New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • Empress17
    Empress17 Posts: 35
    SW: 201
    CW: 196
    GW: 185
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I didn't get a chance to weigh-in this morning. I'll have to tomorrow morning and add it. I'm hoping it's below 182. I've been working for that all week.

    Good job to everyone else! I'll be posting the challenge later today, be sure to check back!

    Any suggestions or anything you want to see in a challenge? This week may be anothr personal week challenge, but we will see!
  • precious71701
    Mondays would be great for me...I don't do measurements though...note...,don't know if I could do the no sugar challenge..I eat a lot of fruit...
  • precious71701
    I would like to join..I am in another challenge so I hope I remember to keep up...This journey has been interesting, rewarding, informational, and busy..,There is so much on here to keep you motivated...,

    Name: Precious
    Date of Summer Goal: July 1
    Summer Goal Weight: 150-160
    Current Weight: 194
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282

    Weigh-in day is on Saturday. You can do it friday or Sunday though, I put the new Chart up On Mondays.
    We have a new challenge each Sunday.

    I'm getting better at responding more. ha.

    Right now it's slow at work and we are actually having a major controversy problem, so it's a bit slow.

    I hope everyone enjoys today! It's gorgeous here, I hope it will be next Saturday! I'm off and going on a hike!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    SW: 190
    CW: 179.0
    GW: 160

    I honestly can't remember ever being in the 170's. I'm so excited :) Hope everyone is doing well!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    aww LetteyB, You may just be beating me this time. I think I may be at 181 if I'm lucky! lol
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    @p-cakes: Girl don't worry about it. I'm sure you're a lot healthier than me. I'm pretty positive you're taller than me so your BMI is better than mine. You look so much thinner than me in your pic. Damn my shortness lol I'm 5'1".
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    @p-cakes: Girl don't worry about it. I'm sure you're a lot healthier than me. I'm pretty positive you're taller than me so your BMI is better than mine. You look so much thinner than me in your pic. Damn my shortness lol I'm 5'1".

    ohhh I'm 5'3 and today was unhealthy! haha, leftover Olive Garden, Burger King and Cadbury eggs....
    BUT either way, we are getting to our goal and are still be healthy most days. That's what matters.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    This weeks challenge is another personal challenge week.
    Some nutrition and something fitness
    Nutrition: Not ordering anything for lunch at work, bring my own and eating it. Except Friday, in which case it's a salad I order. No sodas as well, today was a waste on the one, but after today no more sodas!
    Fitness: I want to do 30 DS EVERY SINGLE day this week, no missing anything! also, I want to burn at least 500 calories each day, that will give me 3,500 at the end of the week!

    LEt's see everyone else's personal challenge this week and we can keep track of each other!
    Next week is gonna be fun too!

    I'm excited about this weekend, I'm going hiking on Saturday. We are doing a trail that I've done before, but I was 15lbs heavier and MUCH more unhealthy than I am now, so I'm hoping that I will do better. That will let me know that I am doing well.
  • tashasbaby
    I have a goal to lose 20lb by 23rd april (my little monkeys birthday) so i've got 3 more weigh ins to lose just over 5 1/2 lbs.
    My goal this week is to try and burn 3500 calories and not to buy any naughty treats (i have a few lurking around, but i will have to do extra exercise to earn them)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    My fitness goal for the week is to ride my bike twice. My nutrition goal is not go over calories a single day. Most weeks I do good 6 days, but have one where I blow it. I feel so guilty afterwards because I am working towards a triathlon, not just weight loss. Its getting down to the wire where I can feel the crap I ate yesterday in my runs no more cheat days & on days I am out of town, limit it to one meal instead of 2 or all 3.
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    I'm just gonna do the nurtrition challenge this week. My personal goal is not to go over my calorie intake at all, not even one day. Same as BStamps lol What a coincidence :D Hope everyone has an awesome week!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am going to be under my calories every day this week ! Not a big challange for me though ! But i am going to exercise every day for a hour ! Started the 30 day shred last saturday and let me just say it is a good workout !
  • finafilms
    finafilms Posts: 40
    If there is room I am in!

    Name: Gaby
    Age: 27
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): May - Memorial Day Weekend (Have to be ready for a wedding)
    Summer Goal Weight: 115
    Current Weight: 125
  • finafilms
    finafilms Posts: 40
    Sorry forgot my personal goals

    Nutrition goal - Eat clean and within my plan (no more splurging) even though I am PMSing
    Workout goal - Do 3 Kettleworx work outs this week and 2 Hot Power Yoga sessions.

    Wooo excited for this challenge!!!
  • tashasbaby
    Well i'm off to a good start this week, yesterday i burned over 700 calories and i'v got myself on track for more of the same again today xxx
  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    WEll I stayed the same this week for weight 164.6. That is a good thing but if I would have eaten better food choices I would have dropped some pounds!

    My personal goals this week are to write down everything I eat, and also eat more healthy. As for exercise I am going to do the 30 DS like it's supposed to be done (10 days of each level) and also go to the gym and do the step machine or treadmill at least 3 days a week. I have been doing great with exercising but eating right is not going to best so I really need to concentrate on this.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Here's The New Chart. I hope everything fits!


    Kris1085 is leading with 14lbs lost! that's amazing!!

    And as a group we have lost a total of 90.1lbs!!!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    So Im going to ask ym fellow challenge friends to help me out a bit.
    So I've entered my adorable puppy Andy into a photo contest. It's being held by Rich Blessing Photography. A local photographer here in Sevierville, TN. The winner receives a free photo session and a few other cool things! I want to win this, not just for the session BUT also because I think Andy is adorable!

    So this is what you do!
    - Go to and like the page.
    - Then go to photos
    - Click on the "Fresh Faces Photo Contest". It says VOTE HERE!
    - Find Andy's photo (He is the little brown weenie dog sitting on a yellowblanket)
    - Click "LIKE" on Andy's photo
    - You VOTED!

    ****You can comment, but the comments don't count towards a vote, you have to like the page AND the photo for it to count!

    THEN, send this to everyone you know so that they can vote! Really it doesn't take that long, you can do it! Voting is from Wednesday April 6 to April 15


    Let everyone else know too! I really want to win this!

    Thanks everyone!!/photo.php?fbid=141143652623161&set=a.139957859408407.28796.129411167129743&theater