10 Week's To June



  • kristarablue
    Grokette, congrats on your certification...way to go!!!
    Jay way to stay on task while on the road.
    Steve....great day, but then your like the guru.
    Cassie...doing great girl

    Protein 160
    Steve, don't know how you keep carbs so low, my salad alone was 35.

    Went running, not at all pleased with how I am doing, second time out since cleared by physical therapy. I think I went about 1.75 miles....very disappointing. I called a friend for encouragement, apparently I need to re-evaluate, he gave me a Newt Rockney speech, how is that a good thing?? I got the "well maybe you are just not cut out for it, maybe you just don't want it bad enough, if you wanted it you would be running right now instead of talking to me. You know you are slow anyway......ect." There was no encouragement, no kindness. Just Newt....
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    The main carbs in your salad was the fruit :) I cut that pretty much out to save!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member

    You a milaka? Just kidding. My roomate in college was Greek. He taught me some Greek insults.

    Steve is catching the kettlebell fever I love it! Ill turn all of you onto them before you know it!!!!!!

    Hahaha!!!! Thats cute!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 17

    Burned Nothing!!! A Big fat "0"!!! Rest day!!! ;-p

    macros for today
    42%carbs (178 grams)
    35%fat (67 grams)
    24%protein (101grams)

    Calorie intake was 1500 of 1703 calories!!!! Over by 203 but it was my rest day so i'll take it.... and i think i over estimated at lunch anyways because there was a retirement party for one of the ladies we work with and they had a bunch of food,,,, i tried to be healthy but i had a few treats and so i logged a bit on the high side to cover myself!!!

    9 glasses of water today!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Hey everyone I just finished Yoga MC2 in my hotel room. The gym here has a bike, a treadmill, and an elliptical machine woopee!
    So no arms routine today. Keep up the solid work everyone. It seems everyone is making progress. What else can you ask for?

    Great job!!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I'm going to Greece for vacation! I've been working in France, today is my last day of work and then tomorrow I'm getting on a flight to Greece for two weeks and then I go home to the States!!

    Quick awesome check-in! New low weight! 140.9 And I have lost centimeters all over. I'm back on track with my weight loss. This is the first time in my life that I am eating healthy and losing weight :) No scale for two weeks, but I'll be on MFP and hopefully I'll finally get into the 130's by the time I get back!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Gigi, awesome! You are always eating way clean - and that's a smart choice to log in on the high side - it's definitely hard estimating calories at parties and such. Keep up the amazing work chica. What are your goals? Are you just trying to build more lean muscle mass?
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Krista - You will totally do this. And don't hurt yourself, are you stretching/warming up properly? Don't listen to your friend. It might sound stupid and cliché, but at least you are trying! That is what counts. Just give it some time and patience and be kind to yourself!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Steve you are a total machine ! And I totally loved that Paleo pizza recipe you posted on your blog. Way to be creative and trying new things. I love that recipe! Omg, I totally have to try it. I love eating things that are delicious AND healthy. That's the only way (lol, first I typed weigh) I will ever keep this weight off in the long-term is if I keep on trying new recipes and cooking. I'm going to cook in Greece! Traveling is no excuse for eating like crap.
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Jay - are you traveling? I'm about to go on a trip. Way to stay focused even when your routine is mad crazy :)
  • kristarablue
    Krista - You will totally do this. And don't hurt yourself, are you stretching/warming up properly? Don't listen to your friend. It might sound stupid and cliché, but at least you are trying! That is what counts. Just give it some time and patience and be kind to yourself!

    Thank you baby, your so good. I knew I could count on the women folk to give proper encouragement :-)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435

    Went running, not at all pleased with how I am doing, second time out since cleared by physical therapy. I think I went about 1.75 miles....very disappointing. I called a friend for encouragement, apparently I need to re-evaluate, he gave me a Newt Rockney speech, how is that a good thing?? I got the "well maybe you are just not cut out for it, maybe you just don't want it bad enough, if you wanted it you would be running right now instead of talking to me. You know you are slow anyway......ect." There was no encouragement, no kindness. Just Newt....

    I'm about to google Newt Rockney in a minute lol as I have no idea who he is. Take it really easy with the running, if you've only recently been given the ok from PT to do it, it is going to take a little while to get to where you were - keep eating right and doing all the fabulous weights and elliptical etc that you do and have a little grace towards your self! :flowerforyou:

    I had a rest day yesterday and so needed it! Food was fine but I find I am really hungry on recovery days! Does anyone else find that?
  • kristarablue

    Went running, not at all pleased with how I am doing, second time out since cleared by physical therapy. I think I went about 1.75 miles....very disappointing. I called a friend for encouragement, apparently I need to re-evaluate, he gave me a Newt Rockney speech, how is that a good thing?? I got the "well maybe you are just not cut out for it, maybe you just don't want it bad enough, if you wanted it you would be running right now instead of talking to me. You know you are slow anyway......ect." There was no encouragement, no kindness. Just Newt....

    I'm about to google Newt Rockney in a minute lol as I have no idea who he is. Take it really easy with the running, if you've only recently been given the ok from PT to do it, it is going to take a little while to get to where you were - keep eating right and doing all the fabulous weights and elliptical etc that you do and have a little grace towards your self! :flowerforyou:

    I had a rest day yesterday and so needed it! Food was fine but I find I am really hungry on recovery days! Does anyone else find that?

    LOL Gail, Newt Rockney is my nemesis. He was a coach that was known for his hard core speeches....apparently they were supposed to be motivational/tough love for his players. My former husband loved to give Newt Rockney speeches so much, I got one during delivery…hated the speeches since…LOL....Newt sucks
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Morning all! I haven't checked in or posted the past couple of days for my own reasons.. any how, I'm making it.

    Yesterday I got to teach someone else how to do weights, which was fun because she's totally into wanting to do it. I haven't had anyone to work out with, so I'm hoping she keeps coming.

    I took a photo, which I'm about to post as my profile pic, and uploaded it to facebook yesterday, and I think it's cute.. I woke up this morning to a comment saying "eat more chica" and a message saying "I second your friend--- Eat more food!!!!" I feel like my efforts have been totally worthless. I feel like sitting and crying, I've put in a LOT of hard work to gain these 10. (I'm not letting them get to me that badly, but If i felt like a pity party, I would be crying in the corner.)
    Last night, between 7 and 9, i ate 1159 calories. I'm not a binger at all, my dinner was just high calorically. (PB, protein, banana, etc) I don't even know. Unfortunately I am down a pound maybe 1.5, I'm watching it (this is why I weigh daily, my body drops way to fast for me to find out I lost 3 in a week hah) trying to get it to stop, but I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, and tomorrow with my trainer we're reevaluating so I'll see what she says.

    But, people don't realize sometimes what their effects of a simple comment can be, just think about that any and every time something comes out of your mouth.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Morning all! I haven't checked in or posted the past couple of days for my own reasons.. any how, I'm making it.

    Yesterday I got to teach someone else how to do weights, which was fun because she's totally into wanting to do it. I haven't had anyone to work out with, so I'm hoping she keeps coming.

    I took a photo, which I'm about to post as my profile pic, and uploaded it to facebook yesterday, and I think it's cute.. I woke up this morning to a comment saying "eat more chica" and a message saying "I second your friend--- Eat more food!!!!" I feel like my efforts have been totally worthless. I feel like sitting and crying, I've put in a LOT of hard work to gain these 10. (I'm not letting them get to me that badly, but If i felt like a pity party, I would be crying in the corner.)
    Last night, between 7 and 9, i ate 1159 calories. I'm not a binger at all, my dinner was just high calorically. (PB, protein, banana, etc) I don't even know. Unfortunately I am down a pound maybe 1.5, I'm watching it (this is why I weigh daily, my body drops way to fast for me to find out I lost 3 in a week hah) trying to get it to stop, but I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, and tomorrow with my trainer we're reevaluating so I'll see what she says.

    But, people don't realize sometimes what their effects of a simple comment can be, just think about that any and every time something comes out of your mouth.

    So sorry that some insensitive person hurt your feelings! It's mad - so many people on MFP will have experienced negativity from others about their weight, their weight loss, love of exercise etc and yet they still don't think before they are rude to someone else!
    You do look great in your pic - so keep going, its working!!! :drinker:
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Cassie I fly airplanes for a living so yes I travel usually 4 days a week every week of my life (except for vacation months). So I pack all of my food ahead a time and bring a soft sided cooler with me and workout dvd's. Its pretty easy actually, we usually have enough time at a layovers to atleast get a workout in. I dont workout everyday anymore, because the kettlebell program Im on now only has 3 workouts per week and the others days are supposed to be rest days. But I think not doing anything 4 days is silly so I try to atleast get 1 sometimes 2 in on the road.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Gigi, awesome! You are always eating way clean - and that's a smart choice to log in on the high side - it's definitely hard estimating calories at parties and such. Keep up the amazing work chica. What are your goals? Are you just trying to build more lean muscle mass?

    I would like to get to 115lbs but im more interested in building muscle and shedding fat in the waist area so if i stay around 120lbs and lose the fat that is fine too!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I'm going to Greece for vacation! I've been working in France, today is my last day of work and then tomorrow I'm getting on a flight to Greece for two weeks and then I go home to the States!!

    Is this your 1st trip to Greece??? If so, im assuming you will be staying in Athens. My family lives in Piraeus which is an urban area of Athens. They also have a summer/weekend home in Laganasa which is close to the Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion. If you have a chance you should visit it, to me it is the most beautiful Temple of all because it is situated on a cliff surrounded on three sides by the sea!!! Ever time ive been to Greece i must go because i am in :heart: and complete Aww of it!!! Its only a half day trip and the tour buses in Athens make trips there every day!!! Also if you have a chance you should visit a few of the Greek Islands!!! There is a day trip that goes to 3 of the most popular small islands in Greece!!! On the Island of Aegina you can visit The Temple of Aphaea and on this trip you will also go to the Island of Hydra where you can ride a donkey if your heart so desires!!! LOL!!! I would recommend sunscreen on this trip because this is a all day trip on a cruise ship and you will be in the sun from 7am-7pm, the trip isnt too much and it includes your lunch and Greek dancing entertainment on the cruise!!!

    I really wished we could go to Greece this summer but its just not going to work this year, so i will have to wait till next summer :-( Our plans are to start off in Paris for a couple of days then on to Rome for a few days and finish off our trip in Greece with family the last 7-10days!!! At least that is our plans, things can change but i hope to at least make it to Rome because ive never been (only seen Venice) and Greece of course. But i really would like to be able to do all three because my husband has never seen Paris!!!

    Im really glad you are going for 2 weeks, you will be able to see and do so much!!! Most people only go for a week or so and there is just sooooo much to see and do in Greece that a week is a short amount of time to do it in!!! Be sure to post pics when you get back so i can live vicariously through you till next summer!!! :wink:

    P.S. I think it goes without saying that you should visit The Acropolis (Parthenon), The Temple of Zeus, Temple of Hephaestus (the most intact of all the Temples) and Parliament Building at Syntagma Square!!! I was just trying to give you a couple of ideas of things to do that most people miss out on!!! Enjoy your trip and enjoy the Greek food (you will burn it off with all the walking you will be doing).... i will have to forget my diet when i go next year, the food is just too good to resist!!! And my Aunt is always trying to feed us something, she cant speak English but she knows how to say "I love you" and "EAT, EAT" as she is trying to stuff your face!!! LOL!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Hey all.

    I am in between classes so I have time to chat with you all now........... I took my certification exam yesteray for the CompTIA Security + exam and I passed it, so I am now Certifiied Computer and Network Security Professional.

    Congrats on passing your exam!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I miss getting super sore! I <3 my DOMS! (not even kidding a tiny bit)

    Me too Steve!!!