Anyone fancy startin 30 day shred tmro :-)



  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I have been doing c25k 3 days a week but still have been doing the 30 day shred in the mornings (no working out on sunday) and I have noticed a total difference! I drag myself out of bed at 5:15 so I can do the shred in the morning and I have been running on the treadmill at night while watching a show on tv or after the kids went to bed...I think this has totally helped my endurance and strength, also I am not feeling as tired once I am up and going...but boy when it is bedtime forget about it! I am out! Plus I noticed my legs would be soar but the running 3 days and walking the others have helped with the soreness but I will say it was a hard habit to pick up took me about a week and a half to two weeks and now I get up on my own.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Only 7 more day of the 30 day shred for me!! I kicked it up last night during my workout.....and arms are killing me!!! And my butt!!! My husband looked at me all crazy when I was rubbing my butt last night when he got home!!! Oh well....he will get use to it!!!

    Everyone is doing such a great job!!!!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm on day 21 right now, but I decided to take my measurements anyway...and I'm too stoked to keep it to myself :tongue:

    Day 1-
    weight 166, bust 39.8, ribs 33, waist 34.5, hips 40.5, thigh 20.8

    weight 162.5, bust 38, ribs 32.5, waist 32, hips 39, thigh 20

    ... a loss of 3.5lbs and a total 7 inches!! I'm especially happy that majority of the loss was where I needed it most, in my waist, and not where I didn't want to lose it - my chest. I :heart: Jillian!!!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Just 4 more day of the shred!!!

    I can't wait to see if I have lost any more inches!! I have given up losing weight with this workout!!!!

    March is almost over...and I am almost done!!!

    question is...what do I do next??????
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    ripped in 30 days? :P
  • kate_81284
    kate_81284 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm picking up my copy tonight. I'm so excited to try it out since I've heard such good things about it!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    ripped in 30 days? :P

    I have not thought about the ripped in 30day.......
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I had a BAD weekend I totally didnt have time for Sat but I do on Sunday, which I normally husband flooded the house on friday night so after vacuuming water up for a hour I couldnt feel my wrists and my knees are brused :cry: I hope that this week starts off better, I did work out this morning but not as hard I think I am a little freaked out by my knee making that new popping sound...I hope it will be ok for the run tonight!! I dont expect much weightloss on the scales...I have not been eating out alot so with the flood friday we had to find something quick which kids wanted pizza....I did opt for thin crust , but sat we were out of town and I really just didnt know what was safe to order at fast food...oh well I guess all I can do is pick up and go forward today...
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    @SSampley....sorry to hear you had such a bad weekend!!! I would say...with all the work you did on the house....the food will balance itself out!! let's start this week off clean and clear!!!

    I only have three more workouts for level 3....and I am done!!! I will be able to say....I DID IT!!!!

    Still not sure what I want to do next....don't feel like I can go back to the workout I was doing before...It seems too easy now!!! But if I want to lose weight....I am going to have to kick up the cardio!!! JM has helped me lose lots of inches.....

    When I am done...i will post my final results!!!!

    I hope everyone is still hanging in there with me!!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I am wondering...who is still doing the 30 day shred??? We should only have a couple of more day left....and I don't see many people on!!

    Can we get a head count.......?????

    I am in of course!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Guess I will check back tomorrow!!!! :ohwell:
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I am still in, I am on day 25? or 24? I know next tue will be my final, I am not gonna weigh myself or measure myself today because of the bad weekend. I have tried to do it every day except Sundays and I have been pretty consistant and if I missed I made one up either on Sunday or twice in one day so I still have a week left! :) Seriously hoping to drop below 180...thats where I ALWAYS get stuck...
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    @ssampley....I have only measured myself at the beginning and ending of each level!!!

    Good to know you are still in it!!!!

    Maybe you will jump over the 180 this time!!!!!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm still here!! To make a long story short, I lost the most weight last week since I started MFP - 3.5lbs!! Thing is, I didn't work out at all :indifferent: as I was recuperating from a nasty head/chest cold and a thigh injury. So I tried to figure out what I did differently. I think I have come up with an answer - calorie intake - but am testing my theory out this week sans the working out. I will know whether or not I am right on Friday when I weigh-in. Regardless of the outcome on Friday, I will continue with the 30DS until I have completed my 30 days. I made myself a promise I would complete this and complete it I will. I know most of you will be finished next week --- YAaAaA, GOOD FOR YOU & CONGRATULATIONS!!! :flowerforyou: --- but, as I've said before, I'm going to continue to log until I'm done. Hopefully, you will come back and drop me a note so I know what you're doing next and how that's going. Thanks for all the support and chat soon. :bigsmile:

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I just finished Day 27..almost there! :bigsmile:

    I noticed my strength has drastically improved..went from doing like 2-3 full push-ups, most modified..then doing like 15 FULL ones on my toes! I'm having a more toned look to my upper arms.(still flabby underneath a little) and my abs coming in..I've lost inches as well noticing how my clothes fit. :smile:

    First two weeks was brutal physically and mentally..had like 3-4 binges the first two weeks alone and didn't see much of a weight loss difference..then these last two weeks was much easier and didn't binge..lost like 3 pounds so far..I will weigh in probaly on Monday..on my weigh in day and let you guys know the final count! :happy:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I am still holding steady on my weight....weigh in was this morning...and a few ounces off...but nothing to log in!!

    When I measure on my last day of the shred...I will be sure to post what I have lost!!

    I am glad there are some people still hanging in there!!!

    I still struggle on all levels....but I stuck with it and did it every night!!! I am pretty proud of myself and any one who is still trying to get through it!!! It's not easy....and we can say we DID IT!!!

    Way to go everyone!!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Today is my last day of the 30 day shred!!! I will do the work out tonight....then on Friday I will take my final picture and measurements.........

    I will finally be able to say I DID it!!!

    No one seems to be checking this thread much.....since I was the last one to post yesterday!!!

    But I will keep posting until Friday!!!! I want to say I followed through with it!!!!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Today is my last day of the 30 day shred!!! I will do the work out tonight....then on Friday I will take my final picture and measurements.........

    I will finally be able to say I DID it!!!

    No one seems to be checking this thread much.....since I was the last one to post yesterday!!!

    But I will keep posting until Friday!!!! I want to say I followed through with it!!!!

    Keep posting Angie! I'd love to hear about your results! I started on March 4th and have gotten 14 days in so far. It will be more like the 45 Day Shred for me :happy:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Today is my last day of the 30 day shred!!! I will do the work out tonight....then on Friday I will take my final picture and measurements.........

    I will finally be able to say I DID it!!!

    No one seems to be checking this thread much.....since I was the last one to post yesterday!!!

    But I will keep posting until Friday!!!! I want to say I followed through with it!!!!

    Keep posting Angie! I'd love to hear about your results! I started on March 4th and have gotten 14 days in so far. It will be more like the 45 Day Shred for me :happy:

    I did it...I did it...I did it!!!
    Finished the 30 Day Shred!! I even kicked it up a notch and did it with 5 lbs weights!!!! I almost wanted to cry....because I did something and followed through just for me!!! It's a first!!!
    I will measure tonight......I have already lost 10 inches on this program....I wonder if i have lost anymore....even if I have not.....10 inches is nothing to take lightly!!!! I hope everyone still hangs in there!!!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I've had about a week off, I should have been finished today, but nevermind, I'm in 2 minds as to whether to finish this 30 days, or start again or just stop altogether and focus on P90x ... hmmmm :-/