10 Week's To June



  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Checking in from yesterday and today - excellent in nutrition & another 3 lbs gone this week. This morning I reached a total of 50 lbs lost since January 3. :happy: Wait! My ticker says 51...even better!!

    Exercise is going great - week 4 of C25K has been completed (to my utter amazement) and I'm really liking ChaLEAN Extreme. I can see/feel a difference already!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Wow 51lbs that is Amazing!!!:drinker:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Wow, this thread has been busy today!!! Just want to say Congrats to everyone for staying on track, getting your workouts in and just all around being AMAZING!!!! No worries about me i will be back in the saddle tomorrow morning bright and early!!! :happy:
  • 0flynnstone0
    Hey guys,
    Just checking in. I've had some cheat days the last couple days, but I'm gonna get back on track today. Looks like you all have been doing great! Keep it up!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Hey guys,
    Just checking in. I've had some cheat days the last couple days, but I'm gonna get back on track today. Looks like you all have been doing great! Keep it up!

    This was me too....but they were worth it! Hope u are all doing well...see u!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    back from surgery. i spent most of the day in bed, but did get up to walk down to the ball fields and back (maybe a quarter mile). i am going to try and do that twice tomorrow and work my way up from there. unfortunately, i have been craving sweets like mad. i had a chocolate donut this morning and a super yummy cookie this afternoon. couple that with tons of cheese... not great. i will give myself until the weekend to eat whatever i want and then i will be back at it. :)

    The problem with giving in to just one sweet food is it triggers all kinds of chemical reactions in your body. I'm actually about 1/4th of the way through a blog about why giving in to "just a little bit" is so critically bad for most of us. I know I can't even have a bite of that junk, or it's a downward spiral to an all out binge. Stay strong and eat tons and tons and tons of veggies and meat. You'll be so full, you can't jam a doughnut in your mouth!

    So true, I literally can't have a sweet like a pastry, candy, ice cream, jell-o, soda, even lemonade (sugar-free or not). It makes me crave horribly and then I am consumed with thinking about it.....but if I stay away completely I am never even tempted. I used to not be able to go a day without chocolate, pastries, soda...I had to have something...it was a hard habit to break, but once you do, it is freeing. It is really nice to be at an event and just say "no thank you" to cake or whatever the poison maybe people look at you like you have lost your mind (although one could argue there is evidence to support that theory...LOL) Keep strong, we got your back!!!

    thanks. i don't normally eat sweets at all so when i do have a craving for them, i give in. :) yesterday was better but still not wonderful. i woke up this morning wanting salty food so i think (hope) that sweet craving has passed. might not be the best strategy, but i am allowing myself to eat whatever i want thru today and then will get back to my calorie goals tomorrow.
    i only got in one short walk yesterday. i was super, super sore. today i am feeling good; i am going to try and push myself. my family is signed up for a 2k run one week from today. i doubt i'll be running it with them, but i do want to finish. plus, i need to get back on track for my half-marathon in june.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Godblessourhome- hope you are feeling better really soon! x

    Well done everyone else - we all seem pretty much on track or not far from it!!!

    I've had a good day, did 35 mins Fartlek training in running and 30 mins weights! I have definitely lost weight as well as the half inch from my waist! I was not expecting this, I thought I'd gain with the increase in weights! I'm eating slightly more protien most days but a minimum of 30% with protien shake after the workouts so I really really hope its a fat loss and not muscle! I don't know why I'm worrying it must be!! I'm eating 1800 cals a day, doing heavy weights 3X per week and eating tons of protien!!

    I'll weigh myself properly tomorrow and see!

    Also, do protien powder shakes make your mouth feel dry? I am drinking about 3 litres of water a day and still have a dry mouth! It can't be ketosis as my carb level is too high! My sodium levels are good so its not that!

    Have a good rest of the day xx
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Gail - if your weight numbers aren't going down, then you're not losing muscle. That's an easy way to keep an eye on underfeeding. That's why I keep records of all my lifting sessions in a binder forever. Gotta keep making those numbers climb.

    I finished my walk and it was BRUTAL! I actually can't believe how hard it was. I took a 6 mile walk with my 50lbs backpack and took 2 hours to finish it. Before I did the walk, I did P90X Kenpo Plus at fit club - all on my 36 hour fast.

    I won't lie, I'm slightly light headed right now, but that will pass, as I'm sucking down a coffee :)

    Guys - a small reality check for all of us here. (It's good from time to time.)

    When you look back at your day and notice it was not an all out binge, but there were some choices that could have been better. Fine - it's in the past, but don't just shuffle past it.

    Learn from it!

    Dig a little deeper into yourself. Why were there choices that weren't great. What led to them and remember - the shape you are in now (or were in before) is what lies at the end of the "could have made better choices" road.

    Please don't be offended, because honestly, I'm talking to myself as much, or more than anyone here. We have to learn. We have to evolve or the old habits that took YEARS to develop will come roaring back.

    I made a bad choice 2 weeks ago on my carb up when I thought having just a little bit of ice cream would be ok. IT'S NOT OK! It's what led me to being fat! Just a little bit here and there does actually add up, as much as we'd all like to deny that.

    I saw someone recommend on the forums "everything in moderation."

    Good advice. Have just a little bit of rat poison. Drink some gasoline. What? Not everything in moderation? Guess what - the sugar and *kitten* we put in our body and call it "food" is just as poisonous as a little bit of gasoline. It just takes longer to kill us.

    Everyone say it - with me - NO MORE CHEATING! Make the best choices available at the time. If there aren't good choices, then take a lesson and plan better!


    Love you all! Finishing my fast in happiness.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Please forgive me Steve, if you look at my food diary you'll see why. Nothing crazy, but a tad weak today. NO workout today. My kids had a piano recital today, their first one. Then when we got home we played some hockey and soccer. I was actually a little bit sore from the core syn. workout yesterday. The good sore, not hurting just knowing yesterday's workout worked. Kettlebell for me tomorrow. I recieved my book Kettlebell Muscle but got bad news about my new kettlebell. It was supposed to ship April 6th. Well it ain't here yet and I called Dragon Door and was told to expect it in May. Sent and email complaining and a corp. guy wrote me back today whining about some embargo from friggin China! WTF Over! They ship kettlebells to the US from China? Please tell me this is a joke.
    A buddy of mine was over yesterday and when I told him how much I pay for one of the bells he had a cow. He is calling a foundary tomorrow to see how much they would charge to make one locally. He guessed about 20 bucks. The Dragon Door bells are 5 times that with shipping. I hope hes right, but we'll see.
  • kristarablue
    Steve....good points, I may have to re-read it periodically just to remind myself. Your points on "moderation" were well said, it kind of actually smacks you in the face with reality....thank you.

    Over all good day. My protein was at 151...still adding protein shakes to get that number, but I am surprised that I am able to keep my carbs down with the recent change in % not as difficult as anticipated.

    I had a good workout, but it seemed so tough. I did the free weights and abs first (changed what I did with abs and ok, they are sore...yahoo..makes me happy) then I did cardio. I think I like this because I can achieve a better outcome with the lifting…more controlled and more weight, but cardio seems so much harder for me and I think I needed that as well. I also played hockey with my son, he had me running all over the place, my legs are killing me (also a good thing). Oh ya and I have not had a rest day this week which I usually do, so this may be another reason why it seemed tough.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!!! Sleep Well.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 14

    Burned 630 calories doing P90X Plyo and walking 2.5miles with 25lbs in a backpack!!!

    Wow, Steve thanks for the idea but it bout killed me!!! LOL.... We did do some interval jogging for about 5mins too but man that was killer!!! Dont think i will be doing that too often because it seems to put a lot of stress of your back!!! Think we are going to check into getting some weighted vest so it is more evenly distributed!!! ;-) I dont think i can carry 40lbs like i planned, 25lbs was plenty!!!!

    macros for today
    37%carbs (164 grams)
    36%fat (72 grams)
    29%protein (127grams)

    Calorie intake was 1782 of 2080 calories!!!!

    9 glasses of water today!!! Just a little over on sodium!!!

    Hope everyone had a Great weekend!!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I didn't just keep it on my back - sometimes I carried it in one hand, the other, sometimes in front of me, sometimes on my shoulder. Gotta mix it up!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Gail - if your weight numbers aren't going down, then you're not losing muscle. That's an easy way to keep an eye on underfeeding. That's why I keep records of all my lifting sessions in a binder forever. Gotta keep making those numbers climb.

    I finished my walk and it was BRUTAL! I actually can't believe how hard it was. I took a 6 mile walk with my 50lbs backpack and took 2 hours to finish it. Before I did the walk, I did P90X Kenpo Plus at fit club - all on my 36 hour fast.

    I won't lie, I'm slightly light headed right now, but that will pass, as I'm sucking down a coffee :)

    Guys - a small reality check for all of us here. (It's good from time to time.)

    When you look back at your day and notice it was not an all out binge, but there were some choices that could have been better. Fine - it's in the past, but don't just shuffle past it.

    Learn from it!

    Dig a little deeper into yourself. Why were there choices that weren't great. What led to them and remember - the shape you are in now (or were in before) is what lies at the end of the "could have made better choices" road.

    Please don't be offended, because honestly, I'm talking to myself as much, or more than anyone here. We have to learn. We have to evolve or the old habits that took YEARS to develop will come roaring back.

    I made a bad choice 2 weeks ago on my carb up when I thought having just a little bit of ice cream would be ok. IT'S NOT OK! It's what led me to being fat! Just a little bit here and there does actually add up, as much as we'd all like to deny that.

    I saw someone recommend on the forums "everything in moderation."

    Good advice. Have just a little bit of rat poison. Drink some gasoline. What? Not everything in moderation? Guess what - the sugar and *kitten* we put in our body and call it "food" is just as poisonous as a little bit of gasoline. It just takes longer to kill us.

    Everyone say it - with me - NO MORE CHEATING! Make the best choices available at the time. If there aren't good choices, then take a lesson and plan better!


    Love you all! Finishing my fast in happiness.

    Amen!!! I am glad to be with **LIKE** minded people in this thread. I get so sick of the whole mentioning of everthing in moderation.

    I believe those of us that get past and finally give up the ice cream and other sugary crap in the long term will not only be healthier, we will also keep the weight off longer.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Well said Steve! I am not saying this from a perch of having a perfect diet, but as one who can learn from what you're saying. I keep thinking about my progress in the last few months being so slow, well of course it is! Look at the habits I let creep back in. And the numbers on the scale prove it. I have 4 pounds to lose "again" that I already lost. And knowing how painfully slow the process is at this weight, well, that could take months. It's time to be as dedicated and strict as I was the first 6 months. I do the work with my workouts, I sure as hell don't want a bunch of tasteless stupid crackers undoing all that hard work. I am giving myself back 100%. Thanks for knocking some sense into me :)

    With that said, I am on day #3 of horrible back pain. If you remember I had hurt it last week, but after a day it was better. Friday when I was working out, I had no problem. At the end I decided to do Zuzana's backbend over my stability ball as a stretch. Now I can do a back bend in bridge without it, but I thought it looked like it would feel great, so I did it. As I was laying there, I could feel my spine twinging, and laying there became painful. Did I get up? No. I thought it would stretch out and make it feel better. I stayed there for 10 minutes. It hurt somewhat the rest of the day, but yesterday was murder. Pain shooting through my abdomen, up to my neck, and down both legs. This is crazy! I was hobbling around the grocery store with a back support on (under my sweat shirt) like an 80 year old. Icing it. Taking RX strength ibuprofin and naproxen and it's doing nothing for it. I spent most of the day on the computer yesterday to avoid moving anywhere. It's a little better today, but far from good. I think staying still might be the enemy and going to try to get moving around in hopes of loosening it up.

    On the bright side, I feel like things in my life are coming together. I have definitive plans to try to get my CPT (thanks again Steve for your help), and it feels awesome to have a goal. I feel like I woke up with a purpose today.

    Gigi and Steve, I am going to have to try the weighted backpack. Gigi- I saw the vests before at Target and I don't believe they were very expensive. I think it would be hot though in the summer to have all the vinyl around your chest.

    Jay that's awesome that you might be able to get that kettlebell made! I hope it works out for you!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I didn't just keep it on my back - sometimes I carried it in one hand, the other, sometimes in front of me, sometimes on my shoulder. Gotta mix it up!

    Yeah we swapped it from back to front but that was it!!! Will keep that in mind next time!!! It was still a greay workout and we were so drained after that and ready for bed!!!! I dont know how you did it fasting.... you are just a machine!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Well said Steve! I am not saying this from a perch of having a perfect diet, but as one who can learn from what you're saying. I keep thinking about my progress in the last few months being so slow, well of course it is! Look at the habits I let creep back in. And the numbers on the scale prove it. I have 4 pounds to lose "again" that I already lost. And knowing how painfully slow the process is at this weight, well, that could take months. It's time to be as dedicated and strict as I was the first 6 months. I do the work with my workouts, I sure as hell don't want a bunch of tasteless stupid crackers undoing all that hard work. I am giving myself back 100%. Thanks for knocking some sense into me :)

    With that said, I am on day #3 of horrible back pain. If you remember I had hurt it last week, but after a day it was better. Friday when I was working out, I had no problem. At the end I decided to do Zuzana's backbend over my stability ball as a stretch. Now I can do a back bend in bridge without it, but I thought it looked like it would feel great, so I did it. As I was laying there, I could feel my spine twinging, and laying there became painful. Did I get up? No. I thought it would stretch out and make it feel better. I stayed there for 10 minutes. It hurt somewhat the rest of the day, but yesterday was murder. Pain shooting through my abdomen, up to my neck, and down both legs. This is crazy! I was hobbling around the grocery store with a back support on (under my sweat shirt) like an 80 year old. Icing it. Taking RX strength ibuprofin and naproxen and it's doing nothing for it. I spent most of the day on the computer yesterday to avoid moving anywhere. It's a little better today, but far from good. I think staying still might be the enemy and going to try to get moving around in hopes of loosening it up.

    On the bright side, I feel like things in my life are coming together. I have definitive plans to try to get my CPT (thanks again Steve for your help), and it feels awesome to have a goal. I feel like I woke up with a purpose today.

    Gigi and Steve, I am going to have to try the weighted backpack. Gigi- I saw the vests before at Target and I don't believe they were very expensive. I think it would be hot though in the summer to have all the vinyl around your chest.

    Jay that's awesome that you might be able to get that kettlebell made! I hope it works out for you!

    Jess you should try those thermacare wraps.... its like 5bucks for a pack of 3 and that seems to be what helped the most for me!!!! You just put it on and wear it for 8hrs and it releases heat on to the spot you put it all day!!! It felt soooooo good and that night i took it off and went to bed and next morning it was fine!!!! I also took ibuprofen while wearing it!!! It is kind of like having a heating pad on all day but its a different kind of heat!!! You should check them out!!!

    Steve is soooo hardcore, he carried 50lbs around for 6miles!!! It almost killed me doing 2.5miles with 25lbs!!! LOL
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Haha - Thanks Gina! I wouldn't have made it 6 miles if I didn't walk away from my car for 3. It limits your choices of quitting. I certainly took breaks though - it was HARD!

    I can't even explain how much I enjoyed my omelet.... or would have if I didn't eat it in about 2 bites. I inhaled that b*tch.

    I honestly believe everyone should read the book "Why We Get Fat" (it's kind of "Good Calories, Bad Calories" but much much much easier read. Lots of science in the book.)

    I think it will change your view on things.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    With that said, I am on day #3 of horrible back pain. If you remember I had hurt it last week, but after a day it was better. Friday when I was working out, I had no problem. At the end I decided to do Zuzana's backbend over my stability ball as a stretch. Now I can do a back bend in bridge without it, but I thought it looked like it would feel great, so I did it. As I was laying there, I could feel my spine twinging, and laying there became painful. Did I get up? No. I thought it would stretch out and make it feel better. I stayed there for 10 minutes. It hurt somewhat the rest of the day, but yesterday was murder. Pain shooting through my abdomen, up to my neck, and down both legs. This is crazy! I was hobbling around the grocery store with a back support on (under my sweat shirt) like an 80 year old. Icing it. Taking RX strength ibuprofin and naproxen and it's doing nothing for it. I spent most of the day on the computer yesterday to avoid moving anywhere. It's a little better today, but far from good. I think staying still might be the enemy and going to try to get moving around in hopes of loosening it up.

    ouch! hope you feel better soon!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    today is my strength day but i am not sure what i can do. my lower stomach is still pretty tender, especially the left side. i tried doing some light yoga and was shaky and sweating after about 6 minutes. ugh!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Jess - take care of your back. I've learned the hard way that when our backs are out of commission, we're basically useless. Be safe and no more 10 minute back stretches!!!!!!!

    Guys - when you're injured at all - take a day off and rest! When you're sick - push through.

    Remember weight loss comes from nutrition, not exercise. Of course, you can burn some calories, but - big picture, exercise calories aren't more than a drop in the lifetime bucket. Eat clean and don't stress.

    Use weight lifting to build muscle.

    Use cardio to build endurance and overall fitness level.

    Use nutrition to lose weight!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Exercise: 80 minutes running - new personal best
    Fiber: 58
    Protein: 68

    Today was the cleanest I have ever eaten! I made 160 cookies and ate NONE of the cookie dough! Today was an excellent day for me. Lots of temptation to face this week - so I am going to try my best to use the new tools/habits I'm learning from MFP :) I hope everyone is having an awesome day!