Turbo Fire in March!



  • Hi everyone,

    Would you mind if I joined the post? I am an irish girl living in London and we don't have Turbo Fire over here. Found Turbo Jam by accident on amazon last year and have fell in love with it... so far I have lost nearly 50 pounds. Have had some delays and bad weeks so I still have a load more to lose but I got Turbo Fire last week and I am loving it!! OMG its like Turbo Jam on acid!! Very fast but very effective, so far with calorie controlling on MFP and following the class schedule I have lost over 8 pounds! Am really thrilled as I have to go to New York in June for my brothers wedding and really want to have some more weight lost.

    Anyway looks like everyone is doing really well and I wish ye all the best.

    "Happiness lies in the joy of achievement"

    Hi Amy welcome.Turbo Fire is so much fun and I love the way I feel after a class. Happy to have you join us!

    Take care,

  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Yesterday I completed HIIT 20 and Stretch 10. Today I'm doing Fire 55 EZ class to make up what I missed on Sunday. Everyone have a good day! :)
  • amycslat
    amycslat Posts: 2 Member
    Well done everyone.... just did fire 45 which I thought was harder than fire 55! Maybe it was all in my head :laugh:

    My other half did come home half way through and told me my face was an alarming shade of red :explode:

    Just wonder how often everyone is trying to do the workouts i.e. how many days a week? Also just wondering if anyone takes any of the recovery drinks that Chalene talks about?

    At the moment, I do shift work so only do it on my day off which usually works about four days a week. I hope thats enough. I am going to weigh myself Monday so all going well I'll be a happy bunny!

    Good luck everyone :wink:
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I just did HIIT 20 and it was, dare I say, EASY. I am actually thinking of doing it again in an hour lol. I just drank a bunch of water and need my stomach to empty out first, I hate jumping around on a sloshy belly :) Either I have gotten much fitter since doing HIIT 15, or 20 is just an easier workout.

    Amy- I am not doing TF according to the schedule, either. I am adding an extra day off of cardio to do weights and a day for Zumba. I think the key is that you do what you can consistently stick with and you will see results eventually. Just really try to keep your calories in check on your non-workout days and you should do fine. As for recovery drinks, I just drink 1% milk made into chocolate milk using the sugar free Hershey's syrup after hard workouts. No real need to buy expensive recovery drinks. I do drink protein shakes on my weight days, though. I have also heard of mixing vanilla whey protein powder with orange gatorade as a recovery drink.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Took yesterday off and couldn't finish Fire 45 today :frown: I feel so weak. I have out of town errands tomorrow, so tomorrow evening I will be doing Core 20 and a 1 mile run. Decided that life is too short to do a workout that I don't like and won't be doingSstretch 40 anymore. I will be replacing it with a 1 mile run, I would like to start trying to increase the distance I can run at 5 mph. I would like to get up to 2 miles by the end of Turbo Fire.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    So yesterday I did Fire 45 and completed my first 4 weeks of Turbo Fire. So now comes 4 weeks of straight cardio but I will actually miss my HIIT workouts. Here are my first 4 week stats:

    Weight starting Turbo Fire on 3/14/2011: 176.8
    Total Inches starting Turbo Fire on 3/14/2011: 193.25

    Weight ending at week 4 on 4/10/11: 170.6
    Total Inches ending at week 4 on 4/10/11: 188

    So I lost a total of 6.2 pounds and 5.25 inches......SO EXCITED!!!!!
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    So yesterday I did Fire 45 and completed my first 4 weeks of Turbo Fire. So now comes 4 weeks of straight cardio but I will actually miss my HIIT workouts. Here are my first 4 week stats:

    Weight starting Turbo Fire on 3/14/2011: 176.8
    Total Inches starting Turbo Fire on 3/14/2011: 193.25

    Weight ending at week 4 on 4/10/11: 170.6
    Total Inches ending at week 4 on 4/10/11: 188

    So I lost a total of 6.2 pounds and 5.25 inches......SO EXCITED!!!!!

    Great job you have done an awesome job!
    I too am starting month 2 of TurboFire, I think I may have to sneak one of those HIIT workouts in on Wed. because I don't think that I can go without them =).
    I lost 3 pounds and about 3 inches. I killed it in the first week but my eatin hasn't been so good lately, so here's to getting back on track and seeing even better results this month!
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Did 55 EZ today. I was able to burn 374 calories! It's gotten slightly easier than when I started a month ago, but I absolutely love the feeling I have when I am done! Hope everyone is doing well with their workouts :happy:
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Guys, I totally blew my calories yesterday. i probably ate maintenance or a little more :ohwell: We were in the nearest city (70 miles) and went to a restaurant we don't visit often. It's only open from 6am until 2:30 pm. They have the most delicious sandwich I have ever tasted, so I ordered it and ate the whole thing. I did enjoy it and instead of eating the fried potatoes it came with, I ate a fruit cup as a side. The sandwich probably has 800+ calories. :blushing: It's ok, though. I came home, ate an apple and went to work. When I got home, I ate a lighter portion of dinner and then ran a mile and did Core 20. Before bed I made a Carnation breakfast with almond breeze. Back on track today with 40 minutes of strength training this morning, Zumba and softball practice tonight.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    So I did Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 yesterday and my arms are so sore today. Funny thing that happened yesterday during the Sculpt 30 class was that my 1 year old daughter decided to join me in squats. I couldn't even do them correctly because I was too busy laughing at her trying to do it. Fun times!!! Today I enjoy my rest day but maybe go for a work later on with my family. Good day ladies!
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Getting ready to do 45 EZ today. Yesterday, I did Upper and Lower 20, cleaned my whole house, went to Zumba, and then went to softball practice. I still slept terrible last night n:noway: I measured and weighed this morning, one more pound until I am in my goal weight range and I lost 2 inches from my waist and 1 from my hips since 3/18. Turbo Fire is doing the job :bigsmile:
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    I'm in week 6 and did HIIT 20 and Core 20 yesterday. I did not have a chance to do the Stretch 40 yesterday but I plan to make it up this Wednesday. I'm excited this week because my sister is staying with us for the week and she said that she wanted to try it with me. Excited to have a workout buddy to join me. :smile:
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I an about to hop on the treadmill for a quick run and then this evening I will do Upper and Lower 20 for strength training. 2 hour Zumba party tomorrow WOOT! So no TF workout for me on Tuesday.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Just finished 45EZ today. Feel great! More strength tomorrow along with running and a softball double header. I don't know if I can handle losing two games in one night, though :tongue: Hope you are all doing well today!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Didn't workout yesterday but I plan to make it up on my off day. Ready to hit it hard this week and starting week 7 today.
  • Fire 30 done feeling good today
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Burned it up on the treadmill and about to hit Core 20. I've got HIIT 20 tomorrow (my favorite TF) and then Upper and Lower 20. I am really trying to hit it hard with the core work and strength training, gotta get that summer body. :love:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today I went for a walk (much needed by myself)came home put the baby to sleep for her nap, and just got done doing Fire 30 and Core 20.I feel so good right now!!! I burned 835 calories and I have done all this by 12:30 pm.I am kinda feeling like a super mom lol
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