Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words!!! I really needed to hear that stuff. I know I can get down to earth advice here, and I'm really thankful for that.

    @ Guam- I am the exact same way with sweets. If I eat one I want to throw the whole day away as if it were “ruined” and then I proceed to stuff my face. I've been putting extra focus on that lately. Trying to still make healthy choices and remember that what I put in my body matters regardless of when I mess up, but it is super hard. I still need to remind myself that this is a journey and not a means to an end. I'm meant to live life along the way and not just close my eyes and crash on through to being “skinny”.

    @ Meag – The emotional/mental part of this is CRAZY!! I always knew it was there when I would break a diet to binge or start truly hating myself because I was “fat”. Truly unhealthy, destructive behaviors have always surrounded food and gaining/loosing weight for me. Now with MFP and other healthy information sources I know what is good to do and yet doing it can be like climbing Mt. Everest. It is encouraging to see that you have made it so far through all your struggles to stay on track. I am seeking moderation also, though I think I am more like you in that I am an all or nothing kind of girl. That means that I like to beat myself up over mistakes, which is so bad. I think taking it a day at a time will help with that. Jillian Michaels says on the DVD I'm doing that “transformation is not a future act but a current activity” or something like that. If I want to change I need to do it now, not tomorrow, this minute. Yesterday has already been lived. Gotta focus on the now!

    Good job at your interview. When are you going to hear back from them?? Honestly I want to be as scheduled and diverse as you are with your meal plans, but we are really at two totally different stages. You are working at maintenance and I'm trying to whip myself into working order. After being so good at something like meal planning for so long and seeing the results I can totally see how it is hard to let go. I don't want to think about unlearning something I'm trying so hard to build in myself now...yikes!
    (please forgive me for how long this is!!!!)

    @TJ- Very practical, very true advice. Logging everything I put past my lips used to be a monthly goal for me, and I have really let that go. I need to be diligent with that. Weighed myself today after some rest and came down to 164.4 so there was some water retention. Yay! Lol. Still I've gained a little, but I need to be realistic. If I'm not going to monitor what I put in my body.. I'm not going to see a loss. It just comes down to that.
    Good luck on your last wi! I'm going to start coming up with some great goals for May also!

    @Allie- Jillian is no joke, lol. But keep doing it and you really will get ripped!! My hubby just commented that my stomach was starting to look kind of cut. ;D Taking a break if you really sore is good, but get right back on it!! Thanks for the encouragement. It sounds like we are really in the same boat. I've lost up to 10 lbs (gained some back) and can't believe I've been riding this yo-yo so long!!! What has been helping me some is signing up for something challenging.. like running a 10k or buying that JM DVD. It gives me a goal that kind of keeps my mind off of always thinking about food and that I can't have it, lol. But obviously I'm still hitting road blocks. =/

    @KanCrav- Thanks for hitting me with some tough love. You are so right!! 1+1=2. If I eat the right foods within my calories and work out I will see results and feel great!!! I am jumping right back in!

    Honestly I really like the JM Ripped in 30 DVD. I think it is awesome. I really bust my *kitten* every work out. It is advertised as a 20 minute work out but it turns out to take between 30 and 35 minutes (still pretty quick). The ripped in 30 one also comes with a free diet plan from her website. I've not taken a look at that though.

    Disclaimer – It is not like Turbo Jam where the moves are super dancie and it goes to music (which I also love for different reasons). Jillian is pure business. She is ready to kick your butt!!!

    @Emmarie- Study hard for those exams! Enjoy the time you have leading up to and including your wedding!! It is so fun, but it can go super quick.

    @Kat – Good to hear from you. Acupuncturist! Hope it works to relieve your headaches.

    @Shannon – Have you tried the JM shred DVD yet??

    AGAIN THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I FREAKIN LOVE THIS THREAD!! I know I didn't have time to read everyone's posts. I've got to head out to a friend's bball game, but much love to everyone!! Fight on! One more day in April!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-I'm sorry to hear that you had a loss again....maybe a dietician would help figure this out for you?! we all need help sometimes :ohwell: You are almost done with your oh so hated job, congrats for that! and you can count on us to keep the lists updated as well as possible :happy: enjoy your weekend and see ya in May!

    AFM-well first of all...the back pic is apparently a theme on MFP for the day between some of the peeps on my friend in case you're wondering why it's there...that's it!! LOL
    Now waiting on the damn plumber to come fix a blockage somewhere in my pipes that is causing water to flood my downstairs anytime the shower, dishwasher, or washer is used...the joys of owning your own home!!:grumble:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!~!~! It is the last day of April, im glad you could all be here. its been a blast. (sorry, sometimes I imagine myself on stage accepting an award and I just ramble) lol.

    There is a 5k going on right outside my window.. im a little sad cuz I was thinking about doing it (i was going to walk most of it) but I never got around to registering. But On the plus side, I took Cody for a walk at 8 this morning and when we imerged from the woods the 5k people were still standing around waiting, so I kinda felt good that I had already gotten in a 30 min jog before they even started. (its the small things, rememeber, drunks dont get up before That reminds me!~!, its been 71 DAYS since my last drink! AND I have only had 6 random cigs in the past 2 weeks... none in the past 6 days!~!

    I am stll not sure what I want my goals to be for May, 9 might be alttle steep to try to loose, but I dont think I will be that upset if I dont get it, I am pretty sure that setting the bar high will just make me want to work to see if I can get it. Honestly when I started this weightloss my MAIN goal was 145 cuz I couldnt even imagine getting there. Now its 135 becuase I KNOW I can do it if I just stay dedicated. My bras are not wroking for me anymore so I had to get some new ones. I have never bought a good bra before in my life, I always get walmart or the clearence ones at Marshalls.... so, I treated myself. I bought 2, TWO Victoria Secret bras (still on sale, of course!~!) and .... AND... drum roll please......... a VS BIKINI!~!~! holy crap, I know, I am as shocked as you are... see, so there is NO EXCUSSES..... I have to do this.... already paid for... ITS ON like Donky Kong!~!~!

    Going to a SwimBad today, I hope its fun and I hope they have an outdoor part so I can work on my tan....... have a great day everyone, I will surely be back tonight to see how everyone is doing!~!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    yay to the VS Bikini Kandace!! I got a couple myself lol. both on sale haha.. i was brave and got one without underwires, though i think that one will be my lay around doing nothing one, while the other i feel more confident that i won't be putting on a peep show at the beach hahaha.. i have that one hanging up in my closet in the open for motivation... time's running out! gotta get it done.. i didn't think about the money aspect before but i darn sure am now!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Allie... I didnt think about the money while I was doing it either.. it was tax return money!~!~ and Damn it, I deserve it~!~! Plus, i figured, I spend so much money on bras that only last a few months and then I have to throw them away. THis way, if I buy VS i KNOW they are going to stay good. Did you know that they are guarenteed for life??? if a wire pops out or a strap breaks or the cup missforms, you can walk in.. hand it to them and ask for a new one!~!~! Money we spent!~! (i dont know about bikinis, but bras you can)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    What?? Omg I had no idea!! I've def had wires pop out after a while, dang it!! I just bought new ones from kohl's bc all mine are now too big lol. My first time in a ling time not buying from VS bc I wanted to save some $$ lol.. Oh well, good to know! Where is that guarantee stated?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Last day of April ladies - MAKE IT COUNT!

    No time to post today. This weekend is a write off! But I'll be posting the May challenge tonight before work. Hope you've all got some neat and creative goals set up for next month. Can't wait to hear them!

    Happy Saturday! :heart:
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    LAST DAY!! OMG I Cannot believe it! TOmorrow MAY 1st!!!

    Kandace! what VS bras are guarenteed for life! I have never heard this! I too have had them break and just threw them out :[ Man, at least i know now! Congrats on the loss! Thats awesome!!! Great job on thinking about your May goals, you reminded me that I need some now because it's tomorrow! :]

    AFM: Today is definitely a rest day, I woke up to my body being very sore from yesterday's boot camp. I was going to finish off my week with my long run, but I am thinking a rest day is necessary, so long run is prolonged till tomorrow. Other than that nothing too much, May is here tomorrow and that means I get to see my friends from California at the end of May, so I am trying to make myself really stick to my goals this month.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Bethany- Summer trips are July-Idaho for a cousins wedding and August-Madrid, Italy and Germany. Madrid would be a week, Italy for 5 days and Germany for about 5ish. I just don't know if its all going to work out. I have the money, thanks to my tax return, but there's just a lot going on so far that its just getting the details figured out. Plus my brother is proposing to his girlfriend in Madrid, so it's a special trip. I am hopping it works out and it was only supposed to be Madrid and Italy, but a cousin just moved to Germany and wants me to visit since I will be in Europe. I don't know, Germany may have to wait till next April. And there are some other small trips, mostly between home and California.

    Allie-Congrats on getting your app in for grad school! Good luck! My sis applied to grad school too and one ref didn't turn theirs in, but said he did, luckily they let him resend the rec letter.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Alexis- I have never done a warrior dash! I am doing one in August with a few of the ladies from here. Should be pretty exciting! We are totally going to rock these 5ks! Definitely keep us posted on how yours goes!! Sounds like you have some GREAT trips planned!

    Megan- how is the foot feeling? How did the pup do with the storm? You have kept on me so good about the running now its my turn to harass you! When are you going to sign up for a 5k!!!! teehee. I am telling you I really think it will give you the extra motivation to keep going with this running. You are doing such an AWESOME job!!!

    Guam- enjoy your weekend with all those fun activities planned! And SUPER blush :blushing: for saying that I would have some good advice. To even be compared to meag and gonks in that regard is an honor… :blushing: :blushing: However, I think you gave some great advice yourself missy!

    Rai- its hard to give advice on this aspect because we all respond to different things. But first and foremost- please stop beating yourself up! You are human and we all make mistakes. This isn’t about beating ourselves up to lose the weight. Honestly, this only seems to send us in to a further downward spiral. I am also not saying go to the other extreme and use this as an excuse to do and eat whatever you want. Everyone is right the mental thing is the hardest part sometimes but its also the most important part. Sounds like you just need to give yourself some time to keep figuring this out. Figure out why this is really important to you (other than weight). Take some of the stress off yourself, maybe think about same more general goals for May. Like going for a walk a certain amount of days a week. Or thinking of a nice activity to spoil yourself once a week (not food or exercise related) like a candlelit bath and a book or something along those lines. I don’t know what the answer is but I know that for me a huge part of this journey happened before ever finding MFP and that was about learning to love myself (yes SUPER SUPER cheesy) learning to let go of some (still working on this) of my all or nothing attitude, learning that I need to find things to do that I enjoy (not just because I have to) and finally that I freaking deserve to be healthy and happy (whatever that weight looks like!). Just my $0.02!!! Hope it helps and makes sense.

    Em- sounds like you are having a great time with all the wedding craziness. Don’t apologize enjoy this time! I know I certainly need to take some of this advice for myself! Just enjoy the wedding craziness and take care of yourself.

    Aly- ditto to Em. Don’t stress about this- just enjoy this whirlwind experience of being engaged and getting married!

    Meag- Its so good to hear you really trying to work through some of the emotional/mental aspect of thigns. You are always suge a huge support for me and I am happy to see you really focusing on yourself too!!!! As for kicking *kitten* on the interview- way to FREAKIN go! So pumped for you. Amen to EVERYTHING you said to Rai! I think you were spot on and you always so it so well! Ps- one more shift right?!?!?! Woot woot!

    Tara- I cant believe that may is almost over! Thank you again for encouraging me to check my measurements. Hard to believe I hadn’t checked them since end of Feb. Glad that I did- definitely gave me that extra boost I needed! Like that you are trying out some different workouts. Working on figuring out a good schedule for May- pretty excited for this month. Going to be crazy! Good luck with the house thing! We are looking to buy after the wedding but its definitely a big commitment.

    Allie- awesome accomplishment on the grad school app! They can be so all consuming! Finding a race is hard for me too since I run the shop on the weekends. I just try and switch my Friday off with a Sunday and the owner cover that Sunday. See if you can find any 5ks on Sundays- that’s when most of them are around me!

    Kandace- 2lbs way to rock it lady!!!! As for the volunteering thing- I think you need to just figure out what is right for you and go with it. Don’t stress about what other people are thinking. This needs to be all about doing what is right for you and nothing else! You are doing an incredible job!

    AFM- just enjoying this great weather here (when its not raining). Getting in lost of runs/walks and think I figured out a good workout schedule/loose plan for May. Pretty excited about that. I upped my calories a bit the other day because I have been plateaud again. Grrr BUT I did measurements yesterday and I have lost 10 inches over my whole body (bust, back, natural waistline, bellybutton/waist, & hips) since end of Feb. Feel pretty good about that! Interesting part is that my thighs and calves all gained about a half inch to an inch each (must be from all the running I am doing which I am totally cool with that then). Going to be starting the push-up and squat challenge come Monday. I hadn’t done it last time but I think with all my running it will be a great way to incorporate strength. Also think I am going to make up a pull-up (modified) and core challenge for myself that I will do with the other two. That way I am hitting all the major muscle groups three times a week in addition to my running. All in all feeling pretty good! April was a good month and May is going to be even better.

    I should be around tomorrow on and off while I am at work in the shop so I will def try to help keep things in order since I know you are going to be swamped Meag. Cant wait for the May group!!!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-I see that you are still doing fantastic all around....wtg on the sobriety, cigfree life, run, and bikini!!! Keep on killin it deserve all of this! And if you wanna shoot for 9lbs....then do it!!! I feel what doesn't kill ya only make you stronger right?! :flowerforyou:

    I wish that I could wear a bikini SOMETIME in my life...Not gonna happen unless I get a tummy tuck!! I have realized that after having a baby when I was so young, and losing almost 100lbs that all of the crunches in the world will not make me bikini ready!!! that sucks :grumble: but least I look decent in clothes now! LOL :tongue:

    Alexis-great job on getting in another JM workout....and have fun on your run tomorrow!

    Cait-thanks girl, my house is all better now!! Buying is def a HUGE committment; however, if you are planning on staying in it when you buy it then it is well worth it! I'm so happy for you, with your measurements and "upped" motivation!! You definately deserved everyone of those inches like I said! WTG! :drinker:

    AFM-Got in another decent workout today...25min wii fit cardio, and 23min strength (arms/abs), I will be finishing my exercise plan for May tonight and then working on the rest of my goals as well!! I can't wait to see the 120's now that I have seen the 130's for a lil bit!! :love: Finish out strong everyone...we can do this!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member

    Sorry ladies I'm off to work, but I'll be back to respond and comment whenever I can. Busy busy weekend but I'll try to log in tomorrow to keep up. Thank you all for your help keeping the lists in order. I really do appreciate you folks picking up my slack lately... We're in it together!

    Love, Meag