V&F ~ Hot Mamas by Mother's Day



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    My goal for May 8th is 165. Currently at 172.4 !
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member

    Awe.. look at how cute and little this list is starting out this time! hahahaha
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Margie, I love the chart. I can't wait to be with you when you step into onederland!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just bought the cutest swim suit last year.. I don't know if you remember it from Rob's b-day. It's black and purple with a little skirt?..
    Well anyways, $50ish from Avenue. Wore it once! Of course, it doesn't cover anything anymore! hahaha The girls don't hold things up like they used to! hahaha
    If you'd like, I'll bring it to you. And when it starts falling off of you, you can pass it on or donate it!

    I need to shop for a new suit too. I already tried on a few, but I don't want to commit to buying one until atleast June 1. What would be the point of getting it now if I'm still losing? If I could just get to my goal weight by June 1...
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Hi Margie, I was having an off day yesterday, so I didn't post much. Anyway, my starting weight is 167 and my goal is 160. I love this chart, it's so cute. :smile:
  • eliezrah
    eliezrah Posts: 5
    *Raising hand and jumping up and down* Me, me me! I wanna join, I wanna join!!!! (Sorry, over tired today! LOL)

    I'm Lisa and I'm a SAHM to 3 fabulous rugrats! :-)

    I'm currently 137.5. I would love to get out of the 130s so I guess my Mother's Day goal is to get to 129.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I want in. I did not do well last challenge but plan to on this one. I weighed in yesterday at 136.2 so my goal for this challenge is 131

    Thank you!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Is it too late to join up with you ladies? My weight as of 4/1/11 is 186.5. Goal weight for this challange: 12 lbs to bring me to 174.5!

    Lets do this!!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Its never too late to join :)
  • bluemartini6
    I'm in starting at 137 with a goal of 130
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Sorry, Margie, to lengthen your chart, but I've been so inspired by this group that I want to stay in! Didn't make either of the last two prior goals, but I AM losing weight and this group helps me keep trying. SW 150.0; Goal Weight 144.0.

  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Hope I am not too late..but, I am in!

    My starting weight is 193(tho, I haven't weighed in 2 weeks and refuse to doom myself since my w/i is in the morn) and I am wanting to be 187 by Mother's Day.

    My NSV will be to get this cute/sexy skirt to fit effortlessly that I bought last year and never wore..still has the tags on it..lol
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    The more the merrier!! I love watching the numbers go down. Its very inspirational! My favorite is when I get to change a some body down to the next level.. like 231 to 229! hahahaha Any day now I will get to change mine from 200.4 to 199!!!! Any day now.....
  • sarainca
    sarainca Posts: 19
    Okay here's my goal finally.

    I'm starting out at 191 and I want to be 185 by mother's day.

    My other goal is to do the 30 day shred every day in April! I just did day 4 :-)
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    sarainca~ are you in the same 30 day shred challenge group that I'm in?
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I would love to join.
    sw- 173.8
    gw- 166
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    So, what is everybody doing during this challenge to try to reach your goals?

    I've added JM's 30 Day Shred as a daily work-out to supplement my running! And, I'll be stepping up the running for the first couple weeks, then slowing it back down a little to recover before my 1/2 marathon at the end of the month. :)

    My weight bounces up and down a little each day depending on water, sodium, and sleep, but I think next week even my bounces will be under 200! :D wooooo hooooo

    How's everybody else doing.. what's new and exciting?
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I am changing my daily totals to try to keep from these plateaus. I have upped my weight in my circuit training and increased my cardio time... of course with nice weather also brings more chance for outdoor activities and yardwork which is an added bonus to caloric output!!! Might up my weekly output goal, we will see.
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Right now I am doing Zumba & Zumba Toning...with the occasional throw in of Just Dance 2 on the Wii, and the elliptical on the weekends