Team UK - February 2011



  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I don't burn any because I mostly shut up about rugby. I have an Irish husband lol
  • James_H
    Really liked that blog post about the lying scales... I think I will start measuring myself again to see what the results are.

    The mirror and comments I've had from other people already tell me that I'm losing probably more than the scales are telling me!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Well I've slept for most of the day and now I'm not sure what to eat or when. Had to have lunch when my body thought it should be eating breakfast (but who eats muesli at 2pm?!) Still pretty knackered but I dunno if I'm gonna be able to fall asleep tonight at this rate!!!

    Hope everyone else is having a good Saturday x
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Had a really bad day yesterday. All down to my DH having to work all day, the only day we are in the same town this week.:frown:
    It started off okay, had curried parsnip soup for lunch. Then the 'I'm bored & miserable' munchies started. Just check my diary to see the damage.:sad: I should have gone to the gym, but I've already been 5 times this week & dont want to over do it. And it was pouring down with rain, so going for a walk was out.

    Today he's off to a war-gaming thing in York & I'm off to work in half an hour. At least at work I'm busy all day & dont have time to think about food (despite working on the tills in a supermarket!).
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Oh Jain I've had many days where I've consumed that amount of food and don't dare enter it for fear of judgments from fellow dieters. Its fantastic people like you who give me the courage to face up to the binge and get it down in my food diary which is where it needs to be.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Oh Jain I've had many days where I've consumed that amount of food and don't dare enter it for fear of judgments from fellow dieters. Its fantastic people like you who give me the courage to face up to the binge and get it down in my food diary which is where it needs to be.

    Everyone does it (check out my millionaire shortbread munching yesterday!) - but at least I know what the damage was and can move on!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I had an AWFUL weekend! I managed to stay within my calories, but i ate such a load of rubbish! I could kick myself!

    Its a new day, and a new week and I'm determined to be extra good this week (although I say that every week).

    I have my trainers in work today, with the intention of walking at lunch time and after work, but the weather is so miserable, and I received some bad news this morning! I am trying to keep myself motivated and positive, but it's going to be one of those days! Anyway, I parked the car half a mile from work so at least I'll get some form of walking in today, even if it's not the long way back to the car!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Afternoon everyone!

    Hope you all had a fab weekend (and where people have said awful, I hope it was awfully worth it though!). I'm back on it today after a weekend of cake, wine and chinese! Aiming for at least 3 trips to the gym as well, as I want to shake some lbs of this week (STS in my last weigh-in: miracle considering the birthday binge that was last week!).

  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Oh Jain I've had many days where I've consumed that amount of food and don't dare enter it for fear of judgments from fellow dieters. Its fantastic people like you who give me the courage to face up to the binge and get it down in my food diary which is where it needs to be.

    I find it much easier to 'fess up on here. All tho we 'know' each other really we are still all anonymous. I can only hope that people aren't judgmental, and understand that binge eating is a real problem and it's not something that can be 'cured' just dealt with day by day.

    And if along the way my confessions help someone else then that's great.

    Today started off badly, I'm on earlys all week & managed to sleep thru the alarm! I woke with only 20 mins to get washed, dressed & out to work. I made it with seconds to spare!:laugh: It's a good job I live so close to the store.
    I even managed to throw my gym kit in a bag. I forgot my sports bra, so I looked like a textbook example of harmonic motion!:embarassed: :laugh:
    Still I did a full set, hopefully that'll have burned up some of the extra calories I stuffed over the weekend.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I'm with you ladies. Work is pretty crappy at the moment and I had some Organix gingerbread men to 'cheer myself up'. They're fairly low cal and, since it looked like a colleague wasn't bringin in birthday cake, it seemed like a good idea. Then the cake appeared and he brought more than enough. I had a chocolate cookie, and a Mr Kipling vienesse whirl, and another chocolate cookie! Thankfully I still came in under cal but tomorrow is another cake day at work (and I'm treating myself to a sandwich for lunch - whoot!) so goodness only knows what'll happen cal-wise. Gonna attempt to do level 3 of the 30 Day Shred tomorrow - kick my own butt for eating stupid stuff but at least I know that I'm still doing better than my normal food habits used to be!

    Am sure we're allowed the occasional off day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm with you ladies. Work is pretty crappy at the moment and I had some Organix gingerbread men to 'cheer myself up'. They're fairly low cal and, since it looked like a colleague wasn't bringin in birthday cake, it seemed like a good idea. Then the cake appeared and he brought more than enough. I had a chocolate cookie, and a Mr Kipling vienesse whirl, and another chocolate cookie! Thankfully I still came in under cal but tomorrow is another cake day at work (and I'm treating myself to a sandwich for lunch - whoot!) so goodness only knows what'll happen cal-wise. Gonna attempt to do level 3 of the 30 Day Shred tomorrow - kick my own butt for eating stupid stuff but at least I know that I'm still doing better than my normal food habits used to be!

    Am sure we're allowed the occasional off day!!! :flowerforyou:

    The "off day" isn't my problem, its the shame spiral downwards into an "off week" that is my problem at the moment........
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello... Usal suspect here... Hope everyone is ok... getting back to it this week... just might be a bit quite..x x x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I'm with you ladies. Work is pretty crappy at the moment and I had some Organix gingerbread men to 'cheer myself up'. They're fairly low cal and, since it looked like a colleague wasn't bringin in birthday cake, it seemed like a good idea. Then the cake appeared and he brought more than enough. I had a chocolate cookie, and a Mr Kipling vienesse whirl, and another chocolate cookie! Thankfully I still came in under cal but tomorrow is another cake day at work (and I'm treating myself to a sandwich for lunch - whoot!) so goodness only knows what'll happen cal-wise. Gonna attempt to do level 3 of the 30 Day Shred tomorrow - kick my own butt for eating stupid stuff but at least I know that I'm still doing better than my normal food habits used to be!

    Am sure we're allowed the occasional off day!!! :flowerforyou:

    The "off day" isn't my problem, its the shame spiral downwards into an "off week" that is my problem at the moment........

    I know what you mean Lauren... the "off day" turns into an "off week" too many times.. MUST.GAIN.CONTROL!

  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi every one. Don't expect any losses this week as hubby and I are off on our Annual 'dirty valentine weekend' on Friday:smooched: :blushing: The older we get though the less dirty :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope to still exercise my normal 5 times this week, but will have to fit it in around jobs, night duty (husbands) and school runs.
  • mfitz001
    mfitz001 Posts: 1 Member
    Evening all, I hope you dont mind another latecomer onto the board.

    I decided late last year that its about time I had more hobbies than sitting in my local drinking beer. I counted "sitting down" and "drinking beer" as two hobbies. So I joined my local gym and have been going 3 times a week for the last 3 months or so.

    I dont as such notice much in the way of weight change, but with the running and starting to do a bit more physical work in the gym I'm feeling better and seem to be changing my body shape for the better.

    Onwards and upwards, keep up the good work people!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi every one. Don't expect any losses this week as hubby and I are off on our Annual 'dirty valentine weekend' on Friday:smooched: :blushing: The older we get though the less dirty :laugh: :laugh:

    Oooh naughty!

    Well instead of sobbing over the 'anniversary' of getting together with my ex I'm gonna be spending Sunday afternoon watching True Grit with my bezzie. REALLY looking forward to it too. Not sure if I'm gonna treat myself to naughty cinema food or not. Maybe a small pot of Ben and Jerrys?

    Had an absolutely poo day at work and I'm not happy. Phoned mum for a chat then sat on the sofa huddled up in my coat trying to get my head together. Thought "Sod this for a game of soldiers", went upstairs and put on my workout kit then did the 30 Day Shred LEVEL 3!!!!!!!!! My abs are absolutely killing right now! Really pleased I made it through and pretty proud of myself BUT concerned that I didn't burn as many cals as I normally do on level 2?! Perhaps next time will be different? Wanted to up my cal burn so did 20mins on the exercise bike. By the time I finished that it was pretty late and I felt weird about eating carbs that late in the evening so I ate the salad that I'd made for tomorrows lunch. Feeling a bit better now but it's almost bedtime! LOL

    Good to have a new newbie on the board. Welcome mfitz, good to know you've started on your journey and are here with us now.

    Hope tomorrow is better for everyone.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning everyone - trying to feel a bit more positive today after feeling blergh for the past few days.

    Trying to log my planned meals for the day as soon as I get into work - seeing if that helps keep me on track at all! Here's hoping..........

    I'm thinking of stepping away from the weekly WI task......not because I don't want to support my southern softies etc (which I obviously do), but I don't know if weighing-in every week is making my mind go a bit crazy. At the moment it's hard not to WI every day, and then throw a massive hissy fit when it's gone up or stayed the same, so I'm wondering if hiding the scales and just weighing myself the day before I see my PT (where I get weighed anyway - but his scales suck!) might help a bit. Also might mean I rely more on measurements, which I know is the healthier attitude to have. What do you think?

    Hope you all have a fantastic day - oh and RE: Valentines Day, I'm going to spend it getting hot and sweaty with my fit PT.....most action I've had on 14th Feb for a while!! :)

  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Morning all!

    Been a bad girl and not come on to the board recently :embarassed: I was kind of sulking after putting in loads of effort, exercising, eating well, etc, and putting on 1/2lb! Then I found out that the body retains water when reparing muscles, so upping my exercise intensity had probably caused my apparent gain. Sure enough, when I couldn;t exercies due to a virus last week, 3.5lb disappeared as if like magic (if only it were always that easy!) So I am expecting a STS this week as I am back exercising - C25K week 2 Monday and today, Pump last night, gym tomorrow and Friday. Saturday the other half is dragging me off to watch some car rally in the Forest of Dean. Such romance........

    Scales are a nightmare sometimes, the body is such a complex thing that it never "does what the books says" and it can play havoc with your mindset if you have a STS or a gain without knowing why. Thank heavens i found out about the muscle repair/water retention thing otherwise I could still be beating myself up and be ready to give up! Another thing learnt and another thing to bear in mind at weigh-ins!

    I suppose I'm having a reasonable time so far, though, 10lbs off since the beginning of the year, that's 2lb a week, bang on target, which I hadn't appreciated til just now! So going well to reach the 2st loss by 16th April that I am aiming for. 14lb in two weeks, doable I feel :)
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Grrr it does irritate me when people claim they know best to lose weight.

    Attempting to explain to a colleague about calories (she's skinny and never needed to understand!) - another colleague said women need 1300 calories a day to maintain their weight....................!

    Ummmm I dunno what everyone else thinks, but that so isn't right!!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Irns you must do what you need to do for yourself. I've come off the WI because I'm so close to my goal I'm now maintaining weight and concentrating on losing body fat %. I still step on the scales but they don't move..... well they might after this weekend because I'll be drinking and eating out for 2 days.

    mfitz welcome on board. Good luck with your journey. :smile:

    Glad to hear about your alternative plans for sunday kim, thats the spirit!!!

    Ellie thats a great weightloss to start the new year. Well done!!