SIXERS Spring into Action--Week 2



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    great job of fixing judy. you will get the hang of it. was wondering where you had gone off to. glad you had a great time.

    did some hiking with the girls and DH. i say we walked about 3 miles, DH says 4-5. we were so busy looking out for alligators and snakes. that made the hike just a tad less enjoyable. great weather though. just ate a huge salad with just lettuce (different kinds), chick peas, carrots. than DH made some meatballs with whole wheat pasta and stroganoff sauce. (out of a mix). son polished off the whole thing. DH says it was a pound of pasta. our son can eat and he weighs in at 250+ is 6 foot. he is very big in the stomach. he has always been a big eater. i don't worry about him. i worry about myself.
    anyway, just showered all the trail dust off and in jammies ready for bed.

    see you all tomorrow
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.

    all is getting soooo much better on my home front. DH and i decided that it's our turn at life. the kids are grown and gone. (at least one). the other is soon to be gone. we looked at motor homes, he retires in under 10 years. we want to travel. so we have been looking into what it's going to take to do that. we are going to start making cut backs and putting that money away. getting rid of "stuff" around the house and moving one into the next phase of our lives. we have really been feeling "old" lately. we just can't do what we use to anymore. I am going through my closet and getting rid of what doesn't fit. if it's not within a size of where i am at now I don't need it. it can be replaced when/if i get there again. it just clothes.

    well, off to get dressed. we all slept in this morning. even the dogs. need to make a store run to find the new "flat out, flat bread" they just came out with it.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    a BAD day.

    tomorrow go to gym, home shower, head to endro for check up, bank, home, paperwork

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Thank goodness for Mondays. Need to get myself back on the RIGHT track. You and me Cathy. Gym and eating 80% healthy this week. We can do it.

    My best friend and I challenged each other to give up our biggest weakness for a week with $2 everyday we succeed. If one of us gives in, the other gets the $. If neither give in, then take our whopping $14 and get a manicure or new workout shirt or something. Her weekend is actual candy. Mine is anything breaded and fried and sweet (cakes, cookies, DONUTS). The box of donuts I bought the other night was minutes after we resolved to start our challenge the NEXT DAY. So I lived it up, and am still paying for it with my belly. But remaining strong on my challenge :)

    Our family had been eating out alot, which to me means overeating and overpaying. So we have our own household challenge too of every night we don't eat out, we put $5 in a jar. When we finally decide to eat out, we can only use that money. So we have to decide if eating out is something inexpensive like hispanic food, or if we want to save for the yummy cerviche restaurant all four of us love.

    It's amazing how much more inspired we can be with challenges as opposed to just doing it!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    you and me lula, let's "get er done"

    i have that doctors appt today, where i needed to lose 15 pounds by today. didn't happen. i am so bloated. DH wanted Chinese for lunch yesterday. he knows that is my fav. i only had one plate, than my dessert plate. so for me pretty good. i just hold so much water from eating it. i have already been to the gym. did my week 3 day 1 c25k and 5 mins on the mean stair climber. so to bad so sad if she don't like it.....

    need to get myself together and hit the rain and traffic out there. it's a good 20 miles from me. yucky.....

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    HELLO LADIES!!!! Wow...the weekend always makes it seem like FOREVER since I talked to you all! WOW. ANYways...had an okay weekend...not the best eating-wise. And this darn toe is driving me crazy. I did do my No More Trouble Zones workout on Saturday, but I had to modify some things. And yesterday I went on a 2 mile walk with Kadence, so at least I did SOMEthing! But I did have a fun weekend!! Friday we took Kadence to play with her cousin who is only 6 months older. Then Saturday we had some friends come over for dinner and a movie. They brought their little 4 month old who is ADORABLE!!! Then yesterday we had a family outing to Bass Pro Shops, then grabbed some lunch! It was a great weekend!!

    Well...plan for this week is to focus on calories, get in some exercise (even if it's modified--no more excuses!), and get some motivation going!!

    Plan today:
    B-Rice crispies, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, breakfast bar
    L-Mixed green salad, baby tomatos, spritzer dressing, light yogurt, string cheese
    D-Chicken, corn, carrots, spinach and mushrooms...YUM!

    JM No More Trouble Zones

    Have a good day ladies!!
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    Hey Ladies. I hope everyone had a great weekend... I did not do so well, work is very stressful right now so I am not sleeping well and eating like crazy... I am doing well today, but I am so tired I could fall a sleep on my desk... No matter what I am taking a nice long run/walk tonight to de-stress... Off to grab some coffee. Will check in soon w/ personals etc.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    well, doctor didn't say anything. she had forgot and didn't read her notes. i did lose 3#s by her scale, this is with clothes and shoes. she was pleased with the exercising. she said people are better off overweight and fit than overweight and unfit. so she said i still really need to work at getting this weight off. my A1C (measures 3 month sugar levels) was 5.8. under 7 is great. i haven't had one over 6 in years. which is very good.

    well, off to get a scentsy order done and eat some lunch.

  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    chipper. sounds like you are doing great! -3lbs, and a great AIC. hard work does pay off... :smile: now I just need to work hard... :ohwell:

    I am really excited our work cafeteria is now providing nutrional info for the deli sandwiches.... and my fav :heart: (chicken salad sandwich with cranberries and walnuts) is only 360 calories, low fat-ish (haha), and is packed with protein - they put it on wheat bread, and don't use much mayo, so I figured it was an OK choice... I am just really glad I can log food from them now :) yeya. sorry...i am way too excited about it... :laugh:

    so here is today's break down... its not complete ... but i have plenty of room for a yummy snack tonight while i am working...or a beer :wink:

    B. String cheese, tangerine, coffee (w/ 3 mini-moo creamers) <--- i didn't eat enough, but the special K bar I brought had a string in it....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:noway: soooo nasty...

    L. Chicken salad sandwich

    S. ???

    D. salad with avacado, onions, chicken and light balsamic dressing

    S. rasberry sorbet
  • brasslady1
    brasslady1 Posts: 113
    Since my trip to the lake....I just can't get into the swing of things.....start out really good for breakfast and lunch and then supper I kind of blow it.......Exercise for me is usually in the afternoon when hubby leaves at 2:30 to go pick up school kids (school bus driver) but this morning I've decided to try doing it about 10:30...and actually I think this is going to be better.....One thing I found out is that when I don't walk...I have no energy......As soon as I finished my walk man I was looking for things to do...It's so funny we all know how much better we feel by exercising and by eating healty and not to much...but yet we still do it.......well here's hoping I have at least a 1/2 lb loss this week but if not I am the one that suffers the to ya'll later...