"5 foods to never eat"...?



  • tjbama09
    1. Fried Food

    2. White Bread

    3. Creamy Salad Dressing

    4. White Rice

    5. White Sugar
  • mforsis
    mforsis Posts: 41
    Bananas contain potassium which we all need trace amounts of. So if you don't eat bananas make sure you are eating something regularly that gives you the necessary amount of potassium in your system always.
  • freekat
    freekat Posts: 71 Member
    My top five foods to not eat -

    Cat food
    Dog food
    Chicken food
    Snake food
    Frog food (this one is especially bad if eaten after 10pm)
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    My 5 things to never lick:

    1. Door knobs
    2. Dirty people
    3. Socks
    4. Gym floors
    5. Raw things

    As far as food. It's free game. I don't discriminate against foods.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    1. Rice cakes
    2. Melba toast
    3. Nonfat anything that can be had in full fat
    4. Cauliflower
    5. Cabbage

  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i love bananas and rarely eat them. i eat fruit every day and love it. i dont think there is any fruit i do not like so its hard to eat a banana every day when im chomping on all the other stuff too. i try to mix it up so i dont get bored. i say eat in moderation and stick to your MFP food plan . I watch the calories, fiber, protein ,carbs and fat .. all fats are healthy fats like olive oil and coconut oil as well as nuts ,particularly almonds and almond butter. that coupled with the water and exercise is going to help
  • barbi_jean
    barbi_jean Posts: 87 Member
    @joeporta- I am a Carb lover.. so I love bread, chips, biscuits, and such... Alcohol is a love of mine as well so I have a hard time with it all....
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    Bananas contain potassium which we all need trace amounts of. So if you don't eat bananas make sure you are eating something regularly that gives you the necessary amount of potassium in your system always.

    Millions of people throughout the world cope perfectly well without ever eating bananas.

    Sure, bananas are a good source of potassium - but by no means the only source.

    I eat around 4 bananas a week - it has not stopped me losing weight.

    Bananas are a perfectly good food but on the other hand, not a wonder food -if you like them, eat them (in sensible amounts, of course, like any other food) if you don't like them, don't eat them.

    Not sure why all the big deal about bananas