Does anyone else get REALLY hungry at night?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Given you are STARVING yourself, it is not surprising and I am sure you have the common sense to be fully aware of this.
    I suggest you seek help or help yourself if you want to continue having a functional body.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I am usually eating after 8pm everyday within my calories. If you are hungry later than eat less for breakfast and lunch to save the calories for latter. If you are under 1,500 then it is time to increase your calories you are eating too low.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    My eating at night can get ridiculous. I can eat dinner at 7, feel hungry at 8, and eat a BIG bowl of cereal but still feel hungry. It's a problem! I find brushing my teeth when the evil nighttime hunger kicks in helps. You never want to eat anything right after brushing your teeth :) Either that or I chew gum,

    cereal is carbs for most people the more carbs you eat the more you crave, eat more protein.
  • BethanyRTS
    Throughout the day I drink ridiculous amounts of water..My belly is so full of liquid I don't get the cravings at night.
  • jroselive2012
    If you are really that hungry at night, your body needs a little more food. Your diary is private and so is your profile, so I don't know what kind of info will help you best. Good luck, sweetie!
  • RossBeef87
    youre hungry because youre hungry. try drinking a bottle of water first.if that doesnt curb your appetite eat leftovers! chicken, fish, steak, ect! 300 calories of chips once crushed isnt very big, it can fit in the palm of your hand as where 300 calories of chicken looks identical to lunch sized portions. obviously 300 calories of fresh foods dont burn the same. 300 calories of coke will absorb into your system and what your body doesnt quickly burn for energy will store as fat. as where if you eat 300 calories of protein and various vegetables your body is going to have to work harder to break it down in order to use it for fuel in the end burning more calories. theres a reason why people who do the paleo diet are ripped and muscular. I do 75% paleo I cheat here and there. as for when you eat your biggest concern should be breakfast. dont skip that one. I eat 5 meals a day and am having great results. dont starve yourself just eat clean!!!!!
  • RossBeef87
    I dieted and exercised for 8 weeks eating 1800 calories of crap and didnt lose a pound. I now eat 2500-3000 calories a day of clean foods and lose on average 2 pounds a week. im stuffed! 70 pounds gone 20 to go! paleo people paleo!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I dieted and exercised for 8 weeks eating 1800 calories of crap and didnt lose a pound. I now eat 2500-3000 calories a day of clean foods and lose on average 2 pounds a week. im stuffed! 70 pounds gone 20 to go! paleo people paleo! do you explain the fact that I've lost 46lbs eating pizza, ice cream, cereal, rice, bread, and candy....along with more nutritious foods. And that I eat 2000 calories a day.....and I eat whenever I want?

    IIFYM people IIFYM!
  • RossBeef87
    oh one more thing. your body craves carbs! youre legitimately addicted to your food. Addiction! look up the true meaning of gluttony doesnt just mean to over consume food. addiction! break those chains! eat to live dont live to eat!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I try to not eat after 8 pm, but when I go to bed I get very very hungry. My stomach will growl, hurt and I'll toss and turn all night with all kinds of different food cravings running through my mind. It's really starting to get on my nerves! Does anyone else have this problem? And if so, how do you solve it without eating anything?

    Why do you not want to eat anything?

    Drink water and see if it goes away ... if not, eat something... it's the only way to really get rid of hunger. Being hungry is affecting your sleep so you need to eat something before you go to bed to stop it from happening.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    I dieted and exercised for 8 weeks eating 1800 calories of crap and didnt lose a pound. I now eat 2500-3000 calories a day of clean foods and lose on average 2 pounds a week. im stuffed! 70 pounds gone 20 to go! paleo people paleo! do you explain the fact that I've lost 46lbs eating pizza, ice cream, cereal, rice, bread, and candy....along with more nutritious foods. And that I eat 2000 calories a day.....and I eat whenever I want?

    IIFYM people IIFYM!

    There's no use in trying to convince him..he is one of the "lost" ones. that being said, there's nothing wrong about eating "clean". Some people need to feel good about food choice.

    I am hOOOngry at night...i hate eating breakfast. so I start my meals at 1pm and end them around 9...nothin' wrong with that!
  • RossBeef87
    Lora look up definition of ectomorph and endomorph. people with different genetics let alone thyroid issues. everyone's different as an endomorph I have to eat a ratio of carbs protein fats in sequence of 30:50:20 as where an ectomorph can consume 50:30:20 and 3500 calories a day and not gain an ounce.everyone is different. btw Congrats!
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I try to not eat after 8 pm, but when I go to bed I get very very hungry. My stomach will growl, hurt and I'll toss and turn all night with all kinds of different food cravings running through my mind. It's really starting to get on my nerves! Does anyone else have this problem? And if so, how do you solve it without eating anything?

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
    Eat more or eat later becuase going to bed hungry is the worst
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I dieted and exercised for 8 weeks eating 1800 calories of crap and didnt lose a pound. I now eat 2500-3000 calories a day of clean foods and lose on average 2 pounds a week. im stuffed! 70 pounds gone 20 to go! paleo people paleo! do you explain the fact that I've lost 46lbs eating pizza, ice cream, cereal, rice, bread, and candy....along with more nutritious foods. And that I eat 2000 calories a day.....and I eat whenever I want?

    IIFYM people IIFYM!

    There's no use in trying to convince him..he is one of the "lost" ones. that being said, there's nothing wrong about eating "clean". Some people need to feel good about food choice.

    I am hOOOngry at night...i hate eating breakfast. so I start my meals at 1pm and end them around 9...nothin' wrong with that!

    I don't have a problem with eating "clean" - I just have an issue with people telling struggling dieters that clean is THE ONLY WAY!! The same thing goes for any eating habits - clean, paleo, atkins, etc. Whatever floats your boat, but don't try to make people think that you can only lose weight by eating in a specific style.

    And his info is just wrong - but you're right, there will be no convincing him. I'm posting more for the random people reading this thread who can gain info from it.

    With that said, here is a good read about being "in the middle" as far as dieting practices go:

    And another one - because we're really not all that different:
  • RossBeef87
    im not saying eating clean is the only way to lose weight by any means im simply posting what worked for for staying on topic with the original post im explaining you can eat pretty much as much clean food as you want before bed without the guilt and weight gain. I'm not lost and I'm always open for new things to learn. I'm open to anything. if you find satisfaction in what youre eating and still losing weight then by all means do what you do! thats you that works for you. it didnt work for me. I didnt feel full after one slice of pizza or 2 servings of spaghetti so I had to change the foods I was eating in order to satisfy my hunger, still gain muscle and not gain all means if you know more than I do then teach! my mind isnt closed and you have my attention.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I save calories for the evening. Take a peek at my diary...I'm often eating just before bed!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I just tried going into the OP diary and her account has been deleted!! guess she/he didn't really need any of our answers at all LOL

    I get hungry too though at nights, but usually its just cos I'm B O R E D lol, a cup of tea usually takes the notion off me, unless I've spare cals and then I eat something :)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    im not saying eating clean is the only way to lose weight by any means im simply posting what worked for for staying on topic with the original post im explaining you can eat pretty much as much clean food as you want before bed without the guilt and weight gain. I'm not lost and I'm always open for new things to learn. I'm open to anything. if you find satisfaction in what youre eating and still losing weight then by all means do what you do! thats you that works for you. it didnt work for me. I didnt feel full after one slice of pizza or 2 servings of spaghetti so I had to change the foods I was eating in order to satisfy my hunger, still gain muscle and not gain all means if you know more than I do then teach! my mind isnt closed and you have my attention.

    Of course you should pick foods that give you the most bang for your buck - and if 2 slices of pizza don't leave you satisfied and you can't fit more into your macros, that might not be the best choice for you. I can eat 2 slices of pizza and be satisfied. If I wasn't, I would supplement with salad, fruit, etc.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't chose nutritious foods either - by all means you should. I'm just saying that advocating a certain diet and saying that's the ONLY way to lose weight is not helpful. A lot of people here - such as the OP (who, made this post months ago and has since deactivated) struggle just to stay under calories. Regulating intake is a big step. Implying that they are doing it wrong and will only succeed by eating Paleo isn't fair to their effort.

    Also, I would love to see some research/articles to back up your claim that you should tailor your intake levels based on body type.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I think it's just part of losing weight. We are depriving ourselves of the calories necessary to sustain life long term in order to lose weight, aren't we? We can't remain at a deficit forever or we'll die of starvation. And our bodies seem to know it. And of course our bodies don't know that once we hit a certain number on the scale we'll eat enough again.

    I get hungry at night and if it's severe I'll eat but I'm learning the difference between I could eat and I should eat.

    It's hard though.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I don't get really hungry at night because I plan to eat shortly before bed so I can get a good night's sleep. I know I don't sleep if I am hungry or too full, so I save enough for something light maybe 30-60 minutes before I go to bed. I feel better and I sleep better.