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  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member
    So maybe if I just stick with what they recommend before the exercise?

    I'm having a hard time with eating the full 1200 calories I'm supposed to, let alone the ones I earn from working out, but I'm really trying. I think you should too. Seems I've stopped losing weight (not gaining any either though) for a bit, but I think it's because my body is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. LOL And I think I remember reading in another post not to be surprised if you do gain weight for a couple of weeks, until your body gets used to it.

    i just recently hit my second plateau. i've noticed it takes about 3 weeks of persistence to get through it. i agree with ya. sometimes i think my body is saying, "what the hell?"

    I really wish I would have started with my weight from last week, I started at 283 and now am 278 so that's five that I could have charted:grumble: oh well at this weight what's five pounds, and with that said I think I'm going to stick with the before workout calories, I think that if I eat the earned ones that'd be maintaining?:huh:

    you can chart those calories still :) go to check in, the edit entries, then scroll to the bottom where it says add new entry. place last weeks date and weight :)
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    OMG bad weekend followed by a an even worse day! I had A&W for lunch and now am a -287 cals for the rest of the day :( gonna have cucumbers for dinner I guess, how do I quit this cycle, I do soooooooo good for like a week and then same ol same ol :cry: :sad:

    Hey, I was doing great. But then for no apparent reason, I totally pigged out at an office potluck today. It was like I had never seen food before. I was SICK by the time I was done. But I can't let it get me down now. It is over and done. I'll walk a little longer and a little faster tonight and start tomorrow fresh. It's the only way to stay positive. Don't give up!
  • chubbymexicanswife

    To answer your question yes we did catch the pig that night but not by me personally. She actually had a lot of stamina and when she finally slowed down our friends grabbed her while my husband put her harness on. It was quite a night in Oklahoma. My friend even commented that Jeff Foxworthy could use this in his "you might be a redneck" act.

    To apigsavedmylife...Pigs and Oklahoma...two of my favorite things! I went to OSU for awhile! I'm glad the pig got caught and you were able to set some good goals for yourself.

    I'm really struggling this week. I do good during the day, but then night comes and it's like the beasts are unleased. I had a bad weekend this past weekend because we were out of town, but I did get lots of exercise in the form of walking around at the fair for about 5 hours on Saturday. I just hope I can get it together for tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member

    What a great name and an unexpected moment to find motivation!

    Thanks for sharing it and I wish you success. You can do it.

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Okay another day, another meal lol doing great so far but it's only about 9:30am LOL but anywho, how's everyone doing??? Does anyone else have probs with getting their H2O in? Maybe that's why I get these demons that yell GIVE ME FOOD, I'm mistaking it for thist? idk what are your thoughts on this? Sara
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Okay another day, another meal lol doing great so far but it's only about 9:30am LOL but anywho, how's everyone doing??? Does anyone else have probs with getting their H2O in? Maybe that's why I get these demons that yell GIVE ME FOOD, I'm mistaking it for thist? idk what are your thoughts on this? Sara

    Well I was told by my weight Dr. that when I get hunger pains in the middle of the day, when I know that I should not be hungry it is my body telling me I need more water. so what I do is drink a big glass of water and if i am still hungry I will get a small snack. But i do have trouble drinking water myself.

    I just want to check in with everyone, I have not weighed in yet this week but I go see my weight Dr. thursday and I will let you guys know how that goes.

    I haev been feeling a little down cause I dropped so fast down to my size 16 but it seems my stomache does not want to go down, I am still in my size 16 and I want that size 14 so bad I can taste it. I am getting very frustrated. I am not giving up though. I am still seeing the scales go down like i should but i feel like the sizes are not going down. I don't want to be 16 forever I want to get to a size 10 maybe smaller but, I want to see what a size 10 looks like. I have never been a size 10 (maybe at age 10) I would be so excited to be there. I am not giving up I know i said that before but I don't want to stop. I am just a little down about it right now. I am so glad I have you guys to help me through this. I am so glad to have some one to vent to.

    Love you guys,
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    I just cant get my eating undercontrol, I binge and binge day after day, nothing I do helps.
    I'm hateing myself right now, :sad: :mad: :explode: I just cant get it right:mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    yea Christy!! Awesome idea, I need to lose another 95lbs to get to my goal. I know I can do it with the help and support of others just like me whoo hoo!!:smile:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I just cant get my eating undercontrol, I binge and binge day after day, nothing I do helps.
    I'm hateing myself right now, :sad: :mad: :explode: I just cant get it right:mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I don't know if i did this right or not but I wanted to share with Mary, don't hate yourelf, i know that feeling all to well. I just got back on the healthy eating yesterday and my exercise consisted of a walk one block! doesn't sound like much but considering i wasn't doing anything at all for the last 8 months i am ok with that for yesterday. Today is a new day!:flowerforyou: I started at 260 lbs and was down to 218 when i fell off track and started going back to old behaviors now i have gained much of the weight back. However not all of it and I am recomitting to it today. I just want u to know u are not alone, and u can do it. One thing that helps me is I have my "special" water bottle, i fill it first thing in the morning and i carry it everywhere i go and keep it refilled. If i get a taste for something and i know i am not hungry i add a packet of crystal light to the bottle. I have found that the peach/mango tea with metabolism booster is really good. Remember even a small victory is a step toward success. Last night was the first night i did not binge eat to the max right before bed. I really felt better this morning from just one day of healthier eating. Hang in there and have a successful day.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I don't know if i did this right or not but I wanted to share with Mary, don't hate yourelf, i know that feeling all to well. I just got back on the healthy eating yesterday and my exercise consisted of a walk one block! doesn't sound like much but considering i wasn't doing anything at all for the last 8 months i am ok with that for yesterday. Today is a new day!:flowerforyou: I started at 260 lbs and was down to 218 when i fell off track and started going back to old behaviors now i have gained much of the weight back. However not all of it and I am recomitting to it today. I just want u to know u are not alone, and u can do it. One thing that helps me is I have my "special" water bottle, i fill it first thing in the morning and i carry it everywhere i go and keep it refilled. If i get a taste for something and i know i am not hungry i add a packet of crystal light to the bottle. I have found that the peach/mango tea with metabolism booster is really good. Remember even a small victory is a step toward success. Last night was the first night i did not binge eat to the max right before bed. I really felt better this morning from just one day of healthier eating. Hang in there and have a successful day.

    I know how you feel in the morning after a non binge night, If I do go on a night binge, I feel like I had a hard night of drinking and hungover. That right there is motivation not to binge. As for the crystal light, have you tried the lemonade, one of my favs! I put it in a bottle 1/2 full of water, throw it in the freezer then the next day fill with water, nice and icey treat!:wink:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Oh btw everyone how about picking a day to post progress, aka weight loss, I would like to do this because it gives me something that I HAVE to do, and I don't want to have to post a gain:laugh: I try to weigh on Thursdays but I'm willing to change, what do you all think?
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I just cant get my eating undercontrol, I binge and binge day after day, nothing I do helps.
    I'm hateing myself right now, :sad: :mad: :explode: I just cant get it right:mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Girl everyone has those days, don't let it get you down!:flowerforyou: I had one of those yesterday, I when I woke up this morning, when I flipped my little daily quote calendar it said this, Choose rather to punish your appetites than to be punished by them. by Tyrius Maximus. It also says, When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what is before you. Proverbs 23:1. Now that doesn't mean that I am going to kill myself if I over eat. But now when I go to eat I'll be 'observing' what is before me:smile:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Okay everyone just was reading some post again, and we seemed down. WE CAN DO IT!!! :flowerforyou: FOR EVERYONE! CONGRATS! JUST KEEP THINKING I KNOW WE CAN I KNOW WE CAN!

  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Okay another day, another meal lol doing great so far but it's only about 9:30am LOL but anywho, how's everyone doing??? Does anyone else have probs with getting their H2O in? Maybe that's why I get these demons that yell GIVE ME FOOD, I'm mistaking it for thist? idk what are your thoughts on this? Sara

    Taking all the water in that I'm supposed to has been a real challenge for me. For the first time though, I think I'm really going to get it all in TODAY!! I'm already down 40oz. and it's not even noon. I just have a 20oz. bottle and know that if I've filled it and emptied it four times during the day, I'm good. I haven't been able to make it so far, but I KNOW I'll be able to do it today! I think I actually read somewhere that for every 25lbs. you are overweight, you're supposed to add on another 8oz. of water! Has anyone else heard that before too?
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I just cant get my eating undercontrol, I binge and binge day after day, nothing I do helps.
    I'm hateing myself right now, :sad: :mad: :explode: I just cant get it right:mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Are you eating throughout the day? I know it may sound weird, but I actually have set times when I'm supposed to eat:

    8am (I eat breakfast at work)
    10:30am light snack (something like a quaker chewy granola bar)
    12:30pm - lunch
    3:30pm - snack (something like pretzel sticks)
    6:30pm - dinner
    8:00pm - if I feel like it then I'll have jello and coolwhip or something really light

    This way, if I get the urge to binge, I try to think to myself "only ___ minutes until my next meal, I can wait". The kitchen is closed after 8:00 to EVERYONE in the house! I haven't been really good about getting enough sleep, but I'm supposed to be in bed by 10:30. I can't think about food if I'm asleep (well not without being in dreamland).
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Oh btw everyone how about picking a day to post progress, aka weight loss, I would like to do this because it gives me something that I HAVE to do, and I don't want to have to post a gain:laugh: I try to weigh on Thursdays but I'm willing to change, what do you all think?

    I think it's a great idea. :smile:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Oh btw everyone how about picking a day to post progress, aka weight loss, I would like to do this because it gives me something that I HAVE to do, and I don't want to have to post a gain:laugh: I try to weigh on Thursdays but I'm willing to change, what do you all think?

    I think it's a great idea. :smile:

    Who else would like to do this with us? I know I'll report reguardless, but it's nice to have the, I HAVE TO DO THIS, factor.
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Oh btw everyone how about picking a day to post progress, aka weight loss, I would like to do this because it gives me something that I HAVE to do, and I don't want to have to post a gain:laugh: I try to weigh on Thursdays but I'm willing to change, what do you all think?

    I love the Thursday Posting day. That id the day we here at work weigh in and it is a great day because it is not the weekend yet and because it is not monday either and we all hate mondays.

    Ladies and gentelman please please don't get disscouraged when you slip it is okay, just the next meal (not the next day or week) start over and if you really want something sweet just allow for it in your calories. I am not a DR but I have been doing this for almost a year now and I have found succsess and I am very happy with my progress (most of the time) I have found if i want something sweet i add it in my calories Wal-mart has an Ice cream sandwich that is only 100 caloriers and it is as big as a regular one AND it tastes like the original. I can also get a JR. size frosty from Wendy's and it is only 150. You just have to add it in your calories. As far as binge eating when i want to do that i pop some popcorn and i even get the butter lovers and i mean the full flavor stuff and I eat the entire bag (popped) Guess what it is only 110 calories for the whole bag yes we can have that. it really helps or just fill your house with stuff you can eat not the sweet stuff. Eat pickels they are so few in calories. I have eaten 5 pickels at once just to get rid of the snack monster.

    We can do it ladies and gentelmen YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    So should we all try Thursdays? Like monica said, it's before the weekend and it's NOT monday, LOL I hate monday's too monica! :smile: