SAHM 2/21 to 2/27



  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks ladies....I was am very close to my family and when we moved away, it sure was hard...But am very lucky that we do visit with each other more so then other's I'm sure....But since I lost my dad, very suddenly xmas time 2yrs ago, I just take the time I do spend with my mom, so much more to heart...... If that makes any

    mamato4boys ................question for you, you sound so you take time for yourself?? I make my gym time, "my" time...Time I can step out of the house and out of that mommy role for just 90mins or so...I thought about working out at home, but there is no way I would get a good workout in, that or I just haven't figured it out I too can only get to the gym when their daycare/kidzone is open, or if my husband is home.....And it is time away from them, but I have noticed that if I don't get in a workout, or get at least an 1hr to myself, I am on edge, grumpy, very short with them...Where if I do get that little bit of time, seems like I'm not so quick to jump.... Idk, does that make any sense? I understand where your coming from.... Tough decision

    PNCTink........England? Wow...
    PNCTink / swtchrypie .................I am about an 8 hr car ride from family...Can drive it in a day, its an ok of a drive, but man with 2 kids, by the time you get there, even though I've sat the entire 8hrs, I am so ready for bed when i get But, it seem like I do everything but sleep when I'm home.....To many friends and family to see, and too many things to I have to come home to catch up on my
    swtchrypie.....I have a sister/brother in law, who are in the military and have been so lucky they've been so close, when I go home, but have found out that they are being shipped off to Germany come August....I'm so happy for them, but so sad, I will miss them bunches!!! But I guess thats the life of the military..My husband's dad was military, he sure knows about all that.....Not me, grew up with all my family around, I give the military families alot of credit for what they all do and what they go through....God Bless you!!! I slacking, so need to get the laundry out and into the dryer and folded.....and I so, so , so bad about putting the clothes away....Don't mind washing and drying and even folding........But what is it with putting it all
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks ladies....I was am very close to my family and when we moved away, it sure was hard...But am very lucky that we do visit with each other more so then other's I'm sure....But since I lost my dad, very suddenly xmas time 2yrs ago, I just take the time I do spend with my mom, so much more to heart...... If that makes any

    PNCTink........England? Wow...
    PNCTink / swtchrypie .................I am about an 8 hr car ride from family...Can drive it in a day, its an ok of a drive, but man with 2 kids, by the time you get there, even though I've sat the entire 8hrs, I am so ready for bed when i get But, it seem like I do everything but sleep when I'm home.....To many friends and family to see, and too many things to I have to come home to catch up on my
    swtchrypie.....I have a sister/brother in law, who are in the military and have been so lucky they've been so close, when I go home, but have found out that they are being shipped off to Germany come August....I'm so happy for them, but so sad, I will miss them bunches!!! But I guess thats the life of the military..My husband's dad was military, he sure knows about all that.....Not me, grew up with all my family around, I give the military families alot of credit for what they all do and what they go through....God Bless you!!! I slacking, so need to get the laundry out and into the dryer and folded.....and I so, so , so bad about putting the clothes away....Don't mind washing and drying and even folding........But what is it with putting it all

    Sorry to hear about your Dad. I know what you mean though. My aunt died about six years ago at the age of 40 and it certainly made a difference in how I view/cherish my family.

    My family was also all around us when I was growing up. I am the first to have moved away. I also give military families lots of credit because I don't think I'd be strong enough to handle it.

    Don't feel badly about the laundry. All of our clean clothes can often be found sitting on top of the dressers, on the drying racks, or in laundry baskets :)
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    PNCTink...............So glad to hear that I'm not the only one with folded laundry hanging out ontop of dressers or still folded up in laundry
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Thanks for the compliments girls, that was taken last night at the wine party :)

    Swtchrypie ~ We are Air Force. I'm from ND, but in the past 8 years we have lived in WA, OK, and now OH. At least here in OH we are a days drive away from my husband's family, always 2 days from my parents though :-/ Sorry about your little girl! I haven't taken BC in years, hubby got snipped so I don't have to ;-P Sorry about the weight gain though

    Christi ~ Well you SHOULD feel good!! You did amazing!

    Sorry about all the sick kiddos! Hope they all feel better soon

    Cat ~ That's how I fell in love with running, it was my me time :) And I hate putting laundry away. Drives Jason nuts. I will organize, fold, but I despise putting things away...

    I was able to get a nap in and I didn't feel so hungover when I woke up LOL I actually got a run in! A slow one, but it's exactly what I needed! My weekly totals: 406 minutes of working out, 3803 calories burned! WOHOO!!! next week I am going to try to do 420 and 4000 :)

    My husband got P90x from a friend...I am so tempted to do it, but I love all my other workouts that I don't want to drop them. I might do my turbokick in the morning and do the arm workout tomorrow afternoon since it's arms day for me anyway. Any thoughts??

    Oh and I'm very excited, my youngest is potty trained!! Once we got him to poop on the potty it was like it all clicked :) So happy to be diaper free :) YESSSS!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the compliments girls, that was taken last night at the wine party :)

    Swtchrypie ~ We are Air Force. I'm from ND, but in the past 8 years we have lived in WA, OK, and now OH. At least here in OH we are a days drive away from my husband's family, always 2 days from my parents though :-/ Sorry about your little girl! I haven't taken BC in years, hubby got snipped so I don't have to ;-P Sorry about the weight gain though

    Christi ~ Well you SHOULD feel good!! You did amazing!

    Sorry about all the sick kiddos! Hope they all feel better soon

    Cat ~ That's how I fell in love with running, it was my me time :) And I hate putting laundry away. Drives Jason nuts. I will organize, fold, but I despise putting things away...

    I was able to get a nap in and I didn't feel so hungover when I woke up LOL I actually got a run in! A slow one, but it's exactly what I needed! My weekly totals: 406 minutes of working out, 3803 calories burned! WOHOO!!! next week I am going to try to do 420 and 4000 :)

    My husband got P90x from a friend...I am so tempted to do it, but I love all my other workouts that I don't want to drop them. I might do my turbokick in the morning and do the arm workout tomorrow afternoon since it's arms day for me anyway. Any thoughts??

    Oh and I'm very excited, my youngest is potty trained!! Once we got him to poop on the potty it was like it all clicked :) So happy to be diaper free :) YESSSS!

    Well, running became my "me" time as well....After my dad passed away, I sat home and cried for about a month and then I couldn't take it anymore...Everything here reminded me of him..So to the gym I went and I started the couch to 5k... I was never a runner, went to college on a basketball scholorship, couldn't imagine running just for the hell of it..... Well, here I am, doing just that and I love it!! And it is just that my "me" time....
    I saw your 406 minutes of working out, 3803 calories burned...........Awesome Job!! You know what, I will call your 420 and 4000..At the end of the week, see if I can match I'm up for a good challenge, that ok with you?
    And of course with your P90x, I think, give it a try, can't hurt anything!

    Oh, lets not forget the WHOOT-WHOOT for no more

    Good night mom's........ITs a new week, stay strong and keep moving :)
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - Are you the one that posted the podcast to do during C25K? If so, do you still have the link? I thought I saved it but now I can't find it. Still planning on starting on the 1st. :)

    Ugh, I just got done listing stuff on ebay and now I want to snack, I don't even think I'm hungry but I keep thinking about almonds. Going to fight the urge b/c it's too late and I don't need it. So annoying that I want stuff when I'm not hungry. I'm excited to weigh in this week, I think I did pretty good on my food choices and I got exercise in every day. Bonus, my parents both told me they could tell I lost weight. Made my weekend!! Hoping my brother notices when he comes to visit, he's always getting on me for putting weight on. Of course he eats like a horse and doesn't gain a pound.

    My hike today was cancelled and of course, the rain started the minute the hike was due to END. Bummer! But, at least I didn't go and then have it called off, it's a 30 minute drive to that park from my house.

    Ok you girls that are doing such kick bumm workouts are killin me. How do you find the time?? My 16 month old takes one nap and unless I get up at the crack of dawn or w/o at night I just can't seem to get more time in and watch the kids. I've usually got a good hour while he's down. What's your secret??

    Hope ya'll had a great weekend. Looking forward to a productive week!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Swtchrypie~my hubby is in the Air Force, this is actually the first long deployment he has been on in several years. We were stationed in Germany for 4 years where they didn't send the guys from then when we came back to the states he was an instructor so he would go to teach classes for 2 weeks at a time but nothing really longer than that. So we knew it was coming & I have been preparing myself since we moved here. I am an air force brat so I knew what I was getting myself into and know how it goes but it still won't be easy. Having 4 boys will keep me busy and hopfully help time go fast.

    Cat~I am busy of course with my boys & I use to go to the gym a couple nights a week, it was a nice me time. It's just that hubby is getting ready to deploy for atleast 6 months & he leaves in two weeks so I really don't want to take away that time we spend together in the evenings right now. I figure if I can just keep myself on a routine of working out in the morning then I will keep doing good & I will always have the evening time to myself after the boys are in bed. There won't we a ton of me time for awhile but that's just they way it will be. Trust me when he gets back he will owe me quiet a bit of me time & I'm will be taking it! Especially since the baby will be a year old then & I will be able to leave him cause he won't be attached at the boob, haha!

    Thanks again for all the nice comments ladies it really does help keep me motivated. I took a break this weekend from working out but tomorrow I am going to have to get right back to it although it is going to be a busy morning is it may be a quick on but I WILL do it!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Okay WOW there has been A LOT of posting since I last checked. I didn't get to read all the posts the hubby wants to watch Mastermind so I have to make it quick.

    Christi~WOWZA!!! That is some awesome results. Keep up the hard work.

    Also wanted to say that the MIL made the move yesterday night hence the not being able to get on sooner. It was a very stressful day yesterday with getting things ready for her to come. We ended up choosing to call the police and have them do a civil standby. Good thing we did too because he blew up right before we were done. Got to go movie time.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    katiem--i'm so glad you were able to help your mil, and were not too ashamed to call the police to help facilitate. best wishes on changes to come....

    christi--AWESOME results!! i wanted that program before, and now i think i want it even more. :) you look wonderful!

    katie--i've never done p90x all the way thru, but i have done almost all the dvd's as part of a hybrid regimen. many beachbody coaches do that--espec if they are runners like you. and as long as dh has them, you might as well try. it's a new month, why not? :) one bit of advice--don't start with core, cuz tony's too dorky in it! you won't want to keep going if he's that guy in them all--which he's not. kwim?

    holly and katie--thanks for stepping up to do the thread. talk to nicole, please, and get it settled out. thank you!!

    i know there are's to a new month! well almost!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    That is a disappointment to end the month, but I knew it was going to happen, since I had taken 3 weeks off from major working out and then this weekend, we ate out a lot! I gained 3.2 lbs since my last weigh in :angry: :noway: :huh:

    So, its time for a new plan, since I'm feeling a lot better and now I'm even more motivated to meet March's goal!! It's time to get physical, physical!! LoL

    Have a great day ladies, I'll be checking in later!