The "FLAME DOLLS" (Menopause Support Group)



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am still having issues.... had a period ... not suppose to happen so they had to do an ultra sound just to make sure nothing major wrong... gained 5.5 pounds while hardly eating because I don't feel well. I am a mess...

    I am trying so hard to be healthy.... doing all the right things but nothing is working right now. The doctor said to give it more time and not to be so hard on myself. Easier said than done!!!
  • I am still having issues.... had a period ... not suppose to happen so they had to do an ultra sound just to make sure nothing major wrong... gained 5.5 pounds while hardly eating because I don't feel well. I am a mess...

    I am trying so hard to be healthy.... doing all the right things but nothing is working right now. The doctor said to give it more time and not to be so hard on myself. Easier said than done!!!

    DITTO ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Hi everyone :happy:
    I've been silent on here for a while.
    First sending big hugs to all of're fantastic and awesome :flowerforyou:
    It seems OMG that I may be entering further down the path towards menopause, or so the doc thinks, :noway:
    It seems a little surreal but I suppose I knew it was coming, (think the hot flushes gave it away) :laugh:
    Admittedly I really, really haven't missed the visitors since September, the mood swings, hot flushes and blahs are taking a bit of getting used to. The doc tells me that I need to be "free" for 12 months before it's official...what then a party? a medal? really what?? no then he'll talk to me about HRT. Well before that I will be talking to my naturopath for her opinion. I will also be looking for those books too.
    Ladies have a wonderful New Years Eve may we all get through 2012 with the knowledge that we are fabulous, Flame Dolls :smooched:
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    Hi Dolls! I just found this group, how wonderful to hear all of your experiences. Especially after another exhausting night of burning up and insomnia. I read through a few pages but didn't see anyone mentioning insomnia. It ccould be entirely the night sweats, since I do nothing every night but throw the sheets on and off every few minutes. I need some sleep! I'm 51 and just got off the pill about 2 months ago, which has apparently been holding off most the symptoms. I've always heated up at night, and it got worse of the last few years, but not like the last month. Anyone else experiencing this? Any advice?
  • Greeting Flame Dolls!

    I just wanted to post a quick thought.....

    I've had weird stomachaches.... thought it was something like "IBS". Then last night as I was flipping from side to side, I realized and felt a familiar stomach muscle pain......

    All that flipping was NOT "IBS" but just muscle soreness due to the exercise of "flipping"....

    anyone else been there??

    Much Love to My Fella Flamers!!

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    Hello flame dolls, its been awhile since I have been on this topic..... since then I am now 5 mos of no TOM! I am loving it except concerned about the 20+lbs I have gained back. uncontrollably! some of which is my fault of course but this started when I was at my best of exercise and eating habits I hit a plateau at 60lbs. Is it normal to gain like that at this time of menopause? They upped my thyroid medication which I believe helped to stopped my cycle. Before that I was on and off for about a year. I am now 53 so I think this is it! I am a diabetic so I do watch my diet. I have been lazy some what in exercise not as intensely but only because I had a crazy end of year last year! Anyway Hot flashes are all night long starting at about 7 pm to wear I am stripping my clothes off then I am freezing my husband is enjoying it! Daytime seems to be the same but not as often......I feel like I am spontaneously start a fire inside lol! What should I do I dont want to stop coffee because I only have 2 cups a day! I drink lots of water please give your suggestions!
  • vwillan
    vwillan Posts: 28 Member
    Hello Flame Dolls! I am 53 years old and am not fully menopausal yet, although I think I will fall into that category in another couple of months. I think I finally came to the conclusion that I am at my "healthy" weight and I am never going to get to the magic number that I think I should be. I work out, I eat well and I'm happy. That's not a bad thing. My last child started college this year, so I am alone for the first time in my life and I love it. Yes, sometimes I feel a little sad because I realize I'll never be that young thing again, but the advantages of being older and wiser just have to make up for it. I do my best to surround myself with positive people, and women my age are great friends. Thank you for this message board, it was exactly what I needed today!
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    so frustrated lol i want to be done with this! thought I was done with TOM for good. I didnt have it for 6 mos then had it twice a week apart... really! i wanted to cry, now I am having horrible night sweats, hot flashes again.
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    i had insomnia for years,,, i sleep really good now!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Flame dolls….are any of you here in 2022? If so I’d love , love to hear from you. 💕
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    Flame dolls….are any of you here in 2022? If so I’d love , love to hear from you. 💕

    I was interested as well...looks like it's defunct now.