30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • sheilabennett
    I'm going to try to add some little jogging intervals to my walk today. Not sure how well that will go, since my knees really don't like running yet. I find that I walk faster while listening to lively ABBA tunes. I'm an old marching band geek, so of course, I have to stay in step with the music--I might have to put some Sousa marches on my MP3 players and see what that does.

    oh - I love ABBA!!!!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I love listening to music I wouldn't normally listen to on a everyday basis too, sometimes the beat and even the words pump me up. Singer, I used to be in marching band, colorgaurd for three years, I loved it!
    I need to push myself today too, this new Leslie Sansone vid I've been doing has "boosted walking" which is a lot of running in place and jogging in place so I'm gonna do that today all the way through and try to fit in some Fitness Evolved on XBOX.
    I have the Cto5K saved on my computer, I'd love to do that once it warms up here. I have surprised myself with my endurance lately. When I started doing the walk away the pounds videos in January it was all I could do to go one mile...now I'm up to 4 and I can't believe it.
    Hope everyone is having a great day! Push it! Reminds me of that Salt N Pepa song, Push It :laugh:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Oh I love abba too. I like all types of music. I think that is what my workout has been missing. I haven't been listening to music. I did push myself today to do more but I hurt my back the other day doing ab workouts (ouch) so I've had to take it easier. What motivates me to work out.....well a lot of things!! 1. the photos of me at Christmas (ha photos don't lie) 2. all the nice clothes hanging in my closet that I can't wear. 3. I feel so much better when I'm thinner, dieting and exercising 4. My health
    So I have many reasons to work out. I recently bought some of those kids magnetic letters and I write notes on fridge to myself. The one I have up now is : You CAN lose weight! That gets me motivated too. Ok for tomorrows challenge:

    ******Saturdays Challenge*****
    It's all about portion control and learning to eat in moderation. Our meat serving should be about 3 oz or the size of a deck of cards. Veggie and fruit servings about the size of a fist, pasta the size of an ice cream scoop, potato the size of a computer mouse, a handful of nuts or popcorn and no second helpings. Let's all discuss how we are doing with portion control and what works for you.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    didn't really do yesterday's challenge, it was a much needed off day for me. But I'm going to push it today and tomrorow, going to extend my jogging with an extra walk-jog mile.

    so glad to have a challenge about portion control. this i s hard for me. go to have the size references. thanks angela!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Your welcome Olivia!:) Was wondering if anyone knows a good salad dressing recipe or a good low cal/low sodium one. Salads are great but the dressing is what you have to watch out for. Have a great weekend ladies~
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Portion control has always been an issue for me. I have begun measuring out some items so I'll know what the correct portion size should look like. I use the salad plate as my dinner plate; less likely to overload on food.

    I have a birthday party tomorrow that will have a ginormous buffet. :grumble: It will be a good test to see how I've progressed with my eating habits. I'm bringing veggies & hummus so I know there will be at least one good thing for me to eat! :wink:
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Portion control is a good topic to discuss! Also another tip that is good is using a smaller plate when you eat. That way it looks like you have "more" food and the smaller plate doesn't allow you to pile on much food. I've been pretty good with portions so far. My problem though has always been snacking and "grazing". I can eat a ton of popcorn so I buy the mini bags. But a handful of nuts really fill me up. Sometimes I can eat a lot of fruit though so I have to be careful about that too. Also I find that I can eat a ton of salad too, it's all about what you put in the salad that counts I'm finding out.
    I was looking for a low sodium salad dressing, I love my light Newmans Own Balsamic but it's loaded with sodium, anyone have any suggestions?

    I didn't really push much yesterday either, and it was my own challenge :( Unfortunately Aunt Flo came to visit yesterday on the day of all days. I did "push" out 30 minutes of walking though. I will do better today!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I traded in my big plates for small ones last year, and it definitely does make a difference. I also try to portion out my food for the day and log it ahead of time so I know how many cals I am eating throughout the day and know how much "wiggle room" I have for other food.

    I just pushed it, really hard (that's what she said! :wink:). Based on the great article from Jess, I did cardio (high-impace aerobics) first, then "integrated strength training" (meaning whole-body strength with cardio). Burned a ton of calories and wow, I feel good. I also only had a small snack before I worked out, planning to eat more after the workout, because the metabolism is faster after a workout. Now I am going to eat "breakfast" and apply portion control! :happy:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Portion control has been my mantra since I started MFP. I weigh, measure, or count everything I eat. What helps me the most to stay on track is to plan my food for the day in the morning. I take my dinner to work, so there's no need to choose the "least worst" option from the cafeteria. We do have staff potlucks from time to time, and then I'll need to avoid the sodas and watch my portions.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I bought a food scale and weigh almost everything I eat now. I also put my measuring cups and spoons to much better use. I think I've been doing a good job of sticking to recommended serving sizes as a result of this. My biggest struggle is still eating when I'm not the one preparing the food. I went to a meeting today that provided lunch (Chinese food...), and in that situation it was hard for me to figure out how much I could eat. I guess we're all still learning :).
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    For portion control, I've been eating on salad plates instead. I've cut way back on portion sizes and try to fill up more on salad. You can get a ton of salad for hardly any calories. I bought the salad spritzers at the store while ago. It's only like 10 calories a serving. I'm measuring everything these days and keeping the food diary really keeps you accountable. I also eat slower now and get full faster. It's amazing how changing little things like that, can make a huge difference:)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    When I buy meats or salmon fillets, I cut them up and repackage in single-meal portions (one-person household here) before freezing. I only cook dinner at home twice a week, on my days off, so the rest of the time, it needs to be something microwaveable or ready-to-eat. I've been alternating between salmon, salads of lots of veggies with shrimp and hard-cooked egg adding the protein, baked chicken, and a homemade beef dish. Having the entrees ready in the freezer makes packing a calorie- and nutrition-appropriate meal much easier. I just add cut-up veggies and a fruit for dessert.

    On my days off, I've been making dinner more of an "event". Salad nicely-arranged, entree and hot vegetable on an appropriate- sized plate, and fruit in a separate bowl or plate. Since I eat dinner out of a lunch bag and containers most of the week, it's fun making it special for me.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    That is very smart singer! I love to make stuff ahead too and have it ready to go!
    A food scale is also a great idea too! I need one myself, I'd love to be more accurate. I have also found myself utilizing my measuring spoons more these days as well.
    Also, I like to log my food on here ahead of time like Olivia to see where I would stand if I eat "this or that" for the day, it really helps!

    I'm going to go ahead and post Sundays challenge, I have midterms to do online, college is keeping me so dang busy these days.

    ~~~***Sundays Challenge***~~~

    Sundays challenge is going to be geared towards protein. Someone suggested working on that and was looking for ideas on what to eat. I seem to always go over my protein limit on my diary and I think that's a good thing.
    What are good sources of protein? Fish, poultry, and beans are your best bets. When choosing protein-rich foods, pay attention to what comes along with the protein. Vegetable sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, and whole grains, are great and they offer a lot of good fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The best animal protein choices are fish and poultry. If you like red meat, stick with the leanest cuts. Eggs are also a really good source of protein as they contain the highest amount of essential amino acids. Rice, peas, lentils, kidney beans, oatmeal, and milk are also good sources.

    Protein is important because it is required by the body for growth, maintenance, and repair of all cells. It's a major component of all muscles, tissues, and organs. It aids in metabolism and digestion. It's the main nutrient that keeps our hair shiny and healthy, nails strong, skin fresh and glowing, and our bones strong and healthy.

    It is important to find a good balance of protein, too much just like too little can be detrimental to your health.
    So today's challenge is get that protein in! Also share what kind of foods you enjoy that have a good amount of protein!! I find it easy to get mine in because I eat a lot of meat and eggs.

    If anyone is wondering where I got all this info, I researched it on the web because I was very interested myself. After I had surgery a few years ago, it was important for me to get in high amounts of protein, it's a topic I am sort of schooled on. :)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    My huBy and I both love this super eady low-cal chicken dish. Serve it with brown rice, raw or wilted spinach, salad greens, or any other low-cal side and you have a killer and easy low cal dinner:

    2 chicken breast
    1 pkg athenos low fat feta
    Any herbs/spices u like, I usually add sage, thyme, garlic and/or oregano

    Cut a pocket into each chix breast. Blend 1/2 pkg of feta with fav herbs. Stuff breasts with feta (as much as u can fit) and close hole with toothpics.

    Heat fry pan to med-high with less than 1 tablespoon of olive oil. When hot add breasts. Cook until golden in color on each side. Add lid, turndown heast and cook 5 mins or so more (to ensure cooked all the way through. Serve with fav low-cal sides.

    I made Olivia's stuffed chicken breast recipe tonight, and my boyfriend and I both loved it! I made it with a side of roasted asparagus, which was also delicious :).

    Thanks for the recipe!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    My huBy and I both love this super eady low-cal chicken dish. Serve it with brown rice, raw or wilted spinach, salad greens, or any other low-cal side and you have a killer and easy low cal dinner:

    2 chicken breast
    1 pkg athenos low fat feta
    Any herbs/spices u like, I usually add sage, thyme, garlic and/or oregano

    Cut a pocket into each chix breast. Blend 1/2 pkg of feta with fav herbs. Stuff breasts with feta (as much as u can fit) and close hole with toothpics.

    Heat fry pan to med-high with less than 1 tablespoon of olive oil. When hot add breasts. Cook until golden in color on each side. Add lid, turndown heast and cook 5 mins or so more (to ensure cooked all the way through. Serve with fav low-cal sides.

    I made Olivia's stuffed chicken breast recipe tonight, and my boyfriend and I both loved it! I made it with a side of roasted asparagus, which was also delicious :).

    Thanks for the recipe!

    I must have missed this one, looks delicious!!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I love Taco Soup!! Here's a great recipe:

    2 pounds ground beef (I use 97% fat free)
    1 large onion, chopped
    1/2 poblano pepper, chopped
    1/2 sweet red pepper, chopped
    1 can black beans
    1 cup frozen whole kernel corn
    1 can stewed tomatoes – mexican style
    1 can Rotel tomatoes
    1 pkg. taco seasoning mix (I like to use low sodium)
    1 pkg. original hidden valley ranch dressing (dry)
    2 1/2 cups water or more, to make soup broth

    Brown ground beef and drain off fat. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for about 30 mins.

    Serving Suggestion:
    add chopped cilantro
    add fresh avocado
    sprinkle with grated cheese
    add a dollop of sour cream
    serve with tortilla chips

    Serving Size: 1 1/3 cup
    Calories: 215
    Fat: 5g
    Protein: 25g
    Fiber: 2g

    What I love about taco soup is you can add or subtract ingredients and it still tastes awesome!

    I made Jessica's Taco Soup today. Delicious!! Thanks for sharing, Jessica.
  • swtchrypie
    Sorry I have been MIA all day we were having a family day! I didnt even get to read the challenge for the day before I left but thought it was funny when I got home because we had to eat out today and my husband and I today decided to split a meal because we knew that a whole one was way over our portions. Haha. I hope you all are having a great weekend!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I just bought feta cheese yesterday and, other than adding to salads, wasn't sure what I'd use it for. The feta-stuffed chicken sounds really good! I like easy-to-fix, single-portion chicken recipes.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member

    I made Jessica's Taco Soup today. Delicious!! Thanks for sharing, Jessica.

    Glad you liked it! I love it too! It's very filling!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    My huBy and I both love this super eady low-cal chicken dish. Serve it with brown rice, raw or wilted spinach, salad greens, or any other low-cal side and you have a killer and easy low cal dinner:

    2 chicken breast
    1 pkg athenos low fat feta
    Any herbs/spices u like, I usually add sage, thyme, garlic and/or oregano

    Cut a pocket into each chix breast. Blend 1/2 pkg of feta with fav herbs. Stuff breasts with feta (as much as u can fit) and close hole with toothpics.

    Heat fry pan to med-high with less than 1 tablespoon of olive oil. When hot add breasts. Cook until golden in color on each side. Add lid, turndown heast and cook 5 mins or so more (to ensure cooked all the way through. Serve with fav low-cal sides.

    I made Olivia's stuffed chicken breast recipe tonight, and my boyfriend and I both loved it! I made it with a side of roasted asparagus, which was also delicious :).

    Thanks for the recipe!

    Glad you liked it. It's a staple if our household. Particularly good with asparagus, roasted cauliflower or on top of salad - I just love how the gooey cheese coats the salad nicely and you don't even need dressing!