

  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    when the person sitting behind me in the theater coughs. and doesn't cover their mouth. and actually makes my hair fly forward in my face.


  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    when I get the house clean and then all the family with kids show up and no one can pick up before they go home
  • hlm03c
    hlm03c Posts: 2
    that my husband can eat the same crap as me and doesn't gain an ounce
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    The girl that sits across the room is talking to her friends/family on the phone at work sooo loud that I can't talk to my accounts on the phone because I can't hear them. And then she complains that everyone else is too loud.. WTF?
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Bicyclist ride in the flow of can't pedal as fast as I drive and you're holding up traffic...hate me if you want to but I don't give a sh**!! It's the truth...see I'm getting worked up just typing about it LOL.

    especially when there is a sidewalk!!!!

    haha in california it is illegal for a bicyclist to ride on the side walk :) They have to ride in traffic :) Sharing the roadddddd <3<3<3 jk jk jk I know my eco friendly *kitten* can be frustrating when the road isn't big enough!!! Sorry all! <3

    It's illegal in NY as well. They actually have a bike lane here (although drivers still complain bc their lanes got smaller lol)

    We must be rebelssss! We ride on the sidewalk all the time. This CA traffic is nutso. I won't be riding in it. Cops have seen us and don't waste their time 'pulling us over'.

    I had to give up riding for my commute because the traffic in my area (91/55) is horrible. I would almost get hit at least 4 times each way. Good thing I have cat-like speed and reflexes.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    ...when my girl leaves the toilet seat down, and gripes that I leave it up.
    Get over it woman! I need it up, and you need it down, deal with it!

    Later in life when you have daughters and are outnumbered by females, I think you will learn it is easier just to leave the seat down. Seating down to pee is a nice little break from standing and you don't have to aim for the toilet.

    Yup, the girls have me housebroken. lol

    Dh and I agreed while dating that if we both just put the lid down we after use the bathroom looks nicer...the germs spread during a flush are reducd and we both end up doing the same amount of "work" it pisses me off when someone is at my house and they dont close the lid when they leave the was clearly down when you netered the bathroom.....that is why I refuse to have guests...LOL
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Snap judegements about parenting or "lifestyle changes" annoy me. I might be snapping at my kid..after the 10th time of doing all the right parenting things...that you were not privy to....and the kid is still doing said naughtiness.....or the food I feed..I might have fed my kids super incredibly all week and we only have 7 minutes to eat dinner before leaving house mac and cheese it is....
    Same goes to people having opinions about how I eat and you know my eating disorder past and how damaging your rude comments about eating a damn cookie are...or how offensive it is to call e a skinny b%^ch just because I have reached my goal am fit, and can run fast...bite me....I have worked very hard...count calories just like very hard at my workouts ...actively train so I can run fast....I eat healthy foods etc....I am not doing any of this to discourage you so why do I have to get called a skinny b* I call you a fat would be rude and discouraging and mean and lacking respect for your journey.....respect my journey....(BTW I in no way would ever call anyone a fat slob....I actually get excited when I see anyone workout because I know what a struggle it is sometimes but how vital workouts are to good physical and mental health I wish I could personally be a cheerleader for everyone at the gym...from the super fit to the new at fitness)
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    oh...and when people call any running event a marathon because it seems like a long way to run to them...a marathon is a defined distance. A 10K does not fit into that defined are running a race...or a fun run...not a marathon unless it is 26.2....I do not call myself Dr......when I only have a master's degree...sure it is post bachelors work but not a doctorate. A doctorate would take even more time and work. Is it attainable to me? Sure. But as I have not done it I don't get the title.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    when MFP tells me I am going to weigh 141 in 5 weeks...yeah, like THAT's gonna happen. :noway:

    OK - so I am just kidding about that - I understand what that is based on, and it really doesn't piss me off. BUT it does piss me off when the scale seems to have a mind of its own, without regard for what I ate or what exercise I did. And I know all the things about sodium, and water retention, and building muscle, and I also know all about not getting weighed daily, and not living by the scale. But it still pisses me off when the darn scale tells me I gained a pound in a day, and it wasn't even a "bad" day, and I exercised too. :grumble:
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Snap judegements about parenting or "lifestyle changes" annoy me. I might be snapping at my kid..after the 10th time of doing all the right parenting things...that you were not privy to....and the kid is still doing said naughtiness.....or the food I feed..I might have fed my kids super incredibly all week and we only have 7 minutes to eat dinner before leaving house mac and cheese it is....
    Same goes to people having opinions about how I eat and you know my eating disorder past and how damaging your rude comments about eating a damn cookie are...or how offensive it is to call e a skinny b%^ch just because I have reached my goal am fit, and can run fast...bite me....I have worked very hard...count calories just like very hard at my workouts ...actively train so I can run fast....I eat healthy foods etc....I am not doing any of this to discourage you so why do I have to get called a skinny b* I call you a fat would be rude and discouraging and mean and lacking respect for your journey.....respect my journey....(BTW I in no way would ever call anyone a fat slob....I actually get excited when I see anyone workout because I know what a struggle it is sometimes but how vital workouts are to good physical and mental health I wish I could personally be a cheerleader for everyone at the gym...from the super fit to the new at fitness)

    Dang girl... tell us how you really feel :tongue:

    Haha j/k you know there's plenty of decaffinated brands on the market just as tasty as the original.:wink:
  • RocketsGirl75
    The girl that sits across the room is talking to her friends/family on the phone at work sooo loud that I can't talk to my accounts on the phone because I can't hear them. And then she complains that everyone else is too loud.. WTF?

    ohhhh I so have one of those in my office!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Snap judegements about parenting or "lifestyle changes" annoy me. I might be snapping at my kid..after the 10th time of doing all the right parenting things...that you were not privy to....and the kid is still doing said naughtiness.....or the food I feed..I might have fed my kids super incredibly all week and we only have 7 minutes to eat dinner before leaving house mac and cheese it is....
    Same goes to people having opinions about how I eat and you know my eating disorder past and how damaging your rude comments about eating a damn cookie are...or how offensive it is to call e a skinny b%^ch just because I have reached my goal am fit, and can run fast...bite me....I have worked very hard...count calories just like very hard at my workouts ...actively train so I can run fast....I eat healthy foods etc....I am not doing any of this to discourage you so why do I have to get called a skinny b* I call you a fat would be rude and discouraging and mean and lacking respect for your journey.....respect my journey....(BTW I in no way would ever call anyone a fat slob....I actually get excited when I see anyone workout because I know what a struggle it is sometimes but how vital workouts are to good physical and mental health I wish I could personally be a cheerleader for everyone at the gym...from the super fit to the new at fitness)

    Dang girl... tell us how you really feel :tongue:

    Haha j/k you know there's plenty of decaffinated brands on the market just as tasty as the original.:wink:

    Decaf...who needs decaf...caffeine is the nector of the Gods...apparantly too much time with extended family this weekend..they get on my called while I was working out so I didn't answer then she asked if I burned enough calories for the beer I was having .....well actually I had...I worked out an extra 30 minutes so I could have my fill of fish and chips and Harp.....but I am calculated and working very hard to be fit and healthy...I don't push it in anyones face and I get called a lucky b&tch IRL and today on MF there was a blog about the skinny b%tches etc...well I got this way working my *kitten* off...really have no *kitten* what so ever..LOL
    Think I will go have some coffee really I need a warm up..
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    when the people at work don't replace the toilet paper when they use the last on the roll...would you do that at home...I THINK NOT!
    I kon't know 'bout that - my husband and 2 grown sons NEVER replace the toilet paper roll when they take the last sheet. It drives me nuts!
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    when ppl liter!! especially when they throw their cigarette butts!! The world is not your ashtray...speaking of cigs, I hate when I see ppl smoke preg or with kids in the car!! WHY???
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    When people try to use big words and use them in the wrong context and it makes no sense.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I will confront them. Whats worse is the fact that in my state if someone in the family is handicapped everybody in the family claims to be a caretaker and gets a hang tag and uses it when theperson that needs it isnt even with them. Ican't count how many times I have seen healthy people get out of a car with a hang tag and literally sprint into the store.
    I loathe with every fiber of my being when I see a car pulling into a handicapped spot with no plate/sticker identifying said car as being permitted there and then an obviously able person jumps out.

    OMG - this ticks me off just thinking about it! :explode:
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Awwwww THAT IS SO SWEET!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When people try to use big words and use them in the wrong context and it makes no sense.

    I conquer.

  • KirstenDanella1
    LOL. My child does this to me almost every morning. The great woes of being a mommy:)
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    when people join MFP and within 2 days post "why does it give me MORE calories after I exercise? am I supposed to EAT these?"