OT:What do you do for a living ?



  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member

    We are also looking to possibly get pregnant again this Fall...so I definitely need a flexible job.

    I can not belive U would metion getting pregnant and being flexible in the same sentence. U go girl.
    :love: :love:

    You know it!!!! The different positions are helpful when trying to conceive!!! :laugh: :laugh: KIDDING!

    I bet with -90lbs U probably have opened yourself to some new ones.

    :wink: :wink: Yep, I am able to do things I never thought before!! HAHAHA!:laugh:

    Good for U Hawtie.
    Too embarrassed to go further. :blushing: :blushing:
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Wow... sitting here eating hospital food and catching up on posts...man did I miss some stuff.... hahahaa!!!!!
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    Started on College to be a Pediatrician. Majoring in Chemistry and Biology.
    Ended up having to leave college to help my dad retired (ALS in 1991).
    Tried to return to college, but had JUST turned 21, was drinking WAY too much, partying nightly, playing/coaching Volleyball during classes, and trying to work a 40 hour plus work week. Something had to go, and it wasnt the VB or drinking! ~smiling~
    Ended up spiraling until I joined the Marine Corps in 1992.
    Was enlisted and worked on Circuit Cards of FA-18s down to component level.
    Picked up for MECEP (commissioning program) in 1996.
    Graduated from Washington State in 1998 with a BS in Environmental Science - Bilogy and minors in Chemistry and Hydrology (nope... havent used them in the USMC).
    In the Marine Corps, I flew for about 2 years and ended up switching over (lack of hours) to Communications in 2001.
    I have been a Network/Systems Engineer that has a lot of background in Information Assurance and Data.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Ok, I have really thought about rather to jump in here or not but decided to take the plunge--

    navy wife for 20 years, so did a lot of different things following hubby around the country from food service to vending machine route person.

    Last "real" job was as an Animal Control Officer.

    Then 6 years ago, I had a mid-life career change and answered the call into ministry.

    I have now been a pastor in the UMC for 3 years.

    I didn't share earlier because sometimes people treat you different when they find out you're a "pastor" and I'm hoping that won't happen here. I'm a person, just like the rest of you guys except I serve a "bigger," more powerful, and more loving boss then most is all. :wink:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    weee this thread is great for me today!

    I am an award winning graphic designer!!

    ive been wanting to say that so bad all day!!!! Today i just got quite a few 1st place awards for the North Carolina Press Awards! http://www.ncpress.com/adawardsonline08/adawards08DIVC.html

    anyway, I work at A small publishing company that produces a newspaper in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. www.themountaineer.com

    i design ads all day and i definitely love my job! It's pretty lax and i score some great freelance jobs because of my publishing connections at the paper.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    weee this thread is great for me today!

    I am an award winning graphic designer!!

    ive been wanting to say that so bad all day!!!! Today i just got quite a few 1st place awards for the North Carolina Press Awards! http://www.ncpress.com/adawardsonline08/adawards08DIVC.html

    anyway, I work at A small publishing company that produces a newspaper in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. www.themountaineer.com

    i design ads all day and i definitely love my job! It's pretty lax and i score some great freelance jobs because of my publishing connections at the paper.

    Congrats, Sparkles!!


    LOL, I didn't even know that newpapers had graphic designers--so you how much I know about that kind of stuff!:tongue:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    indeed they do. We make most of the ads you see in the paper, along with actually putting the stories on the page and layout...its way fun!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I work in a deli for the last 3 yrs.Yeah! No not really. I've always wanted to work with animals (dogs & cats) Vet or a pet groomer. I hope one day soon I will have the time and money to go to school but time fly so fast.:frown:
    That's exactly what I want to do but I just can't take the pay cut to learn a new trade!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I work for Swift Transportation as a Driver Manager. I manage a fleet of 50 drivers. It's a woman's dream job at times. I get to tell 50 men where to go everyday...and they have to listen...LOL But at other times it drives ya nuts...Whine whine whine, nag nag nag...And they say women nag..HUH..:laugh: Ok would love to stay and chat but it's time to go home...:laugh:
  • huskergal15
    huskergal15 Posts: 102
    I am a software developer by day (boring) and a Passion Party Consultant by night (way more interesting. :happy: )
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I am an office manager/bookkeeper for a metal buildings company. We build mininstorage buildings.


    Hubby is currently working as a glazier for a glass company.
  • mimzy
    mimzy Posts: 135 Member
    I am a financial aid counselor at a state university.
    LOVE IT....right now.
    In about a month I will be so busy I will drop lots of lbs!!
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    Im a project engineer at a small company in Westborough MA that does lighting retrofits and layouts for Fortune 500 companies. I have a degree in industrial engineering though and hope to use that more in the future, maybe potentially switch jobs in a year or two.
  • Koozy81
    Koozy81 Posts: 250 Member
    hubby is a Marine.....hott:smokin:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member

    You are cracking me up. I HATE ENT as well and never have to scrub it hahah!
    I never liked eyes, but somehow became a personal scrub for the eye doc in our group ( going on my 3rd yr with him). He works on Wednesday and doesn't let anyone else scrub with him. Last week I was on vacation so he canceled a whole day of surgery because I wasn't going to bet there. There is an RN he has worked with for 9 yrs, she does scrub me out for lunch, but that is it. Just the two of us with him all the time..He's a BRAT! But I love him to death :smile:
    But I LOVE ORTHO, the saws, the drills, the whole bit! It's awesome!
    My ultimate favorite is GYN though. I'm the one with the most knowledge about GYN where I work. Everyone comes to me when there is questions. We all have our strengths in different fields that is for sure. So between the 4 full time techs and 1 part time, we balance each other out :happy:
    p.s. You guys use Gelpis for sections...geeezzz don't puncture the babies head :noway: hahaha! J/K! I hate those darn things. They are about as bad as a spring retractor!

    Nah, I "scrub" vaginal deliveries too. We sometimes use them if there is a 4th degree laceration... YIKES! They scare me! L&D scrubs are a little different from OR scrubs, that's why they hate us LOL We of course scrub the C/S but also BTL's, D&C's and Hysts (usually only if a c/s goes really bad, otherwise we send them down to the main OR) I kid if I have to scrub a Hyst, I start shouting for a "real" OR scrub tech to come up and relieve me LOL :laugh: Haven't scrubbed one of those in about 3 years, I'm not sure if I remember what a Heaney looks like! :laugh:

    If we're not scrubbing, we stock the unit, act like a secretary, attend deliveries, process our instruments, order supplies. Lots of other stuff.

    I don't know how you do the eyeball cases... YUCK!!! :sick:

    I totally miss some of the big OB/GYN cases. I switched jobs from the main hospital to the surgery center a few years ago. the hospitals in our town is a joke. I now work for Sutter North/ Health and I love it!
    So no more call...YEAH!!!! But I don't get to scrub hysters anymore. :frown:

    Almost 90% of my co-workers I currently work with, I worked with at the hospital too. My facility has been opened for 3 yrs now. My boss was also my boss at the hospital. She pretty much hand picked her crew when our surgery center opened so we have all worked together (surgeons included) for years.
    But there is less stress in our surgery center than there was at the hospital, therefore making it a a wonderful working enviroment :bigsmile:

    Trust me I did everything I could to get out of scrubbing eyes at the hospital for years and some how I became the #1 scrub for eyes at the new place :happy:
    I get to scrub 13 cataracts tomorrow...YEAH FOR ME LOL!!! :laugh: