New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    SW: 190
    CW: 177.4
    GW: 160

    @Lenesi: I'm in the same boat. I've lost all will power and exercise never even crosses my head anymore lol Ugh! Hopefully this upcoming week will be different.

    Good luck to all!
  • Empress17
    Empress17 Posts: 35
    SW: 201
    CW: 194
    GW: 185
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    Count me in!

    Name: Renée
    Age: 37
    Date of Summer Goal: July 1st
    Summer Goal Weight: 135 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 lbs
    Current Weight: 152 lbs

    I've pushed my goal date a bit as I work full time (12 hrs shift on a 4 on 4 off rotation) and I'm also taking 2 classes. I try to work out at least 6 days a week but I am also a wife and mother who also helps her husband run his business so I'm often pressed for time.
    Thanks for starting this, I've found my motivation again! :)
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    okay so since I have been completely MIA for the past few days this week is going to be a personal/rest week!

    By rest I don't mean take it off an eat whatever you want, I mean not worrying about a challenge. If you choose to continue with a challenge make it a personal one.

    Mine is to do 30DS EVERY DAY and to find my appetite again and try to get at least 1000 calories a day.

    No sure what's been wrong with me but I've been WAY thristy for anything and everything and have no appetite. Anything I eat taste bleck and makes me feel bad after I do eat it. UGH!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Just wanted to share this today.

    be thankful! Each and every day. Today here in Southeast US has been horrible. I live in East Tennessee and the weather has ben horrible and unusual today. We've had baseball sized hail and tornados! and we live in the MOUNTAINS! MANY people on the UT college campus have lost their winshields in their cars due to hail, I hve a few dings and dents in my car, but the thing to be most thankful is that the people I love are safe.

    It's been insane! This type of weather RARELY happens. There have been several tornados, flooding, hail, high winds, lightening. TONS of things!

    Just wanted to send out my prayers to anyone that may not of been as fortunate and to anyone else that needs a prayer.
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm glad you're ok Pattie and I send my best wishes to anyone else in the area too.

    As for me I've put on again this week as I expected because I've been away with my mum and sister. I've only put on a pound or so but that's two weeks in a row going in the wrong direction so I'm really going to try and get back on it from today. I don't think I'm going to reach my goal by July now but I'm not going to give up, even just closer to it is better than nothing.

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me!

    Start (Jan 1st): 154.0
    Start (this group): 146.0
    Last Week - 139.2
    Current: 140.8 - 1.0lb gain
    Goal: 126.0
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hello everyone
    My weight last week was 202.0
    My weight this week is 199.5 So happy to finally be in onederland !
  • Empress17
    Empress17 Posts: 35
    SW: 201
    CW: 193
    GW: 185
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I've not weighed-in in two weeks. I'm trying to stay far far away from the scale because I've fallen so far off track I'm scared to even look at it. However, this week I have renewed my commitment to this! I'm getting back on track and working my *kitten* off and Saturday morning I'm going to weigh myself for the first time in 3 weeks!

    This weeks challenge is going to be good. Let me get a few things done here at work and then I'll post the challenge. I'll be posting the chart tomorrow. Hopefully, enough people will weigh back in!

    Come on! WEIGH IN DAY!!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    SW: 190
    CW: 178
    GW: 160

    I gained a pound but I'm ok with it lol That margarita was sooo worth it l :) and plus, it's that time of the month so I'm sure there some water weight or something lurking around there.

    Hope everyone is doing great!

    Lettey :D
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    wohoo, go everyone!
    Challenge Time!!

    Nutrition: Make a colorful plate! No, don't paint your plates! Reds, Greens, Yellows, Purple, Orange, White. If you've kids make it a fun activity. Make something with their favorite colors, let them help pick it out by colors instead of what it is. It's also more appealing in general when your plate is full of colors instead of the bland, boring, dull colors.

    Fitness: Target area of the week! Abs! Do some type of ab exercise each day. I found this at
    "Abdominal Exercise Guidelines
    Perform several (3-5) abdominal exercises 3-5 times a week. Start with exercises and repetitions that are comfortable for your fitness level and as you improve increase the number of repetitions. You do not need to do all the exercises; simply select those that work well for you and vary your routine over the months.
    Bicycle Crunch Exercise
    Captain's Chair Exercise
    Ab Crunch on an Exercise Ball
    Vertical Leg Crunch
    Long Arm Crunch
    Reverse Crunch
    Plank (Hover) Exercise
    Traditional (Basic) Abdominal Crunch
    Half Curl
    Crossover Crunch
    Seated Oblique Twists with Medicine Ball
    Oblique Crunch
    Alternating Supermans
    V-Sit Exercise
    Oblique Twist with Medicine Ball "

    Fun: Enjoy the sunshine, I don't care if it's your lunch break, or the sun is only going to come out in 15 minute intervals, go outside and soak up some Vitamin D!

    I hope everyone enjoys the challenges this week. I'm hoping that they aren't too hard to follow!
    I'll post a chart tomorrow and everyone have a good day and a good Monday. I'm off Monday and Tuesday so WOHOO!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I have been so bad lately about logging in! I have been on vacations & the semester is almost over so it is crazy! I have maintained my weight though!

    I will definitely be working on the nutrition challenge today. It is my husband's birthday and I am still deciding what to do about dinner...

    I will definitely be able to do ab workouts today even if I don't get to run...really hoping some time allows for running!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Where is everyone?

    I did my abs today! For the first time in a while. I have been doing lots of cardio over the past month but I have neglected strength training & abs---bad. I did some bicycle crunches & planks. It felt good but I know my core will be sore tomorrow--yeah!!!

    I have been decent on the nutrition challenge. Some meals have been very colorful while others were blah. I'm trying though!

    How is everyone else's week going? Getting in some ab work and eating colorful foods??
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am doing better with getting more veggies into my diet !
    I am going to start back to exercising next week my back is feeling alot better and i just dont want to due alot so im going to start back slow next week and build up from there !
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry I've been so MIA lately... it has been so crazy lately with work, wedding planning and life. I plan on regrouping and refocusing this weekend! Hope everyone else is doing great!
  • tashasbaby
    tashasbaby Posts: 71
    Saturday weigh in

    No change for me again, think i'm stuck in a bit of a rut
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost half a pound this week ! Checking in at 199 starting back to exercising on monday my back is feeling lots better !
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Kris, wtg in onederland!

    I maintained again this week. I haven't had much control over my dinners lately & some of them have been totally unhealthy! =( So I guess I am pretty happy to just maintain. However, my sprint tri is in 5 weeks! I would love to be a few lbs lighter when I do that! I will be in Minneapolis next eating at restaurants for every meal! Ahhhh....
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all,

    Heading back in the right direction again and nearly back into the swing of things. I have my focus back so really going to try and attack a few more pounds!

    Start (Jan 1st): 154.0
    Start (this group): 146.0
    Last Week - 139.2
    Current: 140.2 - 0.6lb loss
    Goal: 126.0
  • Empress17
    Empress17 Posts: 35
    SW: 201
    CW: 192
    GW: 185