Twenty Somethings Week 1



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good plan Chipper!!:drinker: And Happy Birthday!!!:flowerforyou:

    Let's see...Day 4! I'm LOVING this challenge BTW!!!!:bigsmile:

    Here's the meal plan:

    1 c. Multigrain Cheerios with 1/2 c. Skim milk (150 cal), 1 medium banana (105 cal), 8 oz. Diet Cranberry-Grape juice (5 cal), 1 multivitamin=260 cal total

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffe with 2 tbsp Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel Creamer (30 cal), 1 Soft-baked Kashi TLC Blackberry Graham bar (110 cal)=140 cal total

    Turkey&Cheese Sandwich--2 sl. Village Hearth Wheat Bread (80 cal), 3 sl. tukey lunchmeat (30 cal), 1 sl. fat free american cheese (25 cal), 1 tbsp must (3 cal)=138 cal sandwich, 14 baby carrots (35 cal), AE YoLite yogurt (80 cal), diet coke=253 cal total

    Afternoon Snack:
    2 Chocolate Rice cakes (120 cal), 1 medium apple (72 cal), Nature Valley Pecan Crunch granola bar (190 cal)=382 cal

    1/2 c. Homemade Chicken Taco filling (169 cal), 1 Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajita (80 cal), 3/4 c. Sweet Corn Kernels (100)=349 cal total

    PM Snack:
    ???--Depends on calories burned.

    Exercise plan for the day:
    Heading to the gym after work for 1/2-1 hour on the treadmill and/or elliptical.

    Also join in on the weekend challenge to stay the same or lose over the weekend. SO...gonna be on the ball! Can't wait to weigh in next Tuesday!!! Good luck friends!!!! :flowerforyou: I'll check in again later tonight or tomorrow!!! Happy Friday!!!!!!:drinker:
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    good morning everyone!!! Happy Friday to ya'all

    have a good day
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    So yesterday was a tough day! I ended up not even attempting to figure out my calories! I went to a pub with some coworkers where I had a beer, some nachos, and some buffalo i had my whole bagel fiasco yeah, I didn't do so well :sad: luckily, that is a super rare thing for me to do. It's suppose to rain today, but hopefully i'll beat the rain and get in a good bike ride. Yesterday I only got a 20 minute bike ride in because all of the runners and walkers were on the bike trails instead of thier own trails!! grrrr again! But, it's friday & let's make the best of it! I challenge you to healthy eating & weight loss!! Yah, i can't wait to see results on Tuesday!
    Good luck today!!!:smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
  • country
    country Posts: 57
    Ok 20 somethings I would like to join the club! I can’t tell you my weight because I am scared of the scale. I used to weigh myself all the time when I first started but realized I was obsessed and sometimes disappointed. So I only take measurements now. I started in May and this is where I was and where I am now;

    Waist & Stomach both were 44” now 34”
    Hips were 46” and now are 39”
    Neck was 16” now 13”
    Arms were 16” now 12”
    Thighs were ? now 24”
    Total 24” lost (Yeah)

    Breakfast; oatmeal and a cup of coffee for breakfast = 200 calories
    Snack; Quaker Mini Delights = 90 calories
    Lunch; Home made chicken burrito = 300 calories

    Exercise tonight; 30 min water jogging, 45 min hiking, & 45 min bike riding.

    Good Luck all and have a great weekend!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    So . . . I thought 20 Somethings was a challenge for people in their 20s age-wise. And since I am double that, I did not join in. But now that I know that it is 20 pounds in 13 weeks, I LOVE it! I know I'm joining late (hope that is okay?) but this is fabulous!!!! Love the recipes and it does help to see what people do with snacks and creative calorie solutions!

    Here I go with mine:

    Weight today = 166.5 which is up 2.5 from a week ago which is a bummer which is why I need to get back on track after way too much fun summer food this week (in essence, too many carbs and not the good kind that I try to commit to).

    Meal plan:

    B-fast: yogurt yoplait light blackberry with two graham crackers (like a little piece of pie in a bowl when I mush it all together -- LOL!)

    Snack 1: 2 tbsp almonds

    Lunch: Deli turkey rolls with salsa and grapes

    Snack 2: wasa crackers with one-point individual serving of WW cream cheese

    Dinner: Amy's Organic Santa Fe enchilada bowl

    Snack 3: TBD based on exercise (hurt my hamstring so will have to see how hard I can push it today)

    Good luck everyone!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So . . . I thought 20 Somethings was a challenge for people in their 20s age-wise. And since I am double that, I did not join in. But now that I know that it is 20 pounds in 13 weeks, I LOVE it! I know I'm joining late (hope that is okay?) but this is fabulous!!!! Love the recipes and it does help to see what people do with snacks and creative calorie solutions!

    Happy to have you join us!!! It is GREAT to see what people are eating and doing! I love it! This is the best challenge yet! And I feel SO motivated knowing that I have to actually post everything I'm eating! So...hop on board!!!!!!
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I'm becoming a bike riding pro!! It's so exciting!! I've lost 100 lbs just by diet and some walking, so this is my first real introduction of exercise. I think in a few weeks i'll start working with a trainer. Tonight during my bike ride I went pretty far, so far that I was wondering how i was going to get back! I love the feeling of hard work!!!! But now I have 700 calories to eat and only 50 minutes to eat them!!! k, time to raid the fridge!!

    I hope everyone had a good friday & we'll continue this on the weekend!!:happy:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Well I rode my bike 13.5 miles and walked two miles but my eating today...not so good. It was my son's bday...cake, pizza. It was all too much to resist. Going for a long bike ride tomorrow so hopefully I will exercise it off!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...I had a good workout at the gym after work...and ended up being able to have some PM snacks: 2 Edys No sugar added fruit pops, 1 c. Fat Free Raspberry Sherbet, 4 tbsp. Cool Whip Free, and 1 c. grapes. Man...that's actually a lot...but we did have an early dinner. And these put me only 20 calories shy of the calories I was allowed. So...I consider it a successful Friday! :drinker: Now, headed to bed so I can get up for spinning tomorrow morning!:bigsmile:

    Good night friends! :yawn: I'll check back tomorrow!!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Well I started my Saturday off with a 32.3 mile bike ride. I am TIRED!!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Good luck today everyone!

    Here are my goals for today:

    Breakfast -- one mango (107 cal) with 2 tbsp almonds (108 cal)
    Snack 1 -- one cup of grapes (62 cal) with 1/8 cup cashews (90 cal)
    Lunch -- 2.25 oz of deli turkey (90 cal) with 1/2 cup chickpeas (143 cal)
    Snack 2 -- 1/2 cup chickpeas (143 cal)
    Dinner -- 5.5 oz chicken breast with one cup green beans (44 cal)
    Snack 3 -- 100 cal microwave popcorn

    I am going to do Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD and walk for 3 miles. NO alcohol for me (I eat uncontrollably when I start drinking). I am not counting my exercise calories today b/c I over-indulged yesterday. Sigh.

    Have a fabulous Saturday!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! Went to spinning this exercise for the day done already! Yay! Here's the meal plan:

    AE Yo Lite Yogurt with 3/4 cup Whole Grain Total, 1 medium banana, 2 c. coffee with 2 tbsp. Sugar Free Vanilla caramel creamer, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    Soft-baked Kashi TLC Blackberry Graham bar, 8 oz. Diet Cran-grape Juice.

    Diet coke, 2 sl. Village Hearth Wheat bread with 3 sl. turkey lunch meat, 1 sl. Fat free American cheese, 1 tbsp. mustard, 14 baby carrots.

    Afternoon Snack:
    1 medium apple, Nature Valley Pecan Crunch granola bar, Almonds.

    1 turkey brat, 2 tbsp. Rich&Sassy BBQ sauce, HomeMade Broccoli casserole.

    PM Snacks: not sure yet. My sister's coming over so we'll probably have some drinks, but I have UV Blue Vodka and Crystal Light Lemonade, so I'm not too worried. Other than that, I'll just have to see where I am calorie wise.

    I wish everyone a GREAT Saturday!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I just had half of a flax seed bagel w/ some sugar free jam (175 cal). I don't think i'll get in my normal bike exercise because i'm about to head over to my boyfriends for the day, but i'll be sure to walk there which will be about a 30 min. walk. I'm sure we'll go out to dinner but I'll try and do sushi or a good salad.

    Anyways, good luck today everyone!!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    hey everyone not a bad saturday fiber one bar for break fast 150 cal caffee 90 cal i worked 10-3 cleaning villas burned 400 cals then came home had a lite snack mini bagel w/ nutella and decided to go for a bike ride to the grocery store i took a bottle of water with me. but i think i was dehydrated or hadnt eaten enough because i got about a 1/2 mile away from home on the way back and started to black out and got sick :sick: i have never had this happen before maybe i over did it in the heat along with the stress i was trying to work off i dont know but it scared me to death and had to call my hubby to come get me. :embarassed: i swallowed another bottle of water when i got in the house and laid down for 15 mins and i seem to be ok now. but that was scary :cry:

    well i worked out alot today so i had a goood dinner:
    big salad w/some bleu cheese crumbles and olive oil 180cal
    linguine w/ white clam sauce 400cal
    1 slice garlic bread 200cal

    and for snack 1/2 of a cinnamon roll (ive been craving it bad) i think thats why i pushed myself to hard on the bike ride i had those buns in the basket mmmmmm...... :embarassed:

    hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. im hitting the beach in the morning for a run i havent done a run on the beach in months Damn Tourons :tongue:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am not typing in all my food b/c it was alot. I started my day off with a 32.3 mile bike ride which burned almost 1400 calories according to my HRM. I just finished the day with a 4 mile walk which burned 375. So I had alot of calories to eat. I am still shy of the goal, and am so tired that I don't know that I will consume I had my son's bday party the night before and I didn't eat so good there.
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    hey everyone hope you are having a good weekend. another day of big cleaning for me today. i went through my house like a tazmanian devil but a clean one haha. my kids are now mad at me because i threw alot of their crap away, hey they cant take care of it, IT GONE! so 3 hours of heavy cleaning and im finally sitting down to eat something a toasted tomato sandwhich with fat free miracle whip and another cup of coffee

    im making a turkey breast for dinner tonight and having the in-laws over for dinner so the rest of my day is going to be swimming for a while with the kids and preparing dinner maybe i will get my son out to ride his bike if we have time. we just took the training wheels off and he is scared to ride it. but he will be 6 in two weeks. so i told him he can go riding with me and he will enjoy it more because he can go faster the training wheels wont be holding him back so we will see.

    have a great day ya'all!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    back on track today. yesturday was NOT on track at all. that's ok. i feel like i ate wrong. i have no energy this morning and i slept in until 9:45. haven't slept that late since i had surgery. will be working this off, that's for sure. only have until tues for weight in.
    hope everyone has a great day.
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Yesterday I did pretty well. However, I did go to a movie and had a soda & licorice, but it's the only time that i ever drink soda, so that's good! Today is a huge street festival in my community so i'll try and avoid temptation, but I think I will get a bubble tea to spoil myself a bit hehe.

    Now, I upped my calories for 1,200 to 1,400. I did some research on this and it showed that 1,200 was just too little for me, especially now that i'm more active and approaching my goal faster. Today will be day 1 on the 1,400.

    Have a good rest of the weekend everyone!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Well, this weekend has gone pretty well for me too! Last night my husband was pressing for take-out but I managed to resist and made some great grilled chicken pita sandwiches and saved the nutritional day!

    This morning I've done some yoga and some belly dancing work out and we're planning on a bike ride today so I'm trying to make sure I keep the calories coming in through the day. I really don't like ending a day with a big deficit because I don't want the deficit and I don't want to eat lots close to bed time! I found this awesome organic salsa with VERY LITTLE sodium so I bought a jar of that just for me (of course it was really expensive) since I don't use it with chips, just as a garnish. I am going to have a hard boiled egg with some of that on it now. YUM!

    We're getting close to check-in day, folks!! :happy: :happy: :happy: