Lose a Dozen by Easter! Starts 2/13/11 Join Us!



  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hello All, and happy Wednesday to everyone!

    10 cups of water - done
    45 mins of cardio- not done. ugh @ myself
    Under Calories- yes

    Bonus: Tell how taking steps to become more healthy will affect your life, family and friends!

    I need to be able to love myself and not feel insecure and more confident. This will impact my entire life and all my relationships.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Everyone has been added to the spread sheet up to this point!

    awesome :smile:

    is this something you're going to post? thanks so much for taking the time to do this
  • tdamaska
    tdamaska Posts: 43 Member
    SW: 178

    So excited to have a goal again!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    10 Cups Water
    30 Minutes Cardio: 15 minutes short, but it is a start.
    Under calories
    Bonus: I am just trying to become more health conscious about food and exercise. I have finally reached the point in the last year where I can't eat anything and everything anymore, so this is a big change. Thanks for all the support!
  • Kacerchaser
    Ok.... Wednesday's Challenge

    10 cups water - check!
    30 minutes on the Curves Circuit -15 minutes short =(
    (Actually I did play an hour on Wii Sports with my hubby and oldest son, I will be feeling that in the morning!)
    Came in well under on my calories!

    I think this will effect everyone in my family. I have an adoring husband who thinks I am beautiful and 7 awesome kids! BUT... when I am eating healthy and feeling healthy (and have more self-confidence), it effects me physically, mentally, and spiritually! I will be an even BETTER mama and BETTER wife! Sometimes it's so hard, but it will be sooooo worth it!
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    10 Cups Water - 8 right now, but gonna finish Part 2 of my workout this evening, so I should get there no problem. I think my bladder is expanding.

    45 Minutes Cardio! --(Go to a class at the gym if you have a membership! or Take a long walk!) - Just finished 30 mins, but gonna do at least another 20 mins after American Idol ;)

    Under Calories - For the time being I'm 40 cals over, but I should get under before the end of the day

    Bonus: Tell how taking steps to become more healthy will affect your life, family and friends!

    What I'm hoping will happen is that I'll actually like seeing the image that's looking back at me in the mirror. My hubby and I are trying to conceive and my doc told me that I should lose weight first. We really wanna have a baby and I wanna be as healthy as I can for a baby. AND I've always hated shopping cuz nothing I put on fits or looks good on me so I never really benefit from having a girl's day of shopping and fun.
  • stacielynn1
    10 cups of water YES
    45 mins of cardio NO tonight was my daughters birthday dinner so i could not squeeze it in!! ugh hate loosing!
    under calories YES

    Bonus: Taking these steps to becoming a healthier individual is wonderful. Going cold turkey is hard and normally does not stay successful but going into it with the steps taking each day at a time its easier for the transition to becoming a healthy individual! also showing my children it can be done and watching as they like the good stuff more and more makes me feel fabulous!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Everyone has been added to the spread sheet up to this point!

    awesome :smile:

    is this something you're going to post? thanks so much for taking the time to do this

    After next week's weigh in I'll post it with the progress and top 5 biggest loss for the week!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    10 Cups Water: This WILL be complete
    45 Minutes Cardio! --(Go to a class at the gym if you have a membership! or Take a long walk!): This won't be completed. Today has been the longest day ever.
    Under Calories: Nope. Cheat day = pizza.
  • jovianne
    jovianne Posts: 24 Member
    Hey All Im in also. Im from Australia so i might be a bit out of time.

    SW - 142.6
    Goal by Easter - 127.6
    Ultimate goal - 123.6

    Water - 10 cups
    Under calories - Of course
    Going to Bootcamp tonight 45mins.
  • samerene
    10 Cups Water ..done.
    45 Minutes Cardio! -done
    Under Calories ..wayy under calories:D:D

    well im in a different time zone so its thrsday already:S....im sooooo loving this n thanks tausha and inksydiamond( hope get ur name rioght:D) this has been so motivating n im luving it:D
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I'm in! Now if only the darn scale would move! I've been eating under my amt of cals...sigh.....my food diary is open if anyone has any suggestions.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    10 Cups Water ~ Done! 13 cups
    45 Minutes Cardio! --(Go to a class at the gym if you have a membership! or Take a long walk!) ~ Did Cardo but wasnt able to go to the gym or take a walk. I worked out at home
    Under Calories ~ Done!

    Bonus: Tell how taking steps to become more healthy will affect your life, family and friends!
    I will be more active with my kids and husband.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Is there a Thursday challenge???
  • RebeccaM2386
    Wednesday Challenge

    10 Cups of water: complete
    45 Minutes of Cardio: Complete
    Under calories: complete
  • rizorw
    rizorw Posts: 67 Member
    10 cups of water- Done
    Only 30 min of cardio, but this is so much better than my usual ( which is nothing). Exercise for me is the hardest part of loosing weight.
    And under my calories!!! TYhis was very hard, my family went to a buffet last night, but I stuck to the salad bar and one piece of baked chicken.

    Thanks everyone for the motivation!
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    10 cups H2O - Done
    45 min Cardio - Done + 45 minute of strength training.
    Under Calories - Done

    Bonus: My wife is already worrying less about my health. Looking forward to having the energy this summer to drop a couple of trees I have been letting go for to long.
  • tdamaska
    tdamaska Posts: 43 Member
    Wednesday's Challenge:
    10 cups water - YES!
    45 minutes cardio - NO - only 35 min, but did strength training for 25 minutes
    under calories - YES!!

    BONUS: I hope my motivation to get going again will inspire my sisters to do the same!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    OH my goodness, I'm loving this!!

    There are so many of you ahead of me and ASKING FOR a CHALLENGE!!! Sweet!!

    I'll try to post a little more in advance especially since we have some people from the Eastern Hemisphere joining us! I know you all are a day ahead of the USA. So....

    Here we go...


    10 Cups Water
    Under Calories
    45 Minutes Exercise..(Include 10 minutes strength/or resistence training today. This can be lifting weights, pushups, situps, lunges, squats, etc.... or just use some canned foods and do some arm work! )


    10 Cups Water
    Under Calories
    45 Minutes Cardio--- Try to do something outside... Depends on where you are at the moment.. Have a snowball fight, or rake leaves (I did this Wednesday)., or walk the dog.. Chase your kids at the park....

    BONUS: Try 25 Push-ups... You can split these up if needed and do 5 at a time. Also, do what you can, start on the wall and do wall pushups, or girlie, or go straight GI Joe and do Military or Diamond pushups!! Report how that went for you!!


    10 Cups Water
    50 Minutes CARDIO! (You can do this!!)
    Under Calories

    **Bonus---Eat back at least HALF of your exercise calories. For example if you burn 600 calories in exercise eat back at least 300 of those.


    This is my rest and relaxation day. If you choose to exercise that's up to you.

    I do encourage some "ME TIME" every Sunday. I find that reading a book, your Bible, or taking a bubble bath are really nice. Yoga is a great way to relax, focus on yourself, and soothe those probably aching muscles. (plus you'll get a bonus calorie burn)

    Still drink 10 Water
    Under Calories!

    OK< i hope this catches us up for a few days!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member

    I'm going to join and stay active in this thread. :smile:

    My name is Sarah and my weight on 02/13/11 was 156.2
    My goal for Easter (04/24/11) is 144.2!! :bigsmile:

    I am totally out of my zone the past 2 weeks so I am really looking forward to the challenges!!