SAHM 3/14 - 3/20



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    wildcat - I agree re: maybe having one part of the day as 'cheat' rather than the entire day, if you really blow out you could offset any work you've done for the whole week and that would be really demotivating. I have the odd splurge but try not to go more than 500 over target so I can still lose that week.

    kat - well done on enjoying the run and findig it easy! :smooched:

    Shell - glad you are enjoying 5 day iferno whatever that is! :laugh:

    Welcome RockVixen and happy anniversary!

    Angela - welcome!

    I had a lovely day with my baby girl (the boys were at school/ childcare), managed to get a load of my maternity stuff onto ebay so hopefully I can make a few quid. I had meringue nests with light cream and fruit as my Friday treat today (weekly thing in our house). If I'm being absolutely honest I didn't enjoy them as much as last weeks maltesers, but they definitely satisfied the sugar craving andn were half the calories and less fat - and I don't want the maltesers twice as much!! Will continue to experimet with what I can have and enjoy!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Creepy Stacey! I mean I guess it's flattering, but uncomfortable. Maybe if you don't respond he'll get the hint?

    So I lost 3 lbs this week :noway: As ecstatic as I am, I'm hoping it's just because I had no loss last week and it was my TOM. I have my profile set to lose 1 lb a week, and normally it's closer to 2, but 3 seems like a lot. I'm mostly worried about my milk supply (as always, it's so exhausting). But less than 20 lbs from my prepreg weight now :) I'm eating all my workout and extra nursing cals, so it's not like I'm starving!

    Usually on cheat days I log through dinner, then don't record the alcohol. It always balanced out in the past, I guess we'll see what happens. I'm thinking of getting the same wine I had a couple weeks ago - it got me a good milk boost, but I had a heck of a headache the next day. Off to buy new jeans for the occasion! I can pull my current pair down without unbuttoning them :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks, girls. i overreacted, i'm sure, just cuz it so unexpected on mfp. i blocked the sender so won't have any more problems.

    congrats on the losses out there! good work!
    have a great weekend!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Stacey - Maybe you should change your profile pic to one of you suckin face with your hubby. :blushing: That might get the random guy to leave you alone. :bigsmile:

    Welcome to the new members! I forgot to write names down but I'm glad you are all here.

    I'm so P-Oed at myself. So, this is total TMI but I started spotting five days ago and AF didn't actually show up until today (this has never happened before and it was torture). I've been a sugar hoarder all week and today was the worse. I just ate 1/2 a sleeve of Thin Mints, after going out for a burger with my mom and then having a scone. Seriously!!! So mad, why do I do this crap, I always feel gross afterwards and it makes my stomach hurt. Sugar is truely addicting. I need to go cold turkey for a week to get my body back on track. Anyone else need to drop sugar for a week? Plan on starting officially Sunday but hope to not eat any tomorrow either.

    Ok, off to read and watch a little tube before bed. Hubby went to WV to visit my brother and maybe buy a truck from my Uncle. I probably will be at my parents most of the weekend to escape the cookies. Too bad I can give them to the dogs. :grumble:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    So mad, why do I do this crap, I always feel gross afterwards and it makes my stomach hurt. Sugar is truely addicting.

    This is precisely what I'm like and I did a very similar thing eatinng all 6 of those choc bars the other day (small ones, but still, SIX?!?!) The worst thing is these days I even know I will hate myself afterwards, and still do it anyway?!?

    wildcat - well done on the 3 lb loss. i wouldnt worry too much that its on the high end, especially if you've had TOM, your LO easily could have been feeding more or something too. There are bound to be some fluctuations

    I'm still feeling a bit down about my own binge if I'm honest, but have planned and tracked all my food for today, nothing more I can do really but keep eating as well as I can and hope I get away with it come weigh in *shrug*

    Hope you all have lovely weekends, after last weekend's mad rushing about I have no plans at all! Lovely! It also means I have much more control over my eating this weekend so hopefully I can undo the damage from Thurs. Am sure we'll take the kids to the park, might also take the 2 boys swimming tomorrow and leave DH with baby and a bottle of expressed milk :bigsmile: And of course church as always tomorrow am!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Been mia been having internet problems hopefully be able to get it worked out in the next couple days. Been using hubbys cell. On the + side I lost 2 pounds and spring is so close yay for biking so can't wait. Got to go
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great Saturday! We were inside all day today since the temperature dropped, but I did do my BFBM dvd through about 35 minutes. DS kept climbing on my back and my foot was bothering me so I had to do some modifications. It still kicked my behind though! I could have done better with my snacking, but the snacks are almost all gone. :smile: I also drank all my water today, plus 2 cups which put me at 10 for the day. Now I'm going to sit down and watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on ABC Family. :love:
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Good Morning!! Been MIA. Just got back from Vacation a couple of days ago and trying to get the house back to normal. No weight gain WHICH IS CRAZY!! I ate like it was going out of style. But YAH to guilt free Vacation! Not even going to try to go through the last week and half of posts, so starting fresh today!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone. I have the busiest day today--ripping and running from one thing to the next! Busy tomorrow in the morning as well. I have to find 12 hours of time to run my nutrition IV, and I can't! I'm going to have to break the time up.

    I've been doing well on eating, and not well at all in exercising. :tongue:

    To top it off, I need to apply for these teaching jobs online, and get my information for my taxes ASAP. So much for the leisurely stay-at-home-life. :laugh:

    Yeah, well, I've been AWOL and I'm EXACTLY where I left off in my last post! :bigsmile: I did find time for my nutrition IV which is good, of course. That IV added 4 lbs to my weight last week. There is no point in my getting on a scale until I'm done with the infusion series.

    My plan this week is to clean my house (it's a mess, completely out of control), do the tasks above and remember that it's SPRING now so I have no reason not to get back into my walking regime. My avatar is a picture of my doggie when he was a puppy. He used to love to go for walks then, and I'm sure he'd appreciate one now!
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I would love to join this group. I am a SAHM of 5, a 14 yr old stepson, 5 year old twins a 1 yr old as well as a 2 yr old. Life if def crazy and it would be nice to join a group that gets it :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome back those who have been AWOL and welcome to stabenowrj :flowerforyou: You sure do have your hands full!

    PNCtink - sorry its been chilly your way, but well done for getting in your exercise anyway! :drinker:

    It has been beautiful here today, really got the vibe that Spring is officially on its way :bigsmile: We have had a really lovely weekend, I have eaten well all weekend too soo yay me! :bigsmile: I was very good with dinner and had just one grilled quarter pounder with salad (instead of 2, with chips :blushing: ) for dinner tonight. It was actually really not bad cals wise and as everything else I've eaten was low fat I've been ok for my daily total there too. I'll admit I *really* wanted a couple of chips but haven't. I think for me having a weigh-in early in the week helps keep me on track as I know I don't have long to undo any weekend damage (weigh-in is Tues)

    Back to the normal week tomorrow - :sad:
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome back DJJW and Nicole!

    Welcome to the group stabenowrj!

    Thanks Shoppie! Glad you're having nice weather and are meeting your dietary goals! :drinker:

    I did more of Jillian Michaels BFBM today and was pretty amazed at how much more I could do in just a few days. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day, but I think I'm going to be up on weight from the McD's, and also because I lost so much last week from the flu. We'll see. I'm hoping our weather improves so I can get out walking with the kids too. :happy: