Why are you losing weight?



  • ru4art2
    ru4art2 Posts: 14 Member
    So many reasons. First I want to be happy, I know that's not always the answer but it's a start, I don't want to be disgusted every time I get undressed, I want to feel sexy, and shop for the clothes the skinny girls look cute in lol! Secondly, I just want to be a good role model for my kids, get healthy, and be active. I want to run or bike without getting out of breath, especially since quitting smoking 4 months ago. Thirdly, I ache for that day when I can pass up a bag of potato chips and that chocolate bar without arguing with myself, or I can have a treat without making myself feel like that was the worse mistake I've ever made. Basically I don't want food to take over my thoughts, or to be my enemy. I want to make myself proud!!

    Congrats on quitting smoking!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Midlife crisis...And to re-jump my pole dancing career. :huh:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Mine was more health reasons. My bp & cholesterol were too high & I didn't want to have to start taking drugs. Well......those kind of drugs. :laugh:

    Plus, I was tired of being disgusted with myself.

    Now I just use my personality to disgust. :blushing:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The ultimate weapon!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I don't want to be the fat ugly friend. I want to HAVE the fat ugly friend. I want to be the friend all the ugly people want to hang around to make THEM look good.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Believe it or not, within three years, I put on 40 lbs and could not for the life of me figure out how that could have happened. I just didn't own a scale or even get on one at the doctors office (maybe I did but they didn't SAY the result out loud). I worked retail pretty much most of my life and was always a reasonable and acceptable 130-135 lbs.

    Suddenly, I turned 41, and all heck broke loose, apparently. I seemed to look okay enough in the mirror. About 1 1/2 years ago things just weren't fitting the same, and I began school for medical coding. The nursing program area of the school had a scale and I got on and measured up to 174 lbs! I was SHOCKED, needless to say. But being in school, I was super-concerned about having enough energy and sleep to make the Deans List all year, so I didn't worry too much about diet or exercise.

    Having spent this past year and a half attached to the medical industry, I learned some things about weight and health. Many morbidly obese people live in conjunction with comorbidities: usually diabetes, copd, hypertension, and degenerative joint disease. These conditions exacerbate one another until it's a chicken/egg situation.

    I just thought it would be wise, if I have almost nothing else going for me (no higher education, no retirement money saved, few teeth, don't own a house, bad credit) that I take a decent body weight into the aging process. And yes, I'm only 45, but that's about halfway in my eyes. There are enough unexpected health problems that one can encounter, and I think that if you go in physically 'prepared' for aging, anything that comes a long in terms of 'bad news' can be handled a lot better if you don't have 40++ lbs weighing you down.

    In the short term, I hate that things don't fit right. And truth be told, at this point, it's almost like a game to me. This is FUN!! Without compromising my health (that means not skimping on calories), I want to see how much weight I lose every week, and how many inches I shrink. Like Christmas every week. I want to see if I have the discipline required to reach my goals. I have reached lots of goals, both short and long term. I've been described as tenacious, and this is no different.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Midlife crisis...And to re-jump my pole dancing career. :huh:

    LOL.. Funny, I LOVE LOVE pole dancing!! I did it for awhile (age 39 and 40), but couldn't make any money. But I got a smokin' hot body out of it (and promptly lost it!:grumble: )

    Good for you.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    So my main reason is that we finally found a ring and are getting married in early 2010, I wanted to be in atleast a 12 by the time we got married but now I am shooting for much lower as 14 already fit. I also want to have a healthier life style before having children, I think that what you eat as a kid and how you are raised to eat desides your teen and adult habits and I want my kids to have a good start but in orger to follow through with that I need to be a good example. Also diapeties runs in my dads family and I hate needles. Of course the being SEXY part always helps.
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Well to be honest, I always kind of felt like the DUFF (designated ugly fat friend) that people hang out with to make themselves look hotter. Plus, I am super shy with boys. Sorta. I have TONS of friends who are boys (in fact I'm pretty sure some of think I AM a boy), but no boys who are interested in being more than friends, if you get the drift. I know people should love you for who you are on the inside, but I always feel too shy to actually get to actually meet people with any confidence... therefore, they never get to know me enough to love me :tongue:

    Plus, heart disease, high bp, high cholesterol, type II diabetes...etc etc etc ALL run in my family. Both sides of my family. :ohwell: SO. starting now is probably a good idea... lol.
  • JayEm47
    JayEm47 Posts: 49
    another reason i want to lose the weight.... i am going to be living in house with 3 boys next year at school (i know i must be crazy) and one of them is my ex :grumble: so i want to make him jealous that he can't have me anymore. i want other boys to be attracted to me so he feels bad for losing me. i know its a veryyyyyy superficial reason to want to lose weight but in the back of the mind it keeps me motivated. :tongue:
  • runnerwithstyle
    runnerwithstyle Posts: 146 Member
    I want to look like a celebrity, plus I am interested in fitness modeling
  • TracyFace
    TracyFace Posts: 65
    I just want to not be grossed out by myself in pictures and the mirror. Actually, my mirror isn't as much my enemy as pictures. I never think I am as big as I am until I try to get new clothes. I would like to shop in the misses department, or go to a store that is not a plus size store. Also the clothes are cuter in smaller sizes. My best friend is super tiny, and she has trouble GAINING weight. Those of us that are overweight wish we had that problem, but it really is as much of a problem. Anyway, next to her size ZERO, I feel like a huge blob.She NEVER makes me feel that way and always tells me I am beautiful, but I am almost embarrased for her to be seen with me.:ohwell:
  • fashionkitten13
    I used to be really skinny in high school. Then came college and I was so busy (and lazy) that I never cooked and would eat whatever, whenever. Needless to say I gained 20 lbs in college and then another 10 lbs my first year out because I was cooking again and everything tasted soooo much better than those processed foods. I came to a point where I didn't recognize myself in photos anymore... comparing them to previous years.

    So it's time to take action and take back my life before it gets anymore out of hand. I'm doing this to feel more fit and look better in my clothes. I work in the fashion industry so I honestly just want to have that hot bod back... it's hard when everyone around you is a size 2 and you know you can do so much better for yourself.
  • brydie23
    brydie23 Posts: 2
    I am ready to do something for myself. When I was content with my weight before having my daughter I was way more confident. I used to walk into a room with my head held high. Now when I walk into a room I am always looking down.

    I am tired of not feeling attractive. I was in a relationship with my daughters father and I was always fighting for his attention. Once I started gaining weight during my pregancy he didn't look at me twice. It was even so bad that for Christmas when I was 9 months pregnant he gave me a medicine ball. Obviously, I got the hint. However, when I had my daughter I had no motivation to lose weight and worst of all my confidence was at an all time low. How can you lose weight if you are not happy in the inside!?!

    The best thing I can say as of today is that I have lost 160lbs that has been really weighing me down, which would be my daughter's father. So, now I am ready to start losing weight for myself and definitely not him. When I workout, I feel good. And when I feel good, I am confident. It is a simple equation and I am in search of my confidence again. I know I will find it!
  • deptwhitelight
    I want to lose my weight for my health. Sad but all too true. I have just started with this site and looking forward to making it work. My best to everyone.
  • mb2bthin
    mb2bthin Posts: 47 Member

    It was weird for me because I didn't think I looked THAT bad, hence I kept the baby weight on for almost 3 yrs...it felt like my mind and body didn't match (don't know if I was delusional)

    I hated shopping for clothes....hated taking pics
    It was only AFTER I saw pics of myself, I was motivated to loose weight, but that never lasted long
    I don't know what the last straw was, but I found this site and started using a food journal for the first time in my life and lost 27 pounds since Jan


    I definately identify with what Kim said. But, I waited till now when my baby is 12 years old and not such a baby but still cute as all get up. I also stopped having pictures taken. But now as I get a little older, and I look at the pictures I can't believe what is staring back. I don't really look that heavy? This has to just be a bad photo. But, photo after photo and you suddenly sit up and take notice.

    I also noticed how when I was thinner, I would get looks, I would have men start a conversation with me. That had stopped. I miss that. I miss feeling sexy and looking great. Hey if Demi can do this (and she is my age), well I can too.

    So, that is why I'm here.

    Oh, and also for those great other reasons, to be healthier, stronger etc.

  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I don't want to be the fat ugly friend. I want to HAVE the fat ugly friend. I want to be the friend all the ugly people want to hang around to make THEM look good.

    Me too! I have been the fat friend for way too long
  • mb2bthin
    mb2bthin Posts: 47 Member
    I am ready to do something for myself. When I was content with my weight before having my daughter I was way more confident. I used to walk into a room with my head held high. Now when I walk into a room I am always looking down.

    I am tired of not feeling attractive. I was in a relationship with my daughters father and I was always fighting for his attention. Once I started gaining weight during my pregancy he didn't look at me twice. It was even so bad that for Christmas when I was 9 months pregnant he gave me a medicine ball. Obviously, I got the hint. However, when I had my daughter I had no motivation to lose weight and worst of all my confidence was at an all time low. How can you lose weight if you are not happy in the inside!?!

    The best thing I can say as of today is that I have lost 160lbs that has been really weighing me down, which would be my daughter's father. So, now I am ready to start losing weight for myself and definitely not him. When I workout, I feel good. And when I feel good, I am confident. It is a simple equation and I am in search of my confidence again. I know I will find it!

    Way to go!!!! Same here, felt that true love wouldn't look at the outside but only the inside. Not true. But, now I'm doing it for me. You go girl!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • mb2bthin
    mb2bthin Posts: 47 Member
    I don't want to be the fat ugly friend. I want to HAVE the fat ugly friend. I want to be the friend all the ugly people want to hang around to make THEM look good.

    Me too! I have been the fat friend for way too long

    Umm, ladies, have you looked at yourselves in the mirror. None of you are remotely ugly. What is this with seeing ourselves not in our true light. Curious. :explode:
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Well I started this for my health first and formost but my husband and I are planing a vacation this Dec to Mexico, we have family down there that we have'nt seen in almost 2 years so I wish to lose a totle of 45 pounds by then 13 down 32 left to go:drinker:
  • MAlexandraP
    At the beginning my goal was to be thinner for my trip to France, A trip I had been planning since the beginning of my freshman year in High School but I never really got around to working out and just kept putting it off it was the "I really wanna be thinner but instead of going to the gym I think I'll sit here and enjoy a bag of chips while watching Medium" Then about a year ago thanks to a friend's wake up call it really hit me how much weight I had gained. I went from being 108 to all of the sudden ballooning up to 140 (I'm only 5 feet tall so those of you who are thinking pssssh 140..well that IS technically obese for someone my height and had it not been for my friend Kru (kayla) I'd probably be in the 200 pound range right now.) While sitting in art class I said how hungry I was and she said "seems like you are always hungry. Lately every time I've seen you you've had something in your hand" I was speechless and then I thought of the symphony bar I had had earlier that morning and the bag of cool ranch doritos and as she started to apologize I cut her off and said "no, you're right I am eating a lot..and a lot of it is pure junk" that day I headed to the gym and have been going regularly ever since. I managed to work my *kitten* off (literally) to 118 before my trip and now that I'm planning my second trip I want to reach my goal of 105.