New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • SivirSarah
    Oh wow that sounds scary. I have had that sorta happen to me except i was on roller blades going down a hill (thought the rail went all the way down...ya only half way down) and at the bottom of the hill was a very busy street going horizontal to the hill. By the time i got to the bottom i had to quickly grab a telephone lamp post with both arms to stop. and even then i spun around it really fast and ended up on my butt. lol was scary tho. It was the only option at the time. so i feel your pain
  • jentoomey1
    jentoomey1 Posts: 34 Member
    Great idea!! I'm in if it's not too late!

    Name: Jen
    Age: 28
    Cw : 143... Weighing myself again Monday( only trying to do once a week)
    Gw : 120
    Height: 5'3
    Goal 125 by June 1st
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    wow Bstamps that's pretty crazy!
    My bike is currently being taken over by weeds...seriously, you can't even see it. lol

    I'm going to get my workout in this afternoon, yesterday was just horrible. I didn't get anything done!

    To the new-est people: (Jen, Chelsea, Sarah)
    We do our weigh-ins on Saturday. If you do it friday or Sunday thats fine too, just let me know. I try to add a new chart on Sunday or Monday, it depends on how my work schedule goes because I can't do it at work.
    Each Sunday we get a new challenge. There is a nutrition and a fitness. You can choose to do both or just one. It's completely up to you! I'm also open to suggestions for challenges, if there is anything specific you want.

    Also, if you don't check-in with us for two weeks I will take you off the chart. This just makes the chart smaller so there isn't so much to have to go through. You can still come back if your name gets taken off, but youll have to post your stats again. Also, if you don't weigh-in, but still check-in and chat with us, letting us know that you ARE still here but haven't had a chance tow weigh (or whatever your reason) you won't get taken off. It's just for if you disappear. :)

    I'm gonna post the new challenge this afternoon. I completely did NOT make the last one. I'm hoping this week I will! I'm gonna try my best!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Starting: 190
    Last week: 189
    This week: 184.8
  • nakami
    nakami Posts: 34 Member
    Just joined MFP :)
    Name: Nadya
    Age: 30
    Date of Summer Goal: May 25
    Summer Goal Weight: 165
    Current Weight: 188.4
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Meant to do this yesterday but we were in Indy for the Supercross motorcycle race... Great time but very loud inside Lucas Oil stadium where the Colts play!!

    Starting: 176
    Last week: 174
    This week: 171.5
    Goal: 155

    Totally failed on everything challenge related this week because this was one of the most stressful weeks I've had in years and it wrecked havoc on so many things this week but I tried to maintain healthy eating throughout it all.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282

    Nutrition Challenge: NO FRIED FOODS! This one is pretty much self friend foods. Don't even look at them! lol You can do it and I bet you'll feel better at the end of the week for it. This one's gonna be hard for me...there are a couple birthdays this week in my boyfriends family and they LOVE their fried foods!

    Fitness Challenge: Let's try to get 45 -60 mins of workout a day. If you already do this everyday anyway, then bump it up to something else, like add an extra 30. This doesn't need to be the gym, it can be in your home, or taking a nice walk. I know where I'm at its going to be in the 60s and 70s this week, a simple walk would be AMAZING! Keep coming back each day and let us know what you did and for how long.

    So I think that's reasonable right? No fried foods and 45-60 minutes of workouts each day? We can do that! Keep checking back in each day to let everyone know how you did!
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    weigh in Friday 162.8. I forgot to post it.
    I did 50 minutes of workout today starting out this weeks challenge on track with that. I already eat some fried food today before I saw the challenge so I will try and avoid fried foods the rest of the week.
  • SivirSarah
    does the fitness challenge include having days off? like i work out five and get 2 days off where i just take a walk or something small like that.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Ambient if you have rest days that's fine too. I guess I meant for when you workout make it 45-60 minutes. If you are like me I get restless if I don't do SOME type of workout. I will do my intense workouts like normal, then go for a walk on my off day.

    if any of thatmade sense at all.

    So far my challenge week if good. i have no intentions of fried foods this week, I am going out for St. Patty's Day, but I'm going to avoid the fried and enjoy some green beer, haha! Of course I'll have to allow for that beer, BUT still. Im glad I'm starting over today though because yesterday was...WOAH!

    I hope everyone has a good Monday, it's technically a Friday for me, work wise!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I had fried foods yesterday but I will try not to the rest of the week. This will be so hard since I am going on a school trip this week and I know we will eat at lots of restaurants with fried foods! Exercise is also going to be a challenge this week with more rest days than usual but last week was a great workout week. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday I am definitely going to do 60 minutes of exercise to make up for the rest of the week!

    SW: 155
    CW: 150!!!! I got on the scale 3 times over the course of 45 minutes to make sure it was right!
    GW: 141
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am going to avoid the fried foods this week too ! I eat out some on the weekends and get something like grilled chicken or soup so i should be ok ! I usually exercise for 45 minutes so i am going to bump that up to at least a hour every day !
  • waterbug920
    I did not weigh in this week - but I'm sure it wasn't good! I had a vomiting 3 yr old last week and the boss was out of town , which means that me and the other doctor pick up appointment hours. Plus it was my Fri/Sat. All-in-all a poor week performance-wise! One thing I definately need to work on is dealing wiith weeks like this - they are not uncommon and there is definately a better way to handle myself rather than just "giving up" for the week.

    Bstamps - careful out there girl! LOL, what a trip! Isn't it amazing what all can run through your mind in just a few seconds?? I did that on a Mt Bike trail last year - out on the trail by myself was the 1st mistake, then realized that I had left my cell phone AND my repair kit in the car - ended up bending the bottom rear gear shifter and had to bang it back into place with a rock - it didn't shift right the whole 5 miles of rough trail back to the car! All I could think was "dumba$$, you dumba$$!!" LOL

    Ready for the challenges this week. Ate something fried yesterday, but I'll be good the rest of the week. Need to get back on the work-out schedule.

    have a great week everyone!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Wow @bstamps! That is awesome! Sometimes it's nice to lay off the scale for a while then come back to it to see a good drop!!

    Still no fried foods, I've been feeling ick all day. I drank a bit too much last night so...yeah...not my best decision, but I'll get over it.
    I've done good today, other than some chocolate, TOM is almost here so I've been wanting anything and everything with chocolate on it. HA!

    Tonight I'm gonna do my cardio DVD, the entire thing whether it hurts or not. ha! I can do it!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Here is the new chart!
    I think I've got the new people in there and everything is up to date.


    It's just a tad too big, all we are missing is LBS left and your goal date. So I'll get better at it next time. I'm too tired to fool with it right now!

    Let's see it looks like....kris1085 has lost the most so far with 9.5lbs lost! That's amazing! AND from when we started, which was around the beginning of Feb I believe, I think it's time for a one month total LBS lost...

    Drum roll please..................
    As a groupe we have lost a total of 104.1 LBS! How awesome is that?!?! Let's aim for 200 by April 12!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Checkin' in for Lunes, did great with the exercise; over 45 minutes for sure. It did help that I was off today so I know it's going to be harder once I go back. Thankfully the workout video I love to do is exactly 45 minutes long soo as long as I do it every day I should be ok. Fried foods I think I'll be ok. I don't have any plans on going out to eat this week so I should be ok. I do have a trip to Six Flags planned though... Mmm, funnel cakes! Ugh, wish me luck!

    WTG kris1085! That's amazing!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Monday was pretty good. I think I got a bit under 45, but I wasn't feeling well at all so it's a miracle that I even got the 30.
    Today I'm going to do my Cardio video, it's 50 minutes long, and I may take a walk. Tonight I am going out to eat for a birthday, Red Lobster. I've already planned what I want and nothing is fried! Good thing about seafood, it is good for you, BUT lots of sodium!

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • SivirSarah
    I have been keeping up with the fried food thing. I only actually worked out for 30 mins but I took another 15 min walk so I think that counts. Anyways ppl at work have brought in donuts and greasy chips and I have abstained. Whew was hard not to take a few. But I took a sip of my water and popped in some mint gum and resisted those urges :)
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    I've only just seen this weeks challenge but so far this week I've done 60 mins/40 mins/60 mins exercise so that's not bad. 30 to 45 a day is about my usual so I'm going to try and make sure I do at least 60 mins for the rest of the week. It's more difficult at the moment as I'm at my boyfriends for a couple of weeks so don't have my treadmill or big tv to work out in front of but there's no excuses for not being able to go out for a walk or run!

    Fried foods should be easy. I never fry food at home anymore, that was a habit I changed last time and one I stuck with. Going out is slightly different but I think I'll only be eating out once this week so shouldn't be too hard to stick with.

    I love the total weight loss stats btw, that's a real motivator!! Aren't we all fab :D
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Checkin' in for Martes, eh, did ok today. I did 80 minutes of exercise and still no fried foods. I was tempted to stop by the many fast food places that I drive by coming back from the park but I didn't. Yay me! Hope everyone is doing great!