you met WHERE?



  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Met mine at his company's summer pig roast outside of Boulder Colorado. I was tagging along with my roommate (I was in process of divorce). She knew his boss and had been asked to come and bring a friend since he had so many single guys working for him.

    I was watching a badminton match (actually admiring him and his great legs) when he asked if I wanted to join in. We hit it off and have been together ever since. Broke up with 2 casual boyfriends almost immediately and never dated another guy after I met him, it was that intense.
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    At a bustop in Edinburgh ( Scotland) , 10.30pm, after he'd danced with everyone else in the pub. We've been married for 40 years this June!
  • Chrizzle21
    Chrizzle21 Posts: 95 Member
    I met my boyfriend at a party at his house. A co-worker brought me there and she was trying to date him, but we instantly connected. The morning after the night we met he come over to my house and we sat in a kiddie pool in my front yard and have been together ever since! :-)

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I met my husband though his cousin (she and I were friends), she introduced us. Funny thing is, he and I hit it off, but our relationship with her is now kaput. We got into a big fight with her, she dropped out of our wedding and we haven't spoken to her since. But at least we still have each other!
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I met the love of my life on OKCupid. We were officially dating within two weeks of her messaging me. We've been together a year, and even though neither of us has officially asked each other, we both know that we're going to get married someday. We talk about our wedding all the time. :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I met my boyfriend of 2.5 years on and am so happy with him :smooched:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    I want to make a commercial. =) That's been our joke for a while now!

    I signed up for the site due to numerous friends forcing me to try it. He was already on it for a week (with no success.) I was cheap and did the free trial which allowed me to only view messages but not respond. Within 2 days I had over 500 messages and when I got to his I immediately put in my credit card # so I could respond!!! I told him he better be worth it! I saw his profile picture on there and I started to melt. I thought, how is this guy single!?! We ended up talking on the phone for a few days and then I had a trip to Florida planned. I signed up for Match Friday, returned his message Sunday, met him Wednesday, and cancelled my membership Thursday! 6 days and that was it. He insisted on meeting me AT the airport before I left for the week. We met up before my flight and I didn't want to leave!! He dropped the "L" word within a week. It was awesome and like we were meant for one another. We talked the entire time I was on my vacation and when I returned he made the 1+ drive at midnight to scoop me up from the airport. We have literally not been apart a day since. It'll be 2 years in August. I had an excellent experience with on-line dating but I know that's not always the case. I believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason.

  • shanhawk
    shanhawk Posts: 44
    I met my husband on a BLIND DATE!! I know it's crazy...a blind date actually working out. We have been together for 13 years and married for 12!!
  • jwb330
    jwb330 Posts: 12 Member
    I meet my wife at science camp the summer between our Junior and Senior years in high school. I walked into the Botany lab and she immediately starts telling me what I need to do. I guess I really liked that because she is still telling me what to do 18 years later.
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    I met my hubby 19 years ago, via an ad (his) in a lonely hearts column:blushing: , I was 18, he 22, got engaged within 5 months of meeting, married 2 yrs later and have been happily married ever since, well I think so anyway?, dont know if he would agree :laugh:

    BUt what I like is that we proved loads of people wrong, all the doubters out there!
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    I met my husband 6 years ago on yahoopersonals!! :-)