"5 foods to never eat"...?



  • BrokenBottle
    BrokenBottle Posts: 8 Member
    I lost 10 lbs in one month eating to maintain weight and using exercise as my deficit. I eat two bananas every day. All this bananas are bad talk is stupid.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    When my dad did the HCG diet, the "doctor" said NO BANANAS! what? I eat a banana almost daily with blueberries. Yummy!
    One is banana's...although I don't know why...I think moderation is a key for me. If I agreed never to eat any of a particular food, ever again, I would probably crave it immediately! :ohwell:
  • beefwalker
    Here goes nothing....
    Fruit SHOULD NOT be avoided and DOES NOT slow weight loss.

    You're right, it doesn't slow weight loss, it REVERSES it!
    Read 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes to learn how wrong and unscientific your statement is.

    I love fruit, but it's full of fructose and fructose (as we should all know by now) is worse than sugar.
    It not only spikes insulin, (which causes fat storage) but (like alcohol) the only part of the body that
    can process fructose is the liver. This means the body treats it like a toxin.

    Of course fruit also has fibre, vitamins and other nutrients, but avoiding my beloved mandarins, apples
    and bananas along with all grains and dairy is the sole reason I've lost over 30pounds with little effort.
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    oh man! I love bananas... and it's my current pregnancy craving.

    I think the one food on my list is Monte Cristo sandwiches, which is basically a deep-fried, donut-battered, ham and cheese sandwich smothered in strawberry jam and powdered sugar.
    I had one once years ago. It was amazing and decadent, but I felt that the act of eating this one sandwich made me gain weight. It is one of the few times I recall feeling bad about eating something when it had nothing to do with indigestion.
  • beefwalker
    I've done the research, read my post:-)

    I see no research in your post. Or is there another post somewhere on the site?
    You mention calories in vs. calories out - an utterly debunked dietary myth that
    everyone needs to forget. This hackneyed notion displays a fundamental lack
    of understanding re thermodynamics and biology.

    here's a nice wee article to get you thinking:

    I suggest you then buy/borrow the following books as a place to start:
    Good Calories, Bad Calories - by Gary Taubes,
    (or his later book, Why We Get Fat if you don't like a lot of scientific lingo)
    The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet - by Robb Wolf
    The Four Hour Body - by Tim Ferriss
  • Suznorem
    Thanks to all.. Very helpful. .I never wanted to get sucked into the 5 foods you should never eat. Bananas are my FAVORITE food in the world and the 5 Food banner across the op of this page has a nice looking banana on it! When I was about 6 years old or so, I got caught trying to shoplift bananas from our local grocer. I got off with a warning and that ended my career as a thief. Once in college I got invited to a party on a British ship with a hold full of green bananas. I got introduced to a cute English engineer and got to him to heist me one of those huge containers of bananas and took him on a tour of Seattle in my mother's new Buick . Riveria. They gave me all the tips about temperature for storing an ripening bananas.
    Now, managing my weight, I avoid buying bananas by the bunch and instead buy 1 for a special treat and no more until I go shopping again -- and then only if they look good. The other thing I won't get sucked into is the "1 old trick bit...."
  • sophitrinkit
    bananas are meant to speed up your metabolism I was told by my doctor to eat one with breakfast or as a snack before exercising.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    I eat a banana almost every day and still lose weight. I don't understand why people, including "doctors" that say not to eat bananas.

    I know on the HCG diets you can't have bananas either, but 1 banana is 1/5th of their total caloric intake for the day, maybe that is why.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    This sounds awesome! LOL
    oh man! I love bananas... and it's my current pregnancy craving.

    I think the one food on my list is Monte Cristo sandwiches, which is basically a deep-fried, donut-battered, ham and cheese sandwich smothered in strawberry jam and powdered sugar.
    I had one once years ago. It was amazing and decadent, but I felt that the act of eating this one sandwich made me gain weight. It is one of the few times I recall feeling bad about eating something when it had nothing to do with indigestion.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    As for bananas - when I joined WW, they said "fruit is free" as long as you don't abuse bananas.

    Sorry, the phrase "as long as you don't abuse bananas" totally cracked me up. :laugh:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Here goes nothing....
    Fruit SHOULD NOT be avoided and DOES NOT slow weight loss.

    You're right, it doesn't slow weight loss, it REVERSES it!
    Read 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes to learn how wrong and unscientific your statement is.

    I love fruit, but it's full of fructose and fructose (as we should all know by now) is worse than sugar.
    It not only spikes insulin, (which causes fat storage) but (like alcohol) the only part of the body that
    can process fructose is the liver. This means the body treats it like a toxin.

    Of course fruit also has fibre, vitamins and other nutrients, but avoiding my beloved mandarins, apples
    and bananas along with all grains and dairy is the sole reason I've lost over 30pounds with little effort.

    OK.... so with the amount of fruit I eat, I should have gained almost 50 pounds, not lost it.... Sounds like a myth to me!
  • Toledus666
    I saw that and was kind of upset? I do not understand why people give bananas a bad name. I eat 10 bananas a day sometimes-carbs equal energy for physical activity and keep you full, curbing cravings. Banana haters are crazy.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.
    bananas are unhealthy?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sydney0710
    Sydney0710 Posts: 61 Member
    Even diabetics are not told to completely avoid fruit. That's another common misconception about diabetes.
  • Sydney0710
    Sydney0710 Posts: 61 Member
    I think bananas are higher on the glycemic index than some other fruits, but it's still a healthy food choice.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Here goes nothing....
    Fruit SHOULD NOT be avoided and DOES NOT slow weight loss.

    You're right, it doesn't slow weight loss, it REVERSES it!
    Read 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes to learn how wrong and unscientific your statement is.

    I love fruit, but it's full of fructose and fructose (as we should all know by now) is worse than sugar.
    It not only spikes insulin, (which causes fat storage) but (like alcohol) the only part of the body that
    can process fructose is the liver. This means the body treats it like a toxin.

    Of course fruit also has fibre, vitamins and other nutrients, but avoiding my beloved mandarins, apples
    and bananas along with all grains and dairy is the sole reason I've lost over 30pounds with little effort.

    Fructose is sugar, so how is it worse then something that it is?

    Protein spikes insulin as well, should you avoid that as well?
    You mention calories in vs. calories out - an utterly debunked dietary myth that
    everyone needs to forget. This hackneyed notion displays a fundamental lack
    of understanding re thermodynamics and biology.

    here's a nice wee article to get you thinking:

    I suggest you then buy/borrow the following books as a place to start:
    Good Calories, Bad Calories - by Gary Taubes,
    (or his later book, Why We Get Fat if you don't like a lot of scientific lingo)
    The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet - by Robb Wolf
    The Four Hour Body - by Tim Ferriss

    Can you please show me where the energy balance equation has been debunked?

    and why list a bunch of books filled with nonsense and broscience?
  • PaulS70
    1.) Vegetables
    2.) Whole Grains
    3.) Lean Meats
    4.) Legumes
    5.) Fruits

    You must eat nothing but refined sugar fried in trans fat to reach optimum health.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Belief that there are foods that should never be eaten, barring allergies or adverse reactions, is patently ignorant.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    Thank you. There is nothing I *never* eat. Such absolutes make me cranky.
    Signed...lady who lost 10 dress sizes
    Here goes nothing....

    There is no one food that will make you gain weight or lose weight in it of itself. Ingesting food=intaking calories.

    Weight loss is determined by fat/protein/carb intake and comes down to energy balances, or the difference between calories in vs. calories out. As long as you remain in a deficit, you will lose weight, no matter where you get the calories from.

    Now micronutrients like vitamins and minerals should be considered too, so getting a wide range of whole foods can be beneficial.

    Fruit SHOULD NOT be avoided and DOES NOT slow weight loss.
  • PaulS70
    Can you please show me where the energy balance equation has been debunked?

    and why list a bunch of books filled with nonsense and broscience?

    The "equation" (1lb of fat = 3500 calories) has been debunked by numerous overfeeding and semi-starvation clinical trials.

    The fact that eating too much makes you fat has not been.

    Depends on which was being referenced.