Insanity February 7th



  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    WOW!!!! Kicked my butt too!!! GEEZ!!!
    Great workout!!!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I did Max Cardio Conditioning today! UGH!!! These workouts are killer!! I feel like I should be burning a thousand calories!! LOL The S-S hops are getting to fact a few of the moves are urting my wrists! It's hard holding up about 200 pounds!! Any suggestions!?!? Wrist brace? Strengthenijng exercises throughout the day!? Any ideas?
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    I did Max Cardio Conditioning today! UGH!!! These workouts are killer!! I feel like I should be burning a thousand calories!! LOL The S-S hops are getting to fact a few of the moves are urting my wrists! It's hard holding up about 200 pounds!! Any suggestions!?!? Wrist brace? Strengthenijng exercises throughout the day!? Any ideas?

    Oh man I am sorry about your wrist. I wish I had some advice for you but I don't. I think the ideas you have might be really good. Or maybe just take it easy for a couple days during those moves? Modify it some how? I am sorry I wish I had better advice. For's my knees. They are hurting a little bit from all the damn jumping. Lol.
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    After today's workout, we will have made it through the first week of hell!! LOL How are you doing with these longer more intense workouts!? They are killing me, but I am pushing through with quite a few breaks throughout!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    After today's workout, we will have made it through the first week of hell!! LOL How are you doing with these longer more intense workouts!? They are killing me, but I am pushing through with quite a few breaks throughout!

    Yayy!! Officially done with first week of hell!! haha. I think I am doing ok. I do curse at Shaun T more and take more breaks. Have you seen any weight loss? I saw some loss earlier in the week but of course, it's gone and now I am back to where I started. I think I am going to try and lower the calories starting next week and see if that helps.
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    No weight loss.....but I also just got a new scale that weighs heavier than my old one. :| So I'm weighing in officially in the morning and will be adjusting my weight on MFP. PLUS, the last time I changed my weight was after my cleanse - I've put that weight all back on. ;) I am not letting that get me down though!!! We are doing great!! I am getting lots of compliments!! I feel more confident and healthy! I love it!!
    Enjoy the break tomorrow!! :)
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    I am trying really hard to not get discouraged but it's kind of difficult. I am not even at the point where anyone is actually even noticing any weight loss. Lol. But I am trying to not get discouraged. I will continue this and just hope for the best.

    I really like your attitude about the weight loss. It's so nice to have such encouragement. :-)
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    At the very least, this program is preparing you for what's to come! I feel like I can take on anything now!!
    Did you take before photos? That's when you'll really know!! Seeing comparison pics is awesome!! There is no way, unless you're overeating by hundreds of calories every day, that you won't see any results! This program is indeed INSANE!!!! And you are kickin it's butt!! :)
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Oh's workout kicked my butt. It was so difficult. And my knees have been hurting for the last couple of days. I am assuming from the jumping, squats etc. so that made it even more difficult for me.

    How are your wrists?
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    They are still pretty weak! I can feel some imrpovement though! I'll take what I can get!
    Cardio conditioning kicked my butt too!!! BUT WE DID IT!!!! Woot woot!!!
    HIGH FIVE!!!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Ladies kind of sorry to bump your thread but I have a ? How hard is this program on your knees?
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Ladies kind of sorry to bump your thread but I have a ? How hard is this program on your knees?

    No problem at all. My knees didn't really hurt the first month. They did a little bit but it was't bad at all. The 2nd month though...they're hurting!! By the end of the first week they were hurting pretty badly. I stated putting something on them today so let's see how tomorrow goes. Hope that helps.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Thanks for the info I think I should try maybe Turbo Fire instead. I really wanted to do Insanity less dancie but best to take care of the body.
    thanks so much and continued success.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    How was your workout today? Man...they are not getting any easier for me. Are you still excited about the workouts as Month 1? I am not exactly dreading these workouts but I am not excited either. Once I start I can get through them even though it's so difficult. Just wanted to see how you feel.
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    LOL......some days I dread them, other days I love them! ;) These are tough workouts! I still have to take breaks and hit pause pretty often! I have not made it through the warm-up without stopping yet!!! I take SHORT breaks - but breaks nonetheless!
    What I am getting excited about is the fact that we are on day 45!!!! How cool is that!?!?
    By the way.........sorry it took me so long to reply! My internet was messing up last night. :|
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Oh yeah...I take lots of breaks too. I really do not like the power push-ups from today's workout. I just can't do them. But wow...45 days! That's crazy. Just 2.5 weeks to do. We rock!!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    YES WE DO!!!!!
    My least favorite moves are the S-S hops in the Warm-up! OUCH!!!
    18 INSANE workouts left!!!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Done with my least favorite workout :-) Man...I feel like such a downer this week. I think all this rain in the Bay Area is getting to me. It hasn't stopped raining in a few days.

    Any advice on what to do about knee pain? It's just not going away.
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I hate hearing that! Is it simply pain from being weak in the knees (hehe) or have you pulled a tendon or something!?!?
    I think if it is a matter of being weak in the knees, you just have to keep pushing and build that part up! If you have pulled someting, you may need to take a break to let it heal - or see if there is a brace you can use!! Is it hurting in the front or back of the knee? My friend just got fitted for a brace so she could comfortably ride her bike in races, and it almost immediately helped. BUT like people said about my wrists, if you use a brace it will not strengthen as much as it really could and you will become dependent on the brace.

    My wrists are still hurting, but not as much! I think they are finally adjusting to the workout.

    You are doing an amazing job!!! I would hate to see you have to stop the workout this close to the end - BUT you shouldn't do damage to your body that will prevent you from further success in health and fitness! Just something to consider. :)

    As for that rain.......I hate that!! It is enjoyable for a couple of days, but after that it gets downright depressing!! Keep smiling and do your best to find the joy in the green trees and grass that are resulting from the dreary rain! :)
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Thank you! You made me feel better today :-) And it's not raining either!

    I think my knee pain is just from the longer workouts, more jumping etc. I am just week in the knees, lol. I don't think I pulled anything. I have been taking medicine. Today they felt a little bit better. I decided to the Insane Abs instead of Cardio Abs. And for some reason I liked it better than Cardio Abs. It's longer but it felt good.

    I am not going to stop unless for some reason I absolutely have to. We only have two more weeks to go, and I am going finish this sucker!! Lol. What are your plans after Insanity?