • DawnBelle
    Hi everyone. I'm not new to MFP, but just recently started to use it. On New years eve my husband and I found out that we are having another baby. :) This will be our 5th child. I'm 36 years old. It was not in our plans, but God knows whats best! I recently have lost alot of weight. (61 lbs) I wan't to remain healthy and fit through my pregnancy so I don't end up in the same position I was in with the last 4 children. This is my first time at a healthy weight while being pregnant so i'm kind of excited about that. :)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Welcome new comers. I'll be out of here in less than 8 weeks, so welcome and enjoy the friendships.

    I'm having a hormonal day. Let's just say my DH is lucky he left his cell phone at home. I'm so aggrevated with him, UGH. But I'll get past it hopefully before he gets home.

    It's like he just doesn't realize how quickly these next few weeks are going to go by. HELLO, baby on the way and pregnant wife needs for stuff to be complete before it gets here. :sad: :devil: :grumble: :smile:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Hi everyone. I'm not new to MFP, but just recently started to use it. On New years eve my husband and I found out that we are having another baby. :) This will be our 5th child. I'm 36 years old. It was not in our plans, but God knows whats best! I recently have lost alot of weight. (61 lbs) I wan't to remain healthy and fit through my pregnancy so I don't end up in the same position I was in with the last 4 children. This is my first time at a healthy weight while being pregnant so i'm kind of excited about that. :)

    Welcome and congratulations!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I'm so sorry. I hope your hubby is okay. I think that, on some level, she heard him when he told her the name. Either way, she most definitely knows and will be watching over your beautiful little girl.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member