Looking for Competition



  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I think the daily challenge sounds great too!

    How is everyone doing? There's really not much talking going on in here. Just thought it would help to keep us motivated and "competing" with each other. :flowerforyou:

    I'm doing great - I've overall made good eating choices this week (with a few slips, but I think my workouts out weighed my slips) and I've been working out every day too. Woohoo!!!

    What's everyone's goal at the end of our competition? My husband and I are going on a trip ALONE on April 10th - so I'm looking to lose and tighten up any/every ince/pound that I can! :bigsmile:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    daily challenge is fine by me! I'm currently doing a challenge of burning 3500 cals in a week - so far done 1302 in 2 days!

    Eating is hard work though - when i'[ve burnt so many calories I'm really not hungry enough to eat them back without resorting to eating ice cream!
  • I would like in as well - CW 199.6
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Busy week! So far so good though. Diet, good - exercise, good - down 7lbs overall from Jan. when I started so I guess they say "slow and steady wins the race?"

    How's everyone doing? How do you all handle weekends? I tend to eat mainly healthy - but I drink alcohol.....I really don't want to give that up and tend to plan pretty well so I have room for it......what does everyone else do?
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    Weekends aren't that difficult for me. I accept the fact that if I go crazy on the weekend with eating, I need to match it with crazy workouts. I actually find that my temptations peak more come Wednesday or Thursday when I am tired from long days. It is definetly way too easy for me to make the decision that we go out to dinner on Wednesday or Thursday nights!

    Daily workouts have always been a thought but never an action of mine. My husband's job changed at the beginning of the year and so rather than leave the house at 5:15 am every morning he now leaves at 6:30 am. It is amazing how much more motivated I am, just because I have someone to help make certain I get out of bed in teh am to begin my day with a good workout. Finding a workout partner is essential!
  • Checking in, down from 203 to 199.8, happily met my first mini goal and my weekly exercise goals, stayed under calories every day but one (98 over). Making good food choices and eating earlier and more often seems to help my metabolism.
  • Good for you well done!

    I have had a reasonable week. I am starting to feel better. I am under my calorie goal each day but I am struggling a bit today. I was working an exhibition for work and I got home and had the biggest plate of spaghetti and meatsauce in the universe... I now feel instantly guilty about it.

    I am still under my calorie goal but am angry I have gone so overboard on the portion size.

    Nevermind I guess, live and learn. I am looking forward to my weigh in on Monday, but am secretly afraid that it might be zero change on the scale. Does anyone else have this kind of anxiety??!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi - hows everyone doing? I'm looking forward to weigh in on monday - i'm really curious to see whether this week results in a loss - what with all the exercise I've been doing....

    Hope everyone's enjoying their weekends xx
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good afternoon. I have had a great week and am looking forward to Monday's weigh in.
  • I know I am a little early compared to most of you, but my weight for the week is 189.6, down 3lbs :drinker:
  • Could I please join?! I'm new to MFP so it'd be good to kick start it with some healthy competition :D
    I deal with metric measurements but when I way in I can just convert it to pounds.


    Starting Weight: 276 pounds (125kg)
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I've lost track of when we are supposed to weigh in. But it's been about a week so. I'm down 12lbs this weeki.
  • Just a reminder to everyone tomorrow is Weigh in Day!!! Put up some good numbers. Sorry i haven't been talking much i've been extremely sick all week. So like i told everyone i was going to post some daily challenges. Feel free to try them and post your success!

    Monday - weigh in today & commercial challenge: when watching TV tonight, move it during commercials breaks: push ups, stairs, jumping jacks, lunges, push ups, etc

    Tuesday - park a little farther away and walk the extra distance

    Wednesday - eat at least 3 servings of veggies today

    Thursday - add 15 minutes to your cardio workout or an extra 10 reps in an area of weightlifting you want to improve

    Friday - go the day without eating fast food or deep fried food

    Saturday - stick to your calorie goal, weekends are hard but if you stick to it you will see the reward monday morning

    Sunday - last chance workout put in 110% effort, maybe add more time or reps.
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Hope you feel better girl!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    The daily challenges for this week look great! I will be out of town and out of internet reach for the long weekend but I will keep track. I will be tracking with my phone this weekend though and can't get on the message board. I will check in tomorrow with my weight.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    OFFICIAL WEIGH IN for WEEK 2 (2/14/11) 188.6 (1.4 lb. loss)
    Week 1: 190
  • dodie62
    dodie62 Posts: 66 Member
    Weigh in Feb. 14, 2010 ~248 lbs~
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hello! Official weigh in for today is 286.4lbs

  • Week 2 weigh-in: 215.8(down 3.2 lbs)
  • Well, my weigh-in is easy for this week....no change, the scale stayed exactly the same:( I'm really going to have to step it up this week.
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