Small rant. Warning! Uncensored swear words. Lots.



  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    But coke has alcohol in it lol,I don't want to add fuel to your anger anymore....just a random fact.
    Where did you read that? How does coke have alcohol in it? It wouldnt be on the shelves where kids could pick it up and buy if it was alcoholic.

    I would kill for a coke right now!
  • kar74
    kar74 Posts: 49
    Oh, how I love this thread...because I can totally relate! :laugh:

    I also bought a 32 oz. water bottle that I refill and drink twice a day. I also picked up some flavored vitamin water from Costco that doesn't taste bad at all (I usually hate that crap). Most days, though, I feel like I'm retaining enough water and could go days without it. :tongue:
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Just to claer things up...It was a RANT! As in I don't always feel that way,but I am strongly feeling that way now. To the random few who troll the message boards looking for ways to tear each other down- I think you are lost or confused. This is My Fitness Pal and not CafeMom. Go torture those people. We do not like your kind here. My screen name is superhippiechik. Not superperfectchick or bornahippiechik. Before I educated myself I smoked a pack of cigarettes and a half ounce of pot every day. I drank a pot of coffee with white sugar and powdered creamer at work before my fast food lunch. I would stop and buy a Big Gulp on the way home from work and go back for another one,and a six pack of beer after my fried processed food dinner.
    I do not do those things anymore but it does not make me like them any less. I just know better now. So having said all of that and because I am a SUPER Hippie Chik, I won't tell you haters to go **** yourself.

    do NOT explain yourself to those people. i've seen enough of this crap the past few weeks to give me the sh*ts. it's ignorant. it's almost better to just ignore them than to feed into their need for controversy. some people just need a hobby...

    ps. i still eat that way. and i'm still "super", too:)

    Thank YOu! I think you are super and I slip up and eat Taco Bell,too.
    P.S. I drank a 32oz of coke yesterday and still came in under calorie goal. Score one for me!

    haha i LOVE when i eat dairy queen blizzards and come under my calories. of course, that's all i eat, but that's neither here nor there. lol
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    You know what? It won't kill you to have a Coke now and then. Enjoy. :drinker:
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    amen lol
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    LOL i can so relate!!! I tell you there is nothing quite like a real Coke!!!

    Agreed. I STILL crave regular Coke. Our grocery store up here occasionally has single glass bottles of coke, imported from Mexico and let me tell you it's one of the most divine splurges. They're made from real sugar instead of corn syrup and the difference in taste is amazing. The (12oz) bottle is 150 calories, which is a nice treat once in a while.

    If you want a coke once in a while, just make the numbers work. Though I think it might be impossible to make them work with a big gulp size ;)
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    This is bloody hilarious!