*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #6 (CLOSED GROUP)

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
DISCLAIMER: For those viewing page: Challenge group was started January 1st, 2011. The goal is to have the same participants who started the group on this day...end the challenge together. " Closed Group" is not meant to be offensive to anyone. However, the rapport and relationship that we have all formed with each other, is one that we would like to close and consistent throughout the challenge and beyond. We do thank you for viewing the thread..and good luck to everyone on their journey :)

So alright Snowflakes!...How are we feeling about our weigh-in this week? How are we feeling just in general with the journey thus far? How can we help each other and ourselves to remain motivated each week?


  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    I feel really good about this past week. I busted my behind and I lost weight. It was that simple :) Can't wait to do it again next week. Good luck to you all! Lose big!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    Yayy !! I cant believe that i lost 3.8 pounds this week!! I am so proud of myself!!
  • Yayy !! I cant believe that i lost 3.8 pounds this week!! I am so proud of myself!!

    Great job! What did you do different this week? That's an awesome loss.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Lost 5 lbs, but I seriously don't credit myself for that much. Last week was one of those freaky outliers I get sometimes, but the scale says what the scale says: LW - 188.5, CW - 183.5.

    This week I've been feeling a lot better since being sick. I hope to get more workouts in, since I had like, one walk last week... I've REALLY been watching what I eat, and have been good on 7 of the past 8 days (that's including today, cause I'm going to do awesome! :bigsmile: ).

    And I'm still waiting for the 30 Day Shred to show up in my mail box. :smile:

  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    I know I dont post often, but Im not on my computer all that much because Im working out alllll the time, oh and tending to a VERY demanding 4 month old,3y.o. and 6y.o... But I do read everyone's stuff!! Keep it up, and A HUGE THANKS to KrysT for always reminding me to weigh in.. ugh, Im AWFUL at it!! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    bump for later
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    I'm Shocked I lost 3.4 pounds this week AND so very very Happy!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! I thought last week I was going to start plateauing, But I switched it back to my old routine of Getting out in the mornngs And WALKING AVERAGE 1 hour . I was walking on my treadmill 1/2 hr and then doing a crazy dance in my house for 1/2 hr, but that dance was only killing me with soreness :bigsmile: .. BUT IM BACK ON TRACK!!!!!!!!

    THANKS KRYSTLE !!! Over and Over again for creating this Challenge. I first thought who in the heck can lose 2 pounds a week every week for the length of this challenge. THIS IS UNREAL TO ME!!! And what blows me away, I'm eating around 1200 calories average and I'm staying away from Junk food & Staying full ( IM AMAZED !!! ) AND TOTALLY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My Ticker reflects my 40lb Snowflakes to Sunshine challenge :drinker:

  • mommy2two07
    mommy2two07 Posts: 128 Member
    I gained this week and I know exactly why too. Have been way off track this week with everything. Had a winter storm come through the area earlier this week and when I am stuck at home I get bore and frustrated and eat and eat and eat. Plus I have not been exercising nearly as much as I was before. Gotta get back with it.
  • *sigh* I gained too (2 lbs). The biggest difference this week is no Tae Bo and more weight training. However, I do feel stronger and there are ~gasp~ actually muscles around my stomache. Who would have thought? :laugh: My legs and arms are more toned. So although there is no weight loss there were some NSVs this week.

    So this weeks goals are:

    To continue with the weight training, but add the Tae Bo back in for the cardio (plus I love it :blushing: )
    Drink 10+ glasses of water each day
    Work to keep the Net Calories at 1200 (still struggle with that one :frown: )
    Eat more Veggies!!!!!
  • Good morning Snowflakes! How does it feel to be melting away ladies!? The scale has been slow moving for me. I did measure myself last week and I am down 4 inches :) so I know I may not see the numbers I want on the scale I am still improving my body and health. For those of you who hasnt seen a loss either I recommend measuring to see the difference. Had a 2.2lb loss this week. And I am about a little under 2lbs to my half walf point of my first mini goal and my lowest recorded weight. Feels good, I am starting to feel way better about myself.

    Exercise- so this week with snow and everything else going on in my life I did not get the chance to exercise. I saw a 2lb loss. 2 weeks ago I had a 2lb loss with no exercise because I was sick. Last week I exercise everyday over 500 calories a day and maintained. This I believe is telling me I need to either a) eat back some calories when I workout that hard and or b) plan exercise activities that dont burn as much. I am thinking about doing my 30 Day Shred video again for the next month.

    Lets do February right ladies, make healthier choices enjoy fun activities.

    Rock it!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    Yayy !! I cant believe that i lost 3.8 pounds this week!! I am so proud of myself!!

    That's a really big loss! Great work! :)
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    I already see people losing really big numbers! :) I wish the same for everyone else this week!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    Another maintaining week for me. At least I haven't gained. I took my measurements yesterday to make sure I was on track eventhough I haven't been losing and I have lost 15 inches since Dec 11th! :) So I'm losing something it just isn't showing up on the scale yet!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    So, this was my 1st week to gain (up 1.6#'s) - it wasn't a shock, b/c I know I didn't make the best choices this week.

    To get back on track for our challenge - I need to hit a 4.8# loss by next Friday.

    I know that may be tricky to hit in just one week, but if I can at least get close, I'll be happy!

  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Okay...so I had a tiny gain, its that time and I've been feeling yucky so I can't really complain too much. We had temperatures in the negatives yesterday and I had to wear long johns under my jeans. I was actually able to do that! I didn't even have to lie on the bed to zip them up! So, even though I'm not seeing the numbers on the scale move much I know I am losing inches. I only tape myself once per month so I can't tell you how many inches I've lost yet. I think this next week will be better. I am starting to feel a bit better and I can actually eat again.
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    2.6 lbs loss this week but I sure don't take the credit for it because I did not exercise at all and did not eat healthy food all week but I stayed under my calories. I did a bit of early spring cleaning but that's about it. Hubby is home because he was injured at work 3 weeks ago and I do think that this does not help me with my motivation:frown: . They don't want him to go back to his old job so now he doesn't have a job anymore:angry: . He is kind of depress so I kind of feel BLAH too. My emotion cannot control everything else anymore. I have to get back on track with exercise and good food for my body.

  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    How do I feel about this week? I'm happy! I lost 1.2 pounds, so I'm down to 161.6. I'm almost out of those 160s! I was thrilled to get out of the 170's, but to get out of the 160's will mean that maybe I finally have found a way to overcome my hypothyroidism. I'm hoping that I can pull a 1.7 pound loss this week and see 159.9 staring at me come Friday. I might faint if that happens. :laugh:

    Overall, I'm trying to remain positive and not get caught up in the "40 pounds by June" idea. I want to do this the healthy way and, since I only have about 36 more pounds to get to my goal, I know that I won't have big drops each week. I may not ever see a 5 pound drop. Most likely not. I need to tell myself that 1-2 pounds is fine... and even 0.1-0.9 is fine. We're all different and our bodies lose weight differently. My old self would have seen a 1.2 pound loss and been disappointed, thinking that it should have been 2 or 3 down. The new me is focused on small steps and non scale victories.

    I had a gain for Week 3 so this hasn't been an easy challenge, but I'm proud of myself for not letting that gain and some stalls force me to give up. I really do credit MFP with helping me stick to it. Without the support here, I probably would have seen the gain I had and thought, "Ugh, my thyroid again. Forget it. Why bother?" However, reading all the posts educated me on what the gain could mean.... I wasn't doing anything wrong. In fact, it was the right things that were causing the gain. For me, it had been the increase in my exercise intensity and muscle soreness. When the soreness went away, the scale started moving in the right direction. I know now to accept the fluctuations in the scale. Next week might be a gain, it might be a loss, or it might not budge, but as long as I know I'm logging my food, being accountable for what I put in my stomach, and committing myself to exercise and drinking water then I know I'll ulitmately each my goals. It's taken me awhile I get into this state of mind and feel so content now that I'm there. I may not be 40 pounds down come June, but I'm going to be a healthier person, that's for sure. :smile:

    Have a great week, Snowflakes! I'm so glad to be on this journey with so many amazing and strong people! :heart:
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