The "FLAME DOLLS" (Menopause Support Group)



  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    Hello flame dolls, so I have a question.......sorry for TMI......well I know its that time of life for me to be into menopause for good I am 52 but I am wondering if I truly am? I have not had a period since April 9 but had 1 day of extremely light spotting in May, then again last week for 1 day. and I mean super light barely able to that normal? Don't you have to be completely free of it for 6 full months??? For me on a regular cycle was 7 full heavy days of aunt Flo. I think this is why my weight loss has stopped for the last 3-4 months maybe. please let me know your thoughts!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oooh, so pleased to have found all you wonderful ladies! Mind if I join you?

    I've been trying a deep breathing technique to combat the hot flashes (seems to work as well as the Black Cohosh), but the night sweats are getting to be a real pain :frown:
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Hello flame dolls, so I have a question.......sorry for TMI......well I know its that time of life for me to be into menopause for good I am 52 but I am wondering if I truly am? I have not had a period since April 9 but had 1 day of extremely light spotting in May, then again last week for 1 day. and I mean super light barely able to that normal? Don't you have to be completely free of it for 6 full months??? For me on a regular cycle was 7 full heavy days of aunt Flo. I think this is why my weight loss has stopped for the last 3-4 months maybe. please let me know your thoughts!

    I hate to tell you, but you're not considered fully in menopause until you've gone without a period for a year! Peri-menopause can last for years, and it sounds like you're definitely there! When I was in perimenopause I would be totally irregular - to the point of ridiculous. The crazy thing about this journey is that everything seems to be normal (and nothing seems to be normal either, if you know what I mean). Everybody is going to experience different symptoms. I'm so jealous of the ladies who don't have night sweats, but I don't have the leg-crawly thing that a couple of ladies have mentioned. Good luck!
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    oh man that is such a bummer.....I am ready now! I have been doing weird things for a quite a few years now but that would explain the weird things my body is still doing.....up and down the scale, missed periods, today breast soreness which is normal if I start my period, bloated, cravings for sweets and salt, carbs. I have been fairly good on my diet except today. Sounds like I am gonna have one! Thanks for the tips and yes I have the leg crawls....dislike!
  • macantrell
    macantrell Posts: 112 Member
    HI Ladies, I am so happy to find this subject. I just turned 47 this month. I am trying not to freak out! I have missed a cycle here and there. The first time I freaked out, the second I knew what was happening. HOWEVER, my last period was in April, Easter to be exact. May came and went I thought sweet a month off....June still no sign of it starting. Now my mind is racing. Do I buy a pregnancy test? MY husband and I chose not to have children long ago, but neither of us is fixed. So I guess it is possible. Could it just be stress and it will come at the worst time like my scheduled vacation. Should I just relax and go with it. I was sitting in my dry sauna last night thinking maybe I shouldn't be in here, if I am well you know.... Of course my personality is thinking the worst possible senario which is becoming a Mother at 47, but my rational thought is knowing there are worse things really! If that made sense. I am not really sure I am ready to not have my cycle if that is the reason. I find it cleansing and almost like a release when it is over. Well thanks for listening, I look forward to hearing about your experiences and thoughts. I welcome your friend requests too!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    hi there Dolls :love:

    I know what you mean Macantrell, I found my periods to be a mental cleanser and some kind of release too. I was sorry to see them go in a way.

    I also wanted to post a note to say how grateful I am for all the support I have been given. I've lost 15 of the 20 pounds I came here in March to lose. It's been 110 days today. My goal was clear, wanted to lose 20 pounds and not sacrifice food or fun! I had been feeling bad for a few years, sore joints, feeling older (age 52) and then just got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

    I've had to conquer so many issues, mental and physical :grumble:

    Letting go of how I first learned to lose weight (through starvation), finding out that we really can EAT and get fit was first and foremost for me. :happy:

    Then bout after bout of constipation :sick: as I learned how to not cut out too much fat, and find the right balance of soluable fiber and water.

    Learning to like a little muscle strengthening (although not a devotee of the dumbells), I do lift them for the all important muscles that have to get grown!! :bigsmile: And, that it just insn't about cardio till you pass out! Life has balance.

    I've always eaten 99% of my exercise calories (unless the day has been emotionally rocky - I have teens!), and only attempted to lose an average of 1/2 per week. (1200 is much to low for the majority of us - yet that is what the majority of gals try for and end up sabotaging themselves with frustration.) Some weeks would have big losses, some none at all. (had to learn to adjust to that!)

    I am a much happier Flame Doll these days and I owe it all to you gals and your support, knowledge, patience and love.

    Thank you!

    I'll check back soon :heart:

  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Great job Julia!!!! You have every right to be super proud of yourself. And thank you for starting up this thread, too!
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello all you Dolls: ) I went to my annual OB/GYN appointment today. Of course we discussed my menopause symptoms, etc. When I got home it occured to me that I FORGOT to tell her about my memory

    Just thought I'd mention the lighter side of memopause : )
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Hello all you Dolls: ) I went to my annual OB/GYN appointment today. Of course we discussed my menopause symptoms, etc. When I got home it occured to me that I FORGOT to tell her about my memory

    Just thought I'd mention the lighter side of memopause : )
    Isn't is annoying? It feels like I have to write down EVERYTHING! I have to look at my calendar all the time or I forget a meeting or something important. :blushing: :embarassed:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Hi all you lovely ladies,
    Thought I'd pop in and say hello again :happy:
    It has been a couple of very stressful months working 60-70hours to get ready for "end of financial year" (here in Australia our tax year ends June 30th), sadly my weight loss has hit the wall during this time, bummer! All I've been doing is working, eating (or not) and sleep.
    This is my first weekend off and I'm so tired, to cap it all off my 'lil friends' came calling, I for one really enjoy the gaps of not having them.

    So back to the drawing board and getting back into exercise, the excess hours should slow now, so it is time for me to reclaim my life :bigsmile:
    Have an awesome week, remember you're worth it and keep smiling :flowerforyou:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hello all you Dolls: ) I went to my annual OB/GYN appointment today. Of course we discussed my menopause symptoms, etc. When I got home it occured to me that I FORGOT to tell her about my memory

    Just thought I'd mention the lighter side of memopause : )
    Isn't is annoying? It feels like I have to write down EVERYTHING! I have to look at my calendar all the time or I forget a meeting or something important. :blushing: :embarassed:

    I read an article recently that said if you can't remember something, think instead of something with a negative connotation, such as going to the dentist. The idea was that negative emotion somehow enhances your memory. So, I tried it the other day when I could remember the last item on my grocery list and all it did for me was remind me that I can't remember when my next dentist appointment is!! :laugh:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Hi to all you lovely Flame Dolls.
    Well, I knew working all those hours would come back and bite me in the butt
    I have been off sick for the past 4 days with tonsillitis :grumble: no exercise, all week...ahhh
    It's Saturday today and I can stand up with out getting dizzy, so come Monday I am going to exercise!!!
    It amazes me at times how much our bodies can take from us before it just says, No more!
    I have slept when I wanted, eaten when I've wanted to (as I can't taste much it hasn't been lots) all week and I feel my body is "forgiving" me for what I've put it through recently, all in the name of work...
    So, my lessons the for today :wink:
    Listen to your body (we've only got one)
    Say "NO" more often (people will get over it)
    Work is not the be all and end all in life (that pile of bookkeeping CAN wait until tomorrow)
    Have a great weekend ladies :flowerforyou:
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Hi Gals!

    I wanted to bring up an exercise related subject and menopause, but it definitely contains too much info! Ready?!

    I'm 52, no period in years although still having night sweats. A few years back I started the whole thinning of the vaginal/urethra tissue situation which is annoying and very painful!

    And, this summer is the worst. When I workout (which for me is power walking outdoors every day for about 45 minutes in 100 degree heat) I sweat and it tends to burn in the "area"! :devil: It begins to feel as if i have a bladder infection, but after many trips to Dr. and clean cultures i never have a UTI!! :grumble:

    I've never taken any HRT and never wanted too as my Dr. specifically said "you can go on it now , but you'll go through all the symptoms again when you go off of it eventually" And, the fact that I had a blood clot many years ago. :noway: I have used Estrace which is an estrogen cream that I can apply to the area to help strengthen the tissues, but in the summer it just makes me "wetter" and increases the irritation.

    So, one fabulous nurse friend of mine said apply Desitin (diaper rash ointment) to block wettness and irritation - and I have been) and it does help.

    So my question - are any of you going through the whole thinning of vaginal/urethral tissues and how had you dealt wiith it?

    Thanks for reading through this!

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm still reluctant to go see my doctor to get HRT, so thought I'd try a different approach, and yesterday I bought a Ladycare magnet thing that attaches to your underwear :noway:

    Cue lots of jokes about my "funny" magnet, my magnetic personality, pulling on my big girl pants etc etc.

    Will update on progress, but first night with it seemed good - still a little clammy but nothing like the swimming pool my bed's been recently.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    So many good discussions here. Julia, not going through that, yet, but love the more natural way to deal with things other that HRT. Thanks for posting.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Jumping on quickly to say hi to the wonderful Flame Dolls...HI :flowerforyou:
    Hope you have all had a great week and have a wonderful weekend, I am sewing teddy bears and poodles and designing new soft toys all weekend, it just doesn't get any better :bigsmile:
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    :frown: I'm just wondering why the temprature keeps changing in my office and why isn't everyone else breaking out in a sweat every few hours? Oh, .... nevermind.:embarassed:
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I have heard estroven mentioned on this thread before --- just wondering if you've tried it, and what your reaction is. How long do you have to take it before it starts helping?