Lose a Dozen by Easter! Starts 2/13/11 Join Us!



  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    Finally found the thread!!!

    My SW: 164.8lbs
  • cookingcriolla
    Is it too late to join?
  • welcominganewself

    It is early on Wednesday, but I am at work for a 16 hour shift, so I am going to get in my post while I can.

    I am well on my way to 10 cups of water, 3 down already and have the whole day left. I am sure this one won't be a problem today.

    45 mins of cardio- :( Due to my schedule today I will not be getting in the exercise. Hoping that I will have enough energy wheN I get home at 10pm tonight that I can atleast get in a few minutes with Wii fit

    I have obviously not eaten all of my food yet today, but it is all preplanned out and brought with me. The good thing is that the only food options I have today is waht I packed, so there is no chance I will "cheat" or go over my calories for the day.

    BONUS: My weight loss will affect my life in several ways, the most obvious being improved health. One of my biggest motivators for weight loss is so that I can be more involved in physical activities with my kids. This weekend we are going away and have planned a full day of snowshoeing and geocaching (look it up online if you don't know what that is, it is a great family activity that gets you outside and moving). This weekend is something I never would have planned a year ago.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    unfortunately failed on all challenges yesterday (tuesday):blushing: shameful start i no But the rest of the week will be much better

    I failed on Tuesday, I was way over on my cals & not enough water drunk.

    Right today i have planed my food out & it looks like i will be under. I have still got my exercises to add in which means i just need to make sure i don't end up being to far under cals.
  • KasondraAllen
    SW: 123

    Wednesday Exercise: 30 minutes 4.5mph walk, 30 minute 7.0mph walk
    20 minutes strength training: squats w/5lb weight, crunches/sit-ups, push-ups
  • blessedmommy2x
    Monday: I weighed in at 231
    Tuesday: I only drank 8 cups pf water, but I did 115 minutes of cardio and I stayed under my calories!
    Wednesday:... its still is Wednesday, but we will see!
  • blessedmommy2x
    Did 12 cups of water exactly.
    Did 1 hour 5 minutes of exercise yesterday.
    Was under calories.

    I did the challenge because it's a great way to track progress (other than doing it on your own) and I think it's a great way to chat it up with others who are doing the same!

  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Tuesday Challenge:

    12 cups H2O - Done, was I the only one that had a hard time with this?
    45 min activity - Done, it was my rest day but I put in 20 minute light elliptical in morning and got my *kitten* out office for a 35 minute lunch walk. I wouldn't have done the walk if not for the challenge.
    Caloric - stayed under on calories that was easy since I have been increasing my intake over the last week.

    Bonus: I joined because this looked like a realistic and fun challenge. It should fit well with my major goal to loose fat not muscle.

    Already have my 45 minutes of cardio for today time to start drinking water (yuck)

    Good luck everyone,
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    I failed at all the challenges yesterday :( water- I WILL drink 10 cups today :). Exercise was tough because I started working with a new client yesterday so time was a little tight and it was RAINING, hard. I didn't get to walk and when we got home it was homework and bed for my daughter... Calories- I was doing really good until dinner- even after dinner I was doing okay, then I opened an evil package of truffles a coworker had given me for valentines- I just wanted to try one! UGH! I need to give the rest away!!! I will do better today- Thanks!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Just for the record, I BELIEVE I have everyone up to this point added to the spreadsheet!

    WOW! You are amazing! That is alot of ppl. Thanks for doing the spreadsheet! :flowerforyou:

    166 people!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Is it too late to join?

    Nope - just post with your weight.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    12 Cups Water! - I got 8 cups in yesterday, which is actually less than I usually get. But honestly, I was kind of water-drowned from the 20 cups I had the day before (I ate really sodium full things this weekend and was just THIRSTY).

    45 Minutes activity--- (you choose today! Report what you did,. If you need to break it up into 15 minute segments!) - I didn't manage this either. I wish there were more hours in the day. :-/

    Under Calories! - I did get this done! I was 194 under.

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge?

    Even though the VDay challenge didn't get me 10 pounds lost, it was a kick in the butt and a daily reminder to DO IT. I've got 27 more pounds to go, so if I can lose 12 by Easter I'm going to be really close!
  • mobosco
    mobosco Posts: 180 Member
    Starting weight for Monday 2/14/11 = 165

    Water - 14 Cups
    Activity - 90 min (tubro fire 60 and walking 30 min.)
    Calories - within range

    Water - 13 Cups
    Activity - 2hr 5 min. (Turbo fire 45ez, Turbo Fire lower 20 and dog walking 1 hr.)
    calories - within range


    I chose this challenge because I am going on a Cruise 4/3/11 and would like to lose another 10lbs by then.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    My Tuesday Results:

    45 Minutes Exercise: Check! I got 2 hours in !

    Under Calories: Yes, I actually just finished my diary from yesterday

    12 Cups Water: Check....13!

    Why did I join? -- Well, I made this challenge b/c I have made some awesome accountability buddies by doing these. On days where I feel unmotivated, I can come here and read all of YOUR wonderful successes and think, "man, I need to get going!"

    I am loving what this is doing for me! Smaller clothes, a new found self-worth, more energy, the list could go on and on!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    morning really drank a lot of water yesterday 60oz thank you feel good today. about 90 min P90X in yesterday and was just under calories

    My first thought today "oh I don't want to get out of bed" second thought " thank you I can get out of bed." I was listening to me!
    Change your thoughts change your world!
    Have a great day everyone.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member

    166 people!

  • tdamaska
    tdamaska Posts: 43 Member
    May I still join? Totally new at this...
  • raelynnjordan
    raelynnjordan Posts: 135 Member
    Cups of water: 8 cups
    45 min of exercise: no =( had way too many chores to accomplish unfortunately
    Under calorie goal: YES!!
    Bonus: I chose this challenge because I need something that will help me stay on track! I am going to Vegas in June with my husband and some other couples and I really want to look amazing!! I am hoping to be at my goal weight of 120 by then! If not the weight, then a size 2/4 is what I am really wanting... I am only 5'3" so I know this goal is attainable, if I just put my rear in gear!! All the support is so wonderful! Yall are all amazing!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    May I still join? Totally new at this...

    Just post your starting weight.
  • EbonyHunter
    I would love to do this. My starting weight is 241. Great idea!