Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I ran a 5k race yesterday morning and got a best time 26.07 so was really happy with that. i was aiming for 27.30. It definitely felt hard. I thought i would get a second wind on the 2nd half, but instead felt kind of discouraged about how much left i had and how tired I felt. It was definitely a mental challenge to force myself to push through and not just give up and crawl to the finish.

    Great job on your time and PR!!!!!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Tuesday all!! :bigsmile:

    Tara - your mom reminds me so much of my mom! Although I am very close with my mom!! But mine is picking up and heading to Arizona so that she and her husband can live in a big house...leaving me behind with my kids and not much help in sight. Oh is what it is. The extra time with your son will be great!! Your activities with him have become more active so I am sure that you will more than likely burn off those few extra calories that you may consume.

    Meag - good to hear that you are heading in the right direction to getting some answers. And even I'm a little frustrated with your doctor. I know that gaining weight is the last thing that you want to hear when you have worked so hard to shed those 65 pounds. But when you asked how to put the weight on and the doc had no recommendations for you then that is less than stellar advice. If it was really important to the doc then she should have worked with you to come up with a game plan, not just shrug her shoulders and leave it up to you. But like everyone else has said...its your body and you know it best. You have worked hard to shed those 65 pounds and are now working hard to find the right balance in your life. Maybe she should just work on helping with your feet issues for now...haha!!

    Mike - Happy belated Birthday!! The Kinect sounds like so much fun. My daughter has wanted that or a Wii but I told her that we just don't have adequate space to be able to utilize those things right now. Hopefully once we find a new place and get settled, I will be able to get us one.

    Megan - I think about having to make the transition from the treadmill to the streets all of the time. My biggest thing is that I don't have any cool apps on my phone to help me with distance and stuff so I tend to stick with the treadmill that will continue to assist me.

    Aly - saw your blog this morning and the pics are beautiful!! And you look great!!!

    AFM...ate pretty good yesterday and hoping to have another good food day today. Didn't make it to the gym. I have had so much work that I have been working 10-hour days, sometimes without a lunch. That was the case yesterday. I am hoping to get caught up soon so that I can get back to my regularly scheduled program but thats hard when I'm still covering in other departments. One day at a time. And the thing with my bf was just me and my girl bullsh!t, as the bf calls it. Thank goodness cause I don't know that I could have handled that on top of everything else.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Guam- Thanks so much! I am really working on loving myself right now. Finding the balance of enjoying myself and feeling healthy is tough. I have started more weight training which I know will show good results with body shape. I really appreciate you reading my blog :)

    Meag- I could imagine that being a tough thing to hear. I am not sure how I would react either. It sounds like you are searching for a balance and that is good. Try to not let it get you down, on the happy note maybe this will help ease any guilt you might have for treating yourself every now and again. Just a thought :flowerforyou:

    AFM- Feeling pretty good, I went to bed super early last night and woke up at 5:30 for a body conditioning class this morning. It felt soo good to do something other than just Cardio. It is nice to have a little break from training before I train for my longest event yet. I am almost wishing I didn't sign up for a half ironman, there is so much to think about with the wedding and so many events going on it will be challenging fitting in training with all of this. But hey, I guess I am super woman :wink: Feeling good about my food, and I am ready for a long exciting week. I hope all is well.

    Question of the Day(hehehe)

    What is one thing that you are happy about today(not food or workout related)

    I am happy that I was able to get up early and get a little dressed up and do my hair. I rarely spend time on this stuff and it really makes a difference.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey All!~!~!~!

    I did pretty good with eating today and I wasnt really trying, I just wanted to see how bad my schedule was messed up, but I only went over 100 cals so If I would have worked out I would have been good. I need to make it back to the gym but I just cant seem to get myself moving. Its soooo hard to get out of bed in the morning. I am very bored after 6 weeks of regimented scedules with homework and extra meetings during my "free" time. I keep getting upset with myself, like I am not doing enough or being productive. I just need to remind myself that being tired and irritable is ok right now. I just quit smoking and drinking so I am alowed to rest and let my self get better. I just dont want to gain any weight or mess up the work I have done already.

    Now if I could just rememeber to be nice to myself!~!~!~!~! You all do the same, maybe your vibes will help me!~!~!~!

    Have a nice day everyone!~!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Holly time DIfference batman!~!~!~! Two posts in a row... lol

    I got in a good walk and some stomach work this morning. I feel really awesome. I really want to weigh in, but I am going o stick it out until friday morning. I know I shouldnt feel this way, but I am going to be really upset if I dont loose anything.

    God's Will..... Not MIne!~!~!~!

    Good Day My Friends!~~!~! I hope its full of fruit, vegetables and exercise!~!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Melissa-great new pic!:smile:

    Bethany-yah....mi madre is in PA as we speak!! sounds like she isn't digging it too much though, so she may not be leaving afterall??? we shall see I guess!! You are doing great with getting back on track...just keep logging, posting, and being involved and you will be back at it in no time at all!! Happy to hear that all is well with your bf, and that he knows how to handle your girl bs!! LOL :laugh:

    QOTD-I was happy that I thought of a great Mother's Day present for my mom...I am gonna put togethor a photo album of diff pics including; her, her and I, my bro and his wifey, my son, her and my son, her mom, her and her sis....and just a whole bunch of important peeps and trips in her life....I hope she likes it!? :):flowerforyou:

    Kandace-just keep on going matter what the scale says you aer doing great with EVERY aspect of your life!! You need to remember that you have a lot on your plate, and stress can prevent weight loss from happening (even if you are doing really well)!! Great job on getting to the gym, be nice to yourself(you def deserve it), and keep on kickin it girl! :happy:

    AFM-Well I must say that I think that I did pretty well this week....we shall see if the scale agrees with me tomorrow!! I cannot believe that there are only 11 days left in this month! Let's all finish strong!! :drinker:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Had another run outside this morning after doing spin yesterday morning. After spin I did my usual mini-bootcamp and I think I tweaked my knee funny doing lunges. It was a little sore yesterday and then running a mile was making it feel weird and in pain so I decided not to force the issue and just walk 2 miles on top of the one I had just run. It just felt great to be outside. And my coworker ran with me so that helped to push me to run faster. She runs just a little bit faster then me so I kept pace with her and we ran just under an 11 min mile. I definitely run faster outside then I do inside. I think its because inside I know 100% my pace and that gets in my head mentally. Also made the most delicious dinner last night. Ricotta and Spinach Frittata from Clean Eating Mag- delicious! When I get home I will have to share the receipe. It makes 4 huge servings with each serving under 200 cals so you can definitely add on some sides. I had a piece of pumpernickel/rye swirled together toast. I will definitely be enjoying this again maybe with some other ingredients in it.

    Tara- as always you are totally kicking *kitten*! You have really motivated me this month and because of that I have already lost 5 lbs this month! With 2 weeks to go I think I am definitely going to hit my goal of weight loss goals so thanks for being a constant motivator!!

    Kandace- Like everyone is saying- don't beat yourself up if you don't see a drop on the scale Friday. You are working so hard at many different aspects of your life and you should be so very proud of how courageous and strong you are! Besides I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and maybe that will help ;)

    Aly- Its always nice to have a change of pace from the usual cardio style workouts we all do. Glad you pushed yourself to get out of bed because I know I sure would have struggled!! Also, keep enjoying this time with your engagement! Its so much fun!!

    Bethany- Like Tara said, you are doing a really good job on getting yourself back on track. You are under a lot of stress right now and it seems that you are taking the right steps to handle the stress which is awesome!! I'm sure soon enough you will find your groove again and it will be just like riding a bike!

    Alright- that's all I have time for right now- sorry I have been absent the past couple of days, work has been super crazy!! But don't worry, I'm still making my health and my healthy choices a priority. Also yesterday a coworker said "where you going slim?" Made me feel good that they are noticing my hard work- he followed it up with a keep up the great work! Felt great!

    Happy Hump Day!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning folks - Happy Wednesday! :drinker:

    Megan - Let me get this straight... Spin, then bootcamp, then a run? All in a row? :noway: Just make sure you aren't over training or pushing yourself too hard. I know how easy it is to get caught up in "fitness fever", especially when you're seeing awesome results, but there is definitely legitimate concern when it comes to over-training with regard to a) injury and b) exhaustion/burn out. Although it may seem totally sustainable now and you probably feel on top of the world - like you can conquer anything - it will likely catch up to you in time and will be very discouraging. You'll also notice a slow-down with weight-loss as your body adjusts to the punishment. An insane workout regiment works in the short term to shed weight quickly but your body eventually adjusts to just about anything and over time you'll stop seeing those same results, but will definitely start feeling worn out. Just make sure you're switching it up - some days hard, other days easy, rest days here and there. You'll get the best results and your body will thank you. /Unsolicited advice form a concerned fellow-workout-queen.

    Kan - Welcome back! Stick it out til Friday and see where the # on the scale falls. Don't be too concerned with a loss this week. Focus on next week now that you're home and you have total control over your diet and exercise. Most of all, work on staying positive and in a good head space both for your recovery and your health + fitness goals. Good luck!

    Tara - Sounds like you had a great week. Can't wait to see your results! Good luck this afternoon, chica! :drinker:

    Aly - Thanks for the support :smile: I am definitely taking her advice/concern in a measured way. I'm working on finding balance and being less obsessive, but I am also not going to just throw caution to the wind and start gaining like made. Instead, I'm just going to try to find peace with food and exercise for the time being and work at getting back to that place where cooking, health and exercise got me allll fired up! Will work out the kinks later. As for the Half Ironman - all your training will be a great distraction from pre-wedding planning and stress and will get you into fab shape for the big day, anyway! So IMO it's a great thing you signed up. Checked out your vacay photos on your blog as well and you are looking sun-kissed and beautious! Loved them :bigsmile:

    Beth - Yea, it wasn't the most inspired/comforting response/advice from my GP... :ohwell: But I know enough about health and fitness, and my own body, now that I can work it out on my own! She didn't set any kind of follow-up appt to discuss my weight so obviously she wasn't too concerned. I'm going to wait to get my test results back and then see where we go from there. Glad to hear things are back to golden with your boy and that you are taking like one day at a time. It's so good to hear how well you're doing coping with all the undue stress that life has been throwing your way. Seems like you have a really great perspective on it. Keep it up! :happy:

    AFM - Gym today. Cardio, legs and shoulders, I think. We'll see what happens. I'm going in without a set plan. Just going to figure it out. Did my second spin class ever yesterday and it went well - I definitely think it could be something that Tyler and I could do together, since he's a BIG cycling fan and I know he'd enjoy the challenge. We'll see if I can convince him :huh:

    Found a recipe last night for super easy WW Bread which I'm going to make Vegan, as well, I think. I've never made a proper loaf of bread before in a loaf pan, etc. and I am quite nervous. There's no yeast and no rise on it, just a quick bread, but it's supposedly decent for snacking and sammiches. Not sure what to think. Kitchen experiment for sure. I'll pass on the recipe if it's any good!

    Heading to Ty's tonight for Survivor and packing *groan*... I cannot wait to have this done and over with. Just MOVE already! He's dragging it out like crazy. Boy's been packing for 2 weeks and still has like nothing done. He needs a woman to show him how it's done. Just throw it all into boxes and get it moved, already :grumble: What a mess!

    Lastly, I got a call yesterday from the LCBO (the Liquor Control Board) about a job. It's not the best job - pay is ****ty and it's just a summer contract - but at least it's something. Interview is on the 28th, and the job starts the first week of May (so right after my current job ends). The bad news is that I'd have to cancel my trip to Ottawa, and possibly my camping trips this summer :ohwell: And who knows about the Warrior Dash... I need to figure it out, but ultimately it could be very very disappointing if I take the job and can't get that weekend off. Lots to consider. Seems like nothing is easy these day, but oh well! The workout should clear my head and at least relieve some stress for the day.

    Have a great day, everyone. Rock it out, work hard and kick some *kitten*! 10 days left!
    Meag :heart:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Megan-you are a ROCK STAR!! Run after spin AND mini-bootcamp?!?!?! I am sore just thinking about it!!! Great dedication :drinker:

    Tara-you are going to KILL it at the end of the month!!! So proud of you!!!!! Keep it up girlie :wink: that is also a GREAT Mother's Day gift!!!! You will get tears fo' sho'!!!

    Kandace-glad to have you back!! Keep at it!!!!

    AFM: Got a little over 5 miles in the last 2 days as well as 2 days in a row of No More Trouble body is WRECKED!!! Every single muscle is SORE!!! But a good kinda' sore.

    This whole not logging my food has made a total difference in my life. I know it doesn't take a whole lot of time to log in the actual food but trying figure out the recipes and making it all fit while trying to stay under my calorie goal took some time. Important time that I would rather spend playing with my girls or relaxing with my hubby :smile: I am going on I think about a month and haven't gained so I feel pretty confident with the choices I have made (not all of them have been great) BUT I am not stressing about what goes in my mouth.

    I am still finding new recipes for dinners and the girls are taking a more active role in helping me pick out fruits/veggies and even in preparing meals. This is what is important to me!!! I see how many of my students and even those that are in older grades are overweight and seeing what they eat and how little they move SCARES me!!!!! That WILL NOT happen to my girls! I am the one of the most influential role models in their lives and I need to set a good example :wink:

    :heart: Melissa
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Melissa, thats great!! its wonderful that you are able to maintain without logging :)

    How do you like no more trouble zones, I have it and will try it out maybe next week!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day all!! :flowerforyou:

    Kandace - don't be discouraged if you don't see a loss!! You are working on getting everything in order after returning to reality. Take some time to get back into your routine and plan things out before you start worrying about the number on the scale. And nice to yourself! :bigsmile:

    Tara - sounds like a great gift!! I :heart: pictures!! I had bought a coupon for a $10 photo book and was thinking about giving that to my mom for Mother's Day, especially with her moving out of state soon. And I have no doubts that you will kick *kitten* during your WI.

    Megan - glad to hear that you're enjoying the outdoors!! Hope your knee is ok though. Just the name of that recipe sounds amazing!! I will definitely have to try it. And its always nice when other people notice your hardwork. We oftentimes get down on ourselves for not seeing enough results but I think its great confirmation that what we are doing is working when others notice. Keep up the great work girly!!

    Meag - let me know how that bread turns out. I think I actually had a dream last night that I baked up some banana bread...random!! :noway: And don't be thinking too far in advance about this whole job situation. Awesome that you got an interview though. But start with the interview and see how that goes before you start cancelling your summer festivities. Just take it one step at a time. :wink:

    Melissa - thats exactly how I feel about my daughter!! I don't want her to ever be called the fat kid. I am very fortunate that both of my kids love fruits and vegetables. And great job maintaining without logging. Sounds like you were able to retain a lot of useful information and make it work for you without having to depend on the training wheels (logging). I look forward to getting to that point.

    AFM...have yet to work out but I am trying to just get back in the habit of watching my food intake. I am thinking to continue that for a week and attempt to start working out again next week. Plus, I am finishing up my last class of my bachelor's degree and need to focus on that so I can just be done!! And with Easter this weekend, it will be interesting. My mom isn't the most health conscious person but she knows that I'm watching my intake and that my aunt is on Weight Watchers so hopefully she will ask me to make the menu. I was very proud of myself last night. A friend came over to drop off something that she had borrowed and then ended up staying until 9pm. When she left I still needed to eat dinner and then also remembered that I needed to pack my daughter's lunch for her picnic today and pack myself some breakfast. The thought had crossed my mind to just forget it and I would buy something in the morning but I knew that I needed to just take the few minutes to pack something rather than buy some sugar-infested fast food breakfast. I felt much better about that.

    Oh and I have decided that if I can start losing on a regular basis again then I'm gonna buy myself this dress...

    I had vowed to not buy myself any clothes because I am not content with my weight right now and therefore, don't want to be buying clothes in this size. But this seems like good motivation.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!:drinker:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Thanks for all the shout outs ladies, but I did spin yesterday with a mini bootcamp- we do squats, pushups, lunges, sit ups and burpees. 3 minutes each for during that 3 minutes we do 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. So its more like adding in some body weights after spin and then I did the run this morning. I certainly don't want to do what you are talking about Meag and end up burning myself out, but thanks for the awesome support!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-great job on getting out there and pushing yourself! it is def nice to have someone to run with...especially outside! and i for sure want that frittata sounds delish!! Awesome job on the 5lbs this month...that is right about where I am at too, and I know that I am totally stoked! WE are definately kickin *kitten* this month!! WTG!! :drinker:

    Meag-great plan for the gym as usual...I am sure you will get in an awesome WO!! You def need to kick Ty's butt into high gear with the packing (its kinda like makin the bed IMO...why?? you are just gonna sleep in it again anyways!!)LOL :laugh: Good luck with the job never know where a summer job could take you! :wink:

    Melissa-thanks girl!! And I love no more trouble zones... do you have the one that comes with the resistance band??? It's one of my fave WO's for strength since I don't go to the gym! And you are also very right when it comes to childhood is crazy that todays "average" woman is a size 14 and weighs 160lbs (no offense to anyone on here who has that as a goal) it's just not condusive to all (or even most body types). :noway: Keep up the great work with your maintenace phase!

    Bethany-I think that your mom would love that photo book!! You are doing great with easing back in... if you take on everything at once then you will set yourself up for failure. When I first started MFP...I focused on food intake ONLY for the first 6 weeks before I even dreamed of adding in will come when you are ready!! Very exciting to hear that your BS is almost done...that is a great accomplishment! And I do think that the dress will be great motivation for you...especially if you buy it in a size smaller then you are now! :happy:

    AFM-about to start my yard work...blah!! at least it's a beautiful day out today:) WI today-down to 134.8 so I lost -1.2lbs from last week and that brings me up to -5.6 outta the 8 that I wanna lose this month, with 2 WIs to go!!! I CAN and WILL do it!! woot! :love:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Happy Wednesday everyone! Was only on via the phone yesterday so couldn’t add too much to the group but it seems like things are going well!!

    Gonks & Meag- thanks for your input on the running… <<dork alert>> printed both your suggestions so I can use them in the skeleton training program I am still ironing out… see below!

    Tara- change in plans totally throw me off! Sounds like you have a great plan b and are going to enjoy some great time with your son- and saw your WI update on my feed… another GREAT loss! That sounds like an awesome mothers day present. Bet she will love it!

    Mike- got the Kinect this past Christmas and there are definitely some really crazy games and workouts for it! Have fun with those and great job on all of your walking around

    Meag- as I said the other day keep us posted on everything with the doctor. Seems like you are doing a great job just taking things one day at a time this week! I love your approach to your fitness schedule. I think that will be a really good thing for you. I am trying to do that for my running. Came up with a loose skeleton based on Hidgons program but going to keep my options open with it is well and be willing to bump things around. I need some structure but I don’t want to make myself crazy either

    Megan- I am with Melissa I sign up for a 5k you would be AMAZED at what you can do. You and I have been training very similiarly with the running and doing a 2mile race and then a 5k really kicked things up a notch for me. You could totally do one now. Don’t worry about having down days… in fact the week before my last 5k I was doing a run and could barely get through a mile and then voila I ran 4+ miles on the day of my 5k… every runner has bad days even some of these crazy running vets on here!

    Aly- QOTD- I am happy today that I got a chance to walk to work today! Felt great

    Kan- lady you are rocking it right now. Just keep taking it one day at a time and doing the best you can do. We are all so proud of how much effort you have put in to making better choices for yourself!

    Melissa- sounds like you are truly in a healthy place in all aspects. Great job finding that balance and really enjoying time with your girls. It is really scary out there right now with how kids are eating and moving (or lack there of). Definitely agree with the leading by example thing!

    Guam- talk about super cute dress! You are doing a great job considering everything that is going on in your life right now. Keep it up lady- so glad to have you back

    AFM- been a good couple of days. Had yesterday off- got up early drove the fiancé to work at 4:30 am… blegh. Then stopped at my friends house and spent the whole day with her beautiful baby girl and her parents that were down visiting. They picked the Chinese buffet for lunch so that was tough but considering what I could have eaten there I did pretty darn good. Ran back out and got the fiancé and then ended up doing dinner at there place. I even managed to squeeze in my run in the rain while I was there.

    As for my training for the 5k in June here ya go Meag!!!! Pretty much going to use Hal Higdon’s novice training plan as a skeleton ( Training/5-Knovice.htm). I like the way he laid out the days:

    Monday- Rest or run/walk
    Tuesday- Run
    Wednesday- Rest or run/walk
    Thursday- Run
    Friday- Rest
    Saturday- Run
    Sunday- long walk

    I like this schedule and since I walk to work on Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays every week it fits nicely.
    Monday- 1.5 mile walk to work, and/or intervals run/walk
    Tuesday- Run
    Wednesday- 1.5 mile walk to work and/or intervals run/walk
    Thursday- Run
    Friday- Rest (day off with J so sometimes we do just a low key walk or hike)
    Saturday- Run
    Sunday- 1.5 mile walk to work, 1.5 mile walk home

    On the just run days will probably switch up between tempo/pace/long runs!

    Have to figure out the best two days to get strength training in again. We shall see. I know from week to week that its going to have to change based on my schedule and energy level. But its nice to have a good outline to go with!

    Thanks for all the input everyone!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-thanks girl!! and sounds like you have a great plan for preparing for your next 5K so wtg!

    AFM-tired as hell after over 5 hours of yardwork including: mowing, edging, pulling, raking, tying, bagging, trimming, and bundling! yuck!! Great cal burn...which I will NOT be eating all of and a sore back! blah! time for a captain and diet and some darts I think!! Good night folks :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    16 hours later and still no posts?! where has everyone gone???:grumble:

    Just checkin in...after all of my yardwork yesterday, I went and played some darts and had a few drinks (didn't go overboard Gonks!) LOL:laugh: Today, some errands, possibly some minigolf, and then bowling tonight! I have figured out MY key to success...even if I don't get in a WO I still need to be keeping busy (ie. minigolf, darts, and bowling), this burns some extra cals for me and prevents me from sitting on the couch and overeating!!

    Have a great day ladies and gents!! :flowerforyou:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    I know HOLY quietness!!! Come on ladies and gents only a few more days left of April lets make it count!

    Tara- I love that you are finding other fun activities that keep you moving regardless of a workout or not.

    AFM- just trucking along with the running. I have been FAMISHED the last two days- maybe its my increase in running this week. We shall see how it pans out. Did some intervals yesterday for my run. It was nice to run a little faster for shorter distances just to see where I was at. Other than that not too much to report! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

  • Tara -- amazing weigh in! I saw 172 on the scale earlier this week, which would put me down 4/6 for the month. I'm loving your motivation!

    Cait -- I really like the schedule you're looking at for improving your 5k. I'm sort of facing a similar decision in a few weeks. I'll be done with C25K in 3 weeks (!!!) and can't decide whether I want to increase speed or duration. I don't know whether to do speed drills, or start on the One Hour Runner workout plan. Do you have plans to increase your duration?

    AFM - I'm sorry I've been so quiet these past few days. I am swamped with my PhD work -- the end of the semester crunch is killing me. All I've wanted to do is cry and drop out and never look at a classroom again. But, the semester will be over soon... I'm just so, so over it. I've been good on calories, but my sodium was high yesterday and will be high today. Hopefully water retention won't ruin my weigh-ins this week. Things should get better once the semester is over... at least, that's what I'm telling myself. :laugh:

    I ran W6D3 of C25K yesterday. I ran for 25 minutes without stopping!! 25 MINUTES! I had a goal to run 2.25 miles (including wu/cd), and I finished at 2.35! This gives me hope that I'll be able to hit 3.1 by the end of the program. As I mentioned earlier, I'm trying to decide whether to increase speed or duration of running once I finish C25K. I guess by increasing duration, I'll ultimately increase speed... I'm just not sure whether I can make that kind of time commitment. Only 9 days left in the month! Time to kick into high gear.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Sorry I've been a total absentee poster lately!! :blushing: Today and yesterday were both BANANAS! And work is quickly approaching so this is going to be quick.

    Awful binge yesterday, but I made it work and got in under my cals. Not proud of my eating but it reminded me that I still have a lot of work to do on my relationship with food. Always a work in progress. Need to figure out what I am trying to get from food that I am not getting elsewhere in my life. It definitely needs to end - it's such a vicious cycle of binging on garbage and then feeling badly about myself. No thanks!

    Today was sooo much better. Lots of healthy food. Bonus! And I've been doing great with my work outs these days and really amping up my weight lifting again. I'm super proud of my lifting this week and plan to continue with it, plus giving the hundred pushup challenge another go starting Monday! I'm also going to try the 200 squat challenge while I'm at it. We will see...:huh:

    Decided to throw caution to the wind, risk total exhaustion on Easter Weekend, and race tomorrow! Just a 5K instead of my scheduled 10miler but I know I'm going to do great and I want to run for ME. I'm pretty excited! I'll post my results in the afternoon once I get home, shower and NAP!

    Off to work folks. Great job everyone. Keep kickin' *kitten*!! :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Quick fone post... Sorry for any weird typos.

    Shannon- my goal is to work on both speed and distance. I have no real
    plans to run in any longer races but i known endurance will help with speed. So doing some interval workouts but will also try to increase my distance each week (it was recommended by some kicking *kitten* ladies) to shoot for a
    10% increase each week. We shall see!
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