30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Those of you who have done it, is it easy to do every day (given soreness, etc.)?
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Try it every day for a week and see how you feel, then go to every second day if its too much. I guess it depends what other exercise you are doing. I think the point is to get into a routine with it. It works several different muscles. You'll be sore for the first few days but it'll get easier and you'll start to feel stronger quickly.
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    I'm on Day 2 of Level 1..it is kinda intense! I did it for three days in a row last week and my calves were so sore for a couple of days. I have started over and I am trying to go 30 days straight this time. It is rough but the 3-2-1 system makes sense and the time goes by really fast. I am looking forward to Day 3 tomorrow~
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I am on Level 1 Day 10 tomorrow and feeling great. Probably won't feel so good when I start Level 2 on Friday :laugh:

    Level 1 was difficult to start with but I also do Body Attack so wasn't too bad - some days were better than others though!!! I do feel stronger from doing it and can see a difference in my stomach and legs.

    Definately will be keeping it up!!!
  • Wal Mart has it for 9 dollars!! Good Luck!! I do it 2 or 3 times a week. I started it on a Saturday and the next 3 days I could barely move. But I'm coming along with it and can get through the entire 1st level and part of the second. I have the hardest time with the pushups and planks but I'll get there. It'll take a little more than 30 days but I will shred, lol. I haven't lost weight that I'm willing to attribute to the video as I work out every day that I can but I have lost inches everywhere and that's just as rewarding!! I hope you enjoy it!!
  • I really need to break out the DVD again - stopped doing it because I have hardwood floors and well, not so good for pushups and situps - but i bought a cushy mat and need to get back on this again. I admit I have cursed her multiple times - but it is definitely an intense 20 minutes! I have to downsize it just a bit if my knees start aching though.

    Thanks for this thread!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hey guys! I'm gonna invite myself to this thread. Everyone I talk to thinks I'm crazy because I keep speaking Jillian-ese. Anyhoo, I started the 30day shred Monday morning. I actually did the warm up and quit 10 minutes into it because I felt so sick. Needless to say, I was kicking myself an hour later cuz I could've been DONE WITH IT!! :explode: SO, as punishment I made myself do it 2 hours after I ate a decent lunch and I finished it!! GOOOOSH! It was SO hard. I'm over my weight by just 20 pounds! I had no idea I was that out of shape though. I was thinking before I went to bed that I had no clue why people couldn't walk up/down stairs and they were sooo sore. Lemme tell ya. I woke up the next morning. It felt like a truck rolled over me with the trailer and backed up and did it again.

    *Sighs* So, I was determined to do L1D2 if it killed me. Would you believe I did the exact same thing I did the day before?!? I came to the conclusion that my body needs fuel, it doesn't like to work on E. and the reason why I felt so sick was because I was getting up off the floor too fast after the ab work.

    L1D3- I applied what I learned from days 1 & 2 and had a MUCH successful workout today. I did my own warmup while waiting for the menu to come up and did that sucka from beginning to end (with a few 5 second breaks, I confess, and yes I timed it! )
    I'm not as sore today as I was yesterday so everyone else was right! Now, I'm waiting to see the inches and punky pounds come off. I measured myself today and I'm exactly the same that I was when I started.
    Is that normal? How many days along were you before you started seeing change and not just feeling it?

    Sorry it was so long. I'll try to be shorter next time :glasses:
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    My day began at 530 AM with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. This is the first time I have tried it. I think its a great workout for 20 minutes. I was totally out of breath and made me realize how out of shape I really am. I don't think 20 minutes is long enough for me though so I will incorporate the elliptical into my routine. My legs and abs were already sore from yesterday so I don't know if you get extremely sore, I'm sure I'll know tomorrow. My arms are pretty sore though. I've heard lots of good things about it and I will stick with it. My plan is 30-40 minutes on the elliptical, then level 1 with jillian for a month. I will post my stats later today. Its been a couple of weeks since I have taken my measurements. Lets do this!!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    As for the soreness, I think it's good that we just stretch and warm up properly so when we do the actual workout it doesn't hurt as much, I do that while I'm waiting for the menu to come up. For me, I feel so much better doing this! I never stick with anything, ever. But how can I be nitpicky about 30 minutes a day, tops? I gotta love myself enough to do it.

    Question: does working out make you want to eat EVERYTHING in sight?!? How do ya'll curb the cravings? I want to eat double and triple the amount of food I usually do and I don't eat like that on a regular basis...
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Question: does working out make you want to eat EVERYTHING in sight?!? How do ya'll curb the cravings? I want to eat double and triple the amount of food I usually do and I don't eat like that on a regular basis...

    Personally, working out makes me not want to eat.

    Good tip on the stretching, I'm never good about doing that and I think I need to stick with the stretching as much as the workout!
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    tomorrow is day 3 for me
  • I am hoping to start on Monday. I lent mine to my SIL and she is having a hard time right now so dh just told me to let her keep it and buy a new one. I almost asked him to go to the store and get it tonight, but I decided that I could probably wait and get it on Saturday. Right now I am snowed in with my five kiddos and my Suburban is being worked on, so I'm feeling a bit crazy! :tongue:

    I made it through part way in 2009, then got pregnant with my 7 month old so I had to quit. I had great results and was seeing some nice muscle definition. Right now I am trying to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight with him. I had reached my goal and am trying to get back there!

    I am also doing C25K right now and I won't promise to do both of them every day! :smile:
  • Iv just ordered it, cant wait to get started now :)
  • this is so awesome - I am totally excited to start, all of your wonderful posts about sucess and goals, its got me fired up! Getting the DVD this weekend, starting on the 15th - lets do this!
  • Does anyone have a guess-timate of how many calories this burns?

    It all depends on the person and if you are following the beginner girl or not. When I do mine I burn 140-150 cals I know from my bodybugg I follow the advanced girl and I am 5'4" 155 lbs but I have a slow matabolism because I did a 800-1000 calorie a day diet for a year and now have to work it back up. Hope this helps
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Guys. When I first started. I was going to put it off til "tomorrow". In fact, I'm quite famous in my family for my tomorrows. Haha. It hit me square in the eyes when I told my sister one morning I was starting this 30 day shred tomorow and she said if you habe it already why don't you start today? Your day just started! I was like' wow!' she was right and I'm so glad i started monday! Otherwise today wouldve been L1D2 and not L1D3!! Yay for sisters! So if you've been putting it off til tmrw. Just pop that baby in the dvd player or laptop and get rockin'! The day ain't over yet sista.
  • Love the Zumba idea, I was arfraid of having to give up Zumba-nights!
    going to try doing both 3-4x week. we'll see.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Alright everybody. The DVD has been purchased. I also was able to get a HRM (still like my FitBit better and will use that to "test" the HRM) for $10 at REI after I remembered I had a gift card left over from Christmas. I'm going to start tomorrow night and will post all my body info at that time. Can't bear to think of it now since I've committed to taking a rest night. Measuring myself will make me want to work out!

    Lets get it started in HERE!
  • I just finished Level 1 Day 7! Things are getting easier, but there are some parts that I still hate!

    I know I'm supposed to move on to Level 2 in 3 days, but I'm not sure I will be ready. I think I'll hang out at Level 1 for a little bit longer. Has anyone else done this?
  • I'm in!!!! I started it last month and did L2D1 2 weeks ago. I wasn't persistent with it though. I'll start back on Level 1 tomorrow and get back on track!
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