New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    So this week has SUCKED so far. I haven't worked out since Sunday! I knew I couldn't on Monday but yesterday just got super busy. I was pretty good nutritition wise though...had the chance for a co-worker to buy me anything I wanted for lunch but I opted for a grilled chicken sandwich with no fries or anything. Then I went to a meeting for Relay for Life team captains and there was pizza! I started wondering...obviously pizza isn't fried, but would you think it is just as "bad" for you as fried food? I looked at the grease covering it and decided yes, lol. It smelled so good & was from my favorite restaurant in town but I turned it down and just drank a diet coke instead.

    I will get to Zumba today for 45 min class but that's all since my husband is finally coming home from a trip to NYC--where he saw Ashton Kutcher right outside his hotel in Times Square taping a new movie...I would die to see that! :love:

    Good job resisting the fast food Lettey!
    Lenesi--hope you find a way to workout even at the bf's!
    Ambient--I would say that 15 min walk counts, it burns calories right? way to stick with the challenge!
  • tkiefe01
    tkiefe01 Posts: 72 Member
    Is it to late for me to join! I really was looking for another challenge because mine is ending this week :(. My sisters wedding is in May so that is my true goal month anyways
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    well, yesterday was good.
    Today is another story.
    I've gotten some type of illness, I've been laying in bed ALL day, other than the time I tried to go shopping, not my smartest idea. I have not worked out today. I'm hoping I can do something tomorrow!

    I haven't eaten much, I'm hungry, but nothing is tasting good. I hope I'm better by tomorrow though!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Alright, Wednesday March 16th and I'm also not feeling too hot. No fried foods but I haven't worked out today. Maybe, MAYBE I'll go in a little bit to the gym. Hope everyone had a great fried-foodless day.
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    I haven't managed to get 45-60 of workouts in every day, but I have workout out for at least 25 minutes every day this week which is an improvement from the last two weeks when I only worked out 3 days each week. I did eat fried food on tuesday my husband has surprized me with having dinner made every day this week when I get home from work so I was afraid if I refused to eat it he would quit cooking.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Yesterday I did NOT get in a workout. I felt absolutely horrible, so I was in bed most of the day, no fried foods either.

    Today I have felt a bit better, still no fried foods and I'll be getting about 20 minutes in tonight. Tomorrow should be better, I'll get my whole hour.
  • SivirSarah
    I haven't had fried food all week. It has been slightly harder than i thought. I guess it is that old saying "you don't want it until you can't have it" lol
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Well this week has been a complete wash... haven't been to the gym at all, but the plus side is that I haven't had any fried food. I'm just now getting my appetite back from being sick for the last week. At least as my appetite is starting to come back, I'm only gravitating towards the healthier options and not things that I would have leaned towards in the past.

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    Everyone seems to be having a tricky week this week! But it's good that we can share on here and not feel like we're doing something wrong or should give up. It's a long journey and is bound to have ups and downs,

    It's definately proving hard for me to exercise well and I can't weigh properly here as I don't have my home scales, I think I may put on a bit this week but I'm not going to lose motivation, just keep trying and then up my game when I get back home.

    Cannot wait for some warm weather so I can get outside without several layers on!
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    weight in 159.8
    I managed to exercise every day this week not 45-60 minutes but I have been slacking the past two weeks so this is an improvement. Didn't do so well avoiding the fried foods.
  • SivirSarah
    so weigh in today for this challenge i think. I am at 207. :) 2 lbs loss so far
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    Alright sorry I have been kinda mia from the forum ... :(

    Ive been doing a lot better with my food intake ... Im not sure about the rest of you but I was really confused about the net calories and wasnt eating them... i think I may have actually put my body into starvation mode because of that for about a week; but now that I am eating more I am doing much better.

    I started Dec 19th at 160 lbs
    Mini goal 1 - March 3rd - I weighted in at 150.6 lbs!

    CW - 146 lbs!

    10 more to go!!!

  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    the official weigh-in is saturday, well technically that's when I update the chart. Some people weigh-in of fridays, that's fine too!
    Right now I'm at 183.6 Maybe I can drop the .6 by tomorrow. ha!

    Everything this week has been good, I've had no fried foods, but not gotten all my workouts in due to illness. I'm still losing though. Happy about that!
  • tashasbaby
    Saturday weigh in

    Starting weight: 161
    Current Weight: 156.8
    Goal Weight: 130 ish

    Not quite a lb loss but its still a loss but considering AF (tom) showed i'm pleased with that ;-)
    I' done at least 50 mins of swimming every day and i haven't eaten any fried food woo hoo xxx
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    Well I was right, a pound back on today but hardly surprising after registering a 3.4lbs loss last week and then not being able to exercise much this week. I'm not too disappointed but determined to get back on track this week.

    Start (Jan 1st): 154.0
    Start (this group): 146.0
    Last Week - 143.6
    Current: 141.2 - 1lb gained :(
    Goal: 126.0
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost another 1.5 pounds this week ! This morning i weigned in at 210.5
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    my weigh-in for today is:
    Starting weight:190
    Current Weight: 183.8

    I'm excited, I think I an see me goal! It's just barely showing up. lol
  • NanoReefDiver
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): May 1
    Summer Goal Weight: 123 (May 1), 120 (May 21)
    Starting Weight: 131 (March 12)

    Previous Weight: 131
    Current Weight: 129

    Weighed in yesterday as this weekend is essentially my free weekend for the semester since I have a visitor. Next week's weigh in will be scary, that's for sure! Did good on exercising and fried foods except for two days. One day I didn't exercise cause I was seriously sick and had to do a 7 hour drive back to school. Then today/late last night we went to restaurants for pre and post drinking food. Even though this weekend will be just TERRIBLE food wise I'm happy to still be logging it cause then it really shows the damage it does! Next time I go out just with friends I can think back to my log and realize where I went wrong. In the future if I want to have Really fun time ;) then I've got to earn it through exercise! It feels good to have such bad nights not be just lingering thoughts in my head "oh god I ate so bad last night, all that hard work I've done so far is worthless" but to actually See how bad it was and own up to it. I feel empowered rather than wanting to quit, yay!

    I was excited to see rapid weight loss this week though. The zig zagging on calories really got my body moving, def will continue that next week! My 30 day shed came in the mail too, what weight do you guys use when doing it? My 10 pounders were way too heavy so I resorted to large water bottles which were a little light.

    Added in the date of my Final weight too. May 1 is officially my first day of summer so I'll consider that a good mini goal!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Before I post the official new challenge for the week. Is there anything anyone would like to suggest?

    I did well with friend foods. I'm still having a problem sticking to water. As for fitness, I've been having problems getting much in this week. Maybe something to go with those, but I want to see what others would like before I post it!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    OH and BTW Happy First Day of Spring!