What is "flirting"?



  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    **walking away from this subject** FAR AWAY! :wink: :laugh:


    (ohh that made me hungry)

    And now I'm hungry!! **still avoiding flirting subject** LOL
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    **walking away from this subject** FAR AWAY! :wink: :laugh:

    Far enough away it isnt within driving distance? LOL
  • rgfor40
    rgfor40 Posts: 79 Member
    **walking away from this subject** FAR AWAY! :wink: :laugh:


    (ohh that made me hungry)
    let me guess...chicken....BREAST...baby....??!!?? (hard to do Austin Powers in text...)
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Females say I'm a natural flirt even if I'm just casually talking to 'em. It's not my fault I have that much game to influence their perspective on the conversation. I just do me. Though, I am pretty intriguing to say the least.

    Ha...well......they say confidence is key?....
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    But how do you discern someone else's motives?
    That's the thing. I can't help worrying about what other people think or how they interpret how I come across.

    I really don't care what anyone else thinks. You can only be sure of your own motives, I am a big goof, my husband loves me for it, otherwise we would no be married for a bit over 15 years. Key is you have to be yourself and have fun, if someone mistakes your motives, I really won't worry much about it, bec/you can not control that. And honestly, I think you are a riot, and not a bit off color at all. I think everyone here probably joined this site to get fit and healthy, if we have a great time at it along the way, why not, are you gonna tick someone off, maybe, but if you bring more chuckles into someone else's day as well as your own, have at it!
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    **walking away from this subject** FAR AWAY! :wink: :laugh:

    Wendi_S, darling could you help me up off the ground, I just fell off my chair! :laugh:
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    LOL what has gotten into everyone at MFP?! I am seeing a lot of topics on flirting and what you find attractive, etc, etc. Hahaha..too funny. :smooched: :laugh:

    One of my pet peeves is that sometimes "support" here is defined as a rah rah thing and that has a place but also nice to have folks actually talk about things too.
    Sure,maybe it is a little risqué here and there but have found several new friends in the last few days and everyone (I think) has a better feel for how we all are in life.

    Probably sounds silly or "too deep" and not really saying it right I guess.

    No Carl..I've only been here for a short while and I agree with you.
    This IS the fun and games section. We can sweat it in the upper forums with nutrition and exercise issues.

    Perfectly said!!

    You are a master of words carl01.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    **walking away from this subject** FAR AWAY! :wink: :laugh:


    (ohh that made me hungry)
    let me guess...chicken....BREAST...baby....??!!?? (hard to do Austin Powers in text...)

    Oh behave.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    to me its harmless. When its done in fun that is. Also I think the flirting here helps many to maintain confidence on their weight loss journey
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    to me its harmless. When its done in fun that is. Also I think the flirting here helps many to maintain confidence on their weight loss journey

    Even it is all in fun what guy doesn`t like having beautiful ladies pay attention to him and treat him nice.:drinker:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    LOL what has gotten into everyone at MFP?! I am seeing a lot of topics on flirting and what you find attractive, etc, etc. Hahaha..too funny. :smooched: :laugh:

    One of my pet peeves is that sometimes "support" here is defined as a rah rah thing and that has a place but also nice to have folks actually talk about things too.
    Sure,maybe it is a little risqué here and there but have found several new friends in the last few days and everyone (I think) has a better feel for how we all are in life.

    Probably sounds silly or "too deep" and not really saying it right I guess.

    No Carl..I've only been here for a short while and I agree with you.
    This IS the fun and games section. We can sweat it in the upper forums with nutrition and exercise issues.

    Perfectly said!!

    You are a master of words carl01.

    I don`t know about that but do think it is realistic to think maybe some folks have found out things that will make their real life relationships stronger.
    Communication is such a key thing whether it be in the workplace or home (single so will just assume that one :tongue: ).
  • CreativeRedhead
    ....and what woman (married or not) doesn't love getting some positive attention every once in awhile? :wink:
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    **walking away from this subject** FAR AWAY! :wink: :laugh:

    Wendi_S, darling could you help me up off the ground, I just fell off my chair! :laugh:

  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Can I just say seriously that this morning when I started work I hopped on here, and started literally laughing out loud, hard at some of the posts from a board yesterday, about flinging bikini tops and such, this naturally peaked my hubbys curiosity so he came and read some of them. He said to me.... as long as he can keep looking at the girls on the beach, some one hands him a beer once in a while, and no one bothers him, "keep posting!". I think most of here really know it is all fun and games.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    ....and what woman (married or not) doesn't love getting some positive attention every once in awhile? :wink:

    Amen, sistah! :drinker:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    LOL what has gotten into everyone at MFP?! I am seeing a lot of topics on flirting and what you find attractive, etc, etc. Hahaha..too funny. :smooched: :laugh:

    Ill tell you what has gotten into everyone. Spring is just around the corner and everyone is getting Twitterpated! LOL:love:

    OH Twitterpated... {sigh} I loved Bambi... especially when they all get twitterpated!!

    And yes, it's Spring Fever with Valentine's Day around the corner.... and so many people getting all sexyfied with their new bodies! (Yes, I said it... sexyfied...)
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Flirting, to me is not about ulterior motives. It's about recognizing a chemistry with someone, and both enjoying some harmless banter that may or may not be tinted with sexual undertones.

    I think flirting is healthy, good for both mind and soul. I think it's a nice way to have fun.

    Everyone knows that I'm married, and quite happily so. They all know that getting into my e-knickers just ain't gonna happen. But that doesn't mean that they're not allowed to tell me if they think I'm cute, or if they liked a post of mine, or whatever. And it also doesn't mean that I'm not going to flirt with them, either. If I see a hot guy or cute chick, I'll mention it. If I find someone whose mind tickles my fancy, I'll say something.

    *shrugs* I fully endorse flirting.
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    May I be the voice of reason here? (Why am I asking...I'm going to state my opinion anyway)

    Don't get me wrong I love to flirt, and I love being flirted with. BUT... there's a VERY fine line between harmless flirting and harmful flirting. What starts out as harmless may slowly grow into more (been there, done that). But more importantly, it may not be harmless to start with.

    If you are hiding anything you say or do online from your spouse/girlfriend, etc... it's harmful. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hiding it. If you are hiding it, it's because you are afraid of what they will think. You are afraid, because you know it COULD be hurtful to them.

    If you are flirting with someone that is married/attached, it could be hurtful to their relationship. You'll never know when their spouse/friend will find out, and it can cause problems.

    Just be careful, my friends. You can be friendly and complimentary without being flirty.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I think flirting is just about making another person feel good. Now that I'm older it's hardly sexual to me at all, just a way to get and give positive attention. Some of our couple friends have difficult or critical wives and I often drop them compliments. It lifts them up and is fun for me, and my girl friends don't mind. (One set of friends, we have acknowledged that her husband and I are a more natural match than either of the real couples, and she has started to refer to me as "backup wife" or "your other wife.") For my part, my husband loves me dearly and is committed and faithful and smart and hilarious, but he is also an engineer (read: like a robot) and I am lucky if he says "you look pretty" or something like that once a year--the poetry doesn't exactly flow freely here. When his old friends (mostly his HS friends, who are all ridiculous flirts) ask me if my husband has figured out how lucky he is or if I am ready to run away with them yet, it makes me feel pretty and desirable and my husband couldn't care less 'cause he knows how they are. Like I said in the other flirting thread, I consider flirting a public service. Keeps people feeling good harmlessly--maybe if a person gets that attention in a benign way from a friend they won't be so starved for it that they actually cheat with the first ho that compliments them. I greet all my male friends with cheek kisses and no one has ever said anything negative to me in all the years I have been doing it.

    As for intent, I think "flirting with intent" should be called something else. Perhaps "trying to get on him/her." Also, I don't really do innuendo, and I don't read sexual meaning where there was no intent. If I have something to say about sex, I will come out and say it.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I totally understand why many of you would want to voice your opinion about responsibilities and how it can be harmful etc. But we're not in HS. We're all adults I assume?
    What may be flirting to you vs what I think is flirting could very well be different.
    However, we all have to make our own decisions. We should be capable of that?