April Move Your *kitten* Challenge.....



  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    I'd like to join please!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My goal is running a minimum of 5 miles, three times a week. I'm participating in a 5 mile race on May 1st and want to be able to do it without stopping to walk.

    Today I did 5.29 miles, but paused the treadmill twice briefly to take a sip of water, mop some of the sweat off my face, and fit a rebellious hair barrette that kept slipping.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    5.32 done today! Let's get going!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Happy April 1st and Good Luck to everyone for the April MYA Challenge!!!!!!!

    Today I have walked 6.5 miles :happy: and it was beautiful here this afternoon and a lovely start to April.
  • Did 2 miles of walking today. Going to go update my ticker now.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good first day of April...Woohoo!! Welcome newbies. This is an awesome group!

    3.42 miles today
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I am in once again. Woot Woot I finally made my monthly goal for the first time last month. I will up my miles by a few more.

    April goal = 35 miles.

    :drinker: Good luck everyone:drinker:
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Kicking off April with 6 miles on the treadmill today, toward my goal of 150 miles.

    Here's to a successful month of *kitten*-moving for all of us!
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    I was home so got in 7 miles!
    Hopefully I can get this ticker figured out.

    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/exercise/wMIbE4I/"&gt;
    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wMIbE4I/exercise.png"></a&gt;
  • I just found this challenge tonight. I would love to give this a go, it should be a good motivator. I am going to try for 50 miles. Will start tomorrow though since it is already pretty late on the April 1st.
  • Ran 2.2 miles with C25K and went and ran errands for an additional 1.1!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    I think I might just need to join this challenge.... I have the WORST time getting my butt to the gym, and I think this could be just the motivation I need to fix that! To start with, I'm going to say 50 miles and possibly adjust from there once I see how I do this month.

  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member

  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    I think 40 is going to be a little low for me. I was at work last night, i work in a medical clinic so am constantly running around, and I walked two miles .
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I think 40 is going to be a little low for me. I was at work last night, i work in a medical clinic so am constantly running around, and I walked two miles .

    You can always raise it to something more challenging. That's what we're here for :happy:
    I ran 5.3K on a trail today. It's harder than running on a track but more fun, I really enjoyed it. :bigsmile:
    If you want to reach your goal, better start moving now. Believe you me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just jogged 5k around the park by my house. Got pretty much every terrain except sand! Some grass, some (muddy) dirt road with tree roots, some gravel, some pavement.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    2 miles today.
  • I did .5 miles today (walking), couldn't do much since it is a windy, gloomy day.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm not feeling to good today but I took my pooches for a 3 mile walk! My road is just getting dry of mud from 40* and wind but the weatherman said we are to get MORE snow!!!!
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