SAHM 2/21 to 2/27



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    and one more thing--katie, those glasses are so cute! you definitely have talent and a steady hand!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Afternoon ladies!

    Next week, since its going to also start a new month, I'm going to try something new out, not sure what, but I have decided I need a new workout plan.

    Christi-Again, WTG on the lose!! I might have to check that slim 6 out.

    I know there was more in this thread, but it seems like by my last post there's like 20 more, eck, hard to keep up! Next week, I'll try to be better about catching up with everyone!

    I'm so glad to be a part of this group, so many awesome ladies in here with lots of motivation :smile:

    I'm getting off for now. Waiting for hubby to get home from work, so we can go out and do a few things.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    KAT~ SOOOO adorable!!!!! I am not crafty what so ever! So I love being inspired by others lol!

    Blue rose~ Your pic is soooo adorable you look so pretty!!!

    Hubby and I just got back from a two day marriage seminar at our church and it was amazing! We laughed so much our cheeks hurts!!! I am just starting pilates to help tone up so if any of you ladies have a suggestion/comment i would love to hear it!

    Here's to a GREAT weekend ladies!

    Headed to the beach tomorrow morning with the fam for the first time since LO was born! :):)

    Thanks :happy:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I made it to the gym today! Hurray! Lucy is still sick and Broderick still has a fever but neither were bad enough off that I couldn't leave for 2 hours. It was so nice to be able to exercise. We also picked up Lucy's birthday cake and her gift. We bought a double seater Barbie jeep from someone on Craigslist for less than half the price of a new one.

    Katie-love those glasses they are so cute!

    AJ-A set or two of dumb bells, a kettle ball, and big exercise ball would be a great start. You can do a lot of strength training with just those items. Eat your delicious left overs and don't worry about it. I was craving a cheeseburger last night so we tried Five Guys. Yummy it was good just the small one had 685 calories! Holy moly! You know what? It was good I enjoyed it made me go over by 350 calories. The thing is this for life not a few weeks or months. There will be dinners out,, birthday cake, movie theater visits with popcorn laden with butter. I feel that you shouldn't give up the special things in life just count on the fact some days you will go over and you may need to exercise more or eat just a little less a few days after. If you even it out over the course of a few days or weeks it will still work.

    Stacey-my kids were in the bad habit of eating in front of the t.v. too. When we moved it was a no food in the living room policy. It took a few weeks but they adjusted.

    Barb-Have you tried Zumba? So fun!

    As for starting a new thread each week, I'm happy to help do that though I am on central time and not eastern.

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    In another thread some people were talking about weight training to help burn fat rather than *just* losing weight. I want to do that. I can't get abs if I lose muscle weight, you know? So I'm gonna talk to my hubby and see if we can afford for me to buy some light dumbbells or something so I can try to do a little lifting at home. It's not as good as going to the gym, but since the gym isn't a real option right now, it's something. Any thoughts?
    I only workout at home so any strength is done with dumbbells. I'm sure you could find some programs online. I had a book called the 6 Week Bikini Countdown I was doing pre-baby (when I was actually in shape and working on toning!) and it has a dumbbell strength program. Another option is a workout video for strength. I have a bootcamp circuit I do the day I just can't face the weights (I'm so not a strength fan) and it alternates jogging with things like jumping jacks, squat variations, pushups, crunches, etc. I actually feel a lot more sore after doing that than I do with weights!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    For those of you that aren't on my friends list or facebook I had to share this with you:

    OMG! Love this! I figured out why I'm so fat. The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says, "for extra volume and body." Going to start using Dawn dishwashing soap. It says, "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove." ~Excellent advice! I'm going to try it! (copied this from a friend!)

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Barb - That is too funny, love it!!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    swtchrypie - I found the hiking group on, have you checked it out before? They have lots of local groups to join.

    Katie - Those glasses are awesome!! I swear I need to post a pic tomorrow of my wine glasses. They are hand blown glass and look just like that. :) Your friend is lucky to have you hostessing her shower.

    Elijah - I have a little experience with Pilates, we use to have a class at our church in OK and it was great. LOL, just don't eat anything that might make ya gassy before ya go. We had one lady that tooted like 15 times and she kept saying she had beans for dinner, hahaha. Overall it was an amazing workout.

    OK, forgot what else I was gonna write, I'm so tired. Off to bed.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Alright I decided I'd be brave & post just a few of the before Slim in 6 and after pics. Please excuse the way I look, wasn't excited about taking the pics & always did them first thing in the morning so no makeup and messy hair!

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ Thanks! The funny part is that the party is in ND and the two main planners for it are in OH and Las Vegas! LOL But I'm glad they look professional :)

    Christi ~ WOW!!! You had awesome results!!! Congrats!! Are you doing another round?

    OK ladies...never ever ever EVER go to a wine tasting hungry. LOL I swear I didn't drink that much, but oh my, I think I might have embarrassed myself last night :blushing: Still waiting to hear the verdict from the hubby, he is still sleeping...
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    How long do you bake them for? What kinda paint did you use?

    I got the paint at Michael's, Porcelaine, meant for glass. The directions on the bottle say to bake at 300 for 40 minutes :) I'm going to bake them today...I hope they turn out, I didn't realize I got two different paints and one says 325 for 45, and the other says 300 for 40....oops!

    I can take over the thread, I'm on east coast and the boys are up by 7am at the latest :)
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! :)

    Barb-That is too funny!!!

    Christi-You look great!!!

    Katie-I always buy different things thinking they are the same! I really need to learn how to read labels better because most of the time I have to go back to the craft store. LOL!

    Well, I was looking forward to shoveling yesterday, but DH beat me to it so I worked out with the Wii instead. I did 20 minutes of the jogging and then My Routine (for WiiFit Plus) last night was 21 minutes long. DD woke up scared though, and then with a bellyache so the 21 minutes took me 40 to complete. She was fine and went back to bed at 11pm, and I followed. We had another 4 inches of snow overnight (and it's still going) so I'll get to shovel today. I weigh-in on Mondays so hopefully it will help. I'm pretty sure I've eaten too much pasta this week because my belly feels bloated.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    WOW Christie! Great results! Good job. You should be proud of yourself.

    Tink, sorry to hear your little one had a rough night. But yay you for doing your Wii workout even though hubby stole your shoveling thunder. :laugh:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Christi-That's awesome! You got some really good results!! Are you going to do it again or check something else out?
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Christi - You look wonderful!! Great job!!

    Nicole - Great job getting a w/o in since you could't shovel and had a kiddo getting up.

    Katie - Cute pic of you and your hubs. :)
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Sunday morning mom's.........Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :) My mom left yesterday, headed back to NY, I hate saying Good Byes :( And it was a quick good bye, I had a coaches conference to go to yesterday morning, and she was leaving at the same time, we didn't get time to sit and have a cup of coffee like we normally do before she leaves..... :( And of course my 2 kids miss grandma very much that first night she's gone...She does so much with them, baths and read to them before bed....Hard to adjust back to routine for them.....
    I was stuck sitting for the most part of yesterday morning, but I did get to the gym in the afternoon and played basketball for a few hours..What a great workout and fun!! Today, I am hoping to get to the gym in the afternoon, with no daycare at the gym on Sundays, my husband and I have to take turns....He goes @ 1 for a few hours and when he comes back, I go..... Sucks, but gotta do whattcah gotta do, I guess..............

    mamato4boys.................You should be very proud and post those pics....All your hard work is paying off!! Congrats, you're lookig great!! Keep up the good work!

    katapple .........I too like your new pic!

    Well, I best get moving, with my mom here all week, alot of the "stuff" around the house was pushed aside...I have lots to do today........Enjoy your Sunday mom's.......Remember keep moving :)
  • swtchrypie
    4love~ I haven't I will have to go and check it out thanks!

    mamato4boys~ you look good!!!!! Great job!!!!!

    cicole522~ I'm sorry about not being able to spend good bye time with your mom. I know how you feel when your family leaves. Thats one reason the military drives me crazy you could be close then a few years later you can be an ocean apart. AH!

    Well today theres nothing going on here. My little girl was up for a long time in the middle of the night. I had to sit and rock here for 2 hours. But my husband took my son with him to get his hair cut this morning and I got to sleep in for as long as Andi let me. She decided that she didn't need too much sleep :(.

    So I am kinda upset. I just got new BC and I think it is making me put on weight. I stepped on the scale and I have went from 141.6 to 144. I am hoping it is just my body getting used to it cause I don't like going up in numbers. argh!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Thanks Ladies you all made me feel so good :embarassed:
    I am still trying to decide for sure what I will start this week. I have the Jillian Micheals 30DS that I wanna give a shot but I am also thinking of taking a week off from the home workouts with dvds & going to the gym just to mix it up a bit before hubby leaves. At the same time that means taking time away from my family in the evening since that is the only time I can go when hubby is home. So I am still trying to figure it out. If I did the dvds then I can workout in the morning when my 3 year old is at preschool & the other two are playing then I am done for the day so that is a plus but I don't want to get burned out since I still have 6 months worth of dvd workouts coming after hubs leaves. She I keep going back & forth on this one, haha!

    Kat~I'm sure that no one thinks badly of you! You had fun so that is all that matters! I am a total cheap drunk, going 4 years being pregnant or nursing means you drink pretty much nothing so right now one glass of wine & I have a bit of a buzz. I could only imagine if I had more & no food, I am sure I would be a mess! Like the new pic and ment to tell you those glasses are so cute, great job!

    Swtchrypie~I know when I was on BC and went to a new one it made me gain weight, hated that & that I why I took myself off right before we got married cause I started gaining weight before the wedding. I have refused to go back on after giving birth to my 2nd since I think that is what made me have such a hard time getting pregnant, #3 and #4 are proff of that since they both happened on there own when we weren't trying!! Hope your body adjusts quickly and the weight comes right back off.

    Well my oldest who made it through all the crap that has been going around school & the colds his brothers have had without getting sick finally came down with something. He never gets sick but when he does it usually leads to a day of throwing up then he's better, he's always been that way. Well no throwing up but a fever of over 103 this morning so hubby took him to the UCC (emergency room). His throat was very raw so I'm thinking with the fever maybe strep. I just hope we caught it quick & doesn't pass it to anyone else here. Atleast he got sick before hubby left instead of me having to find someone to watch the other 3 while I took him up to be checked out.
    Oh well I guess I better go do some cleaning or something, can you tell how trilled I am about that idea! Have a nice Sunday ladies!
  • swtchrypie
    Christi~ I swear I as soon as this BC is up I am going off of it and telling my hubby to get fixed haha! I am sorry to hear about your son getting sick! When I was a kid I strep throat a BILLION times all in one winter. They were close to taking my tonsils but as soon as they threatened I got over it for good. What branch is your hubby in? Mine is in the Marines. Right now we are at a non deployable post BUT he keeps getting volunteered to go train people else where. So he can't deploy but is always leaving. Kinda annoying.

    I need to go walk so I don't feel like Im being unproductive. (which I kinda am) ha! Have a great Sunday ladies!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Cat-Sorry you couldn't spend the time you wanted with your Mom before she left. Saying goodbye is really hard. We're four hours in the car from my family and Paul's family live in England, so I can sympathize. It takes the kids a good week to adjust after they've gone.

    Swychrypie-Lack of sleep sucks. I hope you're daughter sleeps better tonight so you can get the rest you need!

    Christi-I hope your son feels better soon, and the rest of the family doesn't catch it.

    I just went out and shoveled the driveway. Not as much snow out there as I thought, but I could feel it. :) I still plan to do 41 minutes with the Wii later too.