~ 30 Day Shred ~



  • FierceFeline
    Hopping back on for day 14 for me today. This cold has put me out for almost a week! I did some yoga at least last night and felt better :) Nothing is derailing me from exercising, to say the least! whoo
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I start Level 2 tonight. I peeked at a YouTube video of someone doing the exercises and I'm not as afraid as I was.. I may have a different opinion tonight after actually completing it though! I haven't seen a difference on the scale yet, but I'm hoping when I do my monthly measurements on April 8th, that I will see change there! I'm struggling with my sodium intake so that may be holding back the scale from moving down... I also need to be doing something besides the Shred... If the weather would ever warm back up I plan to start walking or doing the Wii Fit again.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    A little behind schedule - completed day 5 of level 2. Felt somehting in my shoulder ( the one I have trouble with) and neck - took two days off from the DVD but I walked with my hubbie both days.

    I also did 20 min on the treadmill this morning and hopefully will get in a good walk tonight!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I start Level 2 tonight. I peeked at a YouTube video of someone doing the exercises and I'm not as afraid as I was.. I may have a different opinion tonight after actually completing it though! I haven't seen a difference on the scale yet, but I'm hoping when I do my monthly measurements on April 8th, that I will see change there! I'm struggling with my sodium intake so that may be holding back the scale from moving down... I also need to be doing something besides the Shred... If the weather would ever warm back up I plan to start walking or doing the Wii Fit again.
    I recant my previous statement.. level 2, day 1 kicked my butt! Lots of stops to say "Oh my gosh!"
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    I've been off of shred for a bit...still working out, just not with Jillian. Back on tonight - Level 2 Day 6 combined with 6wk6pk.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Completed day 6 of level 2 - felt pretty good - better than last week. So I think I will be ready to move up to level after day 10. But I remember level 3 - lets just say ' it's not good memories!" LOL

    I plan on taking my spin ab class tonight at the gym. - I am hoping to see a difference soon.....

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • glcarr65
    glcarr65 Posts: 74
    I am on level 2 now... I am so excited to say I can almost do a push up now.. before my arms were so darn weak...
    still have a ways to go but I am so excited....I will be doing push up before this is over....
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Just got done with Day 10 L2. Im suppose to do measurements today but im on TOM therefore I am bloated!=/
  • emeraldthunder
    I'm at Day 5 L1, I do notice my stamina increasing a bit, though today I focused mostly on Anita because I had donated blood earlier and I didn't want to get dizzy but still do the Shred. I can almost do non-modified push-ups! Though I think I'm going to have to start another workout video for my upper body, I feel like I have such weak arms!
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    I've been off of shred for a bit...still working out, just not with Jillian. Back on tonight - Level 2 Day 6 combined with 6wk6pk.

    Sure didn't happen. Baby's sick - got mama sick. I'm forcing myself to eat and it's such a yucky day today. Blah.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I was suppose to do day 7 of level 2 - but I was felling bored - so I did level 3!!! I think that was good for me. Tomorrow I will probably do level 1 again (just to readjust after today because I will be a little sore) and then continue with level 2 for a few more day. So, I felt really good after completing level 3!!!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I finished up Day 3 of Level 2 last night. I hadn't been sore any on level 2 up until today.. Not sure if it just took those muscles longer to get sore or if I just actually got in a good workout last night. I have definitely taken more breaks in this level so far but I'm feeling a soreness in my abs, so that is always good! :O) I do dread doing this level each night, more so then I did level 1. Planks are killer! But I'm hanging in there! Some of you guys should be getting close to the end, shouldn't you? Anyone seeing results yet? I've lost 1lb and a few inches! Not amazing but I do follow the easier verison of things and I'm only 3 days into level 2 so I'm happy!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So I went back and did level 1 today. Was really able to do the advanced version - so feel good able that. Ready to go back to level 2. Nice little break - so I don't get bored. So all together, I completed 17 days of the 30 day shred !!! Feeling pretty good strenght wise. I am getting stronger... I also amanged a 30 min walk last night - regular pace and 25 minute on the treadmill this morning - very intense 4.5 !!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day.
  • tinalina81
    I have been doing level 1 for 7 days now and decided today I will try level 2. Boy did it kick my butt a bit( on TOM as well though). Tomorrow back to level 1 and maybe I can squeeze some running in at the gym tomorrow as well.
    Will post measurements on Mondays with my weight.
    Good job to everyone that has been keeping up with it.
    Oh and I am getting some 2 pound weights today so i can do the arm sequences with better form.
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm not sure if it was with Jillian's help or just because, but I'm down a little over 4lbs this week! Very motivating because week 1 I lost 4lbs, week 2 &3, I lost less than a pound each week. Week 4, down 4lb!! Yay! I will definitely give Jillian some of the credit. Level 2 is kicking my butt! I did figure out something I was doing wrong. I have been doing the workouts barefoot and last night decided to try it with shoes on because all those plank moves were killing my feet. I think it helped!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I did level 2 today and it felt great. I needed that little change to level 3 then back to ! and now at 2. I like change in my workout. So I couple more days here and then on to level 3 for 10 days!!! I also managed a good walk last night and tough intense walk on the treadmill this morning.!!!

    I just need to keep checking my eating and continue to make it as clean eating as possible. I am doing pretty good but there is room for improvment. Removing all processed foods is not an easy task.

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • rdonald711
    rdonald711 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in although I'm rotating Shred with her other No More Trouble Zones, 6 week abs and Fat Blast Met Boost (whatever its called) Shred and Fat Blast in the AM and Abs and either NMTZ or run, elliptical or incline treadmill workout in the evenings 4 nights a week.

    My April 1 measurements are as follows:

    Bust: 41.5
    Waist: 26
    Hip: 45
    Thigh: 26
    Arm: 13

    Weight 190
  • emeraldthunder
    Just finished Day 8 L1! I only had to do two modified push-ups! YAY! I'm excited to start L2 Monday :)
  • FierceFeline
    I'm LOVING level 2. Not sure why, maybe my body is more suited to it than level 1? Either way - I can feel my arms toning way up! I am at lv2 day 3 (shredding for a total of 18 days now).
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    Level 2, Day 5 checked my butt.... i was shaky and wanted to puke! When does level 2 start getting easier? ;O) Phew! Seriously wanted to take the night off tonight but I'm done it 15 straight days so far.. hopefully I can finish up the next 15 without breaking too... I'm thinking Level 3 must be ugly!
    Anyone seen any big changes yet? I was down 4lbs this week. I haven't taken measurements yet.