Team UK - February 2011

Hey everyone,

Looks like none of the usual suspects has created the February topic so thought I would create it.

1 month in to the new year and I am hoping everyone has succeeded in some way towards their goals. I think we've all managed to have some good results but also had a couple of setbacks which in turn makes us more motivated. I know I seem to have very good weeks then a bad couple of days, not helped by binge drinking and partying at the weekends. Still, the more I do at the weekend, the more hard work I try to put in during the week.

Good luck to everyone in February. I certainly think having the UK North vs South competition has really given everyone a competitive edge to their weight loss. Thanks go to Rosy for setting and maintaining that competition.

Enjoy the short n sweet month of February !!



  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Oh I also forgot to mention in the first post did everyone see The Biggest Loser (UK) this week. Several of the harder working contestants didn't lose much at all despite their efforts in the challenges and in the gym and just shows you that nutrition is just as important as burning calories off.

    With that in mind, I shall be logging absolutely everything from now on and also trying to weigh as much stuff as possible so I know where I am going wrong.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I only caught a bit of The Biggest Loser on Monday but I admit I did turn over when I saw the clip of that cake-bingy bit. I'm sorry, but what on earth is that trying to prove?! Wouldn't we all inhale as much free cake as we could if locked in a room with it?! I was shocked by the lack of weight loss though - people that size doing that amount of exercise should be losing weight! No chat about muscle gain or anything, as they must be losing more fat than the muscle they have built up! As mat_lock said, it must be food. Next weeks could be interesting!

    I'm back on it today after a bingy saturday and tuesday (birthday funtimes) - having another bingy saturday with my girls celebrating, so going to be as much of an angel as possible for the rest of the week =)

    Hope you're all having a good week, and happy hump day! xxx
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Morning. I have to catch up on the biggest loser. Thank goodness for internet.

    Good luck everyone for February. :smile:
  • mightymaiden
    mightymaiden Posts: 63 Member
    Hello there, another northerner here lol.

    Good luck folks!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Oops just found this thread, so I'll say it again...

    0.4kg down for the Southern Softies. :bigsmile:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I was amazed by the Biggest Loser too! How could they have eaten those cakes?! If I'd have started I wouldn't have stopped! Felt sorry for them though as they're clearly working very hard, but as someone said - must be their food intake letting them down...

    Does anyone watch the US verion on livingit?! Much amusement had but my GOD the weight loss is immense!

    P.S. Do the Welsh count as Northern or Southern?!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all :smile:

    How has everyone been doing?

    I'm trying so hard to be good! I even refused chocolate birthday cake last night, which is so unlike me! I must be super motivated this week :happy:
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been fairly static for the last week, but I'm managing to be good, even when going out with friends - although have a friend's engagement drinks tonight, which may include pizza... However, I'm already writing this weekend off, as we're heading to a cottage for a friend's 30th which will include copious amounts of boozing!

    I have a feeling February will be a lot more static weight-wise than January, but I'm hoping to see an improvement in stamina (being able to comfortably run 5k by the end of the month) and also decrease my body fat %. I tried on some jeans at the weekend that I bought 3 years ago - I still can't get them past my hips, so I obviously still have some way to go!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    P.S. Do the Welsh count as Northern or Southern?!

    You will have to message rosy if you want to be included in the comp. there is another thread floating around with the North vs South details on it.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks... Will have a look! x
  • carolinegeorgia
    I would love to lose 4lbs in Feb.... know it don't sound much but don't have much more to lose, from sunny!! London ;-)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Welshies, north or south?

    I guess depends where you are? Cardiff, Swansea etc would be south... Wrexham, Mold, Bangor etc would be north?? Just my guess.
  • JimJam87
    Hi Team UK!! Happy Feb.
    Following an unsuccessful January of getting back on track with the diet, I have decided to return to MFP! I was doing Slimming World and enjoy the freedom it gives you over certain other diets but I was struggling with it and when I started to long my SW food against calorie intake I could see why! You can eat unlimited amounts of pasta, rice etc but when you add the calories it's enormous!
    For Feb I want to get back into logging calories...everything that goes in my mouth! And i want to ose 1lb a week
    I'm also another Team do I join?!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    Had a pretty poor January unfortunately, gave it my best effort, but didn’t seem to loose many of those dreaded lb's :grumble: :grumble: !! Hoping to make up for it with a good February!!!

    I did look at my diary from last year and I have managed to keep the best part of a stone off since then so thats positive :happy:. Just want to shift the half a stone I have put on since my wedding in September. :embarassed: :embarassed:

    I am loving Britain’s Biggest Losers :love: :love: !!! Its filling the gap that Celebrity Fit Club left, I used to love that program!!!

    Off out for a free lunch at San Carlo shortly!!! Will try and be good, but its very hard to resist, lovely Italian food, and always tastes better when it is free!!!

    My personal goal for February is to step up the exercise!!! I am finding it really hard to get back into it, and the dark nights are just not helping!!! I am committing to a minimum of three times a week!!!!

    Good luck everyone, and will try and check in soon.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I was doing Slimming World and enjoy the freedom it gives you over certain other diets but I was struggling with it and when I started to long my SW food against calorie intake I could see why! You can eat unlimited amounts of pasta, rice etc but when you add the calories it's enormous!

    WHOA!!! Unlimited pasta & rice?????? :noway:

    Which eejit thought of that and got paid for it???? :huh:

    That's insane!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I was doing Slimming World and enjoy the freedom it gives you over certain other diets but I was struggling with it and when I started to long my SW food against calorie intake I could see why! You can eat unlimited amounts of pasta, rice etc but when you add the calories it's enormous!

    WHOA!!! Unlimited pasta & rice?????? :noway:

    Which eejit thought of that and got paid for it???? :huh:

    That's insane!

    Ironically - it works as well! I did SW but I found the massive fail when you come off it is it hasn't taught you portion control - which for me is my massive downfall!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    LOL if I ate limitless fast carbs I'd be the size of a house with a blood sugar that would yoyo nobody's business. :laugh:
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Hi all

    Jan went ok for me, 6 lbs down which comfortably hit my target - the pedicure reward is booked for Sat!! But at least part of the success must be down to the fact that I haven't had a drink all month, and since I'm meeting the girls for cocktails on Fri, that'll be out the window.

    Feeling a bit depressed today - I've been doing C25k and was on W4D1 yesterday, and had to stop half way through the last run. I need to get my mojo back...

    Backinthenines - how can you be in team Southern Softies and still use the word "eejit"??? :laugh: :laugh:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I watched Biggest Loser and it does go to show that even if you are eating healthyly(?) if you're portions are too big you won't lose so fast. Also noticed that next week Angie removes the cheese from the fridge he he.

    Slimming World OMG was binge heaven for me. I belonged 12 years ago at 15st 5 and then you could eat tinned macaroni cheese as a free food. I went to weigh in following week (bearing in mind it was week one and you always have a reasonable loss) I weighed in at 15 st 11. A gain of 6lbs. Poor Leader couldn't understand it, everyone loses in the first week!!! Little did she know I was consuming about six tins of Mac cheese a day :embarassed:

    I need portion control definately.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I watched Biggest Loser and it does go to show that even if you are eating healthyly(?) if you're portions are too big you won't lose so fast. Also noticed that next week Angie removes the cheese from the fridge he he.

    Slimming World OMG was binge heaven for me. I belonged 12 years ago at 15st 5 and then you could eat tinned macaroni cheese as a free food. I went to weigh in following week (bearing in mind it was week one and you always have a reasonable loss) I weighed in at 15 st 11. A gain of 6lbs. Poor Leader couldn't understand it, everyone loses in the first week!!! Little did she know I was consuming about six tins of Mac cheese a day :embarassed:

    I need portion control definately.

    I had great fun saving up my syns (amount of treats I can have) up for a saturday night drink-fest...............ironically I didnt WI that low on a Monday evening!!