This is NOT a dating site!



  • To answer your question, guys will flirt with you because you are attractive. Unfortunately for you, God made you pretty. They will flirt with you everywhere you go, so you might have to get used to it.

    Also I think a place like this where they have friend interaction is a great place to meet people who have similar goals and interests as you. Many people hook up in gyms and this really is no different.

    Like everyone is saying though, you have the power to delete the people you find offensive. Trust me it's far better to be constantly hit on than constantly ignored :(

    he makes a fine point.
  • mentalbeat
    mentalbeat Posts: 104 Member
    Wow so many replies I wonder how many people actually checked for you on super tactic.

  • 3. Men are animals and will respond to pics in suits as such :)

    Would it be too much to ask that you alter that to say that SOME men are animals... Or do you actually believe that ALL men, including your husband and sons (future sons), are nothing more than animals with no ability to control themselves? Some of us do have morals and character you know.

    i thought the same thing when i read that.
  • cab1204
    cab1204 Posts: 21 Member
    No I will not make out with you. Did ya hear that? this girl wants to make out with me in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talking about God knows what and all she can talk about is making out with me. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you. Go on with the chlorophyll.

    LOL that's a good one Gorilla!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    No I will not make out with you. Did ya hear that? this girl wants to make out with me in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talking about God knows what and all she can talk about is making out with me. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you. Go on with the chlorophyll.

    LOL that's a good one Gorilla!!

    If this were a dating site I would let you make out with me... sorry though it is not.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    dont ask.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    ^Love that girl...
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    So wait-- I start a topic yesterday that asks men for their opinion on the use of smileys in other communication with men, that really went back and forth rather harmlessly, and Mike shuts that one down....but he has no problem with this one.

    Yo, Mike-- ridiculous, buddy.

    ....or maybe someone reported your bigoted comment about homosexuals?
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    ^Love that girl...
  • So wait... you're upset that guys are hitting on you so you told everyone on the website about it? Doesn't sound like you're annoyed, sounds like you're bragging to me.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    So wait-- I start a topic yesterday that asks men for their opinion on the use of smileys in other communication with men, that really went back and forth rather harmlessly, and Mike shuts that one down....but he has no problem with this one.

    Yo, Mike-- ridiculous, buddy.

    I read yours- it did NOT go back and forth harmlessly. This one has some cattyness, but your thread started about as bad as this one and only got worse.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    @Halobender: ITA, yes, I've seen women that are absolutely lecherous on here and everywhere. Being salacious isn't the province of only men.

    To whoever it was several pages back that said something along the lines of (paraphrasing here) you evil adults for bashing an innocent kid for her opinions..blah blah.

    Said, innocent kid, has surely been on the internet for a decent amount of time that she understands how to set up a thread topic on her own, didn't ask what BUMP is, has a FB, a computer or access and has probably been on the internet for a few years at least. Note that these are just observations of what is likely to be her experience with the internet at this point- not a justification for anyone to accost her rudely on the internet - but that IS what happens on forums all over the net. Particularly if you set up your thread as a confrontation which she obviously did.

    She seems to have handled all of it well and with humor from what I can see- a lot of people in this thread are simply playing around and there are actual posts that are debating the merits of different viewpoints (I did both). I don't even understand why people would be shocked that this topic would be so popular...her title is accusatory and has an exclamation mark and just screams drama...that will attract people on any forum.

    This type of topic pops up at least every other week here on MFP- so yes- a lot of us who have been here and hang out on the forums have seen this over and over again. I find it quite hilarious. As one of my friends said on our profiles ..any site with three people on it is in essence a dating site. This is a social networking site for ostensibly furthering our 'weight loss goals' (btw I find it incredibly cheesy to walk around saying that...makes me lol all the time) with ADULTS. Anytime adults get together..attractions happen. Appropriate or not- they just do. Part of growing up and being an adult is learning how to deal with this with grace if at all possible. There is zero point in trying to change everyone else about issues like these- you just have yourself to be responsible for. You can only 'control' how you react to it and your own decisions. You can choose not to participate, change your avatar, just delete PM's and not even respond to them, or completely deactivate your account or just stay off the internet or just develop a thicker skin.

    I do not think I'm being rude or egregious by pointing these things out ..whatsoever. I'm just being matter of factly. :flowerforyou:

    I'm looking for dudes with low esteem....this site is a diamond!
  • Chestica
    Chestica Posts: 11
    Thats why I dont have a picture!! only when I reached my goal I will post until you really need to know what I look like to chat about health and weight?!?!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    @Halobender: ITA, yes, I've seen women that are absolutely lecherous on here and everywhere. Being salacious isn't the province of only men.

    To whoever it was several pages back that said something along the lines of (paraphrasing here) you evil adults for bashing an innocent kid for her opinions..blah blah.

    Said, innocent kid, has surely been on the internet for a decent amount of time that she understands how to set up a thread topic on her own, didn't ask what BUMP is, has a FB, a computer or access and has probably been on the internet for a few years at least. Note that these are just observations of what is likely to be her experience with the internet at this point- not a justification for anyone to accost her rudely on the internet - but that IS what happens on forums all over the net. Particularly if you set up your thread as a confrontation which she obviously did.

    She seems to have handled all of it well and with humor from what I can see- a lot of people in this thread are simply playing around and there are actual posts that are debating the merits of different viewpoints (I did both). I don't even understand why people would be shocked that this topic would be so popular...her title is accusatory and has an exclamation mark and just screams drama...that will attract people on any forum.

    This type of topic pops up at least every other week here on MFP- so yes- a lot of us who have been here and hang out on the forums have seen this over and over again. I find it quite hilarious. As one of my friends said on our profiles ..any site with three people on it is in essence a dating site. This is a social networking site for ostensibly furthering our 'weight loss goals' (btw I find it incredibly cheesy to walk around saying that...makes me lol all the time) with ADULTS. Anytime adults get together..attractions happen. Appropriate or not- they just do. Part of growing up and being an adult is learning how to deal with this with grace if at all possible. There is zero point in trying to change everyone else about issues like these- you just have yourself to be responsible for. You can only 'control' how you react to it and your own decisions. You can choose not to participate, change your avatar, just delete PM's and not even respond to them, or completely deactivate your account or just stay off the internet or just develop a thicker skin.

    I do not think I'm being rude or egregious by pointing these things out ..whatsoever. I'm just being matter of factly. :flowerforyou:

    I'm looking for dudes with low esteem....this site is a diamond!

  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Thats why I dont have a picture!! only when I reached my goal I will post until you really need to know what I look like to chat about health and weight?!?!

    No, I personally don't "need" to know what you look like, I just like to see people's faces :) It just adds a more human element to communication that I like. Also..even if people don't want to do avatars of themselves the world is your oyster avatar wise. One only need to upload a photograph of *anything* :wink:
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    This is the internet. All human life is here. Please stop being surprised when people act like people, love.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • telll 'em like it is girl!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    Some people need to get over themselves. If you don’t want men to hit on you, do like someone else mentioned and post it on your profile. Gee I bet you’re real fun at parties.

    Guy: Hey my name is Bob, what’s yours?

    Girl: None your damn business, creep, I didn’t come here to get hit on.
This discussion has been closed.