


  • missmfg
    the worst one i have had was from a passenger at work. ( I work as a flight attendant) She made a comment about how she thought it was great that people as big as me are able to work on an aircraft! :angry:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    It was my birthday, just a few months ago. My 2 girlfriends and I stayed in a lovely little town (Banff). We were standing in line outside to get into a night club. This guy in front of us was wearing a shirt that said, "I hate Skinny Chicks". My one friend is "skinny" and the other is not. My "skinny" friend ask the guy, what's with the shirt. He said, "Sorry, honey your not my type, I like a little meat on my lady." Then he implied that I was chunky. It was a real slap in the face. That is when I realized I let my weight get out of hand. I don't like to be perceived as "chunky". Obviously I am.

    I am going to Banff this coming weekend and I'm annoyed that our resort doesn't have a gym. We are going on a 4-hour ice walk, so that will have to do.

    I my mom used to tell me that I needed to do sit ups all the time, very degrading. I can pin point the exact moment when my body issues started: when I was 12 my Grandmother saw my in my bathing suit and shorts and asked me what was wrong with my stomach. Before that, I had no idea something was "wrong" with me. I've never been fat, but my stomach has always been an issue. I've never forgotten that moment. I have a co-worker who always says that because I have had kids, my stomach will never be flat. She's nice, but I'd love to prove her wrong!

    I have some girlfriends who always call me skinny, but they say it like it's a bad thing. It could be jealousy, but it still hurts. I also hate it when people say that wanting to run a marathon is "crazy".
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member

    My inspiration was today, I was watching the Biggest Loser UK and my other half said 'I can't believe the crap you make me watch, if I wanted to watch fat people work out, I would just follow you when you go to Zumba class.'


    You must have one of those thick-skinned relationships or something. Holy cow!

    I was called chubby right to my face about 3 weeks ago. It was a warehouse manager who was pissed that I moved my equipment and tools in so fast to do my job. I guess he's used to a much slower pace. It didn't "hurt" me so much as make me mad. I was a little shocked too.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering what the worst insult that you have been given was?

    For me the ones that are the most difficult are the ones that are just below the belt.

    My inspiration was today, I was watching the Biggest Loser UK and my other half said 'I can't believe the crap you make me watch, if I wanted to watch fat people work out, I would just follow you when you go to Zumba class.'


    And you're with this person because why?

    If my husband said that to me, he'd be out on his *kitten*.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    The worst thing was when I was 16. I had gained a little bit of weight and was getting a pudgy belly. My mom said to me one day "your either fat or pregnant which one is it?" That has always stuck with me. It also started me having eating disorders then. I would never say that to any of my daughters and I make sure to tell them they are beautiful everyday!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    When I was about 12, I was chubby...just puberty I bet. My mom, however, was a health nut. I remember one day arguing with her and she said, "Will you lose weight already!? I'm embarrassed to be seen with you."

    Since then, I have been through eating disorders (both anorexia and binging) and feel like my self-worth and her love is only if I'm thin. I know that is a pile of crap, but it's very psychological.

    Even just this last year, I had gained about 30 pounds from my health issues (female stuff) and instead of being concerned for my issues and surgery, the only thing she talked about that night before I was to be cut open was "when I was going to lose the weight."

    Wtf. She pisses me off :laugh:

    When I was 8, my aunt bought us lunch (my sisters and I). She got them McDonald's happy meals. I got peanut butter and celery because " shouldn't be eating the junk." I look at pictures and I wasn't big at all. Just bigger than my sisters who were rails.

    When I was 15, I went to meet my dad's new roommate...I was 5'6" and 140 pounds. Not too bad. Just chubby. He was older (in his 60s) and looked at me and said, "Wow, you're well fed." :indifferent: My smile faded and I went back into my bedroom.

    My husband, however, has never and would never say anything to me about my size. He just tells me how sexy I am :heart: Sometimes I have a hard time believing him, but it's nice to hear.

    When I was 15 1/2 I went from 140 to about 110 in 5 months. I couldn't believe the compliments and the people who wanted to hang out with me and the boys who wanted to date me-- and just a year ago they were laughing at me. It was really nice to be able to tell them where to go :laugh:
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    I've had "drive by" insults quite a lot - tw@s (sorry) shouting Fat *kitten*! out of cars etc.

    Once, and this is the worst and scariest thing, I was walking over Hungerford Bridge (for anyone not in England, it's a footbridge over the Thames, right by Parliament) quite late at night on my own. I overtook a gang of kids who were shaking the railings and generally showing off to each other. I tried to stay behind but they were going really slowly and I needed to catch the last train out of Waterloo.

    As I got in front they started singing that "I like big butts and I can't lie" song, shouting abuse and laughing. Then one of them actually ran up behind me and kicked me up the *kitten*, to general hilarity. I was terrified buyt you can't do anything, bloody little chavs probably had knives.

    Even thinking about this makes me angry. I swear I was fantasising about chucking one of the little horrors over the side!

    :mad: :explode:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    The worst thing was when I was 16. I had gained a little bit of weight and was getting a pudgy belly. My mom said to me one day "your either fat or pregnant which one is it?" That has always stuck with me. It also started me having eating disorders then. I would never say that to any of my daughters and I make sure to tell them they are beautiful everyday!

    Yes. With my 11 year old, we are all about being HEALTHY, not skinny. We eat right and make sure she's active. I have NEVER said anything about MY body or her body in a negative way in front of her.
  • lyndisue15
    lyndisue15 Posts: 7 Member
    a long ago boyfriend told me 'you're a** looks like its been hit by a hail-storm.' Ouch, those types of things stay with ya
  • serendipity_2050
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering what the worst insult that you have been given was?

    For me the ones that are the most difficult are the ones that are just below the belt.

    My inspiration was today, I was watching the Biggest Loser UK and my other half said 'I can't believe the crap you make me watch, if I wanted to watch fat people work out, I would just follow you when you go to Zumba class.'


    Oh hunny, why is the guy still on your life?!?! I hope he either meant it as a joke or it was a one off comment. If he ever speaks to you like that again show him where the damn door is. Knob!!

    You have made a fantastic achievement so far and you will continue to lose weight, but remember who you are doing it for; you, not him.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    The worst thing was when I was 16. I had gained a little bit of weight and was getting a pudgy belly. My mom said to me one day "your either fat or pregnant which one is it?" That has always stuck with me. It also started me having eating disorders then. I would never say that to any of my daughters and I make sure to tell them they are beautiful everyday!

    Yes. With my 11 year old, we are all about being HEALTHY, not skinny. We eat right and make sure she's active. I have NEVER said anything about MY body or her body in a negative way in front of her.

    We never say anything negative about our weight in front of my girls. They are young 2 and 3 but we already work on making healthy choices with them so they do not have to deal with being over weight. A lot of times I look back and I see where I have gotten my unhealthy habbits from and now it is time to change them.
  • Gaberdeen
    Gaberdeen Posts: 3 Member
    You're significant other sounds like a real catch.

    An insult... worst kind... umm... I have no idea. I'm pretty good at insulting people but never really been insulted...

    Unless you count the time when I worked in the Republic Of Congo when a noisy, arrogant South African asked me if I was English, I said I wasn't, so he proceeded "American then?" And I said Nope, And then he said what are you?

    I Said "I'm a Scot, I'm from Scotland"

    To which he replied "Oh, but what's a Scotsman except an englishman with an inferiority complex?"

    To this day I still don't know if it was "sorry" he mumbled through broken teeth.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    I get the same crap in my house , simply because just a few years ago I had lost 140 pounds and I gained 40 pounds back after I lost my job. and he of course is a tennis pro and plays about 5-7hrs a day right now b/c he has playoffs and OMG he b*tches me out daily saying well your the one who sat on your *kitten*. and he is part right, I did sit around for a yr and gain the weight but ever sine I started working out he just gives me crap about it. like I think he is jealous b/c once I lose the weight again, other guys look at me, hit on me and he hates it alot.
    Like Ive asked him to go walk with me, I feel safer that way or to go with me to so both our dogs can get walked. but NOPE, he says Im not the one who is fat. u go workout , I play tennis and stay fit. so harsh!!!
    Then say I only do 30 mins of cardio a day, he tells me that is not enough do more. and I have a hard time doing sit ups and if I ask him to help hold my feet he laughs at me and it makes me cry right there on spot and he just walks out of the room. and says I dont think you can do it.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering what the worst insult that you have been given was?

    For me the ones that are the most difficult are the ones that are just below the belt.

    My inspiration was today, I was watching the Biggest Loser UK and my other half said 'I can't believe the crap you make me watch, if I wanted to watch fat people work out, I would just follow you when you go to Zumba class.'

    if my husband said some crap like that, there would be a boxing match in the living room...and i would win...
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    As to those of you whose parents have said insulting things to you as children, that is vile. It is also terrible as THEY are the ones responsible for your diet, fitness and health.

    I was going to point out the exactly same thing. They are the ones feeding you.

    And sorry about editing your post, I just wanted to point out that bit. It's the worse thing I heard. Parents telling their own kids that they are fat. I wonder if they really mean it in mean way. I would die for my children and I'm sure most people would too, so why would parents say things like that? I don't understand it at all.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    do yourself a favor and don't put up with stuff like that. there's no excuse for what your partner said. your other half should be supportive and kind, and not make comments even if they can be taken as "throw away". i'm not saying walk on egg shells, but there's room for a little compassion.
  • emseigle
    For me I think it would be the fact that no matter what I have ever weighed, my mom (who has always been heavier than me), has always said, "If you lost another 20lbs you'd look great." Even six years back, when I had lost somewhere in the (estimated) vicinity of 80-100lbs, she still said it to me. There I was thinking I looked smokin' hot and I was so proud of myself for my hard work and someone who had never even tried doing what I did just kicked my legs out from under me. It really hurt. I'd rather have a stranger call me fat than constantly have a loved one make me feel that I'm not good enough in their eyes.
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    When my husband and I first started dating over four years ago, his mom took him aside and told him that she wanted him to be aware that I would probably be overweight my entire life and to not expect me to change. She wanted to make sure that he had no expectations of me and wouldn't put pressure on me, and would also not disappoint himself. I'm not sure she expected him to tell me, but he tells me everything.

    At first, I was super pissed off -- and who wouldn't be? My co-worker was like, "What a b****!" But thinking on it, I know why she said what she did. I'm not great at guessing someone's weight, but she has to be at least 350 lbs. She's been overweight ever since having children 28 years ago, and has never managed to slim down in the slightest. She tries the SlimFast shakes, but treats it like a glass of chocolate milk, rather than an entire meal. I think it's safe to say that she does not understand what it takes to lose weight, nor the mindset you need to be in, because she's never experienced that.

    So I can't be mad at her for her comment. I think she genuinely felt like she was doing something right, by telling that to her son. But you know what -- he loved me when I was 200 and when I spiked around 210-215, and he continues to love me and support me as I work hard on my journey to somewhere below 140.

    Whenever I get depressed about how things are going for me, I think about her comment and how she doesn't understand how I would be able to do this. And it re-energizes me. First and foremost, I'm doing this for myself. But it sure doesn't hurt to prove to someone else that this really IS possible.
  • ziggygirl2003
    ziggygirl2003 Posts: 33 Member
    Some of your stories are so heartbreaking, especially those insults that come from the family. Insults from strangers are easier to toss aside than those from the people who are supposed to love you the most. After reading this I'm thankful for my supportive mother. She has told me in the past, several years ago, that I could stand to lose a little weight, but she was by no means trying to insult but trying to motivate me to actually do it. Now that I am starting my weight loss she is very proud of the 15 pounds I've lost even though I have so much farther to go.

    As for insults on myself, I've had several but the one that sticks with me the most was when I was in highschool. I was in band and at a foot ball game, I was a freshman and a senior sitting behind me made a comment that 'I wouldn't be so fat if I didn't spend all my time stuffing down the marshmellows'. That really got to me and I started bawling and I couldn't go anywhere to hide. Another senior sitting next to me (also a little bit larger than me) proceeded to chew him out about his comment. I don't remember what she said but I am forever grateful. :flowerforyou:
  • TinaBina975
    Ugh! That is just wrong! As much as it stings, don't let it get you down. Hang in there! You can do it! :happy: