A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    TUESDAY TESTING MYSELF: My immediate challenge is to continue with my walking plan. I have walked, or gotten some form of cardio exercise (such as house cleaning-it's that time of year) everyday for the past two weeks. I have committed to re-challenge myself each week to exercise at least six out of seven days. I am also steadily increasing the distance I walk each day.

    There is a fund-raiser coming up that is a five mile walk across central London. It's the first weekend in April. My goal is to be able to complete this walk. It would be an amazing confidence booster if I could do that!

    Last week, I was able to consistently walk a little over 2.5 miles, with one day making it 4 miles (we did take a break in the middle, though). This week, I'm going to try to get my distance up closer to 3 mlles.

    Have a good week everyone!

    This is awesome Katz...I know you can do it...I would jump on a plane and join you for that 5 mile walk if I could...maybe someday
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    My goal for this week is to drink at least 80 oz of water a day and exercise 4 days. Even trying to eat healthy, my legs are still "puffy" from the sodium and sitting so much, I need lots of water the next few days.

    Congrats on the loss, every pound counts....part of the swelling is just us being big, the more you carry around the middle the more swelling in the legs you will have...as we all lose weight that lower leg swelling will improve! I have noticed recently that will the #40 I have lost that my shoes are either fitting better or to lose, It is from the reduced swelling!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Good Morning everyone...look I am on early...trying to check in a few times during the day so I don't spend hours on MFP at night :drinker:

    Tuesday Testing Yourself day: Ok all, I am going to my setting and will be opening my food diary to friends...I have avoided this because food is my "sin" and I didn't want others to see all my badness:tongue:
    I know this will help me be more accountable plus you all can give me a kick in the rear when I made those stupid choices.

    Linda...the first page post looks great :heart:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...see you all later :flowerforyou:
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good morning! Question for you all....Can anyone recommend a good workout DVD? I need an easy beginner one due to back and knee problems. I really need to get moving but am having a difficult time with it.

    Cathy - you were away for almost a week and lost 1 pound? That is FANTASTIC! Losing any weight at all while being away from home is an acheivement that most people cannot do! It would have been so easy to gain, but you were committed and you should pat yourself on the back for that. Awesome.

    Linda - That looks great! Thanks for coordinating this. Hope everyone has a great day.....
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @Linda: Thanks again for organising our group. The start of the new thread looks great!

    @Shelly: C'mon over!

    In keeping honest, I have to say that I did cut my walk short this afternoon. I had done a good bit of Spring cleaning earlier today, and my shins and calves were feeling pretty sore and stiff when I started out. I decided to ere on the side of caution and just do 1 mile today. I've had serious problems with my right Achilles tendon (surgery last year followed by several months of painful walking). The last thing I want to do is re-injure it.

    It's amazing how there is a voice in my head saying that I'm just making excuses and not trying. Where in the world does that voice come from? I've been working my backside off the past few weeks. So "voice," you can just be quiet!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Here are some of the weekly challenges that members have mentioned. Please keep adding on to the list. We will be starting them soon. Sorry if I missed anyones suggestion please post it again and I will add it.

    Please remember you do not have to take on any challenges you don't want to.
    WEEKLY CHALLENGES (how this works is each week we will pick one challenge and we all try and do it for that week, then next week we pick a new challenge etc...)

    - to exercise so many mins longer that you do /or start to exercise so many mins
    - arm exercises (with cans of veggies as weights- gallon jugs of water, etc.)
    - sit up challenge
    - wall push ups
    - Water Challange...get 10 cups water in per day for one week for example
    - Exercise Challange...get in 5hrs exercise for week for example
    - Food Challange...get is 3 fruits/Veggies per day for a week for example
    - message each member of our group once this week with encouragement
    - post a photo about yourself once a day for a week (could be your food, pet, home, walking path, exercise equipement, favourite chair etc...)
    - do not eat/drink a favourite (something you eat or drink daily) for a week (or skip every other day)

    For our MONTHLY CHALLENGE we will start that on the first of April. We will each make up our own challenges that we want to take for each month. Please think of something you are willing to do(more exercise, not eat after 6 pm etc...) or give up (sweets, potatoes etc...) for the entire month of April. We will be asking for those in the last week of March so we can put a list together.
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Its Tuesday and that means I will pick a challenge for this week. Mine is to exercise for 30 minutes at least 5 days this week. Exercise is hard for me because I hate it. I need to get past that, and Im working on it, but I still havent gotten over that hump yet. Im still not feeling well this morning, and happy that i have another day off from work today. I hope you are all having a great Tuesday!:flowerforyou:
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone Just popping back on to say "hi" before I go to my Dr.'s app. I still need to go back and read the posts from this a.m. This is the first time I'm getting weighed since I started doing this nearly a month ago. Cross your fingers foir me.
    I'll let you all know how it went when I get back, Charmaine
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    @Linda - First page of new post looks great!
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    Hi..I do see that you're full. Ignore my message. Good luck to everyone.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    TUESDAY TESTING MYSELF: My immediate challenge is to continue with my walking plan. I have walked, or gotten some form of cardio exercise (such as house cleaning-it's that time of year) everyday for the past two weeks. I have committed to re-challenge myself each week to exercise at least six out of seven days. I am also steadily increasing the distance I walk each day.

    There is a fund-raiser coming up that is a five mile walk across central London. It's the first weekend in April. My goal is to be able to complete this walk. It would be an amazing confidence booster if I could do that!

    Last week, I was able to consistently walk a little over 2.5 miles, with one day making it 4 miles (we did take a break in the middle, though). This week, I'm going to try to get my distance up closer to 3 mlles.

    Have a good week everyone!
    [ /quote].

    Good kob KatzPawz! I'm gonna kind of ditto what you just said about the walking
    My TUESDAY TESTING MYSELF is to get off my butt today again and go for a walk. This is a major deal for me....between the pain & the weight.......ya know how that goes. I've already made my plans to go for my walk today. Now I just gotta do it. We got another tiny dab of snow this morning....but it's supposed to warm up to 40 degrees today. So the only thing that might keep me from walking will be more snow. And I don't see that happening today.

    Anyway...gotta finish more post reading.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Linda: you are awesome! looks great :)

    Cassie: The walk sounds great! soo pretty up there. You can do this, I have faith in you :)

    Malias: Have you heard of Leslie Sansone? she has walking DVDs that are really good. I think I've seen them at Target for about $10. Or you can check if you library has some to rent. Also, if you have cable TV, you can go to OnDemand and they have Exercise TV for FREE. They have many dffernt types of workouts so you try them all if you like :)

    Shelly: I too just made my food diary public (to friends only) to hold myself more accountable. No more hiding the cheeseburger and fries I had! :blushing:

    Tuesday Test:
    I have several challenges going on! First, I have given up coffee for lent. It started out as only Starbucks as I am quite addicted to it, but I figured I should include all types, regardles. I have to say, 11 days in and it's still not easy!
    Also, my next challenge for the week is to workout TWICE a day. I am not burning nearly enough calories, so I have to step it up. I woke up at 5am to do the first one, I hope I can stick to it!! I also have my water challenge. I do OK during the work week, but the weekends it's big ol' FAIL on geting much water in. So, I hope to get a MINIMUM of 64oz of water a day, but hoping for 96oz. Obviously, I'm going to need all your support for this!:flowerforyou:
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member

    Linda, I really know what you mean by being on a roller coaster! I have massive swings from "YES!, I can DO this!" to "Why even bother?" in the same day! I think I am "weightloss bipolar"! Does that make sense? Does anyone else deal with these attitude swings?

    Boy, do I get this "weightloss bipolar". Great name for it! A big YES, I have those all the time.

    My new grandson is beautiful! He has a head of black hair. He is so little and new. I can't get enough of the newness smell. He has a huge long name to grow into......he is Rocky Lane H*******" the third". I believe they are going to call him Trey. My son Rocky II was named after his father Rocky, who's mother named him after a tv cowboy star Rocky Lane. My first husband Rocky was killed by a drunk driver vehicle accident when my kids where 4,2,1 years old. Rocky was the 1 year old and growing up he always wished he remembered his dad. To honor his father, he married on what would have been his 50th birthday and now he has honored him again by passing on his name to his son. I am always touched by what a good man my son turned out to be, all my kids really, but him for carrying on what the father he never knew started.

    Jolene, congratulations on your grandson, I know what you mean by the newness smell. My grandson is 5 and I so miss the baby stage (not that I don't love the stage he's in now) :) What an awesome family you have now.

    Here's the funny thing; I am bi-polar and when my meds are working right and my mood is good, I have no problem sticking to a weight loss and exercise plan. When you have a major breakdown, the 1st thing they tell you is to eat whatever you want so you increase your serotonin levels quickly which helps reduce your depression. So that is why you crave sweets and carbs. The best ways to boost your mood is, exercise, enough sleep, no stimulants (ie caffeine), healthy fats, protein, and healthy carbs. Try one of those when you're down and see if it helps you stay on your wellness plan.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Cathy, congrats on your loss!!! Any loss is great! And every little bit counts. So kewl that you had a loss considering you were out of town, too. And so nice of your little lady friend helping you stay on track...LOL... SUCH A CUTE VISUAL.
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Tuesday testing:

    get back on that bike! 4 times in this week minimum.

    KatzPawz - Can I come with you on your 5 mile walk LOL

    L - Thanks for your posts and your sharing, I love what and how you write. I wish I could express myself half as well.

    Linda - Great 1st page and thanks so much for everything you have done to put this amazing group together.

    Claudia & Shelly - okay, I'll jump on the bandwagon and make my diary visible to friends :)

    Claudia - that's lots of water! I drink at least 3 liters a day or more and that doesn't include coffee or the occasional diet coke.

    Malias - Yep Claudia is right, Leslie Sandsone's DVDs are great. Walk away the Pounds is one of the ways I healed up from knee surgery.

    Cassie - do you have really good shoes? That can be a great help. Have fun on your walk. Our weather is running the gamut from thunderstorms, to freezing rain, to sleet and then to snow today and tomorrow. Oh the joy of it all.

    The new profile pic is of Abbie who's about 16 and forgets to put her tongue back in her mouth. She's such a goofy old girl.

    Take care of yourselves so you can take care of others & have a wonderful day.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Lunch time check in...doing good today :drinker: continuing to drink water to keep myself full

    @malias….I don’t do workout videos so I am no help for you on that one, sorry, I am sure the other ladies can help you out.
    @Katz…don’t beat yourself up, at least you walked some! We do need to listen to our body, especially when we are increasing activity, and it is true pain and not just soreness. It is always good to have 1 or 2 rest days a week so your body can heal and rest those muscles :yawn:
    @ Linda…liking the weekly challenges so far, and the monthly one , need to put on my thinking cap for April:flowerforyou:
    @Gabby….I still have to force myself to go to the gym most days (even after a year and a half). I so don’t get that exercise high thing :huh:
    @Claudia…twice a day workouts, you’re a better woman then me, my butt does not get out of bed early for nothing (except maybe to catch a flight for vacation). I am so NOT a morning girl!:ohwell: I hear ya about the weekends and water; I do OK at work but weekends are a big O failure…Off to get that next 16 oz of water (# 5 for the day)
    @ Sue…maybe no one will look at our diaries :bigsmile:

    Better get back to work :tongue:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223

    As most of you know I haven't been able to drive for the last 2 weeks post knee op...well today the sun was shining, another gorgeous early spring day and I was out , roof down on the car enjoying every moment!!

    It's done wonders for my state of mind and although the scales didn't show a loss yesterday , I wore a pretty form hugging dress today and the under boob bulge was not as prominent! :tongue: Yay for once I looked down and see boobage instead of potruding midrif...small things make me happy (well ok maybe not so small!)

    I know I won't fit EVERYONE in but...

    Linda**** You are a true star, I love the daily topics and once again thank you for all you are doing.

    Sue*** your bike will become an extension of you I'm sure. There is a lady here in Exmouth who is never without her bike, funny enough she is known as Sue on the bike! This will be you at this rate!

    Cathy*** Your story with the old lady tasting everyone's food! Haha I love it, well done on losing that 1lb under different daily circumstances.

    Claudia ***I noticed your food diary was open, I have loved seeing it. I have to say the decision to unblock mine was to make me more accountable. It works as well!! You have some foods over in the US that really intrigue me and sound far more exotic than what we eat. Last nights dinner sounded yum, apart from the soy shocker! I have been monitoring my sodium for the first time EVER so it was really worth knowing.

    Katz*** That'll be a really great walk, the atmosphere will be fantastic, London in April...perfect. Certainly a well worth goal.

    Cassie*** I hope the snow let off enough for you to enjoy your walk :happy:

    well ladies, I have had my hair done, driven to a quay with a girlfriend and sat by a river with ducks and swans and made some good food choices today...oh and I walked in total ...30 minutes!! Ta da da!! No crutches as well. Today has been a good day:love:

    For everyone I have missed , know that I am rooting for you and sending good wishes to each of you.

    See you all tomorrow for weigh in day!

    (please can someone let me know how to add a photo, I love the share pics of our lives idea, especially with the cultural differences.)
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Tuesday Test Yourself

    My test is staying on track with calories while being off on Spring Break with my son.

    I will try to pop in every day for a quick post, not much more because Dakota is keeping me busy. We are loving the time together so you won't hear me complain!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
    :heart: Christy
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82

    Linda, I really know what you mean by being on a roller coaster! I have massive swings from "YES!, I can DO this!" to "Why even bother?" in the same day! I think I am "weightloss bipolar"! Does that make sense? Does anyone else deal with these attitude swings?

    Boy, do I get this "weightloss bipolar". Great name for it! A big YES, I have those all the time.

    My new grandson is beautiful! He has a head of black hair. He is so little and new. I can't get enough of the newness smell. He has a huge long name to grow into......he is Rocky Lane H*******" the third". I believe they are going to call him Trey. My son Rocky II was named after his father Rocky, who's mother named him after a tv cowboy star Rocky Lane. My first husband Rocky was killed by a drunk driver vehicle accident when my kids where 4,2,1 years old. Rocky was the 1 year old and growing up he always wished he remembered his dad. To honor his father, he married on what would have been his 50th birthday and now he has honored him again by passing on his name to his son. I am always touched by what a good man my son turned out to be, all my kids really, but him for carrying on what the father he never knew started.

    Jolene, congratulations on your grandson, I know what you mean by the newness smell. My grandson is 5 and I so miss the baby stage (not that I don't love the stage he's in now) :) What an awesome family you have now.

    Here's the funny thing; I am bi-polar and when my meds are working right and my mood is good, I have no problem sticking to a weight loss and exercise plan. When you have a major breakdown, the 1st thing they tell you is to eat whatever you want so you increase your serotonin levels quickly which helps reduce your depression. So that is why you crave sweets and carbs. The best ways to boost your mood is, exercise, enough sleep, no stimulants (ie caffeine), healthy fats, protein, and healthy carbs. Try one of those when you're down and see if it helps you stay on your wellness plan.

    Jolene, your story touched my heart. My granddad was also killed by a drunk driver. What a terrible thing to deal with at any time, let alone when you have 3 small children to care for...You have my heart and my respect. It sounds like you have raised a wonderful family. Congratulations to you all.

    Sue, Wow, I didnt know that eating increases your serotonin levels. That explains a looooooot of things! Thanks for the info!!
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    I forgot to say thank you for the DVD suggestion! I just went out and bought the Leslie Sandsone walking DVD, along with a "Dancing with the Stars" exercise DVD aaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd.......good ol' Richard Simmons, Sweating to the oldies 4!!!
    (Richard has helped me lose weight before, I hope he can do it again!)

    My promise to myself this week is to use one of those DVD's for at least 30 minutes, every day, even if I have to do it in 10 minute increments.....