Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • ChristyMourning
    I wanted to make a list of a few things that worked for me (especially starting at a large size) that helped with exercise.

    A good thing is taking a gallon milk jug filled with water and sitting and lifting it as many times as possible and then upping the reps every week.

    Laying on your back with a rolled up towel placed behind the knee and stretch your leg back, up twords your head and then doing the other.

    Parking farther away from the store, so you walk farther to and from.

    Walking to check the mail and back.

    Doing push up's standing up, feet shoulder width apart and leaning into a wall.

    Turning on loud music and doing side steps, back and fourth, side to side, and walking from one end of the house to the other multiple times.

    Going up and down the front steps as many times as you can, up the movements every week.

    Walking through the Mall or walmart or any other large store.

    Planting flowers (actually the movement burns more calories than you think).

    Doing Laundry and light house work(even if you sit a few times during you still burn calories)

    Placing the remote to the t.v in the kitchen so you have to get up to change the channel.

    Going for a nightly stroll a few times a week in your area.

    Walking the dog.

    SWIMMING! (I can't tell yyou how much this works and builds your heart and takes pressure off your knees(even if you wade around and run in place).

    Switch out oil for light cooking spray and olive oil.

    Snacking on cucumber slices with pepper and vinegar.

    V8 Juice.(I can't tell you how good it makes you feel with alot of vitamins in your system)

    Drink atleast 64oz of water a day.

    When grocery shopping, go to the fresh produce first!

    Switching out crackers for rice crackers and rice cakes.

    Simple Harvest Oatmeal.

    Advant-Edge carb control shakes

    Baked chicken and turkey.

    Whole grain bread and sliced turkey.

    Switch out mayo for mustard

    String cheese for snacks

    two table spoons of peanut butter when having a craving or hungry.

    Low sodium, Low fat soups like progresso or healthy choice.

    Fat free yogurt with flax seeds

    Almonds and walnuts and hemp seeds.

    Dried cranberries, blue berries, and gogi berries.

    Steam vegetables instead of boil or fry.

    Whole brown rice.

    Fish, like, Salmon fillets and cod. a good way to make salmon is to take a cut fillet and put it in foil, add olive oil, half squeezed orange, 4 cherry tomatoes, teaspoon of lime or lemon juice, make a pouch out of foil, put in all and scrunch the top of foil and place in oven.

    Asparagus, a good way to make it is to place on backing sheet, spray with light cooking spray and cover with Parmesan cheese and bake until crunchy.

    I hope this helps some!!!!
  • ChristyMourning
    since my very start on july 24th 2006

  • kimberleysv
    I have not checked in with you guys in a few days. It has just been very busy here with working full time and running the studio on the side plus a promotion at work and now the weight loss thing going too....whew it made me tired just listing my life!
    I weighed in yesterday and had to up my settings for calories and such for the first time. That really looks like progress! I have now lost 44 pounds one pound at a time. I have gotten a little healthier I guess because I have now been able to add more cardio to my workout. Before I was just doing circuit training with limited cardio. Now I am up to 36 minutes a day on the areodyne bike. 3 months ago I could not get on the thing! Now it's time to decide what to do for dinner. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you through your posts even though I do not post nearly enough I do read each day and this thread is fantastic! This is the most positive group I have found about yourselves and each other. Thanks!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey everyone. I went to the gyme again today, 45 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5. I have been everyday this week. yeah. I am going to keep it up till sunday. that will be 7 in a row.

    YAY! But, Please be careful. Over working yourself with no rest days inbetween can be harmful and I want you to be HEALTHY!

    i am not over working, if anything i am still underworking, the treadmill is nothing in comparison to the classes I was doing a couple days a week. I am not even sore afterwards. I have lost 2 lbs though, that a start. I need to get back into my classes, I have just been to lazy.
  • cecilsmom
    cecilsmom Posts: 41
    I just started here. Literally today. I'm lookin to lose 90 lbs. I got some major health issues happening which is gonna make it that much harder. Plus a two yr old that was premmie two heart surgeries as a result he's under weight. I am gonna need some major help here. With giving him the stuff to put weight on and me trying to lose.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    so I did not make it to the gym today. We were out of food in the house and i need healthy food to make healthy choices so after $90 at the grocery store and 2.5 hours of shopping (I hate buying things when they ar enot on sale, or a good deal) It was 9pm and I just did not want to go, I also had a ton of food to put into pre portioned bags so I would not over snack later. I know I can only have one bag and that it is almost exactly one serving, no saying just one more. Anyways I just got done doing that, I put fruits and veggies in little bags too, but I can have as many of those as I want. :love: . It is 11:44 now and the gym closes at midnight tonight. I guess I will make up for it tomorrow, so much for everyday this week :frown: .
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I just started here. Literally today. I'm lookin to lose 90 lbs. I got some major health issues happening which is gonna make it that much harder. Plus a two yr old that was premmie two heart surgeries as a result he's under weight. I am gonna need some major help here. With giving him the stuff to put weight on and me trying to lose.

    Let me know if I can do anything to help.
  • ChristyMourning
    My step mother made a desert that was very nice and she was looking out for me and my diet. She made fresh sliced strawberries with splenda over angel food cake with lite cool whip! can we say YUM! I have work today from 3pm till 9:30pm, So I'll post when I get done!
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :smile: Just checking in for the day, things are about the same here. I sttill haven't weighed myself, I will probably wait for the Dr. on the 8th of August. I think I am afraid to weigh for fear I'm not losing. I really do try hard. I exercise almost daily in the pool, it is hard to do much more that that because of my weight and health. I have followed the diet the Dr. gave me, and I guess after saying all that I am still afraid that if this dosen't work what will. And, if it dosen't work will I be able to keep on keeping on or will I just give up. So much for starting out on the positive and switching to the negitive. Thanks for all the support and help from each and every one of you. I'm heading for the pool. Be Blessed and have a great day. Connie
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    So weight update. I am at 175.3, 20 lpbs lost total, yeah. I am losing a little more then 2 lbs per week but I think thats fine as long as am am not starving myself. I think my body just really likes the healthy food and they gym, I feel so great after going to the gym. I am actully headed out now to go do an hour on the treadmill, it helps that there are TV's on a lot of them, Hope everyone is doing great, dont forget to check in.
  • ChristyMourning
    I worked yesterday and was on my feet for a very long time. I would say 5 hours, Helping people and doing cash register. The Mall was slammed and so was our store! My body feels like crap today. I'm completely sore!
    Since I have reached my halloween goal a little early, I'm going to raise it back to 75 pounds. I found this new type of soup that is really good and low calorie by Campbell's select harvest. So I have been having it for dinner.
    I'll be back to check in later today. Best wishes to you all!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am a little frustrated. I did my weigh in this morning and I am up 4 pounds. I don't even know how that is possible. I have come to the realization that I will need a good 2 years to lose all the weight I need to lose, and I have made peace with the fact that a 2 pound loss per week is a healthy and acceptable loss. I continually feel frustrated when I look at how much I am losing compared to how much I have to lose, and when I weigh in and see a gain, I just don't know what to think. It feels hopeless. Two years is long enough to wait to get myself to a healthy weight, but now I'm behind another two weeks. How do you overcome these frustrations when you have so much to lose and it feels so impossible at times?
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    i try to remeber that the scale is just a number, if it went up and I am doing everything I should I usally just try to tell my self I could be muscle or water. I also pay more attention to how clothes are fitting and how I feel and how much energy I have. I know I am doing the right thing for my body even though the numbers on the scale may not always boost my motivation. I know that in order to be healthy and live to have children and see them have children I need to get it under control now before it causes major health problems.
    If you had a bad week and the scale numbers jumped because of it just remember today is a new day and start over. Thats all we can do, never give up.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I know it's not just about the number on the after I weighed myself I had my mom take and write down my measurements for me, so I am going to start tracking my measurements every week in addition to my actual weight.

    I did eat out some the week and even had some frozen yogurt one night, but I did a lot of exercise and stayed within my calories even on the night that I ate out, so I am completely baffled...but today is a new day and I am just going to forge forward, remembering that I am the sum of my small steps.

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I am a little frustrated. I did my weigh in this morning and I am up 4 pounds. I don't even know how that is possible. I have come to the realization that I will need a good 2 years to lose all the weight I need to lose, and I have made peace with the fact that a 2 pound loss per week is a healthy and acceptable loss. I continually feel frustrated when I look at how much I am losing compared to how much I have to lose, and when I weigh in and see a gain, I just don't know what to think. It feels hopeless. Two years is long enough to wait to get myself to a healthy weight, but now I'm behind another two weeks. How do you overcome these frustrations when you have so much to lose and it feels so impossible at times?
    All it takes for me to gain is to much sodium or around my time of the month, don't worry about it, it will come back off. Just watch your sodium a little closer the next couple of days and you will be fine. I have been here since May and lost almost 20 pounds, I know that it is slow and there are ways to go quicker but remember this is NOT a diet and if you can't live on "diet food" for the rest of your life, don't start, because the minute you'll go back to eating regular all your weight comes back with friends.... been there , done that.... and I agree with destiny, scales are just one way of measuring. It feels great when you can go up a flight of steps and don't have to stop every minute to catch your breath, or make it down to your mailbox and back up the hill without taking a breather half way. Or treasure how good it feels when you acomplish something you couldn't do a month ago, treasure all the little things and in no time you're to your goal weight.
    PS: restaurant food has a lot of sodium in it that might be one of the reasons for the gain, drin k lots of water to flush it out
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I know it's not just about the number on the after I weighed myself I had my mom take and write down my measurements for me, so I am going to start tracking my measurements every week in addition to my actual weight.

    I did eat out some the week and even had some frozen yogurt one night, but I did a lot of exercise and stayed within my calories even on the night that I ate out, so I am completely baffled...but today is a new day and I am just going to forge forward, remembering that I am the sum of my small steps.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    I really bet its just wanter weight. Give it a day or two, the measurements is a great idea. Its so nice to see them go down.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am definitely going to track my measurements in addition to my weight from now on...I know my pants are quite a bit looser, so I know I am making's just discouraging that that's not reflected on the scale.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    All it takes for me to gain is to much sodium or around my time of the month, don't worry about it, it will come back off. Just watch your sodium a little closer the next couple of days and you will be fine. I have been here since May and lost almost 20 pounds, I know that it is slow and there are ways to go quicker but remember this is NOT a diet and if you can't live on "diet food" for the rest of your life, don't start, because the minute you'll go back to eating regular all your weight comes back with friends.... been there , done that.... and I agree with destiny, scales are just one way of measuring. It feels great when you can go up a flight of steps and don't have to stop every minute to catch your breath, or make it down to your mailbox and back up the hill without taking a breather half way. Or treasure how good it feels when you acomplish something you couldn't do a month ago, treasure all the little things and in no time you're to your goal weight.
    PS: restaurant food has a lot of sodium in it that might be one of the reasons for the gain, drin k lots of water to flush it out

    Ohmigosh I just changed my settings to track sodium in addition to the other things I am tracking in my food diary, and I am SHOCKED! I went back to look at previous days and I have gone over in my sodium by quite a lot ever since I started MyFitnessPal. I know too much sodium isn't good for you, and I do have high blood pressure so I definitely should be more careful about that, but I never really thought about how it could impact my weight loss efforts. Thank you so much for opening my eyes...I am definitely going to monitor this from now on...
  • ChristyMourning
    I did good today..... Until... I ate a bowl of Sarah lee cheesecake icecream, reeses hardening chocolate and whip cream.... ack! That set me back, even though i didnt go over my calories I feel sick and like poo!!!!!!!!!!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Hey all, I just found this thread and am happy to see it.

    I weight in at about 230 right now and my heaviest was 270 about 7 years ago.

    I have about 70 pounds to lose to be in the "normal" range. I feel like that is a pretty overwhelming number and have been stuck at the weight I am at - within about a 10 lb range - for years. I was talking to a friend about weight yesterday and realized I would be totally happy at about 200 lbs. Just enough to get me into a size 16 and stores other than Land Bryant (yay!). I also know, from having hit 210 at one point, that I feel a lot healthier with that change. So I decided to throw out the 70lb goal and just stick to the 30lb one. If I can keep going from there, then that is fine, but I really don't feel like I need to. So hopefully that shift in goals can help me get motivated to get to a place where I feel happier and healthier.

    So cheers to realistic goals and making smaller changes. Has anybody found sticking to smaller goals to be easier to handle?