*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #6 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I will give you all a tip..definitely try your hardest to do it 10 straight days to build up your endurance. I use to do it for 2 or 3 days and then take a week off and try to come back to it, and it KILLS to do that because Level 2 is no joke!! But it is a great burn for 25 minutes for sure! Make sure you both tell us how its going!
    Thanks for the tip Krys!! I do need to try my hardest to get to 5, let alone 10, (let alone 30!!). I feel good now, but it takes my body 24 hours (to the minute, almost) to feel fatigued from my workouts. So tomorrow will be really bad... :bigsmile: (me now) --> :sad: (me tomorrow)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I will give you all a tip..definitely try your hardest to do it 10 straight days to build up your endurance. I use to do it for 2 or 3 days and then take a week off and try to come back to it, and it KILLS to do that because Level 2 is no joke!! But it is a great burn for 25 minutes for sure! Make sure you both tell us how its going!
    Thanks for the tip Krys!! I do need to try my hardest to get to 5, let alone 10, (let alone 30!!). I feel good now, but it takes my body 24 hours (to the minute, almost) to feel fatigued from my workouts. So tomorrow will be really bad... :bigsmile: (me now) --> :sad: (me tomorrow)

    LOL I know...you will be sore for sure...but you will see results for sure.
  • I am starting another round of 30 Day Shred today :) I did good last time I lost 8.6lbs. I am hoping to have the same result so I can catch up with the weeks I lost little or none.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Monday Snowflakes!! I took the day off from counting calories yesterday since it was my birthday but I am back on track today and for the rest of the week!! I have a big pot of Vegetable soup cooking so I will have soup to last for days :happy: I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is staying on track with their workouts and eating!! I have a good feeling about this week!! I hope this week we will all see a loss and I am hoping that my bad eating and drinking beer yesterday doesnt kill me on the scale!! Lets get it snowflakes!!! :happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    bump...I have a lot of reading to do..I must have missed this new *thread* last week.

    Hopefully, I will be back later.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Monday! Who has worked out today? I see a lot of you are doing the 30 day shred. Keep up the good work!!

    Starting tomorrow, I am shooting for hitting the gym everyday for the rest of the week, excluding the weekend! This is very challenging for me because I hate going to the gym in freezing weather and the next 3 days we will be below zero. I am telling you guys so I will be more prone to get and go because I comitted to it in writing. Gym workouts always help me do better on weigh ins.

    Have a wonderful day and I will check in tomorrow on the gym.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone! I had a little bit of a set back the past 2-3 days. I got bored of eating great and working out, so I let myself slip a little. Didn't track my calories as well, didn't work out Friday, Saturday or Sunday and felt gross. SO I'm back at it. Calories are in check today. I'm going to kickboxing tonight with my husband and I dinner tonight is already planned and it's healthy and delicious.

    It doesn't take much to remind me how much better I feel when I fill myself up with good food choices and get moving throughout the day. Yesterday was kind of emotional, getting down on myself. But then I remembered that I am completely in control of my decisions. I CHOSE to eat those things and now I will choose to eat better things. One day at a time.

    It was also a good boost to see that I'm on track to lose about 36 lbs during the challenge! That means that by June 1st, I would weigh 170!! Talk about motivation. That makes me want to head to the gym right now!! :smile:

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Last week, I was only able to exercise aroun 8 hours. I am shooting for 10 hours this week. I had a few bumps in the road last week, but its a new week and I know I will be successful. I weighed this morning and I am the same as Friday, which means the supier bowl didn't have the negative impact that I thought it might have. I know I will be successful this week. I feel it in my bones!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I have come to the resolution that me and Mondays are not on the same page! My mood is way too up and down. I was just not in the mood today at work and I am just ready to go home and release some stress with some Zumba! Like seriously, I don't know what the heck has been up with my mood the past two days....

    I think maybe a little of it was because I didn't get that job that I interviewed for last week...which is a bummer because that would have been 20 bucks an hour plus commission. It was a little bit of a setback because I felt really confident about it. However, I guess it was just not for me and something else will come along. The good thing is, I didn't let it distract me enough to completely just overeat or not exercise the last two days!

    I just have to take everything one step at a time and things will fall into place the way they need to. I have a couple more things lined up, so we will see what happens with those. I just have to go in confident and know that I'm an awesome person, employee, and have a lot of to offer any company.

    But enough about that...its time to kick some major butt this week! I need to burn off some steam, and in past years I would have ate my frustration away...but that's the old Krystle..and I am someone completely different from who I was a year ago...

    Speaking of a year ago...I looked at some old measurements from last March and I have lost 6 inches from my waist! Wooooooo! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I put on my pants today, after they had gone through the laundry, and you know how clothes are tighter when the come out of the dryer? Well these pants I have really, really cut into my waist. I've taken to not buttoning the top, because they dig in so much. So today, I took them from the drawer, but them on, and they did up very nicely. :bigsmile: I was very excited. I've been eating pretty well for almost 2 weeks now, so it must be from that, cause I only just started working out again.
    LOL I know...you will be sore for sure...but you will see results for sure.
    Sooo sore! It hurts to stand up.
    Don't worry about that job Krys. Something better will come along. If you are meant to get it, you will. Try your best, and be your wonderful self. I love your self-confidence! PS - Those inches are nuts! I've lost one from my waist this past year, which brought me to what Dr. Oz says is a healthy measurement. :bigsmile:

    Get in that gym Mollie!!

    whittrusty... I love how you can motivate yourself and recognize things about yourself like that! You'll succeed with those skills for sure! :drinker:
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I am so proud of everyones accomplishments!!!...

    .... and also a little jealous....

    I totally fell off teh wagon last week and am up 4 lbs...


    I am also commiting myself to a road race in May, so there is no turning back now.
    Y'all can check out my blog about it


    I am doing with another MFP member so hopefully that will keep me motivated!!!

    Again, awesome work everyone! Keep it up!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm feeling much better about this week. I have changed up my routine by adding curves circuit. I was given a 2 week pass, although I already have a membership at the Y. I went into it with an open mind, and I found out that I really enjoy it. Anyone else involved with Curves?
    I think my 9 o'clock cut off really works well. Last night, it was about 8:30 and I just didn't eat anything else, just drank water. Instead of drinking 2 cans of diet soda a day, I'm down to 1 or less than one. last night, I split one with my husband at dinner.

    I'm headed to the gym now, I'm making that my top priority, when it falls to the middle of my to do list, it usually won't get done. Even if that means putting laundry on the back burner (its still lingering from the super bowl weekend).

    Everyone have a great week!
  • Good morning Snowflakes! I've been reading everyone's posts, but I haven't responded because I just haven't felt good the last few days. Sinus, headaches, very tired. Needless to say I just haven't felt like exercising and I didn't eat a whole lot yesterday.

    Krys- So sorry you didn't get the job! But you are right, it was just not meant to be and something perfect for you will come along. You did great by not taking your discouragement as an excuse to eat poorly. I was having a bad day yesterday and really, really just wanted to grab some fast food while I was out for lunch. But I didn't. In times past, I would have.

    To those of us who have had a minor setback, we can jump right back on and go forward from here. I had a setback with Super Bowl and allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted and not count calories. I'm still up about 3 lbs as of this morning, but I know it is just water weight and once I make myself drink my water like I have been, it will just flush right on off.

    To those who are pushing through and just doing it, GREAT JOB!! I'm soooooo very proud of all of you. I really wish I had that determination and will power.

    People are starting to notice my face is getting thinner and asking me what the difference was this time and I tell them I am a part of a fantastic group of people on MFP and they are really helping me stick to it. So THANK YOU Snowflakes!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    whittrusty... I love how you can motivate yourself and recognize things about yourself like that! You'll succeed with those skills for sure! :drinker:

    Thanks! :smile:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    This morning I hit the 1/3 point of my goal weight!!! Woo hoo!! :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy Saturday Snowflakes! I am really happy to see all the positive energy and optimism on the threads. It is really awesome to see that everyone is honing in on what weight loss is all about. It is so much a change of attitude and switching your outlook.

    I always say that in life it is so much easier to give up on something...but it takes a very strong person to stick something out in order to succeed! I really feel like Snowflakes to Sunshine is an awesome analogy for this group..and this journey. If you think about it, snowflakes are beautiful but delicate, fragile, and vulnerable. But the sunshine is bright, bold, and long lasting...and that is exactly what we are all going to be by the end of this...regardless of losing the 40lbs. We are all going to end this challenge (although, not losing touch) stronger, brighter, and with the ability to truly shine!

    THis is so true and that is why I LOVE this group. I will be 40 lbs lighter...I just have to stay focus so I can reach my ultimate goal.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I think I am caught up on posts...

    Amanda: happpy belated birthday! Sorry I’m late, but I hope you had a great day :)

    Krystle: hopefully something better comes along. If it was meant to happen, it would of happened. You did an awesome job for NOT eating your feeling, relieving the stress by exercising. I love Zumba (dvd)!!!

    Team Leela: congrats for drinking up on the water instead of diet soda..and also seeing a one pound loss :-)

    Brandy: hope you get better soon. I have a sinus infection too. I hate them!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    MY goals for this week ( which I have been doing already)

    Doing the Last Chance workout (morning) everyday this week
    interval training 4 days a week, my goal is 8 miles (or more) a week
    drinking 100+ oz of water
    staying within my calories.

    I am so sore from doing the LCW, wiht Jillian. but I like much better than the Shred. a quick 30 minutes of intense moves.

  • I'm feeling much better about this week. I have changed up my routine by adding curves circuit. I was given a 2 week pass, although I already have a membership at the Y. I went into it with an open mind, and I found out that I really enjoy it. Anyone else involved with Curves?
    I think my 9 o'clock cut off really works well. Last night, it was about 8:30 and I just didn't eat anything else, just drank water. Instead of drinking 2 cans of diet soda a day, I'm down to 1 or less than one. last night, I split one with my husband at dinner.

    I'm headed to the gym now, I'm making that my top priority, when it falls to the middle of my to do list, it usually won't get done. Even if that means putting laundry on the back burner (its still lingering from the super bowl weekend).

    Everyone have a great week!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE CURVES! I lost a good amount of weight doing that and watching what I ate a few years ago. Sadly, it closed and the nearest one is far away :( I wish we had one in my area again! I do the 30 Day Shred now, I feel that is similar.
  • MY goals for this week ( which I have been doing already)

    Doing the Last Chance workout (morning) everyday this week
    interval training 4 days a week, my goal is 8 miles (or more) a week
    drinking 100+ oz of water
    staying within my calories.

    I am so sore from doing the LCW, wiht Jillian. but I like much better than the Shred. a quick 30 minutes of intense moves.


    Whats the LCW?
This discussion has been closed.