A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Monday Check In

    Hey everyone! I got on the scales this morning & found that same pound again. :frown: My weigh in day is Wednesday so I hope it will be gone again. I'm going to try calories cycling for the next couple of weeks to see if it is going to make any difference.

    My son is on Spring Break this week & took the week off, too. We're going to try to do something every day. Today we went to the zoo with my sister-in-law & her 2 kids. We were there for 4.5 hrs but I figured that I only actually walked for 2 or so hrs. There's always a lot of stopping to look at the animals, rest on a park bench in the breezy shade & eat in the Safari Cafe (I had a great chef salad). They had a baby chimp that put on quite the show for us so we spent a lot of time there. There is a new exhibit of African penguins that were just wonderful. All of the animals were active today due to the beautiful weather. It was a great day! :happy:

    :heart: Christy
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    So my food choices were not the best, but I did get lots of walking in for my exercise. Although my weigh-in day is not until Wed, I did step on the scale this morning and I wasn't happy with my # (up a few pounds) I am hoping that it is because of sodium from all the fast foods and I can at least maintain this week. My plan is to behave and stay under my calories and do my walking and cross my fingers and on Wed the scale will be nice to me.

    Some times it feels like I am on a roller coaster. I try hard not to feel down when that scale doesn't show me what I want to see - but I do know staying under my calories and exercise does work in losing weight. So I made those choices last week ot eat out on high cals and sodium, now I have to deal with them. My head is still on track and I know we all can do this.

    It is horrid when it is up and down, I had 3 weeks of no movement (well actually up a few lbs too!), and it really tests us during these times. You know you did lots of exericse, GREAT! You know the eating could have been a little better GREAT! You have all the tools to make it happen! You hang in there!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    :flowerforyou: ~ PATIENCE ~:flowerforyou:

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    "Patience is the companion of wisdom."

    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .

    I will learn to patiently and willingly
    do things in time and manner.

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~

    Mollie.....please give me some....! (Patience that is! lol!!!) Great to be reminded we are in it for the long haul not the sprint!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello all...i survived the gym (sometimes it is doubtful)...added the rowing machine today...it was great fun but boring after 5 minutes...oh well, at least it is variety

    L- sending prayers for your friend. It is hard to sit and wait and not have any control over theoutcome. Good job kicking it up at the gym

    did anyone see the moon on sat?? i saw it here and it was amazingly bright and seemed close enough to touch!


    Hi Karen! Glad you survived the gym, I would love to have a go at the rowing machine but my tummy is too big for me to use it currently, lol! I do standing up rowing, using the pully straps whilst doing squats. I look forward to the day I can use the real machine!

    Thanks for your prayers x

    I saw the moon Saturday night and it was amazing, the sky was so clear ! Happy rowing, lol!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    MONDAY: Today is weighin and I have lost 1.2lbs! That .2 is very important you know! I have really worked so hard this week on the gym exercises and swimming so initially I was disappointed but then I looked at a bag of sugar and realised I had lost half of that and then it didn't seem any small feat after all.

    Like others in this group I had big losses during the first 2 weeks so settling down to the 1lb or 2lb (or actually going up which I also did!), is hard. January was fantastic, February was horrid (3 weeks of no movement and 1 of increasing weight).

    My body aches today. I have really pushed myself trying to do my 60 minutes in the gym and then swimming. I was a couch potato 4 weeks ago as although I had started the 'healthy eating' on 2nd Jan, I didnt do any exercise until beginning of March when I joined the gym. What follows may be boring so apologies, but I think by putting it below it will help me chart my progress:

    My gym routine is, in order:

    10 minutes crosstrainer (increased from 1 minute to 3 minutes to 5 minutes to 10 minutes within 2 weeks)
    Lunges (with weight pole - moving out from my chest in front of me) x 20 (repeat x 3)
    Squats (with weight pole - moving up above my head) x 20 (repeat x 3)
    Stand up rowing (don't know the name!) Squat to standing whilst pulling hard on weighted pullies x 20 (repeat x 3)
    Arm pull down machine (lol! don't know name) x 20 (repeat x 3)
    Arm pull in/out machine x 20 (repeat x 3)
    20 minutes on treadmill - hill setting - incline 6 - walking at 4.5 mph
    Finish with another 10 minutes of crosstrainer

    .............somehow walk down stairs ....... change into costume and get into pool.......ahhhhhh...... then 20 minutes of breast-stroke.

    I am having 2 days off from gym now as I think my body is needing a few days to rebalance itself....it is a bit tired! lol!

    For those of you wishing to do some exercise at home, the squats are ideal. They burn so much energy and you will really feel them. Just make sure your knees don't go over your toes when you go down. I don't go down too far as can't (yet) so you don't have to do them perfectly. I am sure there must be some video of squats on the internet if anyone wants to ensure they are doing them correctly. Have a go and let me know how you get on.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    TUESDAY TESTING MYSELF - This week I am going to try to be patient. (Yes, great timing Mollie with the quote!!!). To have the patience to listen to my body when it says "I can't do as much as you want me to, please take it easy". This might seem like a challenge cop out but everything re the future of my weight loss journey depends on patience. It does not come easy to me and therefore I easily turn a postiive experience/milestone into a 'not good enough' experience.

    I looked it up and just a few of the things 'patience' can give you:

    Staying power

    It is an important word!

    On the practical, for the last week I achieved my goals which were:

    To go to the gym at least every other day.
    To keep under my daily target of 1,200 calories each day.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good Monday morning all! Had my first weigh in this morning and lost 9 lbs!!! I know that alot comes off the first week but I am extremely happy with that. The first week is always the toughest for me and I made it through. Woo Hoo! One week at a time.....
    How was everyone's weekend?

    YAAAAY MALIAS!!! WOW!!! Congratulation on a great loss!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the goo work, girl. And don't forget to drink that water!

    Thank you Cassie! The water is my nemesis! I must definitely work on that.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi all. I am a little out of it today as well. It is after 9 pm here and I got almost no sleep last night. Our 9 year old boston terrier insists on barking to go out around 2 am for the past 2 years with just the occasional day off even when he went out at 11! of course, this rouses our other 2 fur babies and it becomes a big barking fest. After all the activity, it is extremely hard for me to get back to sleep and it really caught up with me today. If only it stopped with 1 disruption, but it keeps happening 2-3 more times so it gets really old. He is physically sound, just a game I think he is playing since he gets to sleep all day while we are at work. He even lays around most evening but seems ready to go at night regardless of how much activity he gets during the day. Anyway, I think he is spending the night in the basement tonight so that we can get some decent rest. I feel horrible doing it, but our not getting any rest is not helping any of us.

    With all that said, I have weigh-in tomorrow morning - hoping for a loss but okay if not. I know I have done about all I could do this week - exercised at least 30 minutes & stayed within my calories - and that is all I can do. Well, could have made better choices within my calories, but I guess there is always room for improvement.

    Okay now I am rambling. Sorry. Everyone have a great night and I will catch up with the individual posts in the morning. Hugs to you all!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Hey All...well Monday is almost over (thank god). Last week was not my best did to poor food choices but I am going to do better this week. Back to intense circuit training in the gym this week (M,W,F) and pure cardio on T, Th. I am going to play with my calories some to see if I can confuse this old body! I am avoiding the scale until Wednesday due to high sodium meals over the weekend. I drank so much water to day I almost floated away :ohwell:

    Jolene…congrats on the new grandbaby, he is super adorable, enjoy your visit :flowerforyou:

    Charmaine…I was right there with you this weekend on the poor food choices, we can fix that this week. :tongue:

    L….Big Hugs. I so hear you on looking in the mirror at the gym, I look at the person in the mirror and think “who is that big girl, it can’t be me, I don’t feel that big”. One day the girl on the outside will match the one on the inside! Mostly I travel to the Caribbean, love the tropics, next trip is in July. Congrats on the weight loss. That is an awesome and very ambitious workout routine, do be sure to take rest days so you don’t get to sore, your body needs it to recharge! Any you are right lunges and squats are awesome calorie burners!

    Mollie….thanks for the wonderful inspirational quote

    Jackie….hang in there, 4 oz is not nothing, don’t let that discourage you! Its small changes over time, remember we did not acquire the poundage over night so can’t expect is to come off quickly. We are here to support and encourage you all the way. We can all do it this time, slowly but surely

    Joanna….we can do it this time, we will not give up, this is a life style change not a diet so it is small changes over time not a quick one month fix. That was for both of us.:happy:

    MJ….Hugs for the wonderful words of inspiration.

    Linda…I did make my meal plan for the week and before I went grocery shopping and thanks for the wkend suggestions. I am feeling the same exact way as you, sounds like we are having the same frustrations….we will work thru this together :smooched:

    Malias…doing the happy dance for you :laugh:

    Katz…congrats on maintain during this difficult week.

    Claudia…that so sucks about the rain, I hope your daughter had some fun regardless. Maybe we can erase the weekend and lie to the scale (do you think it will work) :blushing:

    Karen…congrats! LOL, I have batwings also, maybe we can use them to fly and burn calories. I have also done the rowing machine a few times, super boring, event with tunes. If you can get a consult with a trainer that would be awesome and help you out a lot!

    Christy….Enjoy your spring break with your kiddo. Fingers crossed the change in your calories will help break your plateau, I am going to try something similar this week

    :yawn: time to hit the hay...nite all
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member

    Linda, I really know what you mean by being on a roller coaster! I have massive swings from "YES!, I can DO this!" to "Why even bother?" in the same day! I think I am "weightloss bipolar"! Does that make sense? Does anyone else deal with these attitude swings?

    Boy, do I get this "weightloss bipolar". Great name for it! A big YES, I have those all the time.

    Thanks so much for the well wishes for my poor ole dog, who is having a good time hangin out with my other granddogs. We are a dog family. He isn't himself, but he still remembered them. Tho, he played with my son's new puppy most. He loves that puppy and she bonded with him. strange
    My new grandson is beautiful! He has a head of black hair. He is so little and new. I can't get enough of the newness smell. He has a huge long name to grow into......he is Rocky Lane H*******" the third". I believe they are going to call him Trey. My son Rocky II was named after his father Rocky, who's mother named him after a tv cowboy star Rocky Lane. My first husband Rocky was killed by a drunk driver vehicle accident when my kids where 4,2,1 years old. Rocky was the 1 year old and growing up he always wished he remembered his dad. To honor his father, he married on what would have been his 50th birthday and now he has honored him again by passing on his name to his son. I am always touched by what a good man my son turned out to be, all my kids really, but him for carrying on what the father he never knew started.
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone.....its still Monday here on the westcoast. I decided to go ahead and weigh on Wednesday this week, and stay with that. Im not feeling all that well tonight, feel a stomach bug brewing, so I will write more tomorrow. I just wanted you all to know...TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS! Have a great weeks everyone....and move move move!:flowerforyou:
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    So my MONDAY CHECK IN is actually happening on Tuesday .....it's after midnight here. I couldn't get online earlier, so I just finished reading everyones posts.
    So this week has been pretty good. I have found that since I bought a new scale, it has made be be a good bit more strick about my food choices. I do need that accountability. Now hopefully I can get down to business. So most of the snow we had is all gone except in the higher elevations and piles that the plows leave. Being a So. Cal. girl, I love the snow here in Oregon, but I'm ready for it to be gone. It amazes me how quickly it all melts. Anyway it was beautiful here today,so the hubby andI did some errands and then spent some time in the Goodwill Store. And then we went and checked out the walking path here in town. We actually walked about 15 minutes....even took the dog with us. Now walking may come easy enough for some of us here.....but not for me. This is a major first step. So I'm gonna try to go out about 3 or 4 times a week for starters. Maybe work it into more. And the walk pat is real nice...travels from the foothills east of town and goes. All the way past downtowto the west side of town. Most of the path goes thru farm areas and then into the downtown area. It's quite beautiful out there. So weather permitting....I'm gonna give it a shot. I figure so many of you here are pushing the pain and getting it done.....then that's what I need to do.

    I have so much more I need to say on here tonight. But I'm already starting to make typo errors....I do that when I get tired. The keys on this phone are sooo much smaller than the computer...LOL
    Anyway, I will see ya all in the morning. You guys are great!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    TUESDAY TESTING MYSELF: My immediate challenge is to continue with my walking plan. I have walked, or gotten some form of cardio exercise (such as house cleaning-it's that time of year) everyday for the past two weeks. I have committed to re-challenge myself each week to exercise at least six out of seven days. I am also steadily increasing the distance I walk each day.

    There is a fund-raiser coming up that is a five mile walk across central London. It's the first weekend in April. My goal is to be able to complete this walk. It would be an amazing confidence booster if I could do that!

    Last week, I was able to consistently walk a little over 2.5 miles, with one day making it 4 miles (we did take a break in the middle, though). This week, I'm going to try to get my distance up closer to 3 mlles.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hello, Happy Tuesday morning everybody!
    I am just sitting here waiting for my nephew to get here. They are late today, so they could get here any time so I don't know - oh here they come. I knew I should have waited to log on til after I got him settled. OK, gonna go get my little monster some breakfast and get him all setled and Ill be back later.
    Sorry bout that, Charmaine
  • candlelady1
    candlelady1 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello, I am 42 and need to lose at 35 lbs. I don't know if you consider that a lot but I do and if it is not to late I would like to join your group. I currently am not in a group kind of new and have the deer in the headlight look here. So please consider me for your group candlelady1 Michele.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Good morning friends!!
    I have been catching up on the posts after being out of town for several days. Congrats to everyone for the losses....Hugs to those who need them. Hopefully I am back on track with logging in (I didn't log in at all while out of town) and can now keep up with out group.

    I know I'm late but for my Monday weigh in I am down 1 pound. Not a great loss...but a loss. My goal for last week was to maintain my weight for the week since I was out of town 4 days and I accomplished it. My friends started teasing me (in a fun way) because we when we would go out to eat it was grilled chicken and veggies for me almost every time. God sent me a helper on the trip. One of my traveling companions was a little 91 year old lady. She was never hungry when it was time to order but a GREAT taster of everyone else's meals :bigsmile: I discovered right away she was always willing to help me eat my meal which helped keep me from overeating.

    Sorry not to respond to everyone's posts. My brain is still a little foggy.

    My goal for this week is to drink at least 80 oz of water a day and exercise 4 days. Even trying to eat healthy, my legs are still "puffy" from the sodium and sitting so much, I need lots of water the next few days.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!!!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Morning Everyone. :drinker: I am working on our first page of our new group thread. This is what will be posting on our first page. Are there any mistakes here? Is there anything else that you would like to see posted on our first page or the new thread?

    Below is what will be posted

    This is a closed group. Sorry we already have our 20 members and we are not taking any new members.

    akaDumbo(Sara) - 165lbs target of which 70lbs already lost
    bigmama(Linda) - 125lbs target of which 35lbs already lost
    Cassie(Cassie) - 214lbs target of which 31lbs already lost
    CathyV(Cathy) - 160lbs target of which 46lbs already lost
    Christyrussell(Christy) - 101lbs target of which 29lbs already lost
    Claudia(Claudia) - 76lbs target of which 24lbs already lost
    gabbygirl(Jackie) - 69lbs target of which 5lbs already lost
    Hopeful (L)- 102lbs target of which 19lbs already lost
    jjustjo(Jolene) - 116lbs target of which 48lbs already lost
    Jojo(Joanna) - 120lbs target of which 13lbs already lost
    Karenleona(Karen) - 182lbs target of which 80lbs already lost
    Katzpawz(Kelly)- 150lbs target of which 35lbs already lost
    leadvocalchick(Amy) - 124lbs target of which 31lbs already lost
    mainey(Charmaine) - 145lbs target of which.....just starting the journey
    Malias(Queenie) - 185lbs target of which 9lbs already lost
    milesbackwards(Sue) - 87lbs target of which 14lbs already lost
    MJ(Melissa) - 260lbs target of which 45lbs already lost
    Mollie(Mollie) - 103lbs target of which 40lbs already lost
    ShellyBrew(Shelly) - 144lbs target of which 45lbs already lost
    themommie(Sheri) - 105lbs target of which 62lbs already lost

    Please remember these daily topics are for fun and if you wish to participate thats fine and if you don't thats fine also. You can talk about anything on anyday of the week. These are just meant for small talk along with supporting one another each day.

    Monday Members Check In day-Everyone checks in and lets us know how your last week went.( For ex: my week was great because, or I had trouble last week with etc...)

    Tuesday Testing Yourself day- what are you challenging yourself to do for the next week /how did last weeks challenge go (Foe ex: give up diet coke for the week, or get up earlier to exercise, etc...)

    Wednesday Weigh In and Exercise day- Everyone post what there losses or gains were for the week. What have you been doing for exercise this week, DVDs, walking, gym etc and what you like about it what you don't like about it

    Thursday Triumps day-Members post about positive things that have happened to them this week. (For ex: It could be about finally fitting into that pair of pants sitting in your closet for years. Could be about that chocolate bar you threw in the garbage instead of eating it. Went swimming for the first time in 5 years etc...)

    Friday Foods day- Exchange what you have made for lunches, or breakfasts, or any new receipes etc this week, what you have tried and hated food wise etc...

    Saturday Share day -Anything about you and your life, tell each other something (For ex: Can talk about grand kids birthday party, weekend away, or My mum was in hospital this week and I was worried and it affected my eating, or I am going through a divorce etc..) As all events can impact on emotional eating.

    Sunday Spy day- It is a members question and answer day. How it would work is anyone can ask a specific question they want to know about our members and everyone answers her. It can be weight related but doesn't have to be. (For ex: Do you like animals, or What is your favourite food to eat, or How many bathroom breaks do you take in a day etc...) Lets have some fun.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823

    Linda, I really know what you mean by being on a roller coaster! I have massive swings from "YES!, I can DO this!" to "Why even bother?" in the same day! I think I am "weightloss bipolar"! Does that make sense? Does anyone else deal with these attitude swings?

    Boy, do I get this "weightloss bipolar". Great name for it! A big YES, I have those all the time.

    Thanks so much for the well wishes for my poor ole dog, who is having a good time hangin out with my other granddogs. We are a dog family. He isn't himself, but he still remembered them. Tho, he played with my son's new puppy most. He loves that puppy and she bonded with him. strange
    My new grandson is beautiful! He has a head of black hair. He is so little and new. I can't get enough of the newness smell. He has a huge long name to grow into......he is Rocky Lane H*******" the third". I believe they are going to call him Trey. My son Rocky II was named after his father Rocky, who's mother named him after a tv cowboy star Rocky Lane. My first husband Rocky was killed by a drunk driver vehicle accident when my kids where 4,2,1 years old. Rocky was the 1 year old and growing up he always wished he remembered his dad. To honor his father, he married on what would have been his 50th birthday and now he has honored him again by passing on his name to his son. I am always touched by what a good man my son turned out to be, all my kids really, but him for carrying on what the father he never knew started.

    Oh Jolene....this is so amazing and sweet, I wish more kids would "honor" there parents (let alone respect them)!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Hello everyone.....its still Monday here on the westcoast. I decided to go ahead and weigh on Wednesday this week, and stay with that. Im not feeling all that well tonight, feel a stomach bug brewing, so I will write more tomorrow. I just wanted you all to know...TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS! Have a great weeks everyone....and move move move!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you feel better soon, rest that body...
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    So my MONDAY CHECK IN is actually happening on Tuesday .....it's after midnight here. I couldn't get online earlier, so I just finished reading everyones posts.
    So this week has been pretty good. I have found that since I bought a new scale, it has made be be a good bit more strick about my food choices. I do need that accountability. Now hopefully I can get down to business. So most of the snow we had is all gone except in the higher elevations and piles that the plows leave. Being a So. Cal. girl, I love the snow here in Oregon, but I'm ready for it to be gone. It amazes me how quickly it all melts. Anyway it was beautiful here today,so the hubby andI did some errands and then spent some time in the Goodwill Store. And then we went and checked out the walking path here in town. We actually walked about 15 minutes....even took the dog with us. Now walking may come easy enough for some of us here.....but not for me. This is a major first step. So I'm gonna try to go out about 3 or 4 times a week for starters. Maybe work it into more. And the walk pat is real nice...travels from the foothills east of town and goes. All the way past downtowto the west side of town. Most of the path goes thru farm areas and then into the downtown area. It's quite beautiful out there. So weather permitting....I'm gonna give it a shot. I figure so many of you here are pushing the pain and getting it done.....then that's what I need to do.

    I have so much more I need to say on here tonight. But I'm already starting to make typo errors....I do that when I get tired. The keys on this phone are sooo much smaller than the computer...LOL
    Anyway, I will see ya all in the morning. You guys are great!

    Cassie...every little bit of exercise helps, I am so proud that you are trying, do what you can and soon you will become stronger. Don't discount the 10-15 min bits of exercise :smooched: