New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Wow Tasha you did wonderful this week girl !
    I lost a pound this week to be at 196.0. And i did exercise alot this week but now my back is hurting again so i am going to have to take it easy for a while .
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Tashasbaby-awesome job! Sometimes a detox can kickstart your weightloss when you are at a plateau.
    Kris-Good job losing another lb! Keep up the hard work but don't injure your back!

    I haven't weighed yet this week because I have been out of town so I am just waiting till next Friday to weigh in. I did a 5k this morning and did a PR. I was 12 lbs lighter than when I did my last 5k in November and it felt so good! My time was 30:35. The course was a surprise, no pavement! It was a cross country track so up and down hills in the grass and mud. So I was definitely surprised to make a personal record.

    Time for the final push! Gotta make it to 142 by June 11. Last weigh in was 143.5 so I should be able to do it if I stay on track!
  • tashasbaby
    tashasbaby Posts: 71
    No change for me this week, i have been up and down a pound since the detox, so fingers crossed for next week x
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am down another pound this week to be at 195.0 I am hoping to be at 180 by August 1st or middle of August. I cannot believe that i have lost 41 pounds since the middle of January !
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    When is everyone else's goal dates again? Mine is this pound to lose this week. Gonna be tough because my tri is this weekend so I don't want to kill myself during the week exercising, but I am trying!

    Great job Kris...41 lbs is amazing! Hope that keeps you motivated on the tempting days to lose those next 15!

    Tashasbaby- yeah the detox gave you a great jumpstart and I have heard it is harder after that for a little bit but keep up your work!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Where are you guys at? Hope you are all having a great week!

    I normally weigh-in on Fridays, and my weight today was 143.0....ONE pound away from my goal of 142 by June 11....but its TOM and that may be affecting me so I will weigh in again tomorrow. Overall, I am so happy to have lost 12 pounds since we started this. I honestly didn't think I would come close to 142 by now. Glad to have you guys along for the ride! Work out hard this week & don't blow it this weekend on food! =)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am having a pretty good week this week ! Congrats to bstamps for being so close to your goal for June 11th ! Also good luck in the Triathlon this weekend ! I know you are going to do a amazing job ! I will weigh in tomorrow ~!
  • tashasbaby
    tashasbaby Posts: 71
    Hi, guys no change for me again this week, FC for next week though xxx
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I will weigh in on monday morning ! I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend !
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 194.5 this week . Lost half a pound . I still have 14.5 to loose on this challenge so hopefully i will make it there by the end of August ! When i do make it to 180 i will have lost 41 pounds on this challenge alone ! I have came along way !
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Let's do a challenge this week...anyone up for one?

    How about we all watch our sodium this going over our daily allowances on it! We won't be holding water weight for our next weigh-ins! And for fitness, let's do an extra hour this week. It can be spread out to an extra 15 minutes over 4 days, one extra long workout, etc. just get in an extra hour to burn those extra calories!

    Kris-good job on the 1/2 lb, I bet you can lose 1 lb this week!

    Tashasbaby-good job maintaining, I bet you can lose 1 lb this week as well!

    Where is everyone else? Let's see if we can get them back in...
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    This challenge sounds good to me for next week ! Yea i was wondering where everyone is also ! Lets finish this challenge strong !
  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    Well I haven't been on MFP for a week! Somehow I lost 4.4# the week prior! I don't have a clue how that happened!

    Bstamps12 Thanks for the friend request and reminding me to focus on my goals! Th challenge this week sounds great! Where I live it's finally starting to warm up so getting rid of excess water weight will be great! This week I am starting back at the gym, I'm scared and nervous but I know it will go great!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I will be the first to admit I have SUCKED on my sodium this week. Over on both Monday & Tuesday....I had no idea how much sodium is in some foods until I started tracking it last week. Trying to stay under 2000 mg today.

    I have gotten an extra 35 minutes of exercise so far this week. Feels good!

    How about you guys? Hope you are doing better than me on sodium!
  • tashasbaby
    tashasbaby Posts: 71
    Saturday weigh in

    Starting weight: 161
    Last weigh in: 150.0
    Current Weight: 149.6
    Goal Weight: 130 ish
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Great job on the loss tashasbaby!

    I did well on my sodium 4/7 days...gotta start looking before I eat! I also got in over an hour of extra exercise.

    I finally got to 142 (my GW for this challenge!) Well actually I passed it. I was at 143 for several weeks, including last week on my final weigh in day. This week, I was 141, so I made it!

    For this weeks challenge, let's watch our fat intake. If there is one thing besides calories that we should NOT go over on, it's the fat! And lets target our arms this week. It's summer time and we are wearing our swimsuits & short sleeve shirts, so let's tone those arms! Please update throughout the week to keep each other motivated!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost another half a pound this week to be at 194.0!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    I'm so proud of all of you! I'm back from my vacation and didn't gain anything but I didn't lose anything either. But I'm back and still very determined. You are all my inspiration! Keep up the good work!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Oh and since my time is up and I didn't meet my goal I've decided to set another one up :)

    Name: LetteyB
    Age: 22
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): August
    Summer Goal Weight: 160
    Current Weight: 177

    Yay! I'm excited again! Let's do this! :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Glad to see you back Lettey! Good job reevaluating and setting an attainable goal! And that's awesome that you didn't gain weight on vacation!