MFP's most common user pitfall to avoid



  • aecryan
    aecryan Posts: 89
    bump because I think everyone should read this :)
  • KnittingKat
    This made me smile so much after someone in a group I belong to complained that we weren't losing like we were on The Biggest Loser. I had to try to explain that I can't lose 5 pounds a week. Though it would be awesome to be at my goal for April.
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    great advice!
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    This is sooo true! Thank you for posting it. Very well said.

    I can't agree more on the goal weight. I truly don't know what my "end goal" is. I have an idea or a range and I think that's realistic. I have some MFP friends are so fixated on a number, it's crazy!! Like "I'm 117 now and got to get to 115... two more pounds!". Like something magical will happen once she reaches 115. And will she stay at 115 forever... No! We all fluctuate day by day. So LOVED your recommendation for a goal RANGE, not number.

    Kudos man!
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks that really puts it into perspective. For me i've never put much into weight and usually when I mean I want to "lose weight" it's usually inches (mainly the belly area) overall I am fairly toned especially the lower half but it's my midsection that is my biggest problem! I have a big belly so I set myself to 2 pounds a week in hopes that with all the excerise I do 4-5 times a week it would help me out. So far i've been using this app for less then a month, I know it sounds stupid but I do also tend to eat my workout calories leaving 100-200 calories extra so we'll see. I haven't hopped on a scale in two years just cause it's not a big deal to me i'd rather weigh 200 pounds of muscle and look lean rather than 160 of fat and just look fat. I have friends that only care about the number and those are the same ones that are always gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    thank you....i have my goal set to lose 1lb a week and my final goal weight is between 140-150 but when i get lower into the 160s and 150s i may this point 145 is the my "ultimate" goal just so i can say i'm in the "healthy" bmi category but if i feel and look good at 155 or 152 or whatever number, i will "stop" trying to lose weight and really work on getting the best body i can....
    thank you for giving validity to my GOALS!!!!!
  • rjcode6
    rjcode6 Posts: 15
    Thank You!
  • MrsKSL
    MrsKSL Posts: 7
    Thx! Very Helpful..
  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    OK, so I started eating my exercise calories, and my weight is going UP! Not cool. I had just made it into 'overweight' and now I'm back into obese. NOT COOL. Help please?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK, so I started eating my exercise calories, and my weight is going UP! Not cool. I had just made it into 'overweight' and now I'm back into obese. NOT COOL. Help please?

    can you be more specific? stats, exercise, food, ...etc.
  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    I've made my profile public, if you want to take a look and see.

    I made some major mistakes yesterday, and I'll be paying for those.

  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Replying so that this is in my topics list and I can find it again. Great post!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I've made my profile public, if you want to take a look and see.

    I made some major mistakes yesterday, and I'll be paying for those.


    need more than your diary. need your stats, I.E. height, weight, activity level, exercise types and amounts...etc.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Thanks SHBoss for the insight...I did the opposite of most people, I actually aimed low when I started thinking about weight loss. When I joined MFP I set a goal weight for myself (170) that is actually slightly higher than the "high" number on that chart for my height (5-8). I don't care if it tells me I am "overweight" at that size. I did this on purpose, because I remember being fit and healthy at that size a few years ago, and I believe it is a realistic and attainable goal for me at this age. Until I hit about 32, I was thin to average size and built muscle very quickly, never had a problem with my weight. Between my college years and my late 20s I weighed between 155 and 165--I lifted a lot of weightsand had a very toned body--I looked very athletic and healthy and had a lot of energy. So when I was active I was able to carry "extra" weight without it looking bad, until I hit about 32, became very sedentary in my lifestyle, and ate way too much of the wrong things...I gained about 60 or more pounds within a couple of years. I have lost about 30 pounds in the last few years and am going for another 25...I am ok with keeping a few of my curves ;)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thanks SHBoss for the insight...I did the opposite of most people, I actually aimed low when I started thinking about weight loss. When I joined MFP I set a goal weight for myself (170) that is actually slightly higher than the "high" number on that chart for my height (5-8). I don't care if it tells me I am "overweight" at that size. I did this on purpose, because I remember being fit and healthy at that size a few years ago, and I believe it is a realistic and attainable goal for me at this age. Until I hit about 32, I was thin to average size and built muscle very quickly, never had a problem with my weight. Between my college years and my late 20s I weighed between 155 and 165--I lifted a lot of weightsand had a very toned body--I looked very athletic and healthy and had a lot of energy. So when I was active I was able to carry "extra" weight without it looking bad, until I hit about 32, became very sedentary in my lifestyle, and ate way too much of the wrong things...I gained about 60 or more pounds within a couple of years. I have lost about 30 pounds in the last few years and am going for another 25...I am ok with keeping a few of my curves ;)

    good for you photogrrl!

    It's why I always say weight is arbitrary. It's all about muscle mass. Muscle mass makes it all better!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    save to read when have more time, great post:smile:
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I've skipped a lot after the first post but is it then recommended that once I hit the "fat" category rather than the "obese category that I should be aiming for 1lbs a week? (Its only 11 lbs away and I like to plan in advance.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    This is soooo true. Not only do I know I will never be in "high school" shape but even my twenties are out of the question. I am 5'5" and was 114 when I got married (at 24). I am always telling DH that I know I will never be in that shape again, I mean with 3 kids (1 set of twin included) I can't expect miracles LOL. I am constantly telling myself..I just want to feel good about me. My goal is to be a healthy weight and BMI but I also want to just be able to wear a swimsuit (a 1 piece that is) and be comfortable in it. We all need to remember this process isn't about being "vain" but being healthy!