New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Thanks so much for taking the time to track the weight loss ! You are doing a wonderful job ! Can i change my date to reach the goal that i have to July ! Thanks again !
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    That's amazing! Great job Kris!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    so posting at around midnight isn't good I think. I noticed that some of the chart was cut off. That makes me sad. I will do better! haha.

    But Kris I will change your date on the chart today.

    I'm now down to 183.0! I'm excited! I think I'm gonna make 175 by mid April..I think I would like. I may even make it to 170!
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    bstamps12 - it's ok, gives you a routine to work through although it gives you 45 seconds breaks way too often so you don't work up much of a sweat. The motivation is worth it just for the laugh though "you are going to look so hot" in a monotone computer voice doesnt sound particularly genuine ha ha. The website has a profile much like this site so you can keep track of all sorts but it could become hard work to keep on top of updating both!

    I'm back home now so hoping to kick start things again, not done so good on my challenges this week :(

    Any encouragment appreciated! :)

    Good luck everyone for weigh in tomorrow x
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost 3 pounds this week down to 207.5 ! I am getting closer to Onederland !
  • NanoReefDiver
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): May 1
    Summer Goal Weight: 123 (May 1), 120 (May 21)
    Starting Weight: 131 (March 12)

    Current Weight: 128.6
  • SivirSarah
    Ok weigh in day

    Sw 209
    cw 206.6

    I haven't lost really any weight this week (.4 i guess) but i have lost another bunch of inches. This morning my tummy( at belly button) was at 39.5 and my hips were at 42.5 and my waist was 34.5 that is a total of 5 inches lost since i last measured..which was like 4 days ago i think. so that makes me happy. I am off all this week starting tomorrow so i am goin to kick it into high gear and get of this little mini plateau i have right now.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Great Job Ambien! I am sending you a friends request we are about at the same weight !
  • tashasbaby
    Saturday weigh in

    Starting weight: 161
    Current Weight: 156.6
    Goal Weight: 130 ish

    Not much of a loss, but i'm happy i expected to gain this week considering i have spent all week grabbing convinience food when i could and no exercise at all( My little monkey has been really poorly and not wanted to leave my bed, and wouldn't let me leave either) He is almost better now so i'll be getting back into exercise this week and eating better again (come on 2lb loss)
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Happy weigh-in day everyone!! Hope ya'll have had a great day so far!

    Starting weight: 176
    Current Weight: 168.5
    Goal Weight: 155
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    SW: 155
    CW: 150
    GW: 142

    No change this week but that's good considering all the crap I ate and no exercise since I haven't been at home. Next week will hopefully be a great one! And great chart Pcakes!
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    Back home and back down again, yay. I even saw the 9 st this morning but my scales have a habit of telling me one weight initially and then going up a bit when I step back on so I'm taking the second reading as the real one. Can't wait for it to get out of the 140s for good though!

    Start (Jan 1st): 154.0
    Start (this group): 146.0
    Last Week - 141.2
    Current: 140.2 - 1lb lost :)
    Goal: 126.0
  • Jrossell
    Jrossell Posts: 2
    HI Patty,

    Would love to join your group, and the name is perfect! I will be 50 on Aug 1. I would love to lose enought wt. to get my belly button pierced for my birthday, and at my healthiest for the big day!

    name: Joanne
    date of goal weight: Aug 1
    summer goal weight: 150
    current weight: 195
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    skipping weigh in this week
  • Empress17
    Empress17 Posts: 35
    SW: 201
    CW: 197
    GW: 185, by June 1st, 2011
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I got a scale yesterday! Finally! Now I know all of my weigh-ins will be consistent (using different scales has really screwed with me some weeks, lol).

    I can't wait to see the challenge for this week! Great job this past week everyone!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Weighin' in :)

    SW: 190
    CW: 181.4

    I did some emotional eating yesterday and really thought it was going to mess up my weigh in this morning but looks like everything turned out ok. Hope everyone's doing great!!!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    SW 190
    CW 182.8
    GW 165 May 10

    Well I weighed yesterday and had 182.8, but then I had a day off...which is what I usually do my saturdays as. I still did my 30DS, but I didn't watch what I ate very well and when I weighed this morning I was at 184.0. I was a bit sad!

    So! On that note, I've been cleaning for the past 1.5 hours and danced the entire time! Not just wiggling a bit, but shaking everything my momma gave me! I was sweating by the time I got done! AND I'm about to start my 30DS! I'm on day 5!

    I'll be getting the chart up tonight since I was off work tonight, and I'm still working on the challenge, I'll post it along with the chart. I'm having a hard tiem coming up with something this week. Any suggestions?!

    And good job everyone! We're all doing so good!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Maybe for a fitness challenge we could do like, x number of push-ups per day, even if we have to do them w/ knees on the ground? Or crunches/squats/whatever? And for a nutrition challenge maybe to find one new snack/meal/low-cal drink? I'm trying to think back to other challenges I have been in and remember some of those....
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I'm so terribly sorry that I have yet to post anything. I've been a bit sickly these past few days and just haven't wanted to do much.
    Fitness: do at least 15-20 crunches and 15-20 push-ups a day! At least that much, you can obviously go over.
    Nutrition: Let's come up with some yummy snacks that are: Below 150 calories, and dont have a ton of sugar. I know I go for the wrong snacks so having a list of some good, yet yummy, ones may help!