20 random things about you



  • Phoenyxtears
    First and foremost: I am a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Harry Potter fan...fanatic, I guess lol!!
    2. I can speak and write Quenya and Klingon (Nerd Alert)
    3. I love all movies
    4. I have 4 tattoos right now, and will get 4 or 5 more as mini rewards.
    5. I played softball for 13 years.
    6. I never lived on my own...yet.
    7. My favorite movie genre is film noir.
    8. I need a job desperately.
    9. I loooooove RENT and other musicals. I will quote RENT and it's the only thing I'll listen to when I work out.
    10. I've never been to Mexico despite living in Texas my own life.
    11. I have mega crushes on Harrison Ford, Alan Rickman, Adam Richman, Seth MacFarlane, Seth Rogan and Steven Colbert.
    12. I'm agnostic/spiritual.
    13. I love all music, but my favorite genres are 90s French Pop, Opera/Classical, and J-Pop ^_^
    14. I believe in horoscopes and their impacts. I take my Libraism very seriously.
    15. My favorite color is blue like my eyes.
    16. My friends and sisters think I'm the biggest kid they know (not fat-wise, just geeky-wise).
    17. I have more OOOOH SHINY moments in the Dollar Store than at a jewelry store.
    18. I don't like jewelry, flowers, or cards for any holiday or for forgiveness.
    19. My ex coworkers call me the O.G because I'm just awesome like that.
    20. I have a fetish (non sexual hahaha) for candles and pillows. Can never have too many!!!!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I'm super bored:

    1- I love all colors but I surround myself with Green, Blue and Black and White.
    2- People say that they don't drink to get drunk, I cannot avoid that as two drinks in I'm buzzing
    3- I love nature - from a distance.
    4- I was born in South Korea
    5- I used to be a vegetarian and I still don't eat a lot of meat.
    6- I have an IQ of 175-80 <--you need to talk about which IQ test you have taken and if it is valid, mine was and it's the Wechsler.
    7- IQ is stupid
    8- I sing every single day and it's a good thing I spend a lot of time alone
    9- It's fun to translate entire conversations in my head via song lyrics
    10- I've never been stung by a bee, jellyfish, yellow jacket or wasp
    11- I wish so much that skin cancer was not real so I could toast my entire body like a lizard in the sun
    12- I'm afraid of heights, practically phobic about insects, and swimming in the ocean
    12- The dark isn't exactly fun for me either
    13- I have zero tattoos. I might get one..or maybe not
    14- Vegetables taste fantastic to me. I could probably survive on only vegetables. I feel sorry for those that don't enjoy them.
    15- My grammar sucks
    16- I live undercover in my neighborhood, if they realized what I was really like, they'd kick me out lol.
    17- One of the things that would get all of the other uptight suburbanites panties in a bunch would be that I find it acceptable to smoke a joint on my back porch
    18- When I was a little kid I used to think commercials were mini movies
    19- I like being over prepared
    20- I'm 35 and I feel young as hell
    21- Used to have two cats named Virgil and Sydney. I wish they were still alive.
    22- I love names and name things often and whenever I can
    23- If they created any way to integrate proven technology to increase our personal memory or connect directly with technology I'd probably sign up (cyborgs)
    24- If I weren't a mother and married and this were far in the future I'd be in space.
    25- I hate stuffed animals and pink things

    I did this on my iPhone :\ it's copy & pasted from another post so I couldn't edit it properly.

    I enjoyed reading everyone's interesting facts!!
  • debruhf
    debruhf Posts: 196 Member
    1. I'm a juvenile detention officer
    2. I met my husband at work.....I was his boss
    3. I'm an only child
    4. I moved across country without having a job or a place to live AND I did not know a soul! I would rather spend my life knowing what living in Montana was like than spending the rest of my life wondering.
    5. I'm ready to do #4 again.....this time it will be to Alaska!
    6. I would be happy living life as a hermit
    7. I love power tools
    8. I don't have any kids
    9. I've been married for 10 years
    10. I took the vacation of a lifetime 3 years ago when we camped across country, stopping at all the major National parks
    11. I LOVE moose!
    12. I own my own soap/bath and body business and have an online etsy shop.
    13. I used to be a cross country truck driver
    14. I have a BS in biology and a minor in chemistry
    15. I never think that I am good enough.....ever...in anything.
    16. I've taught myself to paint and draw
    17. I was born in Germany.....although I don't know how to speak it.
    18. I used to live in PA
    19. I have 5 dogs, 1 rabbit and a hedgehog.
    20. I LOVE to bake and cook.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    1. My husband is seven years younger than me!
    2. We got engaged 3months after our first date.
    3. Born in Ottawa, ON
    4. Graduated high school in Hong Kong
    5. Lost my son 8 years ago
    6. Travelled to China to adopt our daughter 6 years ago.
    7. Miss my Mom terribly.
    8. Haven't spoken to my brother in over a year.
    9. Have been terribly hurt by women who I thought were my friends.
    10. I love spending time at home with my family
    11. I work a day/night rotation at a hospital and love it.
    12. I am tone deaf and have been asked not to sing!
    13. My dog's full name is Sprinkles Cherry on top of Cupcake.... Sprinkles/ Sprink for short... Guess who named her!
    14. I love Siesta Key, FL
    15. I love to fall asleep reading a book.
    16. I love having a nap with the sunshine on my face.
    17. I do not like snow.
    18. I like the colour yellow
    19. Spelling mistakes irk me!
    20. I love summer vacations.
  • tarjake
    tarjake Posts: 56 Member
    1) i work on a ship in the gulf of mexico, 35 days on, 35 days off
    2) i lived across the street from my wife when we were little, i dated her in high school, and i married her when i was in my 30's
    3) i am a working musician and have opened up for Jimmy Vaun (fabulouse thunderbirds, stevie ray vaun's brother)
    4) i played rugby for 16 years...in texas!
    5) my mom is English, from Ipswitch and my dad is a redneck from texas
    6)i love my job
    7) i love to travel
    8) i am a good archer
    9) i want to build a guitar
    10) i speak spanish
    11) i am going home from work on the 22nd (yeah!)
    12) my youngest child is a 2 year old red headed son and im going to be 43 this year
    13) i love water but i live in the desert :huh:
    14) i never knew thinking of random things about myself would be difficult!
    15) i have written a book
    16) i love to cook (maybe this is why im fat?)
    17)i was raised on a farm
    18) i love dark dark beer
    19) i dislike bell peppers
    20) i absolutely love my family
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    1. I am the eldest of three girls
    2. I have two west highland terriers called Alfie and Maisy
    3. I have a toyboy
    4. My car is my baby
    5. I got divorced in 2006
    6. I worked in Portugal when i was 17
    7. I have been to see Bon Jovi 3 times
    8. I'm finding it really difficult to think of 20 facts
    9. I'm going to be 30 next month :sad:
    10. I could live on porridge
    11. I would do anything for my friends
    12. I have owned and read every Stephen king book
    13. I love crime dramas and have the box sets of all the CSI's and Without A Trace
    14. My secret (and slightly embarrassing) crush is Philip Glenister
    15. When I was a child I played a rat in the Pied Piper of Hamlin
    16. I have no kiddies of my own, but I dote on my seven month old niece, Evie
    17. I bought my first pair of Irregular Choice shoes in December, and now I'm addicted
    18. I have 3 tattoos
    19. I live in the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland
    20. I have a fear of deep water, but nothing else scares me
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    hehe this is a fun post to read! Here goes...

    1. I've lived in 3 countries and visited 9 so far
    2. I do the whole independent, career-driven woman thing but truthfully I'm happiest at home, prepping dinner for my man
    3. I would rather stay at home watching children's films, drinking hot chocolate and doing crafty things than go out clubbing
    4. On average, I drink something alcoholic once or twice per year
    5. I am terrified of birds, if there is a pigeon in front of us on the footpath I make my fiance stop until it has moved
    6. I won 3 poetry writing contests between the ages of 8 and 12 years
    7. I am going home 2 weeks from now and getting married in 5 weeks
    8. I get annoyed when people think I'm judging what they are eating. I'm a person first, dietitian second
    9. I won't go to a post office here (England) by myself because I find them really scary
    10. Sometimes I feel like my life plan is dictated by visa requirements
    11. During my life I've probably had a total of over 30 pets - dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses, kangaroos, wallabies, goats, turkeys, chickens and more!
    12. Nowadays, I wish I could have a dog but I'd settle for a cat
    13. I never wanted to travel until the first time I did at age 24 (visiting a friend), now it's my passion
    14. The more places I visit, the more I realise how much I love my home, Australia
    15. Not so long ago I was spending an average of 6 hours a day at the gym, 2 stress fractures (in my feet), sprained wrist and several patella dislocations later I finally realised there was nothing 'healthy' about what I was doing
    16. I love Japanese food, white hot chocolate and cupcakes
    17. I have a really short attention span - if I'm watching a movie at home I have to stop it half way and have a break or I get bored
    18. When I started university I was studying law
    19. I never understood how the sun can affect your mood until I moved to the UK
    20. I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way - Jewel
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    18. Birds creep me out (except crows & bats)

    I find this funny because crows and bats are probably the creepiest!
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    14. My mom went into labor with me while at a Tigers game, and went into labor with my sister while bowling
    15. I am a huge advocate for people with special needs

    14. Very intresting...all the excitment! LOL
    15. AWESOME!
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    8. I am a pretty good poker player and love playing with the boys.
    20. My parents expected a big boy so they didn't have any girls names picked out. So when my twin and I were born, they let me older sisters name us.

    I am (even though I haven't played in years) a good poker player! I've had 2 royal flushes and one bad beat all at casinos!
    That's really cool that your parents let your sister name you both!
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    14. one of my biggest pet peeves is people making annoying noises (clicking pens, chomping ice, car alarms that honk, etc).

    I hate hearing people chomp on ice! i don't get how they can do it!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    0. My name is Quincy Dolores
    because my brothers names were boring
    1. my favorite color is purple
    2. im obsessed with hello kitty
    3. lil wayne is my favorite artist
    4. im allergic to pinapple
    5. i overcame an eating disorder 2 years ago. i am now 50 lbs heavier then i want to be, and am loosing the weight in a healthy way
    6. my birthday is 9/11
    7. im putting off doing homework by looking at random message boards
    8. i work at dairy queen! im a cook :]
    9. i have smoked for over a year. i wish i never would have started.
    10. i have a long term boyfriend who also works at dairy queen. a different one then me tho :]
    11. im moving to madison in 5 months with him and we are estatic!
    12. im freakin crazy
    13. i drive a teal station waggon. untill i can afford to fix my car haha.
    14. i work everyday. everyday for the last like 20 days in a row.
    15. i worry about things way to much. lately its been my dr appoointment comming up (idk if i will weight alot more then the last time she weighed me) and money. i worry about money a lot more then an 18 yr old should.
    16. i have 5 cats, a bunny, and a fish. two of my cats names are Zelda and Link. from a video game :p
    17. i love cheeeeeese
    18. i love my kindle, and to read
    19. i have lost 8lbs in one month so far. this month i kinda fell off the wagon..
    20. today i gave up eating meat, i was a vegetarian for 2 yrs before
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member

    1 i have two little boys, i was certain they were girls when i was pregnant

    The same for me!
  • Mrs_Deeds
    This is an awesome thread so I thought I'd give it a try!

    1. I'm adopted
    2. My mother gave birth to me by herself in her bedroom (she was 16)
    3. I am a HUGE HUGE football fan....GO ROUGHRIDERS!!!!!
    4. I have 9 years of piano training in classical music.
    5. I have music on in my house 24/7...and am constantly singing along!
    6. I love to play video games
    7. I'm addicted to Facebook!!
    8. My 10 year high school reunion is this summer
    9. I tend to laugh my butt off when people get hurt....I really don't think it's funny that they get hurt it's just a weird reaction
    10. I will admit it...I'm a die hard GLEEK!
    11. I come from very big families (both biological and adopted)
    12. I am totally terrified of spiders
    13. At 28 I'm still scared of the dark...no as bad as when I was a kid....but I'm still scared
    14. I'm a messy person...not dirty but messy
    15. I've been with my husband since I was 17
    16. Found my birth father on Facebook doing a random search....haven't contacted him yet...not sure he knows about me
    17. I feel I'm a strong woman bc of all the tradgedy I've had to deal with in my life
    18. I can make friends with almost anyone but deep down I'm quite shy
    19. Call me crazy but I love my Canadian winters!
    20. Proud to be from Saskatchewan!!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    1- I had my daughter when I was 18
    2- I've never eaten beef or pork
    3- I can play piano
    4- I used to skateboard and BMX
    5- My favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast (Disney version)
    6- Other than black...my favorite colors are jewel tones (sapphire, amethist, emerald)
    7- I was president of STEP in high school (Students Together for Environmental Protection)
    8- I have several poems and short stories that have been published
    9- My two favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween
    10- My biggest pet peeve is people that leave their 'blinkers' on, lol.
    11- I am a teacher in Childrens Church
    12- I would much rather have something salty than sweet (chips over chocolate anyday)
    13- I was reading college level material in fifth grade
    14- My worst subject in school was math
    15- My favorite artist is John William Waterhouse
    16- My favorite band is Demon Hunter
    17- I wear sunscreen everyday!
    18- I am Goth (but I don't always dress it)
    19- I have worked on and off in rescue for 15 years
    20- I am obsessed with owls and bats. I'm a member of BCI (bat conservation international)
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    This is an awesome thread so I thought I'd give it a try!

    20. Proud to be from Saskatchewan!!

    My sister in law is from Regina!
  • Mrs_Deeds
    This is an awesome thread so I thought I'd give it a try!

    20. Proud to be from Saskatchewan!!

    My sister in law is from Regina!

    Haha no way!! That's cool :) I live about 2 1/2 hours from Regina :)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Twenty random things...wow. well here goes.

    8. I have never had to shave my legs! ( My legs are absent of hair) lol

    OMG! Im so jelous!
  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
    1. I love to sew, cook, make lye soap and soy candles.
    2. I was raised by my paternal grandparents
    3. My fathers side is Mexican but I don't speak Spanish.
    4. My Mother is German
    5. I got married when I was 14
    6. I have been married twice
    7. I have 3 children, my oldest will be 22 next month, I am 36
    8. My ex husband is deaf
    9. I met my boyfriend of 3 yrs on an online karaoke site
    10. I only completed the 10th grade but received my G.E.D and attended college
    11. I play the guitar and the mandolin
    12. My favorite singer is Rhonda Vincent
    13. My Favorite color is black
    14. My youngest brother and sister were adopted by my fathers oldest brother and raised as my cousins
    15. My mother is a prison guard in TX, she is 4ft 7inches tall. Lol
    16. The only T.V. Show that I watch is Judge Judy
    17. I love sports and I'm a big Michigan fan.
    18. I used to teach hoopdancing at Fitness 4 Life
    19. My boyfriend sings just like George Strait
    20. I love to ride motorcycles
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    1. I love to sew, cook, make lye soap and soy candles.
    2. I was raised by my paternal grandparents
    3. My fathers side is Mexican but I don't speak Spanish.
    4. My Mother is German
    5. I got married when I was 14
    6. I have been married twice
    7. I have 3 children, my oldest will be 22 next month, I am 36
    8. My ex husband is deaf
    9. I met my boyfriend of 3 yrs on an online karaoke site
    10. I only completed the 10th grade but received my G.E.D and attended college
    11. I play the guitar and the mandolin
    12. My favorite singer is Rhonda Vincent
    13. My Favorite color is black
    14. My youngest brother and sister were adopted by my fathers oldest brother and raised as my cousins
    15. My mother is a prison guard in TX, she is 4ft 7inches tall. Lol
    16. The only T.V. Show that I watch is Judge Judy
    17. I love sports and I'm a big Michigan fan.
    18. I used to teach hoopdancing at Fitness 4 Life
    19. My boyfriend sings just like George Strait
    20. I love to ride motorcycles

    You are very intresting! I laughed when I read the part about your mom!